def test_schema_empty_dict(): s = Schema({}) s({}) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "extra keys not allowed @ data['var']"): assert s({'var': 123}) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "expected a dictionary"): assert s([123])
def test_schema_empty_list(): s = Schema([]) s([]) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "not a valid value @ data[123]"): assert s([123]) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "expected a list"): assert s({'var': 123})
def test_frozenset_of_integers(): schema = Schema(frozenset([int])) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a frozenset'): schema(42) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a frozenset'): schema(set([42])) schema(frozenset()) schema(frozenset([42])) schema(frozenset([42, 43, 44])) try: schema(frozenset(['abc'])) except MultipleInvalid as e: assert_equal(str(e), "invalid value in frozenset") else: assert False, "Did not raise Invalid"
def test_set_of_integers(): schema = Schema({int}) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a set'): schema(42) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a set'): schema(frozenset([42])) schema(set()) schema(set([42])) schema(set([42, 43, 44])) try: schema(set(['abc'])) except MultipleInvalid as e: assert str(e) == "invalid value in set" else: assert False, "Did not raise Invalid"
def test_schema_empty_dict_key(): """ """ s = Schema({'var': []}) s({'var': []}) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['var']"): assert s({'var': [123]})
def test_SomeOf_min_validation(): validator = All(Length(min=8), SomeOf( min_valid=3, validators=[Match(r'.*[A-Z]', 'no uppercase letters'), Match(r'.*[a-z]', 'no lowercase letters'), Match(r'.*[0-9]', 'no numbers'), Match(r'.*[$@$!%*#?&^:;/<,>|{}()\-\'._+=]', 'no symbols')])) validator('ffe532A1!') with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'length of value must be at least 8'): validator('a') with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'no uppercase letters, no lowercase letters'): validator('wqs2!#s111') with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'no lowercase letters, no symbols'): validator('3A34SDEF5')
def test_maybe_returns_custom_subvalidator_error(): schema = Schema(Maybe(validator_value_not_3)) # The following should be valid schema(None) schema(1) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "Should not be 3"): assert schema(3)
def test_maybe_returns_subvalidator_error(): schema = Schema(Maybe(Range(1, 2))) # The following should be valid schema(None) schema(1) schema(2) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "value must be at most 2"): assert schema(3)
def test_SomeOf_max_validation(): validator = SomeOf( max_valid=2, validators=[Match(r'.*[A-Z]', 'no uppercase letters'), Match(r'.*[a-z]', 'no lowercase letters'), Match(r'.*[0-9]', 'no numbers')], msg='max validation test failed') validator('Aa') with raises(TooManyValid, 'max validation test failed'): validator('Aa1')
def test_set_of_integers_and_strings(): schema = Schema({int, str}) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a set'): schema(42) schema(set()) schema(set([42])) schema(set(['abc'])) schema(set([42, 'abc'])) try: schema(set([None])) except MultipleInvalid as e: assert_equal(str(e), "invalid value in set") else: assert False, "Did not raise Invalid"
def test_frozenset_of_integers_and_strings(): schema = Schema(frozenset([int, str])) with raises(Invalid, 'expected a frozenset'): schema(42) schema(frozenset()) schema(frozenset([42])) schema(frozenset(['abc'])) schema(frozenset([42, 'abc'])) try: schema(frozenset([None])) except MultipleInvalid as e: assert str(e) == "invalid value in frozenset" else: assert False, "Did not raise Invalid"
def test_any_with_discriminant(): schema = Schema({ 'implementation': Union({ 'type': 'A', 'a-value': str, }, { 'type': 'B', 'b-value': int, }, { 'type': 'C', 'c-value': bool, }, discriminant=lambda value, alternatives: filter(lambda v: v['type'] == value['type'], alternatives)) }) with raises(MultipleInvalid, "expected bool for dictionary value @ data[\'implementation\'][\'c-value\']"): assert schema({ 'implementation': { 'type': 'C', 'c-value': None } })
def test_SomeOf_on_bounds_assertion(): with raises( AssertionError, 'when using "SomeOf" you should specify at least one of min_valid and max_valid' ): SomeOf(validators=[])
def test_maybe_accepts_msg(): s = Schema(Maybe(int, msg='int or None expected')) with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'int or None expected'): assert s([])
def test_SomeOf_on_bounds_assertion(): with raises(AssertionError, 'when using "SomeOf" you should specify at least one of min_valid and max_valid'): SomeOf(validators=[])