Exemplo n.º 1
assert (1 + randomVec).DataSet is randomVec.DataSet

# Test slicing and indexing
compare(randomVec[randomVec[:,0] > 0.2].Arrays[0] - npa[npa[:,0] > 0.2], 1E-7)
compare(randomVec[algs.where(randomVec[:,0] > 0.2)].Arrays[0] - npa[numpy.where(npa[:,0] > 0.2)], 1E-7)
compare(randomVec[dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray([(slice(None, None, None), slice(0,2,None)), 2])].Arrays[0] - npa[:, 0:2], 1E-6)

# Test ufunc
compare(algs.cos(randomVec) - numpy.cos(npa), 1E-7)
assert algs.cos(randomVec).DataSet is randomVec.DataSet

assert algs.in1d(elev, [0,1]) == [item in [0, 1] for item in elev]

# Various numerical ops implemented in VTK
g = algs.gradient(elev)
assert algs.all(g[0] == (1, 0, 0))

v = algs.make_vector(elev, g[:,0], elev)
assert algs.all(algs.gradient(v) == [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])

v = algs.make_vector(elev, g[:,0], elev2)
assert algs.all(algs.curl(v) == [1, 0, 0])

v = algs.make_vector(elev, elev2, 2*elev3)
g = algs.gradient(v)
assert g.DataSet is v.DataSet
assert algs.all(algs.det(g) == 2)

assert algs.all(algs.eigenvalue(g) == [2, 1, 1])
    Wdash = Wdash.dot(Q.T)
    REF = abs(Sdash[0,1]*Wdash[0,1])
    REF+= abs(Sdash[1,2]*Wdash[1,2])
    REF+= abs(Sdash[2,0]*Wdash[2,0])
    return -1*REF/1e6 # Negative so that we can use fmin

u = get_array('u')
v = get_array('v')
w = get_array('w')

nx = u.size
neq = 3
print "Starting with nx", nx

du = zeros((neq,neq,nx)) # du[i,j] = du_i / dx_j
du[0] = algs.gradient(u).T   # Paraview's damn convention [nx,neq]
du[1] = algs.gradient(v).T
du[2] = algs.gradient(w).T

W = zeros((neq,neq,nx))
S = zeros((neq,neq,nx))
L2= zeros(nx)

for i in range(neq):
    for j in range(neq):
        S[i,j] = 0.5*(du[i,j] + du[j,i])
        W[i,j] = 0.5*(du[i,j] - du[j,i])

print "du: "
print du[:,:,0]
Exemplo n.º 3
    PRINT("grad var 0:",
          (algs.var(grad, 0) - numpy.var(grad2, 0)) / numpy.var(grad2, 0))

w = vtk.vtkRTAnalyticSource()
# Update with ghost level because gradient needs it
# to be piece independent
w.UpdatePiece(rank, size, 1)


# The parallel arrays that we care about
ds = dsa.WrapDataObject(w.GetOutput())
rtData = ds.PointData['RTData']
grad = algs.gradient(rtData)
ds.PointData.append(grad, 'gradient')

# Crop the any ghost points out
org_ext = w.GetOutput().GetExtent()
ext = list(org_ext)
wext = w.GetOutputInformation(0).Get(
for i in range(3):
    if ext[2 * i] != wext[2 * i]:
        ext[2 * i] = ext[2 * i] + 2
    if ext[2 * i + 1] != wext[2 * i + 1]:
        ext[2 * i + 1] = ext[2 * i + 1] - 1
if ext != list(org_ext):
Exemplo n.º 4
    PRINT( "grad max 1:", algs.sum(algs.max(grad, 1)) - numpy.sum(numpy.max(grad2, 1)) )
    PRINT( "grad sum 1:", algs.sum(algs.sum(grad, 1)) - numpy.sum(numpy.sum(grad2, 1)) )
    PRINT( "grad var:", (algs.var(grad) - numpy.var(grad2)) / numpy.var(grad2) )
    PRINT( "grad var 0:", (algs.var(grad, 0) - numpy.var(grad2, 0)) / numpy.var(grad2, 0) )

w = vtk.vtkRTAnalyticSource()
# Update with ghost level because gradient needs it
# to be piece independent
w.SetUpdateExtent(rank, size, 1)

# The parallel arrays that we care about
ds = dsa.WrapDataObject(w.GetOutput())
rtData = ds.PointData['RTData']
grad = algs.gradient(rtData)
ds.PointData.append(grad, 'gradient')

# Crop the any ghost points out
org_ext = w.GetOutput().GetExtent()
ext = list(org_ext)
wext = w.GetOutputInformation(0).Get(vtk.vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.WHOLE_EXTENT())
for i in range(3):
    if ext[2*i] != wext[2*i]:
        ext[2*i] = ext[2*i] + 2
    if ext[2*i+1] != wext[2*i+1]:
        ext[2*i+1] = ext[2*i+1] - 1
if ext != list(org_ext):

# Croppped arrays
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
from vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs
# Create a dataset
w = vtk.vtkRTAnalyticSource()
t = vtk.vtkDataSetTriangleFilter()
# Compute gradient of RTData array
ugrid = dsa.WrapDataObject(t.GetOutput())
print algs.gradient(ugrid.PointData['RTData'])
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_features_inv(rans_vtk, Ls=1, Us=1, ros=1, nondim='local'):
    from cfd2ml.utilities import eijk

    small = np.finfo(float).tiny

    rans_nnode = rans_vtk.number_of_points

    # Wrap vista object in dsa wrapper
    rans_dsa = dsa.WrapDataObject(rans_vtk)

    #    nfeat = 21
    nfeat = 50
    q = np.empty([rans_nnode, nfeat])
    feature_labels = np.empty(nfeat, dtype='object')

    # strain and vorticity
    print('Constructing strain and vorticity tensor')
    # Velocity vector
    U = rans_dsa.PointData[
        'U']  # NOTE - Getting variables from dsa obj not vtk obj as want to use algs etc later

    # Velocity gradient tensor and its transpose
    # J[:,i-1,j-1] is dUidxj
    # Jt[:,i-1,j-1] is dUjdxi
    Jt = algs.gradient(U)  # Jt is this one as algs uses j,i ordering
    J = algs.apply_dfunc(np.transpose, Jt, (0, 2, 1))

    # Strain and vorticity tensors
    Sij = 0.5 * (J + Jt)
    Oij = 0.5 * (J - Jt)

    # Frob. norm of Sij and Oij  (Snorm and Onorm are actually S^2 and O^2, sqrt needed to get norms)
    Snorm = algs.sum(2.0 * Sij**2, axis=1)  # sum i axis
    Snorm = algs.sum(Snorm,
                     axis=1)  # sum previous summations i.e. along j axis
    Onorm = algs.sum(2.0 * Oij**2, axis=1)  # sum i axis
    Onorm = algs.sum(Onorm,
                     axis=1)  # sum previous summations i.e. along j axis
    Snorm = algs.sqrt(Snorm)
    Onorm = algs.sqrt(Onorm)

    # Calculating pressure and tke gradients
    print('Calculating pressure and tke gradients')
    tke = rans_dsa.PointData['k']
    dkdx = algs.gradient(tke)
    dpdx = algs.gradient(rans_dsa.PointData['p'])

    # Non-dim everything here. Either local or global
    if nondim == 'local':
        # Non-dim Sij by eps/k
        w = rans_dsa.PointData['w']  #/0.09
        eps = w * tke
        Sij_h = Sij / w

        # Non-dim Oij by Onorm
        Oij_h = Oij / Onorm

        # Non-dim pressure gradient
        ro = rans_dsa.PointData['ro']
        DUDt = U[:, 0] * J[:, :, 0] + U[:, 1] * J[:, :, 1] + U[:, 2] * J[:, :,
        dpdx_h = dpdx / ro * algs.mag(DUDt)

        # Non-dim tke gradient
        dkdx_h = dkdx / (eps / algs.sqrt(tke))

    # Global non-dim on top
    Ps = ros * Us**2
    Sij_h = Sij_h / (Us / Ls)
    Oij_h = Oij_h / (Us / Ls)
    dpdx_h = dpdx_h / (Ps / Ls)
    dkdx_h = dkdx_h / (Us**2 / Ls)

    #    q[:,0]  = Sij_h[:,0,0]
    #    q[:,1]  = Sij_h[:,1,1]
    #    q[:,2]  = Sij_h[:,2,2]
    #    q[:,3]  = Sij_h[:,0,1]
    #    q[:,4]  = Sij_h[:,0,2]
    #    q[:,5]  = Sij_h[:,1,2]
    #    q[:,6]  = Oij_h[:,0,0]
    #    q[:,7]  = Oij_h[:,1,1]
    #    q[:,8]  = Oij_h[:,2,2]
    #    q[:,9]  = Oij_h[:,0,1]
    #    q[:,10] = Oij_h[:,0,2]
    #    q[:,11] = Oij_h[:,1,2]
    #    q[:,12] = dpdx_h[:,0]
    #    q[:,13] = dpdx_h[:,1]
    #    q[:,14] = dpdx_h[:,2]
    #    q[:,15] = dkdx_h[:,0]
    #    q[:,16] = dkdx_h[:,1]
    #    q[:,17] = dkdx_h[:,2]
    #    feature_labels[0]  = 'S11'
    #    feature_labels[1]  = 'S22'
    #    feature_labels[2]  = 'S33'
    #    feature_labels[3]  = 'S12'
    #    feature_labels[4]  = 'S13'
    #    feature_labels[5]  = 'S23'
    #    feature_labels[6]  = 'O11'
    #    feature_labels[7]  = 'O22'
    #    feature_labels[8]  = 'O33'
    #    feature_labels[9]  = 'O12'
    #    feature_labels[10] = 'O13'
    #    feature_labels[11] = 'O23'
    #    feature_labels[12] = 'dpdx'
    #    feature_labels[13] = 'dpdy'
    #    feature_labels[14] = 'dpdz'
    #    feature_labels[15] = 'dkdx'
    #    feature_labels[16] = 'dkdy'
    #    feature_labels[17] = 'dkdz'
    #    feat = 18

    # Transform dpdx into ani-symmetric tensor Ap=-I x dpdx
    Ap = np.zeros([rans_nnode, 3, 3])
    I = np.eye(3)
    for a in range(3):
        for b in range(3):
            for c in range(3):
                for d in range(3):
                    Ap[:, a, b] -= eijk(b, c, d) * I[a, c] * dpdx_h[:, d]

    # Transform dkdx into ani-symmetric tensor Ak=-I x dkdx
    Ak = np.zeros([rans_nnode, 3, 3])
    for a in range(3):
        for b in range(3):
            for c in range(3):
                for d in range(3):
                    Ak[:, a, b] -= eijk(b, c, d) * I[a, c] * dkdx_h[:, d]

    # Construct all invariant bases
    # Use numpy matmul to construct S^2, S^3 etc as we use these alot
    # (matmul can be used as for arrays of dim>2 as "it is treated as a stack of matrices residing in the last two indexes and is broadcast accordingly")
    S = Sij_h
    O = Oij_h
    S2 = np.matmul(S, S)
    S3 = np.matmul(S2, S)
    O2 = np.matmul(O, O)
    Ap2 = np.matmul(Ap, Ap)
    Ak2 = np.matmul(Ak, Ak)

    # 1-2
    q[:, 0] = algs.trace(S2)
    feature_labels[0] = 'S2'
    q[:, 1] = algs.trace(S3)
    feature_labels[1] = 'S3'
    # 3-5
    q[:, 2] = algs.trace(O2)
    feature_labels[2] = 'O2'
    q[:, 3] = algs.trace(Ap2)
    feature_labels[3] = 'Ap2'
    q[:, 4] = algs.trace(Ak2)
    feature_labels[4] = 'Ak2'
    # 6-14
    q[:, 5] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, S))
    feature_labels[5] = 'O2*S'
    q[:, 6] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, S2))
    feature_labels[6] = 'O2*S2'
    q[:, 7] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O2, S), np.matmul(O, S2)))
    feature_labels[7] = 'O2*S*O*S2'
    q[:, 8] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, S))
    feature_labels[8] = 'Ap2*S'
    q[:, 9] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, S2))
    feature_labels[9] = 'Ap2*S2'
    q[:, 10] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ap2, S), np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[10] = 'Ap2*S*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 11] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, S))
    feature_labels[11] = 'Ak2*S'
    q[:, 12] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, S2))
    feature_labels[12] = 'Ak2*S2'
    q[:, 13] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ak2, S), np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[13] = 'Ak2*S*Ak*S2'

    # 15-17
    q[:, 14] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, Ap))
    feature_labels[14] = 'O*Ap'
    q[:, 15] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap, Ak))
    feature_labels[15] = 'Ap*Ak'
    q[:, 16] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, Ak))
    feature_labels[16] = 'O*Ak'

    # 18-41
    q[:, 17] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, np.matmul(Ap, S)))
    feature_labels[17] = 'O*Ap*S'
    q[:, 18] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[18] = 'O*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 19] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, np.matmul(Ap, S)))
    feature_labels[19] = 'O2*Ap*S'
    q[:, 20] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, np.matmul(O, S)))
    feature_labels[20] = 'Ap2*O*S'
    q[:, 21] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[21] = 'O2*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 22] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, np.matmul(O, S2)))
    feature_labels[22] = 'Ap2*O*S2'
    q[:, 23] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O2, S), np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[23] = 'O2*S*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 24] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ap2, S), np.matmul(O, S2)))
    feature_labels[24] = 'Ap2*S*O*S2'

    q[:, 25] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, np.matmul(Ak, S)))
    feature_labels[25] = 'O*Ak*S'
    q[:, 26] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[26] = 'O*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 27] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, np.matmul(Ak, S)))
    feature_labels[27] = 'O2*Ak*S'
    q[:, 28] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, np.matmul(O, S)))
    feature_labels[28] = 'Ak2*O*S'
    q[:, 29] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O2, np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[29] = 'O2*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 30] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, np.matmul(O, S2)))
    feature_labels[30] = 'Ak2*O*S2'
    q[:, 31] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O2, S), np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[31] = 'O2*S*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 32] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ak2, S), np.matmul(O, S2)))
    feature_labels[32] = 'Ak2*S*O*S2'

    q[:, 33] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap, np.matmul(Ak, S)))
    feature_labels[33] = 'Ap*Ak*S'
    q[:, 34] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap, np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[34] = 'Ap*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 35] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, np.matmul(Ak, S)))
    feature_labels[35] = 'Ap2*Ak*S'
    q[:, 36] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, np.matmul(Ap, S)))
    feature_labels[36] = 'Ak2*Ap*S'
    q[:, 37] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ap2, np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[37] = 'Ap2*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 38] = algs.trace(np.matmul(Ak2, np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[38] = 'Ak2*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 39] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ap2, S), np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[39] = 'Ap2*S*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 40] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(Ak2, S), np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[40] = 'Ak2*S*Ap*S2'

    #    # 42
    q[:, 41] = algs.trace(np.matmul(O, np.matmul(Ap, Ak)))
    feature_labels[41] = 'O*Ap*Ak'

    #    # 43-47
    q[:, 42] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O, Ap), np.matmul(Ak, S)))
    feature_labels[42] = 'O*Ap*Ak*S'
    q[:, 43] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O, Ak), np.matmul(Ap, S)))
    feature_labels[43] = 'O*Ak*Ap*S'
    q[:, 44] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O, Ap), np.matmul(Ak, S2)))
    feature_labels[44] = 'O*Ap*Ak*S2'
    q[:, 45] = algs.trace(np.matmul(np.matmul(O, Ak), np.matmul(Ap, S2)))
    feature_labels[45] = 'O*Ak*Ap*S2'
    q[:, 46] = algs.trace(
        np.matmul(np.matmul(np.matmul(O, Ap), np.matmul(S, Ak)), S2))
    feature_labels[46] = 'O*Ap*S*Ak*S2'
    feat = 47

    # Supplementary features
    print('Calculating supplementary features: ')

    # Wall distanced based Re
    print('Turbulence Reynolds number')
    nu = rans_dsa.PointData['mu_l'] / rans_dsa.PointData['ro']
    Red = (algs.sqrt(tke) * rans_dsa.PointData['d']) / (50.0 * nu)
    q[:, feat] = algs.apply_dfunc(np.minimum, Red, 2.0)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Turbulence Re'
    feat += 1

    # Turbulence intensity
    print('Turbulence intensity')
    UiUi = algs.mag(U)**2.0
    q[:, feat] = tke / (0.5 * UiUi + tke + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Turbulence intensity'
    feat += 1

    # Ratio of turb time scale to mean strain time scale
    print('Ratio of turb time scale to mean strain time scale')
    A = 1.0 / rans_dsa.PointData[
        'w']  #Turbulent time scale (eps = k*w therefore also A = k/eps)
    B = 1.0 / Snorm
    q[:, feat] = A / (A + B + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'turb/strain time-scale'
    feat += 1

    return q, feature_labels
Exemplo n.º 7
# Test operators
assert algs.all(1 + randomVec - 1 - randomVec < 1E-4)

assert (1 + randomVec).DataSet is randomVec.DataSet

# Test slicing and indexing
assert algs.all(randomVec[randomVec[:,0] > 0.2].Arrays[0] - npa[npa[:,0] > 0.2] < 1E-7)
assert algs.all(randomVec[algs.where(randomVec[:,0] > 0.2)].Arrays[0] - npa[numpy.where(npa[:,0] > 0.2)] < 1E-7)
assert algs.all(randomVec[dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray([(slice(None, None, None), slice(0,2,None)), 2])].Arrays[0] - npa[:, 0:2] < 1E-6)

# Test ufunc
assert algs.all(algs.cos(randomVec) - numpy.cos(npa) < 1E-7)
assert algs.cos(randomVec).DataSet is randomVec.DataSet

# Various numerical ops implemented in VTK
g = algs.gradient(elev)
assert algs.all(g[0] == (1, 0, 0))

v = algs.make_vector(elev, g[:,0], elev)
assert algs.all(algs.gradient(v) == [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]])

v = algs.make_vector(elev, g[:,0], elev2)
assert algs.all(algs.curl(v) == [1, 0, 0])

v = algs.make_vector(elev, elev2, 2*elev3)
g = algs.gradient(v)
assert g.DataSet is v.DataSet
assert algs.all(algs.det(g) == 2)

assert algs.all(algs.eigenvalue(g) == [2, 1, 1])
Exemplo n.º 8
def rans_les_uiuj_err(rans_vtk, les_vtk, thrsh, Ls=1, Us=1):

    small = np.cbrt(np.finfo(float).tiny)

    nnode = les_vtk.number_of_points

    delij = np.zeros([nnode, 3, 3])
    for i in range(0, 3):
        delij[:, i, i] = 1.0

    # Get RANS uiuj
    rans_dsa = dsa.WrapDataObject(rans_vtk)
    U = rans_dsa.PointData[
        'U']  # NOTE - Getting variables from dsa obj not vtk obj as want to use algs etc later
    # Velocity gradient tensor and its transpose
    # J[:,i-1,j-1] is dUidxj
    # Jt[:,i-1,j-1] is dUjdxi
    Jt = algs.gradient(U)  # Jt is this one as algs uses j,i ordering
    J = algs.apply_dfunc(np.transpose, Jt, (0, 2, 1))

    # Strain and vorticity tensors
    Sij = 0.5 * (J + Jt)
    nu_t = rans_dsa.PointData['mu_t'] / rans_dsa.PointData['ro']
    tke = rans_dsa.PointData['k']
    uiuj_rans = (2.0 / 3.0) * tke * delij - 2.0 * nu_t * Sij

    # Find Caniso from linear EVM
    aij = copy.deepcopy(Sij) * 0.0
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            aij[:, i,
                j] = uiuj_rans[:, i, j] / (2.0 * tke + small) - delij[:, i,
                                                                      j] / 3.0

    # Get eigenvalues of aij
    eig = algs.eigenvalue(aij)
    eig1 = eig[:, 0]
    eig2 = eig[:, 1]
    eig3 = eig[:, 2]

    # Get coords on barycentric triangle from eigenvalues
    xc = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5]  #x,y coords of corner of triangle
    yc = [0.0, 0.0, np.cos(np.pi / 6.0)]
    C1c = eig1 - eig2
    C2c = 2 * (eig2 - eig3)
    C3c = 3 * eig3 + 1
    Caniso = 1.0 - C3c

    rans_vtk.point_arrays['Caniso'] = Caniso

    # Get LES uiuj
    # Wrap vista object in dsa wrapper
    les_dsa = dsa.WrapDataObject(les_vtk)

    # Copy Reynolds stresses to tensor
    #    uiuj_les = np.zeros([nnode,3,3])
    uiuj_les = copy.deepcopy(uiuj_rans) * 0.0
    uiuj_les[:, 0, 0] = les_dsa.PointData['uu']
    uiuj_les[:, 1, 1] = les_dsa.PointData['vv']
    uiuj_les[:, 2, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['ww']
    uiuj_les[:, 0, 1] = les_dsa.PointData['uv']
    uiuj_les[:, 0, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['uw']
    uiuj_les[:, 1, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['vw']
    uiuj_les[:, 1, 0] = uiuj_les[:, 0, 1]
    uiuj_les[:, 2, 0] = uiuj_les[:, 0, 2]
    uiuj_les[:, 2, 1] = uiuj_les[:, 1, 2]
    tke_les = 0.5 * (uiuj_les[:, 0, 0] + uiuj_les[:, 1, 1] + uiuj_les[:, 2, 2])

    # Calc divergence of DNS and RANS uiuj
    div_RANS = np.zeros([nnode, 3])
    div_LES = np.zeros([nnode, 3])

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            div_RANS[:, i] += algs.gradient(uiuj_rans[:, i, j])[:, i]
            div_LES[:, i] += algs.gradient(uiuj_les[:, i, j])[:, i]

    div_err = 1.0 * div_LES - rans_dsa.PointData['ro'] * div_RANS

    err = np.sqrt(div_err[:, 0]**2 + div_err[:, 1]**2 + div_err[:, 2]**2)

    #    err = err/(tke_les+small)
    err = err * Ls / Us**2

    #    # Calc Frobenius norm distance between RANS and LES
    #    err  = np.zeros(nnode)
    #    for i in range(3):
    #        for j in range(3):
    #            err[:]  += ( (uiuj_rans[:,i,j]-uiuj_les[:,i,j]) )**2.
    #    err = np.sqrt(err)
    #    err = err/(tke_les+small)

    index = algs.where(err > thrsh)
    err_bool = np.zeros(nnode, dtype=int)
    err_bool[index] = 1
    y_raw = les_vtk.point_arrays['raw']
    y_targ = les_vtk.point_arrays['target']

    les_vtk.point_arrays['raw'] = np.append(y_raw, err.reshape(-1, 1), axis=1)
    les_vtk.point_arrays['target'] = np.append(y_targ,
                                               err_bool.reshape(-1, 1),
Exemplo n.º 9
def make_targets(les_vtk, y_type, Ls=1, Us=1, ros=1):
    from tqdm import tqdm

    small = np.cbrt(np.finfo(float).tiny)
    Ps = 0.5 * ros * Us**2

    les_nnode = les_vtk.number_of_points

    delij = np.zeros([les_nnode, 3, 3])
    for i in range(0, 3):
        delij[:, i, i] = 1.0

    # Wrap vista object in dsa wrapper
    les_dsa = dsa.WrapDataObject(les_vtk)

    if (y_type == 'classification'):
        ntarg = 5
        y_targ = np.zeros([les_nnode, ntarg], dtype=int)
        print('Classifier targets:')
    elif (y_type == 'regression'):
        ntarg = 2
        y_targ = np.zeros([les_nnode, ntarg], dtype=float)
        print('regressor targets:')

    y_raw = np.zeros([les_nnode, ntarg])
    target_labels = np.empty(ntarg, dtype='object')
    targ = 0

    # Copy Reynolds stresses to tensor
    uiuj = np.zeros([les_nnode, 3, 3])
    uiuj[:, 0, 0] = les_dsa.PointData['uu']
    uiuj[:, 1, 1] = les_dsa.PointData['vv']
    uiuj[:, 2, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['ww']
    uiuj[:, 0, 1] = les_dsa.PointData['uv']
    uiuj[:, 0, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['uw']
    uiuj[:, 1, 2] = les_dsa.PointData['vw']
    uiuj[:, 1, 0] = uiuj[:, 0, 1]
    uiuj[:, 2, 0] = uiuj[:, 0, 2]
    uiuj[:, 2, 1] = uiuj[:, 1, 2]

    # resolved TKE
    tke = 0.5 * (uiuj[:, 0, 0] + uiuj[:, 1, 1] + uiuj[:, 2, 2])

    # Velocity vector
    U = algs.make_vector(les_dsa.PointData['U'], les_dsa.PointData['V'],

    # Velocity gradient tensor and its transpose
    # J[:,i-1,j-1] is dUidxj
    # Jt[:,i-1,j-1] is dUjdxi
    Jt = algs.gradient(U)  # Jt is this one as algs uses j,i ordering
    J = algs.apply_dfunc(np.transpose, Jt, (0, 2, 1))

    # Strain and vorticity tensors
    Sij = 0.5 * (J + Jt)
    Oij = 0.5 * (J - Jt)

    # Anisotropy tensor and eigenvalues
    aij = copy.deepcopy(Sij) * 0.0
    inv2 = np.zeros(les_nnode)
    inv3 = np.zeros(les_nnode)

    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            aij[:, i,
                j] = uiuj[:, i, j] / (2.0 * tke + small) - delij[:, i, j] / 3.0

    # Get eigenvalues of aij
    eig = algs.eigenvalue(aij)
    eig1 = eig[:, 0]
    eig2 = eig[:, 1]
    eig3 = eig[:, 2]

    # Get coords on barycentric triangle from eigenvalues
    xc = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5]  #x,y coords of corner of triangle
    yc = [0.0, 0.0, np.cos(np.pi / 6.0)]
    C1c = eig1 - eig2
    C2c = 2 * (eig2 - eig3)
    C3c = 3 * eig3 + 1
    x0 = C1c * xc[0] + C2c * xc[1] + C3c * xc[2]
    y0 = C1c * yc[0] + C2c * yc[1] + C3c * yc[2]

    if (y_type == 'Classification'):
        # Target 1: Negative eddy viscosity
        print('1: Negative eddy viscosity')
        A = np.zeros(les_nnode)
        B = np.zeros(les_nnode)

        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                A += -uiuj[:, i, j] * Sij[:, i, j] + (
                    2.0 / 3.0) * tke * delij[:, i, j] * Sij[:, i, j]
                B += 2.0 * Sij[:, i, j] * Sij[:, i, j]

        Str = algs.sqrt(B)  # magnitude of Sij strain tensor (used later)
        nu_t = A / (B + small)
        nu_t = nu_t / (Us * Ls)
        y_raw[:, targ] = nu_t

        index = algs.where(nu_t < 0.0)
        y_targ[index, targ] = 1
        target_labels[targ] = 'Negative eddy viscosity'
        targ += 1

        # Target 2: Deviation from plane shear
        print('2: Deviation from plane shear turbulence')
        # Get distance from plane shear line
        p1 = (1 / 3, 0)
        p2 = (0.5, np.sqrt(3) / 2)
        dist = abs((p2[1] - p1[1]) * x0 -
                   (p2[0] - p1[0]) * y0 + p2[0] * p1[1] -
                   p2[1] * p1[0]) / np.sqrt((p2[1] - p1[1])**2 +
                                            (p2[0] - p1[0])**2)
        y_raw[:, targ] = dist
        index = algs.where(dist > 0.25)

        y_targ[index, targ] = 1
        target_labels[targ] = 'Deviation from plane shar turbulence'
        targ += 1

        # Target 3: Anisotropy of turbulence
        print('3: Anisotropy of turbulence')
        Caniso = 1.0 - C3c
        y_raw[:, targ] = Caniso
        index = algs.where(Caniso > 0.5)
        y_targ[index, targ] = 1
        target_labels[targ] = 'Stress anisotropy'
        targ += 1

        # Target 4: Negative Pk
        print('4: Negative Pk')
        A = np.zeros(les_nnode)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                A[:] += (-uiuj[:, i, j] * J[:, i, j])

        A = A * Ls / Us**3
        y_raw[:, targ] = A
        index = algs.where(A < -0.0005)

        y_targ[index, targ] = 1
        target_labels[targ] = 'Negative Pk'
        targ += 1

        # Target 5: 2-eqn Cmu constant
        print('5: 2-equation Cmu constant')
        A = np.zeros(les_nnode)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                A[:] += aij[:, i, j] * Sij[:, i, j]

        Cmu = nu_t**2.0 * (Str / (tke + small))**2.0

        y_raw[:, targ] = Cmu
        allow_err = 0.25  #i.e. 10% err
        Cmu_dist = algs.abs(Cmu - 0.09)
        #    index = algs.where(Cmu_dist>allow_err*0.09)
        index = algs.where(Cmu > 1.1 * 0.09)
        y_targ[index, targ] = 1
        target_labels[targ] = 'Cmu != 0.09'
        targ += 1

    #    ab = ((uiuj[:,1,1]-uiuj[:,0,0])*U[:,0]*U[:,1] + uiuj[:,0,1]*(U[:,0]**2-U[:,1]**2))/(U[:,0]**2+U[:,1]**2)
    #    y_raw[:,err] = ab

    #    # Target 3: Non-linearity
    #    ###############################
    #    print('3: Non-linearity')
    #    # Build cevm equation in form A*nut**3 + B*nut**2 + C*nut + D = 0
    #    B, A = build_cevm(Sij,Oij)
    #    B = B/(tke      +1e-12)
    #    A = A/(tke**2.0 +1e-12)
    #    C = np.zeros_like(A)
    #    D = np.zeros_like(A)
    #    for i in range(0,3):
    #        for j in range(0,3):
    #            C += -2.0*Sij[:,i,j]*Sij[:,i,j]
    #            D += (2.0/3.0)*tke*Sij[:,i,j]*delij[:,i,j] - uiuj[:,i,j]*Sij[:,i,j]
    #    nu_t_cevm = np.empty_like(nu_t)
    #    for i in tqdm(range(0,les_nnode)):
    #        # Find the roots of the cubic equation (i.e. potential values for nu_t_cevm)
    #        roots = np.roots([A[i],B[i],C[i],D[i]])
    #        roots_orig = roots
    #        # Remove complex solutions (with imaginary part > a small number, to allow for numerical error)
    #        #roots = roots.real[abs(roots.imag)<1e-5]  #NOTE - Matches nu_t much better without this?!
    #        # Out of remaining solutions(s), pick one that is closest to linear nu_t
    #        if(roots.size==0):
    #            nu_t_cevm[i] = nu_t[i]
    #        else:
    #            nu_t_cevm[i] = roots.real[np.argmin( np.abs(roots - np.full(roots.size,nu_t[i])) )]
    #    normdiff = algs.abs(nu_t_cevm - nu_t) / (algs.abs(nu_t_cevm) + algs.abs(nu_t) + 1e-12)
    #    y_raw[:,err] = nu_t_cevm
    #    index = algs.where(normdiff>0.15)
    #    y_targ[index,err] = 1
    #    error_labels[err] = 'Non-linearity'
    #    err += 1

    elif (y_type == 'regression'):
        # Target 3: Anisotropy of turbulence
        print('1: Anisotropy of turbulence')
        Caniso = 1.0 - C3c
        y_raw[:, targ] = Caniso
        y_targ[:, targ] = Caniso
        target_labels[targ] = 'Stress anisotropy'
        targ += 1

    return y_raw, y_targ, target_labels
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_features(rans_vtk, Ls=1, Us=1, ros=1, nondim='local'):
    from cfd2ml.utilities import build_cevm

    small = np.cbrt(np.finfo(float).tiny)
    Ps = 0.5 * ros * Us**2

    rans_nnode = rans_vtk.number_of_points

    delij = np.zeros([rans_nnode, 3, 3])
    for i in range(0, 3):
        delij[:, i, i] = 1.0

    # Wrap vista object in dsa wrapper
    rans_dsa = dsa.WrapDataObject(rans_vtk)

    nfeat = 15
    feat = 0
    q = np.empty([rans_nnode, nfeat])
    feature_labels = np.empty(nfeat, dtype='object')

    # Feature 1: non-dim Q-criterion
    print('1: non-dim Q-criterion...')
    # Velocity vector
    U = rans_dsa.PointData[
        'U']  # NOTE - Getting variables from dsa obj not vtk obj as want to use algs etc later

    # Velocity gradient tensor and its transpose
    # J[:,i-1,j-1] is dUidxj
    # Jt[:,i-1,j-1] is dUjdxi
    Jt = algs.gradient(U)  # Jt is this one as algs uses j,i ordering
    J = algs.apply_dfunc(np.transpose, Jt, (0, 2, 1))

    # Strain and vorticity tensors
    Sij = 0.5 * (J + Jt)
    Oij = 0.5 * (J - Jt)

    # Frob. norm of Sij and Oij  (Snorm and Onorm are actually S^2 and O^2, sqrt needed to get norms)
    Snorm = algs.sum(2.0 * Sij**2, axis=1)  # sum i axis
    Snorm = algs.sum(Snorm,
                     axis=1)  # sum previous summations i.e. along j axis
    Onorm = algs.sum(2.0 * Oij**2, axis=1)  # sum i axis
    Onorm = algs.sum(Onorm,
                     axis=1)  # sum previous summations i.e. along j axis

    # Store q1
    q[:, feat] = (Onorm - 0.5 * Snorm) / (Onorm + 0.5 * Snorm + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Normalised strain'
    feat += 1

    # clean up
    Snorm = algs.sqrt(Snorm)  #revert to revert to real Snorm for use later
    Onorm = algs.sqrt(Onorm)  #revert to revert to real Onorm for use later

    # Feature 2: Turbulence intensity
    print('2: Turbulence intensity')
    tke = rans_dsa.PointData['k']
    UiUi = algs.mag(U)**2.0
    #    q[:,feat] = tke/(0.5*UiUi+tke+small)
    q[:, feat] = tke / (0.5 * UiUi + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Turbulence intensity'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 3: Turbulence Reynolds number
    print('3: Turbulence Reynolds number')
    nu = rans_dsa.PointData['mu_l'] / rans_dsa.PointData['ro']
    Red = (algs.sqrt(tke) * rans_dsa.PointData['d']) / (50.0 * nu)
    q[:, feat] = algs.apply_dfunc(np.minimum, Red, 2.0)
    #Red = 0.09**0.25*algs.sqrt(tke)*rans_dsa.PointData['d']/nu
    #q[:,feat] = algs.apply_dfunc(np.minimum, Red, 100.0)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Turbulence Re'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 4: Pressure gradient along streamline
    print('4: Stream-wise pressure gradient')
    A = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    B = np.zeros(rans_nnode)

    dpdx = algs.gradient(rans_dsa.PointData['p'])
    ro = rans_dsa.PointData['ro']
    Umag = algs.mag(U)

    for k in range(0, 3):
        A += U[:, k] * dpdx[:, k]

    if nondim == 'global':
        A = A / Umag
        q[:, feat] = A * Ls / Ps
    elif nondim == 'local':
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                B += U[:, i] * U[:, i] * dpdx[:, j] * dpdx[:, j]
        q[:, feat] = A / (algs.sqrt(B) + algs.abs(A) + small)

    feature_labels[feat] = 'Stream-wise Pgrad'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 5: Ratio of turb time scale to mean strain time scale
    print('5: Ratio of turb time scale to mean strain time scale')
    #    A = 1.0/rans_dsa.PointData['w']  #Turbulent time scale (eps = k*w therefore also A = k/eps)
    #    B = 1.0/Snorm
    #    q[:,feat] = A/(A+B+small)
    q[:, feat] = Snorm / (rans_dsa.PointData['w'] + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'turb/strain time-scale'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 6: Viscosity ratio
    print('6: Viscosity ratio')
    nu_t = rans_dsa.PointData['mu_t'] / ro
    #    q[:,feat] = nu_t/(100.0*nu + nu_t)
    q[:, feat] = nu_t / (nu + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Viscosity ratio'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 7: Vortex stretching
    print('7: Vortex stretching')
    A = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    B = np.zeros(rans_nnode)

    vortvec = algs.vorticity(U)

    for j in range(0, 3):
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for k in range(0, 3):
                A += vortvec[:, j] * J[:, i, j] * vortvec[:, k] * J[:, i, k]

    B = Snorm

    #    q[:,feat] = algs.sqrt(A)/(algs.sqrt(A)+B+small)
    q[:, feat] = algs.sqrt(A)  #/(algs.sqrt(A)+B+small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Vortex stretching'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 8: Marker of Gorle et al. (deviation from parallel shear flow)
    print('8: Marker of Gorle et al. (deviation from parallel shear flow)')
    if nondim == 'global':
        g = np.zeros([rans_nnode, 3])
        m = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
        s = U / Umag
        for j in range(3):
            for i in range(3):
                g[:, j] += s[:, i] * J[:, i, j]
            m += g[:, j] * s[:, j]
        m = np.abs(m)
        q[:, feat] = m * Ls / Us
    elif nondim == 'local':
        A = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
        B = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                A += U[:, i] * U[:, j] * J[:, i, j]
        for n in range(0, 3):
            for i in range(0, 3):
                for j in range(0, 3):
                    for m in range(0, 3):
                        B += U[:, n] * U[:, n] * U[:,
                                                   i] * J[:, i,
                                                          j] * U[:,
                                                                 m] * J[:, m,
        q[:, feat] = algs.abs(A) / (algs.sqrt(B) + algs.abs(A) + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Deviation from parallel shear'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 9: Ratio of convection to production of k
    print('9: Ratio of convection to production of k')
    uiuj = (2.0 / 3.0) * tke * delij - 2.0 * nu_t * Sij
    dkdx = algs.gradient(tke)
    A = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    B = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    for i in range(0, 3):
        A += U[:, i] * dkdx[:, i]
    for j in range(0, 3):
        for l in range(0, 3):
            B += uiuj[:, j, l] * Sij[:, j, l]
    q[:, feat] = A / (algs.abs(B) + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Convection/production of k'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 10: Ratio of total Reynolds stresses to normal Reynolds stresses
    print('10: Ratio of total Reynolds stresses to normal Reynolds stresses')
    # Frob. norm of uiuj
    A = algs.sum(uiuj**2, axis=1)  # sum i axis
    A = algs.sum(A, axis=1)  # sum previous summations i.e. along j axis
    A = algs.sqrt(A)
    B = tke
    q[:, feat] = A / (B + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'total/normal stresses'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 11: Cubic eddy viscosity comparision
    print('11: Cubic eddy viscosity comparision')

    # Add quadratic and cubic terms to linear evm
    cevm_2nd, cevm_3rd = build_cevm(Sij, Oij)
    uiujSij = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            uiujSij += uiuj[:, i, j] * Sij[:, i, j]
    uiujcevmSij = uiujSij + (cevm_2nd / tke) * nu_t**2.0 + (
        cevm_3rd / tke**2.0) * nu_t**3.0
    q[:, feat] = (uiujcevmSij -
                  uiujSij) / (0.5 *
                              (np.abs(uiujcevmSij) + np.abs(uiujSij)) + small)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'CEV comparison'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 12: Streamline normal pressure gradient
    print('12: Stream-normal pressure gradient')
    A = algs.cross(U, dpdx)
    A = np.sqrt(A[:, 0]**2 + A[:, 1]**2 + A[:, 2]**2)

    if nondim == 'global':
        A = A / Umag
        q[:, feat] = A * Ls / Ps
    elif nondim == 'local':
        B = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                B += U[:, i] * U[:, i] * dpdx[:, j] * dpdx[:, j]
        q[:, feat] = A / (A + algs.sqrt(B) + small)

    feature_labels[feat] = 'Stream-normal Pgrad'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 13: Streamline curvature
    print('13: Streamline curvature')
    #    A = np.zeros([rans_nnode,3])
    #    # Gradient of Gamma
    #    Gamma = U#/algs.mag(U)
    #    dGammadx = algs.gradient(Gamma)
    #    for i in range(0,3):
    #        for j in range(0,3):
    #            A[:,i] += U[:,j]*dGammadx[:,j,i]
    #    A = algs.mag(A/algs.mag(U)*algs.mag(U))
    #    q[:,feat] = A
    #    feature_labels[feat] = 'Streamline curvature'
    #    feat += 1
    D2 = 0.5 * (Snorm**2 + Onorm**2)
    #    cr1 = 1.0
    #    cr2 = 12.0
    #    cr3 = 1.0
    cr2 = 12
    cr3 = 1 / np.pi
    rstar = Snorm / (Onorm + small)

    dSijdx1 = algs.gradient(Sij[:, :, 0])
    dSijdx2 = algs.gradient(Sij[:, :, 1])
    dSijdx3 = algs.gradient(Sij[:, :, 2])

    DSijDt = np.zeros([rans_nnode, 3, 3])
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            DSijDt[:, i,
                   j] = U[:,
                          0] * dSijdx1[:, j,
                                       i] + U[:,
                                              1] * dSijdx2[:, j,
                                                           i] + U[:,
                                                                  2] * dSijdx3[:,

    rhat = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                rhat += (2 * Oij[:, i, k] * Sij[:, j, k] /
                         D2**2) * DSijDt[:, i, j]

#    fr1 = -((2*rstar)/(1+rstar))*(cr3*algs.arctan(cr2*rhat))
#    fr1 = ( (1+cr1)*((2*rstar)/(1+rstar))*(1-cr3*algs.arctan(cr2*rhat)) ) - cr1
    rhathat = algs.arctan(0.25 * rhat) * 2 / np.pi
    q[:, feat] = rhathat  #fr1
    feature_labels[feat] = 'Streamline curvature'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 14: Anisotropy of pressure hessian
    print('14: Anisotropy of pressure hessian')
    # Calculate pressure hessian
    Hij = algs.gradient(dpdx)
    Hij = algs.apply_dfunc(np.transpose, Hij, (0, 2, 1))
    aniso = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    iso = np.zeros(rans_nnode)
    # Frob. norm of Hij
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            aniso += (Hij[:, i, j] - Hij[:, i, j] * delij[:, i, j])**2
        iso += Hij[:, i, i]**2

    aniso = np.sqrt(aniso)
    iso = np.sqrt(iso)
    q[:, feat] = (aniso) / (iso + small)

    feature_labels[feat] = 'Anisotropy of pressure hessian'
    feat += 1

    # Feature 15: White noise
    print('15: White noise')
    q[:, feat] = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=rans_nnode)
    feature_labels[feat] = 'White noise'
    feat += 1

    return q, feature_labels
def post_array(arr, name):
    print("Saving", name, "...")
    output.CellData.append(arr, name)

u = get_array('um')
v = get_array('vm')
w = get_array('wm')

nx = u.size
neq = 3
print "Starting with nx", nx

du = zeros((nx, neq, neq))  # du[0,i,j] = du_i / dx_j
du[:, 0, :] = algs.gradient(u)
du[:, 1, :] = algs.gradient(v)
du[:, 2, :] = algs.gradient(w)

save('du.npy', du)
del du

t0 = time()
    'mpirun', '-np', '4', 'python3', '../scripts/vortscripts/mpidrivevort.py'
t1 = time()
print "Time taken was: ", t1 - t0, " sec"

#L2TDM = load('L2TDM.npy')
#L2 = load('L2.npy')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def Gradient(self, name):
     return the gradient of the specified field
     ind = self.data_np.PointData.keys().index(name)
     return algs.gradient(self.data_np.PointData.GetArray(ind))