Exemplo n.º 1
def objecttree_get_all_skeletons(request, project_id=None, node_id=None):
    """ Retrieve all skeleton ids for a given node in the object tree
    g = get_annotation_graph( project_id )
    potential_skeletons = nx.bfs_tree(g, int(node_id)).nodes()
    result = []
    for node_id in potential_skeletons:
        if g.node[node_id]['class'] == 'skeleton':
            result.append( node_id )
    json_return = json.dumps({'skeletons': result}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return HttpResponse(json_return, mimetype='text/json')
Exemplo n.º 2
def convert_annotations_to_networkx(request, project_id=None):
    g = get_annotation_graph( project_id )
    data = json_graph.node_link_data(g)
    json_return = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return HttpResponse(json_return, mimetype='text/json')
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_skeleton_as_dataarray(project_id=None, skeleton_id=None):
    # retrieve all treenodes for a given skeleton

    if skeleton_id is None:
        qs = Treenode.objects.filter(
        qs = Treenode.objects.filter(

    treenode_count = qs.count()
    treenode_xyz = np.zeros( (treenode_count, 3), dtype = np.float32 )
    treenode_parentid = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_id = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_radius = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.int32 )
    treenode_confidence = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_userid = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_type = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_skeletonid = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )

    treenode_connectivity = np.zeros( (treenode_count, 2), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_connectivity_type = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )
    treenode_connectivity_skeletonid = np.zeros( (treenode_count,), dtype = np.uint32 )

    row_count = 0
    parents = 0
    for i,tn in enumerate(qs):
        treenode_xyz[i,0] = tn.location.x
        treenode_xyz[i,1] = tn.location.y
        treenode_xyz[i,2] = tn.location.z
        treenode_id[i] = tn.id
        treenode_radius[i] = tn.radius
        treenode_confidence[i] = tn.confidence
        treenode_userid[i] = tn.user_id
        treenode_skeletonid[i] = tn.skeleton_id

        if not tn.parent_id is None:
            treenode_parentid[i] = tn.parent_id
            treenode_type[i] = VerticesTypeSkeletonNode['id']

            # only here save it and increment the row_count
            treenode_connectivity_type[row_count] = ConnectivityNeurite['id']
            treenode_connectivity_skeletonid[row_count] = treenode_skeletonid[i]
            treenode_connectivity[row_count,0] = treenode_id[i]
            treenode_connectivity[row_count,1] = treenode_parentid[i]
            row_count += 1

            treenode_type[i] = VerticesTypeSkeletonRootNode['id']

    # correct for too many rows because of empty root relationship
    treenode_connectivity = treenode_connectivity[:-parents,:]
    treenode_connectivity_type = treenode_connectivity_type[:-parents]
    treenode_connectivity_skeletonid = treenode_connectivity_skeletonid[:-parents]

    if skeleton_id is None:
        qs_tc = TreenodeConnector.objects.filter(
            relation__relation_name__endswith = 'synaptic_to',
        ).select_related('treenode', 'connector', 'relation')
        qs_tc = TreenodeConnector.objects.filter(
            relation__relation_name__endswith = 'synaptic_to',
        ).select_related('connector', 'relation__relation_name')

    treenode_connector_connectivity=[]; treenode_connector_connectivity_type=[]
    cn_type=[]; cn_xyz=[]; cn_id=[]; cn_confidence=[]; cn_userid=[]; cn_radius=[]; cn_skeletonid=[]
    cn_skeletonid_connector=[] # because skeletons with a single treenode might have no connectivity
    # (no parent and no synaptic connection), but we still want to recover their skeleton id, we need
    # to store the skeletonid as a property on the vertices too, with default value 0 for connectors
    for tc in qs_tc:
        if tc.relation.relation_name == 'presynaptic_to':
            treenode_connector_connectivity_type.append( ConnectivityPresynaptic['id'] )
        elif tc.relation.relation_name == 'postsynaptic_to':
            treenode_connector_connectivity_type.append( ConnectivityPostsynaptic['id'] )
            print >> std.err, "non-synaptic relation found: ", tc.relation.relation_name
        treenode_connector_connectivity.append( [tc.treenode_id,tc.connector_id] ) # !!!
        # also need other connector node information
        cn_xyz.append( [tc.connector.location.x, tc.connector.location.y, tc.connector.location.z] )
        cn_id.append( tc.connector_id )
        cn_confidence.append( tc.connector.confidence )
        cn_userid.append( tc.connector.user_id )
        cn_radius.append( 0 ) # default because no radius for connector
        cn_skeletonid_connector.append( 0 ) # default skeleton id for connector
        cn_type.append( VerticesTypeConnectorNode['id'] )
        cn_skeletonid.append( tc.skeleton_id )

    data = {'vert':{},'conn':{}}
    # check if we have synaptic connectivity at all
    if found_synapse:
        data['vert'] = {
            'id': np.hstack((treenode_id.T, np.array(cn_id, dtype=np.uint32))),
            'location': np.vstack((treenode_xyz, np.array(cn_xyz, dtype=np.uint32))),
            'type': np.hstack((treenode_type, np.array(cn_type, dtype=np.uint32).ravel() )),
            'confidence': np.hstack((treenode_confidence, np.array(cn_confidence, dtype=np.uint32).ravel() )),
            'userid': np.hstack((treenode_userid, np.array(cn_userid, dtype=np.uint32).ravel() )),
            'radius': np.hstack((treenode_radius, np.array(cn_radius, dtype=np.int32).ravel() )),
            'skeletonid': np.hstack((treenode_skeletonid, np.array(cn_skeletonid_connector, dtype=np.int32).ravel() ))
       # print np.array(cn_skeletonid, dtype=np.uint32)
        data['conn'] = {
            'id': np.vstack((treenode_connectivity, np.array(treenode_connector_connectivity, dtype=np.uint32)) ),
            'type': np.hstack((treenode_connectivity_type,
                               np.array(treenode_connector_connectivity_type, dtype=np.uint32).ravel() )),
            'skeletonid': np.hstack((treenode_connectivity_skeletonid.T,
                               np.array(cn_skeletonid, dtype=np.uint32).ravel() ) )

        data['vert'] = {
            'id': treenode_id,
            'location': treenode_xyz,
            'type': treenode_type,
            'confidence': treenode_confidence,
            'userid': treenode_userid,
            'radius': treenode_radius,
            'skeletonid': treenode_skeletonid
        data['conn'] = {
            'id': treenode_connectivity,
            'type': treenode_connectivity_type,
            'skeletonid': treenode_connectivity_skeletonid
        # no connprop type

    # add metadata field with mapping from skeleton id to names of the hierarchy
    g = get_annotation_graph( project_id )
    if skeleton_id is None:
        allskeletonids = [nid for nid,di in g.nodes_iter(data=True) if di['class']=='skeleton']
        allskeletonids = [skeleton_id]
    rid = [nid for nid,di in g.nodes_iter(data=True) if di['class']=='root']
    maxiter = 10
    for id in allskeletonids:
        outstr = ''
        iterat = 0
        currid = [id]
        while currid[0] != rid[0] and iterat < maxiter:
            currid = g.predecessors(currid[0])
            outstr = g.node[currid[0]]['name']+'|'+outstr
        skeletonmap[id] = outstr.rstrip('|')
    data['meta'] = skeletonmap
    return data