def initPointer(self): if self.controlScheme == "default": vizact.whilekeydown('w',self.pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(1),0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('x',self.pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(-1),0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('d',self.pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(1),0,0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('a',self.pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(-1),0,0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('e',self.pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(1)],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('z',self.pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-1)],viz.REL_PARENT) elif self.controlScheme == "3dMouse": self.init3dMouse()
def initCamera(self): self.pointer.setParent(self.camcenter) #Default camera keys vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT,self.camlink.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(-90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT,self.camlink.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,self.camlink.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,self.camlink.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(-90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_KP_0, camlink.preTrans,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-4)]) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_CONTROL_R, camlink.preTrans,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(4)])
def initPointer(self): if self.controlScheme == "default": vizact.whilekeydown('w', self.pointer.setPosition, [0, vizact.elapsed(1), 0], viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('x', self.pointer.setPosition, [0, vizact.elapsed(-1), 0], viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('d', self.pointer.setPosition, [vizact.elapsed(1), 0, 0], viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('a', self.pointer.setPosition, [vizact.elapsed(-1), 0, 0], viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('e', self.pointer.setPosition, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(1)], viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown('z', self.pointer.setPosition, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(-1)], viz.REL_PARENT) elif self.controlScheme == "3dMouse": self.init3dMouse()
def initCamera(self): self.pointer.setParent(self.camcenter) #Default camera keys vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT, self.camlink.setEuler, [vizact.elapsed(-90), 0, 0], viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT, self.camlink.setEuler, [vizact.elapsed(90), 0, 0], viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP, self.camlink.setEuler, [0, vizact.elapsed(90), 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN, self.camlink.setEuler, [0, vizact.elapsed(-90), 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_KP_0, camlink.preTrans, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(-4)]) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_CONTROL_R, camlink.preTrans, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(4)])
cam.setInheritView(False) cam.setPosition([-10.94835, 11.09378, 13.61334]) cam.setRenderTexture(video) cam.setMultiSample(viz.AUTO_COMPUTE) cam.setRenderLimit(viz.RENDER_LIMIT_FRAME) # Get handle to screen object and apply video feed to it screen = model.getChild('screen') screen.texture(video) cam.renderOnlyIfNodeVisible([screen]) # Use up/down keys to zoom camera in/out def CameraZoom(inc): cam.fov = viz.clamp(cam.fov+inc,5.0,70.0) cam.setFov(cam.fov,1.77,0.1,1000) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,CameraZoom,vizact.elapsed(-20.0)) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,CameraZoom,vizact.elapsed(20.0)) CameraZoom(0.0) # Have camera always point towards view position def UpdateCamera(): cam.lookAt(viz.MainView.getPosition()) vizact.ontimer(0,UpdateCamera) # Add avatar to represent viewpoint avatar = steve.Steve() avatar.setTracker(viz.MainView) avatar.disable(viz.INTERSECTION) # Only render avatar for camera avatar.renderOnlyToRenderNodes([cam],excludeMainPass=True)
def pointerInput(mode, pointer, arena): viz.phys.enable() """ Initialize the pointer tool Mode selection: 0 - Keyboard driven 1 - Spacemouse (WARNING: potential conflict with camera mode 1) """ proxy = vizproximity.Manager() proxy.setDebug(viz.TOGGLE) # theSensor = vizproximity.addBoundingBoxSensor(arena, scale = [0.95, 0.95, 0.95]) theTarget = vizproximity.Target(pointer) # proxy.addSensor(theSensor) proxy.addTarget(theTarget) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setPosition,[0,1,0]) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setVelocity,[0,0,0]) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setAngularVelocity,[0,0,0]) if mode == 0: # Keyboard driven pointer, in case you don't have a space mouse # wx/da/ez control #For keyboard controls the glove is only linked via orientation #linking via position was causing issues with the camera focusing feature #fixedRotation =,pointer) #fixedRotation.setMask(viz.LINK_ORI) speed = 3.0 vizact.whilekeydown('w',pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(speed),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('x',pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(-speed),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('d',pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(speed),0,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('a',pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(-speed),0,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('e',pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(speed)],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('z',pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-speed)],viz.REL_LOCAL) elif mode == 1: # Set up pointer control with the Spacemouse connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() def buttonPress(e): pointer.setPosition([0,1,0]) pointer.setVelocity([0,0,0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0]) viz.callback(viz.SENSOR_DOWN_EVENT,buttonPress) #call this every loop #all of this should likely go in controls, we need to fix controls!! -ADE def getCoords(source, destination, log = False): """ source should be a 3D connection device, and the destination should be a 3d node type """ while True: yield viztask.waitTime( .01 ) position = source.getRawTranslation() orientation = source.getRawRotation() #sets the velocity of the glove (destination) to zero destination.setVelocity([0,0,0], viz.ABS_GLOBAL) destination.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0] ,viz.ABS_GLOBAL) #if selected do log scale on orientation if log: config.SMEulerScale= [0.5, 0.5 , 0.5] orientation = logScale(orientation) #rescale position position = list(numpy.multiply(position,config.SMPositionScale)) orientation = list(numpy.multiply(orientation,config.SMEulerScale)) #invert signs of x and z x,y,z = position #invert signs of x and z rotations, and exchange b and a a,b,g = orientation orientation = [b,a,g] destination.setPosition(position, viz.REL_PARENT) destination.setEuler(orientation, viz.REL_PARENT) #schedule controller loop with viztask scheduler viztask.schedule(getCoords(device, pointer)) return device else: raise ValueError('Invaid control mode selection')
def cameraInput(self): """ Initialize the camera movement controls Mode selection: 0 - Arrow keys circular movement 1 - Spacemouse (WARNING: potential conflict with pointer mode 1) 2 - Wiimote (Not implemented) """ if self.camMode == 0: # Use the arrow keys to move self.camcenter = viz.addChild('ball.wrl') self.camcenter.setPosition(0,1.4,0) self.pointer.setParent(self.camcenter) self.camcenter.disable(viz.RENDERING) # #occulus Rift enabled if(self.displayMode == 2): self.hmd = oculus.Rift() navigationNode = viz.addGroup() viewlink =, viz.MainView) viewlink.preMultLinkable(self.hmd.getSensor()) camlink =,navigationNode) #set initial positions camlink.preEuler([0,0,0]) camlink.preTrans([0,0,-3.25]) #2D display else: camlink =,viz.MainView) # #set initial positions camlink.preEuler([0,30,0]) # camlink.preTrans([0,0,0]) self.camcenter.setPosition(0,3.2,-3.5) #instantiate control class controlScheme = CameraKeyboardControl() #schedule the control loop to be called # viztask.schedule(controlScheme.performKeyMovements(self.camcenter, camlink)) # viztask.schedule(controlScheme.cameraFocus(self.camcenter, camlink)) #backup control functions: vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT,self.camcenter.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT,self.camcenter.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(-90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,self.camcenter.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(-90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,self.camcenter.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown( 't' , self.camcenter.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(4)],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown( 'g' , self.camcenter.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-4)],viz.REL_LOCAL) default = self.camcenter.getPosition() elif self.camMode == 1: # Use the SpaceMouse to move camera MOVE_SCALE = 0.5 ROTATE_SCALE = 5.0 def UpdateMovement(): elapsed = viz.getFrameElapsed() trans = device.getRawTranslation() rx,ry,rz = device.getRawRotation() viz.MainView.setAxisAngle([0,1,0,ry*elapsed*ROTATE_SCALE], viz.HEAD_ORI, viz.REL_LOCAL) viz.MainView.move(viz.Vector(trans)*elapsed*MOVE_SCALE) vizact.onupdate(0, UpdateMovement) # elif mode == 2: # # wiimote # pass else: raise ValueError('Invaid control mode selection')
ballDropper.setPosition( [0, 1.9, .2] ) ballDropper.setScale( [.2, .2, .2] ) ballDropper.setEuler( [180, 0, 0] ) ballDropper.state( 1 ) #Drop ball when spacebar is pressed def dropBall(): ball = #get the next ball to drop ball.reset() #zero out physics forces ball.setPosition( ballDropper.getPosition() ) #drop ball at ballDropper's position ballDropper.execute( 2 ) vizact.onkeydown(' ',dropBall) #Move ballDropper vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,ballDropper.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(1),0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,ballDropper.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(-1),0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT,ballDropper.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(1),0,0],viz.REL_PARENT) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT,ballDropper.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(-1),0,0],viz.REL_PARENT) #Called when two objects collide in the physics simulator def onCollide(e): #Did ball collide with a bumper? if e.obj2 in balls: #Change color of bumper e.obj1.color( random.choice( [viz.RED,viz.GREEN,viz.SKYBLUE,viz.YELLOW,viz.ORANGE,viz.PURPLE] ) ) #Play sound at a volume appropriate for ball speed speed = viz.Vector( e.obj2.getVelocity() ).length() if speed > .7: viz.playSound( 'crashNew.wav' ) elif speed > .4:
def pointerInput(mode, pointer, arena): viz.phys.enable() """ Initialize the pointer tool Mode selection: 0 - Keyboard driven 1 - Spacemouse (WARNING: potential conflict with camera mode 1) """ proxy = vizproximity.Manager() proxy.setDebug(viz.TOGGLE) theSensor = vizproximity.addBoundingBoxSensor(arena, scale=[.95, .95, .95]) theTarget = vizproximity.Target(pointer) proxy.addSensor(theSensor) proxy.addTarget(theTarget) def EnterProximity(e): #print('Hit the wall') pointer.setVelocity([0, 0, 0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, 0]) print( temp = #pointer.setPosition([1,1,1]) def ExitProximity(e): #print('Hit the wall') x, y, z = pointer.getPosition() if (y < .4): y = .5 elif (y > 4.5): y = 4.4 if (abs(x) > abs(z) and abs(x) > 5): if (x < 0): x = -4.9 else: x = 4.9 elif (abs(z) > 4): if (z < 0): z = -3.9 elif (z > 0): z = 3.9 pointer.setPosition(x, y, z) pointer.setVelocity([0, 0, 0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, 0]) proxy.onEnter(None, EnterProximity) proxy.onExit(None, ExitProximity) vizact.onkeydown('l', pointer.setPosition, [0, 1, 0]) vizact.onkeydown('l', pointer.setVelocity, [0, 0, 0]) vizact.onkeydown('l', pointer.setAngularVelocity, [0, 0, 0]) if mode == 0: # Keyboard driven pointer, in case you don't have a space mouse # wx/da/ez control #For keyboard controls the glove is only linked via orientation #linking via position was causing issues with the camera focusing feature #fixedRotation =,pointer) #fixedRotation.setMask(viz.LINK_ORI) speed = 3.0 vizact.whilekeydown('w', pointer.setPosition, [0, vizact.elapsed(speed), 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('x', pointer.setPosition, [0, vizact.elapsed(-speed), 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('d', pointer.setPosition, [vizact.elapsed(speed), 0, 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('a', pointer.setPosition, [vizact.elapsed(-speed), 0, 0], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('e', pointer.setPosition, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(speed)], viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('z', pointer.setPosition, [0, 0, vizact.elapsed(-speed)], viz.REL_LOCAL) elif mode == 1: # Set up pointer control with the Spacemouse connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() def buttonPress(e): pointer.setPosition([0, 1, 0]) pointer.setVelocity([0, 0, 0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, 0]) viz.callback(viz.SENSOR_DOWN_EVENT, buttonPress) #device.setTranslateScale([1,1,1]) #device.setRotateScale([0,0,0]) # i don't think we need this #add 3Dnode object that follows mainview exactly, called MainViewShadow # MainViewShadow = vizshape.addSphere(radius = .5) # MainViewShadow.disable(viz.RENDERING) #, MainViewShadow) #make glove () child of MainViewShadow #fixedRotation =,pointer) #fixedRotation.setMask(viz.LINK_ORI) #pointer.setParent(MainViewShadow) #call this every loop #all of this should likely go in controls, we need to fix controls!! -ADE def getCoords(source, destination): """ source should be a 3D connection device, and the destination should be a 3d node type """ def logScale(orientation): """ list or len() = 3 -> list of len 3 takes the orintation list and returns the log of the magnitude of each element , and then keeps the original sign ex) [ 10 , -10 ,1000] -> [1 , -1, 3] """ import math base = 2 mag_orientation = [] sign = [] #list of signs #make all elements positive, store original signs for element in orientation: if math.fabs(element) == element: #element is positive mag_orientation.append(element) sign.append(1) else: #element is negative mag_orientation.append(-1 * element) sign.append(-1) #handle case where number is zero, and set to 1 n = 0 for element in mag_orientation: if element == 0: mag_orientation[n] = 1 n += 1 #take log of each element log_orientation = [] for element in mag_orientation: log = math.log(element, base) log_orientation.append(log) #restablish original signs orientation = scalarMult(sign, log_orientation) return orientation #set source scale # scale1 = [.0001,.0001,.0001] # scale2 =[.01,.01,.01] #log log = False while True: yield viztask.waitTime(.01) position = source.getRawTranslation() orientation = source.getRawRotation() #sets the velocity of the glove (destination) to zero destination.setVelocity([0, 0, 0], viz.ABS_GLOBAL) destination.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, 0], viz.ABS_GLOBAL) #if selected do log scale on orientation if log == True: config.orientationVector = [.5, .5, .5] orientation = logScale(orientation) #rescale position position = scalarMult(position, config.positionVector) orientation = scalarMult(orientation, config.orientationVector) #invert signs of x and z x, y, z = position #invert signs of x and z rotations, and exchange b and a a, b, g = orientation orientation = [b, a, g] #print(orientation) destination.setPosition(position, viz.REL_PARENT) destination.setEuler(orientation, viz.REL_PARENT) def scalarMult(lst1, lst2): """ takes 2 lists, and returns the scalar multiplication of the lists *lists must be the same length """ new_lst = [] for i in range(len(lst1)): n_val = lst1[i] * lst2[i] new_lst.append(n_val) return new_lst #schedule controller loop with viztask scheduler viztask.schedule(getCoords(device, pointer)) #vizact.ontimer2(.01,1, delayedSet ), pointer, viz.REL_PARENT) #link.preEuler([0,90,0]) return device else: raise ValueError('Invaid control mode selection') #question guys. if keyboard is selected, should the init script call code #in the control module to set the functions? - Alex
def pointerInput(mode, pointer,arena): viz.phys.enable() """ Initialize the pointer tool Mode selection: 0 - Keyboard driven 1 - Spacemouse (WARNING: potential conflict with camera mode 1) """ proxy = vizproximity.Manager() proxy.setDebug(viz.TOGGLE) theSensor = vizproximity.addBoundingBoxSensor(arena,scale=[.95,.95,.95]) theTarget = vizproximity.Target(pointer) proxy.addSensor(theSensor) proxy.addTarget(theTarget) def EnterProximity(e): #print('Hit the wall') pointer.setVelocity([0,0,0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0]) print( temp = #pointer.setPosition([1,1,1]) def ExitProximity(e): #print('Hit the wall') x,y,z = pointer.getPosition() if(y < .4): y = .5 elif(y > 4.5 ): y = 4.4 if(abs(x) > abs(z) and abs(x) > 5): if(x<0): x = -4.9 else: x = 4.9 elif(abs(z) > 4): if(z<0): z = -3.9 elif(z>0): z = 3.9 pointer.setPosition(x,y,z) pointer.setVelocity([0,0,0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0]) proxy.onEnter(None,EnterProximity) proxy.onExit(None,ExitProximity) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setPosition,[0,1,0]) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setVelocity,[0,0,0]) vizact.onkeydown('l',pointer.setAngularVelocity,[0,0,0]) if mode == 0: # Keyboard driven pointer, in case you don't have a space mouse # wx/da/ez control #For keyboard controls the glove is only linked via orientation #linking via position was causing issues with the camera focusing feature #fixedRotation =,pointer) #fixedRotation.setMask(viz.LINK_ORI) speed = 3.0 vizact.whilekeydown('w',pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(speed),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('x',pointer.setPosition,[0,vizact.elapsed(-speed),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('d',pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(speed),0,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('a',pointer.setPosition,[vizact.elapsed(-speed),0,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('e',pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(speed)],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('z',pointer.setPosition,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-speed)],viz.REL_LOCAL) elif mode == 1: # Set up pointer control with the Spacemouse connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() def buttonPress(e): pointer.setPosition([0,1,0]) pointer.setVelocity([0,0,0]) pointer.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0]) viz.callback(viz.SENSOR_DOWN_EVENT,buttonPress) #device.setTranslateScale([1,1,1]) #device.setRotateScale([0,0,0]) # i don't think we need this #add 3Dnode object that follows mainview exactly, called MainViewShadow # MainViewShadow = vizshape.addSphere(radius = .5) # MainViewShadow.disable(viz.RENDERING) #, MainViewShadow) #make glove () child of MainViewShadow #fixedRotation =,pointer) #fixedRotation.setMask(viz.LINK_ORI) #pointer.setParent(MainViewShadow) #call this every loop #all of this should likely go in controls, we need to fix controls!! -ADE def getCoords(source, destination): """ source should be a 3D connection device, and the destination should be a 3d node type """ def logScale(orientation): """ list or len() = 3 -> list of len 3 takes the orintation list and returns the log of the magnitude of each element , and then keeps the original sign ex) [ 10 , -10 ,1000] -> [1 , -1, 3] """ import math base = 2 mag_orientation = [] sign = [] #list of signs #make all elements positive, store original signs for element in orientation: if math.fabs(element) == element: #element is positive mag_orientation.append(element) sign.append(1) else: #element is negative mag_orientation.append(-1*element) sign.append(-1) #handle case where number is zero, and set to 1 n = 0 for element in mag_orientation: if element == 0: mag_orientation[n] = 1 n+=1 #take log of each element log_orientation=[] for element in mag_orientation: log = math.log(element, base) log_orientation.append(log) #restablish original signs orientation = scalarMult(sign, log_orientation) return orientation #set source scale # scale1 = [.0001,.0001,.0001] # scale2 =[.01,.01,.01] #log log = False while True: yield viztask.waitTime( .01 ) position = source.getRawTranslation() orientation = source.getRawRotation() #sets the velocity of the glove (destination) to zero destination.setVelocity([0,0,0], viz.ABS_GLOBAL) destination.setAngularVelocity([0,0,0] ,viz.ABS_GLOBAL) #if selected do log scale on orientation if log == True: config.orientationVector= [.5, .5 , .5] orientation = logScale(orientation) #rescale position position = scalarMult(position,config.positionVector) orientation = scalarMult(orientation,config.orientationVector) #invert signs of x and z x,y,z = position #invert signs of x and z rotations, and exchange b and a a,b,g = orientation orientation = [b,a,g] #print(orientation) destination.setPosition(position, viz.REL_PARENT) destination.setEuler(orientation, viz.REL_PARENT) def scalarMult(lst1,lst2): """ takes 2 lists, and returns the scalar multiplication of the lists *lists must be the same length """ new_lst = [] for i in range(len(lst1)): n_val = lst1[i]*lst2[i] new_lst.append(n_val) return new_lst #schedule controller loop with viztask scheduler viztask.schedule( getCoords(device,pointer)) #vizact.ontimer2(.01,1, delayedSet ), pointer, viz.REL_PARENT) #link.preEuler([0,90,0]) return device else: raise ValueError('Invaid control mode selection') #question guys. if keyboard is selected, should the init script call code #in the control module to set the functions? - Alex
def cameraInput(self): """ Initialize the camera movement controls Mode selection: 0 - Arrow keys circular movement 1 - Spacemouse (WARNING: potential conflict with pointer mode 1) 2 - Wiimote (Not implemented) """ if self.camMode == 0: # Use the arrow keys to move self.camcenter = viz.addChild('ball.wrl') self.camcenter.setPosition(0,1.4,0) self.pointer.setParent(self.camcenter) self.camcenter.disable(viz.RENDERING) # #occulus Rift enabled if(self.displayMode == 2): self.hmd = oculus.Rift() navigationNode = viz.addGroup() viewlink =, viz.MainView) viewlink.preMultLinkable(self.hmd.getSensor()) camlink =,navigationNode) #set initial positions camlink.preEuler([0,0,0]) camlink.preTrans([0,0,-3.25]) #2D display else: camlink =,viz.MainView) #set initial positions camlink.preEuler([0,30,0]) camlink.preTrans([0,0,-5]) #instantiate control class controlScheme = CameraKeyboardControl() #schedule the control loop to be called viztask.schedule(controlScheme.performKeyMovements(self.camcenter, camlink)) viztask.schedule(controlScheme.cameraFocus(self.camcenter, camlink)) #backup control functions: vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT,self.camcenter.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(-90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT,self.camcenter.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(90),0,0],viz.REL_GLOBAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,self.camcenter.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,self.camcenter.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(-90),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown( 't' , camlink.preTrans,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(-4)]) vizact.whilekeydown( 'g' , camlink.preTrans,[0,0,vizact.elapsed(4)]) default = self.camcenter.getPosition() elif self.camMode == 1: # Use the SpaceMouse to move camera MOVE_SCALE = 0.5 ROTATE_SCALE = 5.0 def UpdateMovement(): elapsed = viz.getFrameElapsed() trans = device.getRawTranslation() rx,ry,rz = device.getRawRotation() viz.MainView.setAxisAngle([0,1,0,ry*elapsed*ROTATE_SCALE], viz.HEAD_ORI, viz.REL_LOCAL) viz.MainView.move(viz.Vector(trans)*elapsed*MOVE_SCALE) vizact.onupdate(0, UpdateMovement) # elif mode == 2: # # wiimote # pass else: raise ValueError('Invaid control mode selection')