Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_mac_table(cls, client_object, switch_vni=None):
        Fetches the MAC table for the logical switch.

        @param switch_vni: VNI to identify the logical switch.
        @type switch_vni: int
        @return: Returns the MACTableSchema object.
        @rtype: mac_table_schema.MACTableSchema
        header_keys = ['Mac Address', 'VTEP Label']
        nsxa_socket = cls._get_nsxa_socket(client_object)
        cmd = ('%s -t %s vni/mac-vtep-label %s' %
               (cls.CLI, nsxa_socket, switch_vni))
        out = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
        horizontal_parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
        # Skip the VNI number in the output.
        mac_to_vtep = horizontal_parser.get_parsed_data(
            out, header_keys=header_keys, skip_head=1)['table']
        py_dicts = []
        for mac_vtep in mac_to_vtep:
            py_dict = {}
            vm_mac = mac_vtep['mac address']
            vtep_label = mac_vtep['vtep label']
            vtep_ip = cls.get_vtep_ip_by_label(client_object, label=vtep_label)
            py_dict['adapter_mac'] = vm_mac
            py_dict['adapter_ip'] = vtep_ip
        py_dict = {'table': py_dicts}
        return mac_table_schema.MACTableSchema(py_dict=py_dict)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_arp_table(cls, client_object, switch_vni=None):
        Fetches the ARP table for the logical switch.

        @param switch_vni: VNI to identify the logical switch.
        @type switch_vni: int
        @return: Returns the ARPTableSchema object.
        @rtype: arp_table_schema.ARPTableSchema
        attribute_map = {
            'mac address': 'adapter_mac',
            'ip address': 'adapter_ip'
        nsxa_socket = cls._get_nsxa_socket(client_object)
        cmd = ('%s -t %s vni/arp-table %s' %
               (cls.CLI, nsxa_socket, switch_vni))
        out = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data.split('\n')
        # Skip the VNI number in the output.
        raw_table_data = '\n'.join(out[1:])
        header_keys = ["IP Address", "Mac Address"]
        parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
        parsed_data = parser.get_parsed_data(raw_table_data,
        mapped_pydict = utilities.map_attributes(attribute_map, parsed_data)
        return arp_table_schema.ARPTableSchema(py_dict=mapped_pydict)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_logical_switch(cls, client_object, get_logical_switch=None):
     Fetches logical switch information.
     _ = get_logical_switch
     header_keys = ['VNI', 'Controller IP Address', 'Link Status']
     attribute_map = {
         'vni': 'switch_vni',
         'controller ip address': 'controller_ip',
         'link status': 'controller_status'
     nsxa_socket = cls._get_nsxa_socket(client_object)
     cmd = ('%s -t %s vni/list ' % (cls.CLI, nsxa_socket))
     out = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
     horizontal_parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
     switch_dicts = horizontal_parser.get_parsed_data(
         out, header_keys=header_keys)['table']
     for switch_dict in switch_dicts:
         replication_mode = cls.get_replication_mode(
             client_object, switch_vni=switch_dict['vni'])
         switch_dict['replication_mode'] = replication_mode
         for dict_key in switch_dict.keys():
             switch_dict[dict_key] = switch_dict[dict_key].lower()
     mapped_pydict = utilities.map_attributes(attribute_map,
                                              {'table': switch_dicts})
     return logical_switch_schema.LogicalSwitchSchema(py_dict=mapped_pydict)
    def get_ipfix_capture_data(cls,
        Fetches the IPFIX data captured by TShark.

        @type client_object: BaseClient
        @param client_object: Used to pass commands to the host.
        @type file_name: string
        @param file_name: Name/path of the capture file.
        @type read_filter: string
        @param read_filter: Read filter to use while reading the captured file.
        @type port: integer
        @param port: port for which captured traffic will be decoded as cflow.
        @type stop_capture: boolean
        @param stop_capture: Flag indicating whether an attempt should be made
            to stop the capture process first.
        attribute_map = {
            'cflow.od_id': 'domain_id',
            'cflow.packets64': 'pktcount',
            'cflow.srcmac': 'src_mac',
            'cflow.dstmac': 'dst_mac',
            'cflow.dstaddr': 'dst_ip',
            'cflow.srcaddr': 'src_ip',
            'cflow.ip_version': 'ip_version',
            'cflow.protocol': 'protocol',
            'cflow.srcaddrv6': 'src_ipv6',
            'cflow.dstaddrv6': 'dst_ipv6',
            'ip.src': 'exporter_ip',
            'cflow.octets64': 'octets',
            'cflow.length_min': 'min_length',
            'cflow.length_max': 'max_length',
            'cflow.flowset_id': 'flowset_id'
        if stop_capture:
            if not cls.stop_capture(client_object):
                pylogger.error('Failed to stop TShark capture process.')
        if port:
            read_filter = "-d udp.port==%s,cflow %s" % (port, read_filter)
        raw_data = cls.extract_capture_results(client_object,
        # Handle missing elements in a table by adding NULL string for parsing.
        while "\t\t" in raw_data:
            raw_data = raw_data.replace("\t\t", "\tNULL\t")
        while "\n\t" in raw_data:
            raw_data = raw_data.replace("\n\t", "\nNULL\t")
        parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
        parsed_data = parser.get_parsed_data(raw_data)
        return utilities.map_attributes(attribute_map, parsed_data)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_vtep_label(cls, client_object, switch_vni=None):
     Fetches the VTEP labels for a given VNI.
     header_keys = ['VTEP Label']
     nsxa_socket = cls._get_nsxa_socket(client_object)
     cmd = ('%s -t %s vni/vtep_list %s' %
            (cls.CLI, nsxa_socket, switch_vni))
     out = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
     horizontal_parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
     # Skip the VNI number in the output.
     return horizontal_parser.get_parsed_data(out,
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_adapter_info(cls, client_object):
     Returns parsed data as dictionary for all vmknic that exists on the
     horizontal_parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
     cmd = 'esxcfg-vmknic -l'
     header_keys = [
         'Interface', 'Port Group/DVPort', 'IP Family', 'IP Address',
         'Netmask', 'Broadcast', 'MAC Address', 'MTU', 'TSO MSS', 'Enabled',
     raw_data = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
     horizontal_data = horizontal_parser.get_parsed_data(
         raw_data, expect_empty_fields=True,
     vertical_parser = vertical_table_parser.VerticalTableParser()
     cmd = 'esxcli network ip interface list'
     raw_data = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
     vertical_data = vertical_parser.get_parsed_data(
         raw_data, lowercase_data=False)['table']
     merged_info = []
     for horizontal_info in horizontal_data:
         for key in vertical_data:
             if horizontal_info['interface'] == key:
     attribute_map = {
         'port group/dvport': 'dvport',
         'ip family': 'ip_family',
         'ip address': 'ip',
         'mac address': 'mac',
         'tso mss': 'tso_mss',
         'Netstack Instance': 'netstack'
     mapped_pydicts = []
     for info in merged_info:
             attribute_map, info))
     return {'table': mapped_pydicts}
    def get_capture_data(cls,
        Returns the data captured by TShark from a file specified in the input
        param file_name based on the filters specified by the user in the
        read_filter input. The attribute_map is a hash that could be optionally
        specified by the user to map the name of an entry in the captured data
        to a user defined name. Currently implementation will allow the
        data to be captured in tabular format only using -T fields option
        provided by TShark.

        @type client_object: BaseClient
        @param client_object: Used to pass commands to the host.
        @type file_name: string
        @param file_name: Name/path of the capture file.
        @type read_filter: string
        @param read_filter: Read filter to use while reading the captured file.
            something as '-T fields -E header=y -e ip.src -e ip.dst'
        @type stop_capture: boolean
        @param stop_capture: Flag indicating whether an attempt should be made
            to stop the capture process first.
        @type attribute_map: dict
        @param attribute_map: map captured tshark attributes to user defined
        # XXX(mbindal) Figure out other read filters in tshark packet capture.
        attribute_map = {
            'ip.dst': 'dst_ip',
            'ip.src': 'src_ip',
            'eth.src': 'eth_src_mac',
            'eth.dst': 'eth_dst_mac',
            'arp.src.proto_ipv4': 'arp_src_ip',
            'arp.dst.proto_ipv4': 'arp_dst_ip',
            'arp.src.hw_mac': 'arp_src_mac',
            'arp.dst.hw_mac': 'arp_dst_mac',
            'vlan.id': 'vlan_id',
            'udp.srcport': 'udp_src_port',
            'udp.dstport': 'udp_dst_port',
            'tcp.srcport': 'tcp_srcport',
            'tcp.dstport': 'tcp_dstport'
        if stop_capture:
            if not cls.stop_capture(client_object):
                raise AssertionError('Failed to stop TShark capture process.')
        raw_data = cls.extract_capture_results(client_object,
        if '-T ' not in read_filter:
            raise AssertionError('Tabular format with -T required in '
                                 'read_filter, got: %r' % read_filter)
        # Handle missing elements in a table by adding NULL string for parsing.
        while "\t\t" in raw_data:
            raw_data = raw_data.replace("\t\t", "\tNULL\t")
        while "\n\t" in raw_data:
            raw_data = raw_data.replace("\n\t", "\nNULL\t")
        parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
        parsed_data = parser.get_parsed_data(raw_data)
        result = utilities.map_attributes(attribute_map, parsed_data)
        if 'table' in result:
                {'pktcount': len(raw_data.strip().splitlines())})
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
import vmware.interfaces.adapter_interface as adapter_interface
import vmware.common.global_config as global_config
import vmware.common.utilities as utilities
import vmware.parsers.horizontal_table_parser as horizontal_table_parser
import vmware.parsers.vertical_table_parser as vertical_table_parser
import vmware.schema.switch.vtep_table_schema as vtep_table_schema

pylogger = global_config.pylogger
horizontal_parser = horizontal_table_parser.HorizontalTableParser()
vertical_parser = vertical_table_parser.VerticalTableParser()

class ESX55AdapterImpl(adapter_interface.AdapterInterface):
    def get_adapter_info(cls, client_object):
        Returns parsed data as dictionary for all vmknic that exists on the
        cmd = 'esxcfg-vmknic -l'
        header_keys = [
            'Interface', 'Port Group/DVPort', 'IP Family', 'IP Address',
            'Netmask', 'Broadcast', 'MAC Address', 'MTU', 'TSO MSS', 'Enabled',
        raw_data = client_object.connection.request(cmd).response_data
        horizontal_data = horizontal_parser.get_parsed_data(
            raw_data, expect_empty_fields=True,

        cmd = 'esxcli network ip interface list'