Exemplo n.º 1
    def populate_from_spreadsheet(self, input_file_name):
        Grab voter data from the given spreadsheet
        (prepared by create_spreadsheet_from_voter_dictionary in create-voter-spreadsheet.py)
        and populate the Contest with the relevant Voters and Entries.

        if self.verbose:
            print(f"Populating contest with voter data from {input_file_name}...",
                end="", flush=True)

        with open(input_file_name, "r", newline="") as spreadsheet:
            reader = csv.reader(spreadsheet, delimiter=",")

            header = next(reader)
            entry_names = header[1:]
            # If there n Entries, each voter can assign at most n distinct rankings.
            # (Really the number of Entries may be more than the number of distinct rankings.
            # For example, a poll could ask users to vote for the top 3 Entries out of 10.
            # It's fine to overestimate the number of distinct rankings though. It'll just lead to
            # some wasted space in each Voter, which doesn't really matter.)
            num_distinct_rankings = len(entry_names)

            # construct Entries
            for entry_name in entry_names:
                # self.entries[i] contains the entry from column i+1
                # (not column i because the leftmost column contains user info, not entry info)

            # construct Voters and record their votes
            for row in reader:
                voter_name = row[0]
                # voter_rankings[i] contains the voter's ranking for entry self.entries[i]
                voter_rankings = row[1:]

                voter = Voter(voter_name, num_distinct_rankings)

                for i, ranking in enumerate(voter_rankings):
                    if ranking:
                        # the ranks are stored in user_rankings as a list of strings, so cast them
                        # to ints for use as indexes
                        voter.rank(self.entries[i], int(ranking))


        if self.verbose:
            print(" done.")