Exemplo n.º 1
def execute():
        keywords, argvals = isp.getKeywordsAndOptions()
        results, dummyresults, settings = isp.getOrganizedResults()
        sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey')

        if sessionKey == None:
            return vixutils.generateErrorResults(
                'sessionKey not passed to the search command, something\'s very wrong!'

        #check that the command is being executed by the scheduler
        sid = settings.get('sid')
        if not sid.startswith('scheduler_') and not argvals.get(
                'forcerun', '') == '1':
            return vixutils.generateErrorResults(
                'rollercontroller is supposed to be ran by the scheduler, add forcerun=1 to force execution'

        # check if error messaging is disabled
        global ERRMSGS_ENABLED
        ERRMSGS_ENABLED = 'disablemsgs' not in keywords

        providers = erp_launcher.listProviders(sessionKey)
        rollVixes = erp_launcher.listVixes(
            sessionKey, 'disabled=0 AND vix.output.buckets.from.indexes=*')
        rollProviders = filterRollProviders(rollVixes, providers)
        searchString = genSearchString(rollVixes, rollProviders)

        kwargs = {}
        for k in ['owner', 'namespace', 'sessionKey', 'hostPath']:
            if k in settings:
                kwargs[k] = settings[k]

        if not os.path.exists(vixutils.getAppBinJars()):
            # first time we're copying jars, force bundle replication
            kwargs['force_bundle_replication'] = 1


        numRetries = argvals.get("retries", 1)

        for i in range(0, int(numRetries)):
            logger.info("Dispatching the search: %s" % searchString)
            search = splunk.search.dispatch(searchString, **kwargs)
                streamSearch(search, sessionKey)

    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
            "stack": traceback.format_exc(),
            "exception": str(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _replaceSplunkHomeBinJars(s):
    return s.replace('$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/jars', vixutils.getAppBinJars())
Exemplo n.º 3
def _executeJavaProcesses(action, logFileName, indexFilterFunc, providers, vixes, indexes, serverId, serverName, sessionKey):
    # should be: for providerName in providers.iteritems():
    for providerName, providerMap in providers.items():
        # Create the command string that will be run in the shell
        command = _getVixCommand(providerMap)

        # SPL-157759 Ensure that the only command that
        # can be issued is the sudobash command. The arguments to
        # the sudobash command are validated in the script
        if (command[0] != SUDO_BASH_COMMAND and (not(command[0].startswith(INDEXER_ARCHIVER_LOCATION_PREFIX) and (command[0].endswith('sudobash')))) and (not(command[0].startswith(vixutils.getAppBinJars()) and (command[0].endswith('sudobash'))))):
            sys.stderr.write("Invalid command specified: '" + command[0] + "''\n")

        commandstr = ' '.join(map(_escape, command))

        # Create json that'll be sent to SplunkMR's stdin
        javaArgs = {}
        javaArgs['action'] = action
        javaArgs['args'] = {action: _getRequiredArgs(serverId, sessionKey)}
        providerMap['family'] = 'hadoop'

        providersVixes = [v for k, v in vixes.items() if v['provider'] == providerName]
        providersIndexes = indexes
        if indexFilterFunc:
            providersIndexes = indexFilterFunc(indexes, providersVixes)

        javaArgs['conf'] = {'indexes' : providersVixes,
                            'provider' : providerMap,
                            'splunk-indexes' : providersIndexes}
        jsonArgs = StringIO()
        json.dump(javaArgs, jsonArgs)

        # create environment vars by combining current env with vix configuration
        vixEnv = _getProviderEnv(providerMap)
        vixEnv['SPLUNK_LOG_INCLUDE_TIMESTAMP'] = '1' # any splunk truthy value will do
        vixEnv['SPLUNK_LOG_DEBUG'] = providerMap.get('splunk.search.debug', '0')
        myEnv = os.environ.copy()
        # Filter None's. Popen will crash for values set to None.
        myEnv = dict((k,v) for k,v in myEnv.items() if v is not None)

        # Do execute the java process
        proc = None
        stdout = None
        logfile = None
            if spawn.find_executable(command[0]) is None:
                raise Exception('Could not find command=' + command[0])

            filename = os.path.join(os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME'], 'var', 'log', 'splunk', logFileName)
            logfile = open(filename, 'a')
            proc = _executeJavaProcessWithArgs(commandstr,  myEnv, logfile)
            while proc.poll() is None:
                out = proc.stdout.readline()
                if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): out = out.decode()
                outputLine(out, serverName)
            exit = proc.wait()
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
            if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
                stdout = stdout.decode()
                stderr = stderr.decode()
            for line in stdout:
                outputLine(line, serverName)

        except Exception as e:
            _outputError(e, traceback.format_exc())
            if proc is not None:
            if logfile is not None: