Exemplo n.º 1
def participantInfo():

	subject = vizinput.input('What is the participant number?')
	age = vizinput.input('age?')
	sex = ['male','female']
	sex_choice = vizinput.choose('Sex',sex)
	handedness = ['right','left','both']
	handedness_choice = vizinput.choose('Handedness',handedness)
	ts = time.time()

	##create demographic data file
	demographic_data = open('demographic_data_rod_frame.csv','w')
	with open('data/demographic_data_rod_frame.csv', 'a') as f:
		wr = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';', lineterminator='\n', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
		row_demo = [subject, age, sex[sex_choice] ,handedness[handedness_choice] , datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S')]
	return subject,datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S')
Exemplo n.º 2
def InitRecording():
	# Condition is ALWAYS 1 here.
	pptExtension.STATE = 0
	pptExtension.ARMS_LIMIT_STATE = 0
	pptExtension.LEGS_LIMIT_STATE = 0

	global name
	name = vizinput.input('Participant Name: ')

	global gender
	genderChoices = ['female', 'male']
	gender = vizinput.choose('Gender: ', genderChoices)
	global condition
	wcChoices = ['Third Arm', 'Cylinder', 'Floating hand', 'Floating ball']
	condition = vizinput.choose('Which condition would you like to use?', wcChoices)
	global skin, skinChoices
	skinChoices = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10']
	skin = viz.choose('Skin Color? (1 = lightest, 10 = darkest)',skinChoices)
	global file
	file = hf_playback.openAvatarRecording(genderChoices[gender], name, 'w')
Exemplo n.º 3
def InitRecording():
	# Condition is ALWAYS 1 here.
	pptextension.STATE = 0
	pptextension.ARMS_LIMIT_STATE = 0
	pptextension.LEGS_LIMIT_STATE = 0

	some_global_variables.testRun = vizinput.ask('Is this a test run?')

	global participantID, controlSchema, controlSchemaChoices, numberOfArms

	controlSchemaChoices = ['BimanualControl', 'UnimanualControl', 'HeadControl']#['Wrist rotation', 'Asymmetric']
	participantID = 'No_ID'
	controlSchema = 0
	if not some_global_variables.testRun:
		participantID = vizinput.input('Participant ID: ')
#		controlSchema = vizinput.choose('Choose the control schema', controlSchemaChoices)
	numberOfArms = vizinput.choose('Number of arms', ['3','4','5'])
	numberOfArms += 3
	print "numberOfArms = " + str(numberOfArms)
	some_global_variables.isLeftHanded = vizinput.ask('Is the user left-handed?')
	global gender
	genderChoices = ['female', 'male']
	gender = 0#vizinput.choose('Gender: ', genderChoices)
	global appendage
	wcChoices = ['Third Arm', 'Cylinder', 'Floating hand', 'Floating ball']
	appendage = 0#vizinput.choose('Which appendage would you like to use?', wcChoices)
	global skin, skinChoices
	skinChoices = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10']
	skin = 0#viz.choose('Skin Color? (1 = lightest, 10 = darkest)',skinChoices)
#	global filePointerForAvatarRecording, filePointerForRuntimeScoringRecording
	if not some_global_variables.testRun:
		touchcube.openRuntimeScoringTimesRecordingFile(participantID, controlSchemaChoices[controlSchema])
		hf_playback.openAvatarRecording(participantID, controlSchemaChoices[controlSchema])
Exemplo n.º 4
def InitRecording():
    # Condition is ALWAYS 1 here.
    pptExtension.STATE = 0
    pptExtension.ARMS_LIMIT_STATE = 0
    pptExtension.LEGS_LIMIT_STATE = 0

    # BL:start
    global testRun
    testRun = vizinput.ask("Is this a test run?")

    global participantID, controlSchema, controlSchemaChoices, isLeftHanded

    controlSchemaChoices = ["BimanualControl", "UnimanualControl", "HeadControl"]  # ['Wrist rotation', 'Asymmetric']
    participantID = "No_ID"
    controlSchema = 2

    if not testRun:
        participantID = vizinput.input("Participant ID: ")
        controlSchema = vizinput.choose("Choose the control schema", controlSchemaChoices)

    isLeftHanded = 0  # vizinput.ask('Is the user left-handed?')
    global gender
    genderChoices = ["female", "male"]
    gender = 0  # vizinput.choose('Gender: ', genderChoices)

    global appendage
    wcChoices = ["Third Arm", "Cylinder", "Floating hand", "Floating ball"]
    appendage = 0  # vizinput.choose('Which appendage would you like to use?', wcChoices)

    global skin, skinChoices
    skinChoices = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
    skin = 0  # viz.choose('Skin Color? (1 = lightest, 10 = darkest)',skinChoices)
    # BL:end

    # 	global filePointerForAvatarRecording, filePointerForRuntimeScoringRecording
    # 	touchcube.openRuntimeScoringTimesRecordingFile(participantID, controlSchemaChoices[controlSchema])
    hf_playback.openAvatarRecording(participantID, controlSchemaChoices[controlSchema])
Exemplo n.º 5
def setup():
	global leftWristPPT, rightWristPPT, lfPPT, rfPPT, headPPT, viewLink, navigationNode
	global lhSphere, rhSphere
	global hmdLink
	#add more trackers for trying things out
	global rightFingersPPT, leftFingersPPT, leftForeArmPPT, rightForeArmPPT, rightHandViveController, leftHandViveController
	#try the oculus rift
	hmd = None
	headOriTracker = None
	if some_global_variables.PPT1:
		vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle')

	#trying to connect the vive now
	if not some_global_variables.DONT_USE_VIVE:
		hmd = steamvr.HMD()
		headOriTracker = hmd.getSensor()
	headPosTracker = None
	headPosLink = None

	if headOriTracker is None:
		print "HTC Vive is not connected. Trying Oculus Rift now"
		hmd = oculus.Rift()
		headOriTracker = hmd.getSensor()
		if headOriTracker is None:
			print "Rift is also not connected!"
			print "Connected to Rift!"
			if some_global_variables.PPT1:
				headPosTracker = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_HEAD_VIRTUAL_ID - 1)
				headPosTrackerNode = viz.addGroup()
				headPosLink = viz.link(headPosTracker, headPosTrackerNode)
		print "Connected to Vive!"

	#Merge position and orientation links for the head tracker, if needed
	if headPosLink is not None:
		#using DK2 in PPT1 with a PPT marker for head tracking
		headPPT = viz.mergeLinkable(headPosLink,headOriTracker)
		#like using vive, or DK2 outside PPT1
		headPPT = headOriTracker

	if headOriTracker is not None:
		some_global_variables.headTrackingActive = True

	view = viz.MainView

	viewLink = None
	navigationNode = viz.addGroup()
	viewLink = viz.link(navigationNode, viz.MainView)
	if headPPT is not None:
	if not some_global_variables.PPT1:
#		viewLink = viz.link(headPPT, viz.MainView)
	#viewLink.postTrans([EYE_VECTOR[0], EYE_VECTOR[1], EYE_VECTOR[2]])
	#now add the PPT hands tracker
	if some_global_variables.PPT1:
		rightForeArmPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_FOREARM_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
		if rightForeArmPPT is not None: print "right forearm tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_FOREARM_VIRTUAL_ID)

		leftForeArmPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_FOREARM_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
		if leftForeArmPPT is not None: print "left forearm tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_FOREARM_VIRTUAL_ID)
		appendageControlWithVive = vizinput.choose('Using Vive controllers or a bunch of PPT markers?', ['Vive','4 extra PPT marker!'])
		if appendageControlWithVive == 0: #using vive hand controllers
			some_global_variables.usingViveHandControllers = True
			viveHandControllerList = steamvr.getControllerList()
			controllerCount = 0
			for controller in steamvr.getControllerList():
				controllerCount += 1
				#Right Hand Controller Setup
				if controllerCount == 1:
				  rightHandViveController = viveHandControllerList[0]
				#Left Hand Controller Setup
				elif controllerCount == 2:
				  leftHandViveController = viveHandControllerList[1]
		else: #using four extra PPT markers - could be noisy due to interference
			rightFingersPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_FINGERS_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
			if rightFingersPPT is not None: print "right fingers tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_FINGERS_VIRTUAL_ID)

			leftFingersPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_FINGERS_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
			if leftFingersPPT is not None: print "left fingers tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_FINGERS_VIRTUAL_ID)

			rightWristPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_WRIST_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
			if rightWristPPT is not None: print "right wrist tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_RIGHT_WRIST_VIRTUAL_ID)

			leftWristPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + some_global_variables.PPT_HOSTNAME, some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_WRIST_VIRTUAL_ID-1)
			if leftWristPPT is not None: print "left wrist tracker is active with virtual PPT ID = " + str(some_global_variables.PPT_LEFT_WRIST_VIRTUAL_ID)

	grid = vizshape.addGrid()
	grid.color([0.5] * 3)
	viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, onKeyDown)
		print "adding spheres";
		rhSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE);
		lhSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE);
		rfSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE);
		lfSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE);

import viz
import viztask
import json
import logging
import vizinput
import sys, os
import time
import steamvr
import Queue
import threading
import numpy

#from telloVideo import telloVideo
#from tello import Tello

choice = vizinput.choose('Select Experiment Mode',
                         ['Online', 'Offline', 'Simulate Online'])

# Load the presettings file
presettingfile = open('PreSettings_Single.json')
settings = json.load(presettingfile)
stimulationLength = settings[u'stimulationLength'][0]
stimuliLoop = settings[u'stimuliLoop'][0]
frequence = settings[u'frequence']
phase = settings[u'phase']
size = settings[u'squaresize'][0]
keepsize = settings[u'keepsize'][0]
cuelen = settings[u'cuelen'][0]
textList = settings[u'controlCommand']
textposition = settings[u'textposition']
position = settings[u'position']
#framerate = settings[u'framerate'][0]
Exemplo n.º 7
carlist = []
pivot = [0, 0, 0]
carchoice = 1
currentcar = 'Mini'
speed = 0.0
steer = 0.0
motion = 0
rotateY = 0.0
rotateX = 0.0
viz.clip(0.1, 30000)
#carchoiceinit = vizinput.choose('Choose a car:', ['Mini','BMW','Ford Thunderbird','Ford Focus','Lamborghini Murcielago','TVR Speed 12','Dodge Challenger', 'Caterham Seven'])
#carchoice = carchoiceinit + 1
environmentchoice = vizinput.choose('Select time of day:', ['Day', 'Night'])
    'Arrow Keys to steer. Z to go down a gear, X to go up a gear. G to swap between automatic/manual. Up to accelerate, Down to reverse (Automatic only). Spacebar to brake.'
#import Drivingfunctions
track = viz.addChild('assets/environment/track.osgb')
station = viz.addChild('assets/environment/gasStation.fbx')
#buildings = viz.addChild('assets/environment/City.osgb')
tower = viz.addChild('assets/environment/Building.fbx')
if environmentchoice == 0:
    environment = viz.addChild('sky_day.osgb')
    environment = viz.addChild('sky_night.osgb')
environment.setScale(10, 10, 10)
track.setScale(5, 0, 5)
station.setScale(5, 5, 5)
Exemplo n.º 8

#toggle billboarding of the mustache man toward the user (if you don't turn this on, he is facing away from the user)	
def billboardToggle():


AVATAR_BODY = ['Female1','Female2','Female3','Female4', 'Female5', 'Male1', 'Male2', 'Male3', 'Male4', 'Male5'][vizinput.choose('Which avatar would you like to begin with?',['Female1','Female2','Female3','Female4', 'Female5', 'Male1', 'Male2', 'Male3', 'Male4', 'Male5'])]


if AVATAR_BODY == 'Male1':
	currentAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatar('white_male')
if AVATAR_BODY == 'Female1':
	currentAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatar('black_female')
if AVATAR_BODY == 'Male2':
	currentAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatar('old_white_male')
if AVATAR_BODY == 'Male3':
	currentAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatar('black_male')
if AVATAR_BODY == 'Female2':
	currentAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatar('blonde_female')
if AVATAR_BODY == 'Female3':
Exemplo n.º 9
import viz, viztask, vizact, vizinput, vizshape
import math
import random
import oculus
import time
import datetime
from datetime import date
from string import maketrans
import itertools, csv, time

#start vrpn
vrpn = viz.addExtension('vrpn7.dle')

#Ask for mode
presentations = ['oculus', 'normal']
presentationMode = vizinput.choose('Presentation Mode', presentations)

#Prompt for the participant's demographic

subject = vizinput.input('What is the participant number?')
age = vizinput.input('age?')
sex = ['male', 'female']
sex_choice = vizinput.choose('Sex', sex)
handedness = ['right', 'left', 'both']
handedness_choice = vizinput.choose('Handedness', handedness)
run = vizinput.input('Which run?')
ts = time.time()

##create demographic data file
demographic_data = open('demographic_data.csv', 'w')
with open('data/demographic_data.csv', 'a') as f:
Exemplo n.º 10

import viz, viztask, vizact, vizinput, vizshape
import math
import random
import oculus
import time
import datetime
from datetime import date
from string import maketrans
import itertools, csv, time
import numpy

#Ask for mode
presentations = ['oculus','normal']
presentationMode = vizinput.choose('Presentation Mode', presentations)

#Prompt for the participant's demographic
def participantInfo():

	subject = vizinput.input('What is the participant number?')
	age = vizinput.input('age?')
	sex = ['male','female']
	sex_choice = vizinput.choose('Sex',sex)
	handedness = ['right','left','both']
	handedness_choice = vizinput.choose('Handedness',handedness)
	ts = time.time()

	##create demographic data file
	demographic_data = open('demographic_data_rod_frame.csv','w')
	with open('data/demographic_data_rod_frame.csv', 'a') as f:
Exemplo n.º 11
# Start Vizard with a prompt dialog box

import vizinfo
vizinfo.add('This script demonstrates how to gather input from the user at startup.')

#Retrieve text from the prompt
speed = viz.get(viz.INITMESG)

#Ask user for name
name = vizinput.input('What is your name?')

choices = ['Blue','Green','Orange']
colors = [[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0.5,0]]
#Ask user for favorite color
favColor = vizinput.choose('Which of the following colors is your most favorite?',choices)

#Create text object of user name
text = viz.addText(name)

# Try to convert the text into a number.
# If the text is invalid, then set the rotation speed to 90.
    rotateSpeed = float(speed)
    rotateSpeed = 90

# Add the ball and move it in front of the viewer
ball = viz.addChild('beachball.osgb')