Exemplo n.º 1
    def _getLocation(self):
        find location,chassis of this node using quattor
        path = self._getQuattorPath()
        filename = path.split("/")[-1]
        if "xml" in filename:
            location = self._getQuattorElementFromXML(get_config("LOCATION_XPATH"), path)
        elif "json" in filename:
            location = self._getQuattorElementFromJSON(get_config("LOCATION_JSON"), path)

        self.log.debug("location: %s" % location)

        content1 = re.search(get_config("QUATTOR_LOCATION_STRING_REGEX"), location)

        if len(location) < 1 or not content1:
            self.log.debug("No chassis and slot location found for node %s in %s" % (self, get_config("QUATTOR_PATH")))
            return location, "None"

        # parse  content

        values1 = content1.groupdict()
        chassis = int(values1["chassis"])
        slot = int(values1["slot"])
        chassisname = get_config("CHASISNAME_TPL") % {"chassisname": chassis, "clustername": self.clustername}

        return slot, chassisname
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode):
        Node.__init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode)

        self.log.debug("creating Bladenode")
        self.slot = self.getSlot()
        self.shassishost = get_config('CHASIS_HOST_TPL') % {'chasisname': self.getChassis(),
                                                            'clustername': self.clustername}
        self.immname = self.chassisname
        self.immmonitoring = get_config('ICINGA_BLADE_IMM_TPL') % {
            'chassisname': self.chassisname,
            'clustername': self.clustername,

        self.softpoweroffCommand = BladeSoftPoweroffCommand(chassisname=self.shassishost,
        self.poweroffCommand = BladePoweroffCommand(chassisname=self.shassishost, slot=self.slot)
        self.poweronCommand = BladePoweronCommand(chassisname=self.shassishost, slot=self.slot)
        self.rebootCommand = BladeRebootCommand(chassisname=self.shassishost, slot=self.slot)
        self.statusCommand = FullBladeStatusCommand(host=self.hostname,
        self.ledoffcommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledoff")
        self.ledoncommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledon")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _getQuattorPath(self):
        """Gets and checks the quattor path of this node"""
        path = os.path.join(get_config('QUATTOR_PATH'), get_config('QUATTOR_FILES_TPL') %
                            {'nodeid': self.nodeid, 'clustername': self.clustername})

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            self.log.raiseException("No file found for node %s in %s" % (self, path), NodeException)
        return path
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _getMasterNodeIds(self):
     get a set of all master node ids in this cluster using the quattor dir
     regex = re.compile(get_config("QUATTOR_FILES_TPL") % {'nodeid': get_config("QUATTOR_MASTERID_REGEX"),
                                                           'clustername': self.name})
     nodenames = self._getNodeIds(regex)
     self.log.debug("master id's for %s: %s" % (self.name, str(nodenames)))
     return nodenames
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _getStorageNodeIds(self):
     return a set of all storage node id's in this cluster
     regex = re.compile(get_config("QUATTOR_FILES_TPL") % {'nodeid': get_config("QUATTOR_STORAGEID_REGEX"),
                                                           'clustername': self.name})
     nodenames = self._getNodeIds(regex)
     self.log.debug("storage id's for %s: %s" % (self.name, str(nodenames)))
     return nodenames
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _getWorkerNodeIdsFromQuattor(self):
        get a set of all node id's in this cluster, using the quattor dir naming
        # create regex from template
        template = get_config("QUATTOR_FILES_TPL") % {"clustername": self.name,
                                                      "nodeid": get_config("QUATTOR_NODEID_REGEX")}
        regex = re.compile(template)

        return self._getNodeIds(regex)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, message=None):
     constructor, overwrites empty exception message with the quattor path
     if not message:
         message = "Could not find quattor dir %s" % get_config("QUATTOR_PATH")
     Exception.__init__(self, message)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def getMaster(self):
        returns a master of this cluster
        This will first make sure the master is having a working pbs installation,
        and try the next one if this fails
        # cache this function
        if self.master:
            return self.master

        masters = self._getMasters()
        if not masters:
            raise ClusterException("Could not get masterNode for %s, check your quattor configuration" % self.name)

        masters = masters.getNodes()
        if not masters:
            raise ClusterException("Could not get masterNode for %s, check your quattor configuration" % self.name)

        for master in masters:
            # check if this master gives us a valid pbsnodes response
            out, err = PBSStateCommand(master.hostname, get_config("COMMAND_FAST_TIMEOUT")).run()
            if not err:
                self.master = master
                return master
        self.log.warning("Cound not get a working master for %s, make sure pbs is working on it, will conitinue without"
                         "working master" % self.name)
        self.master = masters[0]
        return masters[0]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, clustername=None, masternode=None, nodeid=None, timeout=None):

        Node.__init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode)  # we're not a real node, so no id
        self.nodes = {}
        self.threads = None
        if timeout is None:
            # times 2 to give other commands to timeout before we timeout here
            timeout = int(get_config('COMMAND_TIMEOUT')) * 2
        self.timeout = timeout
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _getLocation(self):
        find location,chassis of this node using quattor
        path = self._getQuattorPath()
        location = self._getQuattorElementFromJSON(get_config("LOCATION_JSON"), path)
        self.log.debug("location: %s" % location)
        content1 = re.search(get_config("QUATTOR_LOCATION_STRING_REGEX"), location)

        if len(location) < 1 or not content1:
            self.log.debug("No chassis and slot location found for node %s in %s" % (self, get_config("QUATTOR_PATH")))
            return location, "None"

        # parse  content
        values1 = content1.groupdict()
        chassis = int(values1['chassis'])
        slot = int(values1['slot'])
        chassisname = get_config("CHASISNAME_TPL") % {'chassisname': chassis, 'clustername': self.clustername}

        return slot, chassisname
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _getNodeIds(self, regex):
     returns a list of id's. based on a regex
     this regex should have a named group id
     and represents a file in the quattor dir
     if not os.path.exists(get_config("QUATTOR_PATH")):
         self.log.raiseException("Path %s not found, is this not a quattor server?" % get_config("QUATTOR_PATH"), QuattorException)
     filelistAll = os.listdir(get_config("QUATTOR_PATH"))
     self.log.debug("matching files for regex %s" % regex.pattern)
     nodenames = []
     for filename in filelistAll:
         # The compiled versions of the most recent patterns passed to re.match(), re.search() or re.compile() are cached,
         # so programs that use only a few regular expressions at a time needn't worry about compiling regular expressions.
         m = regex.match(filename)
         if m:
             self.log.debug("matched filename: %s" % filename)
     # we might have doubles
     nodenames = sorted(set(nodenames))
     return nodenames
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode, commands=None):
        all real nodes have an id
        Worker.__init__(self, commands=commands)
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.log.debug("creating Node %s" % nodeid)
        self.nodeid = nodeid
        self.status = None
        self.clustername = clustername
        self.slot = None
        self.customcmd = None
        self.chassisname = None
        self.masternode = masternode

        # TODO: (medium) allow for initializing this with the commands thing above
        # so no overwriting is needed, these can be parsed from quattor
        # see ticket 469

        # defaults
        self.customCommandClass = SshCommand

        self.hostname = get_config('HOST_TPL') % {"nodeid": nodeid, "clustername": clustername}
        self.immname = get_config('IMM_TPL') % {"nodeid": nodeid, "clustername": clustername}
        self.immmonitoring = None
        self.softpoweroffCommand = SoftPoweroffCommand(self.hostname)
        self.softrebootCommand = SoftRebootCommand(self.hostname)

        # not implemented - use this command

        # Overwrite these in extensions #
        # self.poweronCommand = None
        # self.poweroffCommand = None
        # self.ledoffcommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledoff")
        # self.ledoncommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledon")

        self.statusCommand = None

        self.rebootCommand = None
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode):
     Node.__init__(self, nodeid, clustername, masternode)
     self.log.debug("creating ImmNode")
     host = self.hostname
     adminhost = self.immname
     self.immmonitoring = get_config("ICINGA_IDPX_IMM_TPL") % {"nodeid": self.nodeid}
     self.statusCommand = FullImmStatusCommand(host, adminhost, self.getMaster())
     self.softpoweroffCommand = ImmSoftPoweroffCommand(adminhost)
     self.poweronCommand = ImmPoweronCommand(adminhost)
     self.poweroffCommand = ImmPoweroffCommand(adminhost)
     self.rebootCommand = ImmRebootCommand(adminhost)
     self.softrebootCommand = ImmSoftRebootCommand(adminhost)
     self.ledoffcommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledoff")
     self.ledoncommand = NotSupportedCommand("ledon")
Exemplo n.º 14
 def setonline(self):
     run setonline on all nodes in this compositenode
     nodeonlinelist = []
     for node in self.getNodes():
         nodeonlinelist.append(get_config('NODENAME_TPL') % {'nodeid': node.nodeid, 'clustername': node.clustername})
     if len(nodeonlinelist) < 1:
         self.log.raiseException("No nodes selected to set online", NodeException)
     master = self.getMaster()
     statusses = []
     self.log.debug("setonline on compositenode returned %s" % statusses)
     return statusses
Exemplo n.º 15
 def fixdownonerror(self):
     run fixdownonerror on all nodes in this compositenode
      - remove all healtscripts on the nodes
      - clear the message on the nodes now
     nodelist = []
     statusses = []
     for node in self.getNodes():
         nodelist.append(get_config('NODENAME_TPL') % {'nodeid': node.nodeid, 'clustername': node.clustername})
     if len(nodelist) < 1:
         self.log.raiseException("No nodes selected to fix downonerror on", NodeException)
     self.log.debug("fixdownonerror on compositenode returned %s" % statusses)
     return statusses
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _doThreading(self, method, args=None, group_by_chassis=False, timeout=None):
     give this method a methodname and optional arguments
     it will perform it threaded on all
     nodes in this compositenode
     If group_by_chassis is given only one thread per chassis is started (default False)
     if self.threads:
         self.log.raiseException("Trying to do 2 threaded operations at the same time,",
                                 " this is not allowed!")
     self.threads = []
     outputs = []
     if not timeout:
         timeout = int(get_config('COMMAND_TIMEOUT')) + 2
     # creating threads and getting results as discussed here:
     # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3239617/how-to-manage-python-threads-results
     if group_by_chassis:
         group = self.getNodesPerChassis()
         group = self
     for node in group.getNodes():
         # commands are ran in parrallel, but serial on each node
         # TODO (high): group by chassis to avoid overloading!
         out = []
         self.log.debug("running %s on %s with args: %s" % (method, node, args))
         t, out = _dothreading(node, method, args)
         # TODO: use a thread pool?
         self.threads.append([t, out])
     for t, out in self.threads:
         # TODO: (low) print progress? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3160699/python-progress-bar
         if t.is_alive():
             self.log.warning("thread %s on node %s did not complete within timeout, ignoring it", t, str(out))
             if len(out) < 2:
                 out.extend(['Command timed out', 256])
         # get result from each thread and append it to the result here
         self.log.debug("thread %s on node %s completed, result: %s" % (t, out[0], out[1]))
         if out[2]:
             self.log.warning("thread %s on node %s completed with an error: %s" %
                              (t, out[0], out[2]))
     self.threads = None  # delete threads
     return outputs
Exemplo n.º 17
Created on Oct 18, 2011

@author: Jens Timmerman
import os
import traceback
from unittest import TestCase, TestLoader
from vsc.manage.config import Options, get_config
from vsc.manage.manage import Manager
from vsc.manage.clusters import Cluster, NoSuchClusterException
from vsc.manage.nodes import NodeException


class ManageTest(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):

    #TODO: add tests for  options.pause  options.resume and options.restart

    def testChedulerOptions(self):
        test the cheduler options