class TestReposNonexistent(object): @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(299).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 299') @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(316).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 316') def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests multiple non-existent repos using POST.""" request_body = tools.gen_repos_body(REPOS_NONEXISTENT) repos = rest_api.get_repos(body=request_body).response_check() assert not repos @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo_name', REPOS_NONEXISTENT) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, repo_name): """Tests single non-existent repo using POST.""" if repo_name: request_body = tools.gen_repos_body([repo_name]) repos = rest_api.get_repos(body=request_body).response_check() assert not repos else: request_body = tools.gen_repos_body([]) rest_api.get_repos(body=request_body).response_check(400) @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo_name', REPOS_NONEXISTENT) def test_get(self, rest_api, repo_name): """Tests single non-existent repo using GET.""" if repo_name: repos = rest_api.get_repo(repo_name).response_check() assert not repos else: rest_api.get_repo(repo_name).response_check(405)
class TestUpdateI386Filter(object): @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(273).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 273') def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests correct updates from i386 package with basearch set to x86_64 using POST with multiple packages. """ body = tools.gen_updates_body( [p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER], basearch='x86_64') updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_basearch_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == len(packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER) for name, expected in packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER: tools.validate_package_updates(updates[name], expected, exact_match=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'package', packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER, ids=[p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER]) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates from i386 package with basearch set to x86_64 using POST with single package. """ name, expected = package if name in ('test-arch-vmaas-1-1.i386', 'test-arch-vmaas-2-2.i386') and GH(273).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 273') body = tools.gen_updates_body([name], basearch='x86_64') updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_basearch_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True)
def test_get_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates in different repo using GET with single package.""" name, expected = package if name in ('test-vmaas-0.3-3.x86_64') and GH(280).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 280') updates = rest_api.get_update(name).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True)
def test_post_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates to noarch package using POST with single package.""" name, expected = package if name in ('test-vmaas-0.3-3.x86_64') and GH(280).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 280') body = tools.gen_updates_body([name]) updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True)
def test_get(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single real erratum using GET.""" erratum_name, errata_num = erratum if erratum_name in ['RH.*'] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") if erratum_name == '*': errata = rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check(400) else: errata = rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check() assert len(errata) == errata_num if errata_num > 0: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body)
def test_post_single(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single erratum using POST.""" erratum_name, errata_num = erratum if erratum_name in ['RH.*'] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") request_body = tools.gen_errata_body([erratum_name]) if erratum_name == '*': errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=request_body).response_check(400) else: errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=request_body).response_check() assert len(errata) == errata_num if errata_num > 0: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body)
def test_post_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates from i386 package with basearch set to x86_64 using POST with single package. """ name, expected = package if name in ('test-arch-vmaas-1-1.i386', 'test-arch-vmaas-2-2.i386') and GH(273).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 273') body = tools.gen_updates_body([name], basearch='x86_64') updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_basearch_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True)
def post_single(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single erratum using POST.""" name, expected_name = erratum if not name and GH(326).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH#326') request_body = tools.gen_errata_body( [name], modified_since='2018-04-06T00:00:00+01:00') errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=request_body).response_check() # don't validate schema on empty response if expected_name: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body) assert len(errata) == 1 erratum, = errata assert == expected_name else: assert not errata
def test_get(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single real erratum using GET.""" erratum_name, _ = erratum if erratum_name in ['RHEA-2010:0932', 'RHBA-2016:1031' ] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") if not erratum_name: rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check(405) else: errata = rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check() if erratum_name in [e[0] for e in ERRATA_NEG]: assert not errata else: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body) assert len(errata) == 1 erratum, = errata assert == erratum_name
def test_get(self, rest_api, cve): """Tests single cve regex using GET.""" cve_name, cve_num, not_grep = cve if cve_name in ['CVE-2017.*', 'CVE-2018-1[0-9]{3}', 'CVE.*' ] and GH(320).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#320") if cve_name == '*': rest_api.get_cve(cve_name).response_check(400) return cve = rest_api.get_cve(cve_name).response_check() schemas.cves_schema.validate(cve.raw.body) if cve_num == 1: assert len(cve) == 1 else: assert len(cve) >= cve_num if not_grep: assert not_grep not in cve.raw
class TestUpdateToNoarch(object): @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(280).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 280') def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests correct updates to noarch package using POST with multiple packages.""" body = tools.gen_updates_body( [p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH]) updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == len(packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH) for name, expected in packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH: tools.validate_package_updates(updates[name], expected, exact_match=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('package', packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH, ids=[p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH]) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates to noarch package using POST with single package.""" name, expected = package if name in ('test-vmaas-0.3-3.x86_64') and GH(280).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 280') body = tools.gen_updates_body([name]) updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('package', packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH, ids=[p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_TO_NOARCH]) def test_get_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates to noarch package using GET with single package.""" name, expected = package if name in ('test-vmaas-0.3-3.x86_64') and GH(280).blocks: pytest.skip('Blocked by GH 280') updates = rest_api.get_update(name).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True)
def validate_package_updates(package, expected_updates): """Runs checks on response body of 'updates' query.""" if not package: return if not (package.available_updates or GH(197).blocks): assert not package.get('description') assert not package.get('summary') return # check package data using schema schemas.updates_package_schema.validate(package.raw) # check that available updates records are unique check_updates_uniq(package.available_updates) if not expected_updates: return # check that expected updates are present in the response assert len(package.available_updates) >= len(expected_updates) check_expected_updates(expected_updates, package.available_updates)
class TestUpdatesInRepos(object): def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests updates in repos using POST with multiple packages.""" request_body = tools.gen_updates_body( [p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS], repositories=packages.REPOS) updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=request_body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_repolist_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == len(packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS) for package_name, expected_updates in packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS: package = updates[package_name] tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected_updates) for update in package.available_updates: assert update['repository'] in packages.REPOS @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'package_record', packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS, ids=[p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS]) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, package_record): """Tests updates in repos using POST with single package.""" name, expected_updates = package_record request_body = tools.gen_updates_body( [name], repositories=packages.REPOS) updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=request_body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_repolist_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected_updates) for update in package.available_updates: assert update['repository'] in packages.REPOS @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(299).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 299') def test_post_nonexistent_repo(self, rest_api): """Tests updates in repos using POST with single package.""" name = packages.PACKAGES_W_REPOS[0][0] request_body = tools.gen_updates_body( [name], repositories=['nonexistent-1']) updates, = rest_api.get_updates(body=request_body).response_check() assert not updates.available_updates
class TestJSON(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('json', JSONS, ids=[j[2] for j in JSONS]) def test_json_updates(self, rest_api, json): """Tests various json - /updates endpoint.""" if json[1] == 'updates': updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=json[0]).response_check() assert isinstance(updates.raw.body, dict) assert 'available_updates' in updates[0] elif not json[1]: updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(updates.raw.body, dict) if json[0]: assert "is not of type 'object'" in updates.raw.body else: assert 'Error: malformed input JSON' in updates.raw.body else: updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(updates.raw.body, dict) assert "'package_list' is a required property" in updates.raw.body @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(330).blocks or GH(329).blocks, reason="blocked by GH#329 or GH#330") @pytest.mark.parametrize('json', JSONS, ids=[j[2] for j in JSONS]) def test_json_cves(self, rest_api, json): """Tests various json - /cves endpoint.""" if json[1] == 'cves': cves = rest_api.get_cves(body=json[0]).response_check() assert isinstance(cves.raw.body, dict) assert 'cve_list' in cves.raw.body elif not json[1]: cves = rest_api.get_cves(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(cves.raw.body, dict) if json[0]: assert "is not of type 'object'" in cves.raw.body else: assert 'Error: malformed input JSON' in cves.raw.body else: cves = rest_api.get_cves(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(cves.raw.body, dict) assert "'cve_list' is a required property" in cves.raw.body @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(330).blocks or GH(329).blocks, reason="blocked by GH#329 or GH#330") @pytest.mark.parametrize('json', JSONS, ids=[j[2] for j in JSONS]) def test_json_errata(self, rest_api, json): """Tests various json - /errata endpoint.""" if json[1] == 'errata': errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=json[0]).response_check() assert isinstance(errata.raw.body, dict) assert 'errata_list' in errata.raw.body elif not json[1]: errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(errata.raw.body, dict) if json[0]: assert "is not of type 'object'" in errata.raw.body else: assert 'Error: malformed input JSON' in errata.raw.body else: errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(errata.raw.body, dict) assert "'errata_list' is a required property" in errata.raw.body @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(330).blocks or GH(329).blocks, reason="blocked by GH#329 or GH#330") @pytest.mark.parametrize('json', JSONS, ids=[j[2] for j in JSONS]) def test_json_repos(self, rest_api, json): """Tests various json - /repos endpoint.""" if json[1] in ['repos', 'updates']: repos = rest_api.get_repos(body=json[0]).response_check() assert isinstance(repos.raw.body, dict) assert 'repository_list' in repos.raw.body elif not json[1]: repos = rest_api.get_repos(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(repos.raw.body, dict) if json[0]: assert "is not of type 'object'" in repos.raw.body else: assert 'Error: malformed input JSON' in repos.raw.body else: repos = rest_api.get_repos(body=json[0]).response_check(400) assert not isinstance(repos.raw.body, dict) assert "'repository_list' is a required property" in repos.raw.body
'basearch': str, 'revision': str, 'label': str, } ] }, 'page': int, 'page_size': int, 'pages': int } _updates_top = {'update_list': {str: dict}} _updates_top_repolist = {'repository_list': [str], 'update_list': {str: dict}} _updates_top_basearch = {'basearch': str, 'update_list': {str: dict}} if GH(241).blocks: _updates_top_releasever = {'relasever': str, 'update_list': {str: dict}} else: _updates_top_releasever = {'releasever': str, 'update_list': {str: dict}} _updates_package = { 'available_updates': [ { 'basearch': str, 'erratum': str, 'releasever': str, 'repository': str, 'package': str, } ], 'description': str,
def test_post_single_smoke(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single real erratum using POST.""" if erratum[0] in ['RHEA-2010:0932', 'RHBA-2016:1031' ] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") self.post_single(rest_api, erratum)
tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('package', packages.PACKAGES_FROM_NOARCH, ids=[p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_FROM_NOARCH]) def test_get_single(self, rest_api, package): """Tests correct updates from noarch using GET with single package.""" name, expected = package updates = rest_api.get_update(name).response_check() schemas.updates_top_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == 1 package, = updates tools.validate_package_updates(package, expected, exact_match=True) @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(301).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 301') class TestUpdateI386Filter(object): @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(273).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 273') def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests correct updates from i386 package with basearch set to x86_64 using POST with multiple packages. """ body = tools.gen_updates_body( [p[0] for p in packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER], basearch='x86_64') updates = rest_api.get_updates(body=body).response_check() schemas.updates_top_basearch_schema.validate(updates.raw.body) assert len(updates) == len(packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER) for name, expected in packages.PACKAGES_I386_W_FILTER: tools.validate_package_updates(updates[name], expected, exact_match=True)
cve_name, _, _ = cve_in if cve_name: cves = rest_api.get_cve(cve_name).response_check() if cve_name in [c[0] for c in CVES_NEG]: assert not cves else: schemas.cves_schema.validate(cves.raw.body) assert len(cves) == 1 cve, = cves assert == cve_name else: rest_api.get_cve(cve_name).response_check(405) @pytest.mark.smoke @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(299).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 299') class TestCVEsModifiedSince(object): def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests multiple CVEs using POST.""" request_body = tools.gen_cves_body( [c[0] for c in CVES], modified_since='2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00') cves = rest_api.get_cves(body=request_body).response_check() schemas.cves_schema.validate(cves.raw.body) assert len(cves) == len([c[1] for c in CVES if c[1]]) for _, expected_name, _ in CVES: if expected_name: # not None assert expected_name in cves @pytest.mark.parametrize('cve_in', CVES, ids=[c[0] for c in CVES]) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, cve_in): """Tests single CVE using POST."""
class TestErrataQuery(object): def post_multi(self, rest_api, errata): """Tests multiple errata using POST.""" request_body = tools.gen_errata_body([e[0] for e in errata]) errata_response = rest_api.get_errata( body=request_body).response_check() schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata_response.raw.body) exp_errata = [x for x in errata if x not in ERRATA_NEG] assert len(errata_response) == len(exp_errata) for erratum_name, __ in exp_errata: assert erratum_name in errata_response def post_single(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single erratum using POST.""" erratum_name, _ = erratum if erratum_name: request_body = tools.gen_errata_body([erratum_name]) errata = rest_api.get_errata(body=request_body).response_check() else: request_body = tools.gen_errata_body([]) rest_api.get_errata(body=request_body).response_check(400) return if erratum_name in [e[0] for e in ERRATA_NEG]: assert not errata else: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body) assert len(errata) == 1 erratum, = errata assert == erratum_name def test_post_multi(self, rest_api): """Tests multiple test errata using POST.""" self.post_multi(rest_api, ERRATA) @pytest.mark.smoke @pytest.mark.skipif(GH(310).blocks, reason='Blocked by GH 310') def test_post_multi_smoke(self, rest_api): """Tests multiple real errata using POST.""" self.post_multi(rest_api, ERRATA_SMOKE) @pytest.mark.parametrize('erratum', ERRATA, ids=[e[0] for e in ERRATA]) def test_post_single(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single test erratum using POST.""" self.post_single(rest_api, erratum) @pytest.mark.smoke @pytest.mark.parametrize('erratum', ERRATA_SMOKE, ids=[e[0] for e in ERRATA_SMOKE]) def test_post_single_smoke(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single real erratum using POST.""" if erratum[0] in ['RHEA-2010:0932', 'RHBA-2016:1031' ] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") self.post_single(rest_api, erratum) @pytest.mark.smoke @pytest.mark.parametrize('erratum', ERRATA_SMOKE, ids=[e[0] for e in ERRATA_SMOKE]) def test_get(self, rest_api, erratum): """Tests single real erratum using GET.""" erratum_name, _ = erratum if erratum_name in ['RHEA-2010:0932', 'RHBA-2016:1031' ] and GH(310).blocks: pytest.skip("Blocked by GH#310") if not erratum_name: rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check(405) else: errata = rest_api.get_erratum(erratum_name).response_check() if erratum_name in [e[0] for e in ERRATA_NEG]: assert not errata else: schemas.errata_schema.validate(errata.raw.body) assert len(errata) == 1 erratum, = errata assert == erratum_name