Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, name, preconditions=None, effects=None):
        # excellent resource on weighted selection, i.e. loaded dice (i.e. PDF):
        # http://www.keithschwarz.com/darts-dice-coins/
        self.name = name
        self.preconditions = [
            (set(), set())
        ] if not preconditions else preconditions  # multiple conditions may apply
        self.effects = [] if effects is None else effects
        total_probability = sum([effect.probability for effect in effects])
        if total_probability > 1:  # test whether the total probability does not exceed 1
            raise AttributeError(
                "The probability of the effects of an action must sum up to 1 or less than 1."
        elif total_probability < 1:  # if the probability is less than 1, add the default effect where nothing changes
            self.effects.append(Effect(set(), set(), 1 - total_probability))

        # sort the effects so that the most likely effect is on top; use for efficient rollouts along most probable path
        self.effects = sorted(self.effects,
                              key=lambda effect: effect.probability,
        self._vose = Vose([(effect.probability, effect)
                           for effect in self.effects])
Exemplo n.º 2

def check(prompt, ans):
    k = ''.join(ans.lower().split())
    if k not in smappings:
        return False
    return smappings[k] == prompt

prompts = tuple(mappings.keys())
accuracy = [CMA() for i in range(len(mappings))]
total_accuracy = CMA()
last_i = None
while True:
    dice = Vose(*(1 - cma.value() for cma in accuracy))
    i = next(dice)
    if last_i is not None and i == last_i:
        last_i = i
    prompt = prompts[i]
    ans = input(f'{prompt} = ')
    if check(prompt, ans):
        completion = int(100 * (1 - (len(prompts) / len(mappings))))
        prn_accuracy = int(total_accuracy.value() * 100)
        print(f'correct ({prn_accuracy}% accurate)')