Exemplo n.º 1
class ColorInterpolator(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Interpolator, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'ColorInterpolator'
    keyValue = field.newField('keyValue', 'MFColor', 1, list)
    key = field.newField('key', 'MFFloat', 1, list)
    set_fraction = field.newEvent('set_fraction', 'SFFloat', 0)
    value_changed = field.newEvent('value_changed', 'SFColor', 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
class Group(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Grouping, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Group'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Fog(nodetypes.Fog, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Fog'
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFColor', 1, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    visibilityRange = field.newField('visibilityRange', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    fogType = field.newField('fogType', 'SFString', 1, 'LINEAR')
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
class Transform(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Transforming, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Transform'
    scale = field.newField('scale', 'SFVec3f', 1, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    translation = field.newField('translation', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    scaleOrientation = field.newField('scaleOrientation', 'SFRotation', 1,
                                      [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    rotation = field.newField('rotation', 'SFRotation', 1,
                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)

    def localMatrices(self, translate=True, scale=True, rotate=True):
        """Calculate/lookup our local matrices
        Certain operations want, e.g. just the rotation of an item,
        so we actually can store 2**3 possible variations of the local 
        matrices.  In practice we only see a very small number.
        returns holder, where holder.data == (forward,inverse) matrix 
        for the local node, each of which can be None
        key = ('local_matrices', translate, scale, rotate)
        holder = cache.CACHE.getHolder(self, key=key)
        if holder is None:
            doConnect = True
            holder = cache.CACHE.holder(self, None, key=key)
            mHolder = None
            doConnect = False
            mHolder = holder.data
        if mHolder is None:
            matrix = None
            fields = []
            if translate:
            if scale or rotate:
            if scale:
            if rotate:
            d = self.__dict__
            forward, inverse = transformmatrix.localMatrices(
                **dict([(k, d.get(k)) for k in fields]))
            if doConnect:
                for k in fields:
                    holder.depend(self, k)
            holder.data = (forward, inverse)
        return holder
Exemplo n.º 5
class SphereSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'SphereSensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    autoOffset = field.newField('autoOffset', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    offset = field.newField('offset', 'SFRotation', 1, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    rotation_changed = field.newEvent('rotation_changed', 'SFRotation', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    trackPoint_changed = field.newEvent('trackPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
class VisibilitySensor(nodetypes.Sensor, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'VisibilitySensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    size = field.newField('size', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    exitTime = field.newEvent('exitTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    enterTime = field.newEvent('enterTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
class IndexedLineSet(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'IndexedLineSet'
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    colorPerVertex = field.newField('colorPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    colorIndex = field.newField('colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    coord = field.newField('coord', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    coordIndex = field.newField('coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    set_coordIndex = field.newEvent('set_coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
    set_colorIndex = field.newEvent('set_colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
class Billboard(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Transforming, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Billboard'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    axisOfRotation = field.newField('axisOfRotation', 'SFVec3f', 1,
                                    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
class AudioClip(nodetypes.Auditory, nodetypes.TimeDependent, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'AudioClip'
    stopTime = field.newField('stopTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    description = field.newField('description', 'SFString', 1, '')
    startTime = field.newField('startTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    pitch = field.newField('pitch', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    url = field.newField('url', 'MFString', 1, list)
    loop = field.newField('loop', 'SFBool', 1, 0)
    duration_changed = field.newEvent('duration_changed', 'SFTime', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
class NavigationInfo(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.NavigationInfo, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'NavigationInfo'
    speed = field.newField('speed', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    avatarSize = field.newField('avatarSize', 'MFFloat', 1,
                                [0.25, 1.6000000000000001, 0.75])
    headlight = field.newField('headlight', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    type = field.newField('type', 'MFString', 1, ['WALK'])
    visibilityLimit = field.newField('visibilityLimit', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 11
class Collision(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Grouping, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Collision'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    collide = field.newField('collide', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    proxy = field.newField('proxy', 'SFNode', 0, node.NULL)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    collideTime = field.newEvent('collideTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Exemplo n.º 12
class PlaneSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'PlaneSensor'
    maxPosition = field.newField('maxPosition', 'SFVec2f', 1, [-1.0, -1.0])
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    autoOffset = field.newField('autoOffset', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    minPosition = field.newField('minPosition', 'SFVec2f', 1, [0.0, 0.0])
    offset = field.newField('offset', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    translation_changed = field.newEvent('translation_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    trackPoint_changed = field.newEvent('trackPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
Exemplo n.º 13
class Anchor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Grouping, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Anchor'
    url = field.newField('url', 'MFString', 1, list)
    description = field.newField('description', 'SFString', 1, '')
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    parameter = field.newField('parameter', 'MFString', 1, list)
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Exemplo n.º 14
class CylinderSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'CylinderSensor'
    minAngle = field.newField('minAngle', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    offset = field.newField('offset', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    diskAngle = field.newField('diskAngle', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.26200000000000001)
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    autoOffset = field.newField('autoOffset', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    maxAngle = field.newField('maxAngle', 'SFFloat', 1, -1.0)
    rotation_changed = field.newEvent('rotation_changed', 'SFRotation', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    trackPoint_changed = field.newEvent('trackPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
Exemplo n.º 15
class ProximitySensor(nodetypes.Sensor, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'ProximitySensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    size = field.newField('size', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    position_changed = field.newEvent('position_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    enterTime = field.newEvent('enterTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    exitTime = field.newEvent('exitTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    orientation_changed = field.newEvent('orientation_changed', 'SFRotation',
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 16
class Viewpoint(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Viewpoint, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Viewpoint'
    jump = field.newField('jump', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    position = field.newField('position', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 10.0])
    fieldOfView = field.newField('fieldOfView', 'SFFloat', 1,
    orientation = field.newField('orientation', 'SFRotation', 1,
                                 [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    description = field.newField('description', 'SFString', 0, '')
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    bindTime = field.newEvent('bindTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
class TimeSensor(nodetypes.Sensor, nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.TimeDependent,
    PROTO = 'TimeSensor'
    cycleInterval = field.newField('cycleInterval', 'SFTime', 1, 1.0)
    stopTime = field.newField('stopTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    loop = field.newField('loop', 'SFBool', 1, 0)
    startTime = field.newField('startTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    fraction_changed = field.newEvent('fraction_changed', 'SFFloat', 1)
    cycleTime = field.newEvent('cycleTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    time = field.newEvent('time', 'SFTime', 1)
Exemplo n.º 18
class MovieTexture(nodetypes.Auditory, nodetypes.Texture,
                   nodetypes.TimeDependent, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'MovieTexture'
    stopTime = field.newField('stopTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    startTime = field.newField('startTime', 'SFTime', 1, 0.0)
    url = field.newField('url', 'MFString', 1, list)
    speed = field.newField('speed', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    repeatS = field.newField('repeatS', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    repeatT = field.newField('repeatT', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    loop = field.newField('loop', 'SFBool', 1, 0)
    duration_changed = field.newEvent('duration_changed', 'SFFloat', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 19
class Background(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Background, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Background'
    groundAngle = field.newField('groundAngle', 'MFFloat', 1, list)
    rightUrl = field.newField('rightUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    topUrl = field.newField('topUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    backUrl = field.newField('backUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    groundColor = field.newField('groundColor', 'MFColor', 1, list)
    leftUrl = field.newField('leftUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    frontUrl = field.newField('frontUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    bottomUrl = field.newField('bottomUrl', 'MFString', 1, list)
    skyColor = field.newField('skyColor', 'MFColor', 1, [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
    skyAngle = field.newField('skyAngle', 'MFFloat', 1, list)
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def eventDecl( self, table, buffer):
     (tag, left, right, (direction, datatype, name)) = table
     datatype = getString( datatype, buffer )
             getString(name, buffer),
             getString( direction, buffer ) == 'eventOut',
Exemplo n.º 21
 def ScriptEventDecl( self, table, buffer):
     (tag, left, right, sublist) = table
     direction, datatype, name = [getString( item,buffer) for item in sublist[:3]]
     if len(sublist) > 3:
         mapName = dispatch( self, sublist[3], buffer)
         mapName = None
     return (
         field.newEvent(name, datatype, direction=='eventOut'),
Exemplo n.º 22
class Extrusion(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Extrusion'
    beginCap = field.newField('beginCap', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    scale = field.newField('scale', 'MFVec2f', 0, [[1.0, 1.0]])
    creaseAngle = field.newField('creaseAngle', 'SFFloat', 0, 0.0)
    convex = field.newField('convex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    spine = field.newField('spine', 'MFVec3f', 0,
                           [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    crossSection = field.newField(
        'crossSection', 'MFVec2f', 0,
        [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]])
    ccw = field.newField('ccw', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    solid = field.newField('solid', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    endCap = field.newField('endCap', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    orientation = field.newField('orientation', 'MFRotation', 0,
                                 [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    set_crossSection = field.newEvent('set_crossSection', 'MFVec2f', 0)
    set_orientation = field.newEvent('set_orientation', 'MFRotation', 0)
    set_scale = field.newEvent('set_scale', 'MFVec2f', 0)
    set_spine = field.newEvent('set_spine', 'MFVec3f', 0)
Exemplo n.º 23
class IndexedFaceSet(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'IndexedFaceSet'
    colorIndex = field.newField('colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    normal = field.newField('normal', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    solid = field.newField('solid', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    ccw = field.newField('ccw', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    coordIndex = field.newField('coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    texCoord = field.newField('texCoord', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    normalPerVertex = field.newField('normalPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    colorPerVertex = field.newField('colorPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    coord = field.newField('coord', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    convex = field.newField('convex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    normalIndex = field.newField('normalIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    texCoordIndex = field.newField('texCoordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    creaseAngle = field.newField('creaseAngle', 'SFFloat', 0, 0.0)
    set_coordIndex = field.newEvent('set_coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
    set_texCoordIndex = field.newEvent('set_texCoordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
    set_colorIndex = field.newEvent('set_colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
    set_normalIndex = field.newEvent('set_normalIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
Exemplo n.º 24
class TouchSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'TouchSensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    isOver = field.newEvent('isOver', 'SFBool', 1)
    hitTexCoord_changed = field.newEvent('hitTexCoord_changed', 'SFVec2f', 1)
    hitNormal_changed = field.newEvent('hitNormal_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    hitPoint_changed = field.newEvent('hitPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    touchTime = field.newEvent('touchTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Exemplo n.º 25
class ElevationGrid(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'ElevationGrid'
    zDimension = field.newField('zDimension', 'SFInt32', 0, 0)
    xSpacing = field.newField('xSpacing', 'SFFloat', 0, 0.0)
    creaseAngle = field.newField('creaseAngle', 'SFFloat', 0, 0.0)
    normal = field.newField('normal', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    solid = field.newField('solid', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    ccw = field.newField('ccw', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    texCoord = field.newField('texCoord', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    height = field.newField('height', 'MFFloat', 0, list)
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    colorPerVertex = field.newField('colorPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    xDimension = field.newField('xDimension', 'SFInt32', 0, 0)
    zSpacing = field.newField('zSpacing', 'SFFloat', 0, 0.0)
    normalPerVertex = field.newField('normalPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    set_height = field.newEvent('set_height', 'MFFloat', 0)
Exemplo n.º 26
                getString(name, buffer),
                getString(exposure, buffer) == 'exposedField',

    def eventDecl(self, (tag, left, right, (direction, datatype, name)),
        datatype = getString(datatype, buffer)
                getString(name, buffer),
                getString(direction, buffer) == 'eventOut',

    def ScriptEventDecl(self, (tag, left, right, sublist), buffer):
        direction, datatype, name = [
            getString(item, buffer) for item in sublist[:3]
        if len(sublist) > 3:
            mapName = dispatch(self, sublist[3], buffer)
            mapName = None
        return (
            field.newEvent(name, datatype, direction == 'eventOut'),