Exemplo n.º 1
def complete_order():
    Complete order page, either takes a SSLCertificate ID as an arg or get's
    the users most recent SSL certificate.
    user = get_current_user()

    if not user:
        # TODO: fix redirect path to include args
        return redirect(url_for('auth.login', redirect=request.path))

    order_id = request.args.get('order_id', None)

    if order_id is None:
        # Fetch User's last certificate
        certs = get_user_certificates(limit=1)

        if len(certs) == 0:
            # Not sure how they got here, best log an error
            logging.error("User has no certificates")
            raise Exception("Certificate not found")

        cert = certs[0]
        cert = get_certificate(order_id, user)
        if cert is None:
            logging.error('Certificate not found')
            raise Exception("Certificate not found")

    #if cert.status != 'pending':
        # TODO: redirect to dashboard
        #return "Already setup"

    return render_template('ssl/complete', certificate=cert)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_cards():
    msg = None
        user = get_current_user()
        if not user:
            email = request.args.get('email')
            password = request.args.get('password')
            user = User.authenticate(email, password)
        cards = []
        if user.stripe_id:
            customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.stripe_id)
            for _card in customer.cards.data:
                card = {
                    "name": "**** **** **** " + _card.last4,
                    "id": _card.id

                if _card.id == customer.default_card:
                    card['default'] = True

        return jsonify(
            status='SUCCESS', data={'cards': cards})
        if msg is None:
            msg = "An error occured whilst retrieving your details from stripe"

            msg += "\n\n" + sys.exc_info()[0]

        return jsonify(status='ERROR', msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_cards():
    msg = None
        user = get_current_user()
        if not user:
            email = request.args.get("email")
            password = request.args.get("password")
            user = User.authenticate(email, password)
        cards = []
        if user.stripe_id:
            customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.stripe_id)
            for _card in customer.cards.data:
                card = {"name": "**** **** **** " + _card.last4, "id": _card.id}

                if _card.id == customer.default_card:
                    card["default"] = True

        return jsonify(status="SUCCESS", data={"cards": cards})
    except Exception as e:
        if msg is None:
            msg = "An error occured whilst retrieving your details from stripe"

        return jsonify(status="ERROR", msg=msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_user_certificates(user=None, limit=20):
    if user is None:
        user = get_current_user()
    if user is None:
        # No user was provided to the function and a user it not loggedin
        raise UserNotProvidedError()

    return SSLCertificate.query(
Exemplo n.º 5
def list_orders():
    Lists all orders for this account.
    user = get_current_user()

    if not user:
        # TODO: fix redirect path to include args
        return redirect(url_for('auth.login', redirect=request.path))

    certs = get_user_certificates(limit=10)

    return render_template('ssl/list', certificates=certs)
Exemplo n.º 6
def order_status():
    """Checks the status of an order and returns a filtered object"""
    order_id = request.args.get("order_id")
    user = get_current_user()


    Here we are fetching the certificate entity attached to this order_id
    from the database, if this fails then either the order_id is wrong, in
    which case the subsequent API call would fail, or it belongs to another
    user. Without this an authenticated user could access other people's
    order statuses.
    cert = get_certificate(order_id, user)
    if not cert:
        msg = "Order %s does not exist or belongs to another user." % order_id
        return jsonify(status='ERROR', msg=msg)
    if cert.status == 'active':
        return jsonify(status='SUCCESS', data={'status': 'active'})
        result = get_order_status(order_id)
        data = {}
        status = result['OrderStatus']['MajorStatus']
        if status == 'Pending':
            data['status'] = 'pending'
        elif status == 'Active':
            cert.status = 'active'
            data['status'] = 'active'
            logging.error("Unknown status %s" % status)

        data['approver_email'] = result['ApproverEmail']

        return jsonify(status='SUCCESS', data=data)

        logging.exception("Error checking order status")
        return jsonify(
            msg="An error occured checking the order status"
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_request(options):
    Do as many preliminary checks as possible

    promotion = options.get('promotion', None)
    email = options.get('email')
    domain = options.get('domain', '')
    approver_email = options.get('approver_email', None)

    if 'user' in options:
        user = options['user']
        user = get_current_user()

    if user is not None:
        email = user.email

    if 'csr' not in options:

        # check that a domain name has been submitted
        if len(domain) == 0:
            do_error("You haven't submitted a domain")

    # check for academic status
    if promotion == 'academic':
        if not is_academic(email):
            raise NonAcademicEmailError(
                'The email address %s is not an accepted academic email'
                % email)

    # Check that approver email has been selected
    if approver_email is None:
        do_error('No approver email has been selected')

    return options
Exemplo n.º 8
def normalize_request(options):
    """Normalize request

    After this, the user should be created and logged in, they
    should have a stripe id associated with them and if a token was passed
    as credit_card then it should be converted into a stripe card id.

    TODO: update existing user if additional information is provided

    credit_card = options.get('credit_card')
    country = options.get('country')
    state = options.get('state')
    coupon_code = options.get('coupon_code')
    domain = options.get('domain')

    options['amount'] = 50

    if country in REGIONS and state in REGIONS[country]:
        options['state'] = REGIONS[country][state]

    def is_token(value):
        """Determines whether the passed argument is a stripe token or not"""
        if value is None:
            return False
        return (value[:3] == 'tok')

    if 'user' in options:
        user = options['user']
        user = get_current_user()

    if not user:
        # user is not logged in, let's see if the email is attached to an
        # account
        email = options.get('email')
        password = options.get('password')
        name = options.get('name')
        user = get_user(email)

        if user:
            # account exists - try to authenticate
                authenticate_user(email, password)
            except UserAuthenticationFailedError:
                return do_error('Password is incorrect')
            # this is a new account
            user = create_user(email, password, name=name)
            session['user'] = user.key.id()

    if not user.name:
        name = options.get('name')
        user.name = name

    if not user.stripe_id:
        # User doesn't have a stripe customer ID
        customer = stripe.Customer.create(

        user.stripe_id = customer.id
        if is_token(credit_card):
            card = customer.cards.create(card=credit_card)
            credit_card = card.id
        # User has a stripe ID
        customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(user.stripe_id)
        if is_token(credit_card):
            # this is a new card
            card = customer.cards.create(card=credit_card)
            credit_card = card.id


    if 'csr' not in options:
        # We need to generate the CSR
        keypair = get_keypair(False)
        csr = CertificationRequest(keypair=keypair)

        # Set fields
        domain = options.get('domain')
        organization = options.get('organization')
        state = options.get('state')
        country = options.get('country')
        phone_number = options.get('phone_number')
        email = user.email

        csr.set_subject_field('common_name', domain)
        csr.set_subject_field('organization', organization)
        csr.set_subject_field('state', state)
        csr.set_subject_field('country', country)
        csr.set_subject_field('telephone', phone_number)
        csr.set_subject_field('email_address', email)

        options['csr'] = csr.export()
        options['keypair'] = keypair.exportKey()

    options['credit_card'] = credit_card
    options['user'] = user

    if request.args.get('promotion') == 'academic':
        options['academic'] = True

    if options.get('promotion', '') == 'academic':
        options['academic'] = True

    return options
Exemplo n.º 9
def download():
    Prepares the certificates for download (TODO: redirect to GS)
    user = get_current_user()

    if not user:
        # TODO: fix redirect path to include args
        return redirect(url_for('auth.login', redirect=request.path))

    order_id = request.args.get('order_id', None)
    download_type = request.args.get('type', "appengine")
    force = request.args.get('force', None)

    if order_id is None:
        # Fetch User's last certificate
        certs = get_user_certificates(limit=1)

        if len(certs) == 0:
            # Not sure how they got here, best log an error
            logging.error("User has no certificates")
            raise Exception("Certificate not found")

        cert = certs[0]
        cert = get_certificate(order_id, user)
        if cert is None:
            logging.error('Certificate not found')
            raise Exception("Certificate not found")

    cert_modified = False

    if cert.certs is None or force:
        certificates = get_certificates(order_id)
        cert.certs = certificates['Certificates']
        cert_modified = True

    if cert.appengine_cert is None or force:
        appengine_cert = ''
        top = None
        middle = None
        bottom = None
        for _cert in cert.certs:
            if _cert['FileName'] == 'PositiveSSLCA2.crt':
                middle = _cert['FileContent']
            elif _cert['FileName'] == 'AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt':
                bottom = _cert['FileContent']
                top = _cert['FileContent']

        if top is not None and middle is not None and bottom is not None:
            appengine_cert = top + middle + bottom
            logging.error("Predefined ssl merging rules failed")
            for _cert in cert.certs:
                appengine_cert += _cert['FileContent']
        cert.appengine_cert = appengine_cert
        cert_modified = True

    if cert_modified:

    output = StringIO()
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(output, 'w')

    if download_type == 'appengine':
        z.writestr("certificate.crt", fix_unicode(cert.appengine_cert))

    if download_type == 'unformatted':
        for _cert in cert.certs:

    if cert.keypair is not None:
        z.writestr("privatekey.key", fix_unicode(cert.keypair))

    response = make_response(output.getvalue())
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/x-zip"
    response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; " + \
    return response