Exemplo n.º 1
    def call(self, rpcmethod, *params, **kwparams):
        """ Call the web rpc method.

        According to the json-rpc specification one can have either argument
        based parameters or keyword arguments.

        :param method:string:
            The method to call on volttron central.
        :param params:list:
        :param kwparams:
        if params and kwparams:
            raise ValueError('jsonrpc requires either args or kwargs not both!')
        if params:
            data = json_method(str(uuid.uuid4()), rpcmethod, params, None)
            data = json_method(str(uuid.uuid4()), rpcmethod, None, kwparams)

        if rpcmethod != 'get_authorization':
            data['authorization'] = self._auth_token
        resp = requests.post(self._url, json=data)
        if resp.ok:
            d = resp.json()
            if 'result' in d:
                return d['result']
            return d['error']
        return resp
Exemplo n.º 2
    def call(self, rpcmethod, *params, **kwparams):
        """ Call the web rpc method.

        According to the json-rpc specification one can have either argument
        based parameters or keyword arguments.

        :param method:string:
            The method to call on volttron central.
        :param params:list:
        :param kwparams:
        if params and kwparams:
            raise ValueError(
                'jsonrpc requires either args or kwargs not both!')
        if params:
            data = json_method(str(uuid.uuid4()), rpcmethod, params, None)
            data = json_method(str(uuid.uuid4()), rpcmethod, None, kwparams)

        if rpcmethod != 'get_authorization':
            data['authorization'] = self._auth_token
        resp = requests.post(self._url, json=data)
        if resp.ok:
            d = resp.json()
            if 'result' in d:
                return d['result']
            return d['error']
        return resp
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_jsonrpc_get_authorization(mock_response, mock_vc, mock_jsonrpc_env,

    mock_claims = {"groups": ["test_admin"]}
        **{"get_user_claims.return_value": mock_claims})

    data = jsonrpc.json_method("12345", "get_authorization", {
        "username": "******",
        "password": "******"
    }, None)

    assert len(mock_vc._authenticated_sessions._sessions) == 0

    mock_vc.jsonrpc(mock_jsonrpc_env, data)

    assert len(mock_vc._authenticated_sessions._sessions) == 1

    data = jsonrpc.json_method("12345", "get_authorization", {
        "username": "******",
        "password": "******"
    }, None)
    response = mock_vc.jsonrpc(mock_jsonrpc_env, data)
    assert response['error'][
        'message'] == "Invalid username/password specified."
Exemplo n.º 4
def mock_vc_jsonrpc(mock_response, mock_vc, mock_jsonrpc_env, monkeypatch):

    mock_claims = {"groups": ["test_admin"]}
        **{"get_user_claims.return_value": mock_claims})
    # mock_vc.vip.web.configure_mock(**{"register_websocket.return_value": VolttronWebSocket})
    data = jsonrpc.json_method("12345", "get_authorization", {
        "username": "******",
        "password": "******"
    }, None)
    mock_vc.jsonrpc(mock_jsonrpc_env, data)
    #mock_vc_env = {"mock_vc": mock_vc, "mock_env": mock_jsonrpc_env}

    yield mock_vc
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _distribute(self, peer, topic, headers, message=None, bus=''):
     subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus]
     subscribers = set()
     for prefix, subscription in subscriptions.items():
         if subscription and topic.startswith(prefix):
             subscribers |= subscription
     if subscribers:
         sender = encode_peer(peer)
         json_msg = jsonapi.dumps(jsonrpc.json_method(
             None, 'pubsub.push',
             [sender, bus, topic, headers, message], None))
         frames = [zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b''),
                   zmq.Frame(b'RPC'), zmq.Frame(json_msg)]
         socket = self.core.socket
         for subscriber in subscribers:
             socket.send(subscriber, flags=SNDMORE)
             socket.send_multipart(frames, copy=False)
     return len(subscribers)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _distribute(self, peer, topic, headers, message=None, bus=''):
     subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus]
     subscribers = set()
     for prefix, subscription in subscriptions.iteritems():
         if subscription and topic.startswith(prefix):
             subscribers |= subscription
     if subscribers:
         sender = encode_peer(peer)
         json_msg = jsonapi.dumps(jsonrpc.json_method(
             None, 'pubsub.push',
             [sender, bus, topic, headers, message], None))
         frames = [zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b''),
                   zmq.Frame(b'RPC'), zmq.Frame(json_msg)]
         socket = self.core.socket
         for subscriber in subscribers:
             socket.send(subscriber, flags=SNDMORE)
             socket.send_multipart(frames, copy=False)
     return len(subscribers)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_jsonrpc_is_unauthorized(mock_vc_jsonrpc, mock_jsonrpc_env):
    data = jsonrpc.json_method("12345", "list_platforms", None, None)
    data['authorization'] = "really_bad_access_token"
    response = mock_vc_jsonrpc.jsonrpc(mock_jsonrpc_env, data)
    assert response['error']['message'] == "Invalid authentication token"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_jsonrpc_is_authorized(mock_vc_jsonrpc, mock_jsonrpc_env):
    data = jsonrpc.json_method("12345", "list_platforms", None, None)
        'authorization'] = '{"refresh_token": "super_secret_refresh_token", "access_token": "super_secret_access_token"}'
    response = mock_vc_jsonrpc.jsonrpc(mock_jsonrpc_env, data)
    assert len(response['result']) is 0 and type(response['result']) is list