Exemplo n.º 1
def trimesh2vtk(inputobj, alphaPerCell=False):
    """Convert trimesh object to ``Actor(vtkActor)`` object."""
    from vtkplotter import Actor

    #colors.printc('trimesh2vtk inputobj', type(inputobj), c=3)

    inputobj_type = str(type(inputobj))

    if "Trimesh" in inputobj_type or "primitives" in inputobj_type:
        faces = inputobj.faces
        poly = buildPolyData(inputobj.vertices, faces)
        tact = Actor(poly)
        if inputobj.visual.kind == 'face':
            trim_c = inputobj.visual.face_colors
            trim_c = inputobj.visual.vertex_colors

        if isSequence(trim_c):
            if isSequence(trim_c[0]):
                trim_cc = trim_c[:, [0, 1, 2]] / 255
                trim_al = trim_c[:, 3] / 255
                if inputobj.visual.kind == 'face':
                    tact.colorCellsByArray(trim_cc, trim_al, alphaPerCell)
                    tact.colorVerticesByArray(trim_cc, trim_al)
            print('trim_c not sequence?', trim_c)
        return tact

    elif "PointCloud" in inputobj_type:
        from vtkplotter.shapes import Points
        trim_cc, trim_al = 'black', 1
        if hasattr(inputobj, 'vertices_color'):
            trim_c = inputobj.vertices_color
            if len(trim_c):
                trim_cc = trim_c[:, [0, 1, 2]] / 255
                trim_al = trim_c[:, 3] / 255
                trim_al = np.sum(trim_al) / len(trim_al)  # just the average
        return Points(inputobj.vertices, r=8, c=trim_cc, alpha=trim_al)

    elif "path" in inputobj_type:
        from vtkplotter.shapes import Line
        from vtkplotter.actors import Assembly
        lines = []
        for e in inputobj.entities:
            #print('trimesh entity', e.to_dict())
            l = Line(inputobj.vertices[e.points], c='k', lw=2)
        return Assembly(lines)

    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
	def add_optic_cannula(self, target_region=None, pos=None, x_offset=0, y_offset=0,
				z_offset=-500, use_line=False, **kwargs):
			Adds a cylindrical vtk actor to scene to render optic cannulas. By default
			this is a semi-transparent blue cylinder centered on the center of mass of
			a specified target region and oriented vertically.

			:param target_region: str, acronym of target region to extract coordinates
				of implanted fiber. By defualt the fiber will be centered on the center
				of mass of the target region but the offset arguments can be used to
				fine tune the position. Alternative pass a 'pos' argument with XYZ coords.
			:param pos: list or tuple or np.array with X,Y,Z coordinates. Must have length = 3.
			:param x_offset, y_offset, z_offset: int, used to fine tune the coordinates of 
				the implanted cannula.
			:param **kwargs: used to specify which hemisphere the cannula is and parameters
				of the rendered cylinder: color, alpha, rotation axis...
		# Set some default kwargs
		hemisphere = kwargs.pop('hemisphere', 'right')
		color = kwargs.pop('color', 'powderblue')
		radius = kwargs.pop('radius', 350)
		alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', .5)
		# Get coordinates of brain-side face of optic cannula
		if target_region is not None:
			pos = self.get_region_CenterOfMass(target_region, unilateral=True, hemisphere=hemisphere)
		elif pos is None:
			print("No 'pos' or 'target_region' arguments were \
							passed to 'add_optic_cannula', nothing to render")
			if not len(pos) == 3:
				raise ValueError(f"Invalid target coordinates argument, pos: {pos}")

		# Offset position
		pos[0] += y_offset
		pos[1] += z_offset
		pos[2] += x_offset

		# Get coordinates of upper face
		bounds = self.root.bounds()
		top = pos.copy()
		top[1] = bounds[2] - 500

		if not use_line:
			cylinder = self.add_vtkactor(Cylinder(pos=[top, pos], c=color, r=radius, alpha=alpha, **kwargs))
			cylinder = self.add_vtkactor(Line(top, pos, c=color, alpha=alpha, lw=radius))
		return cylinder
Exemplo n.º 3
	def add_line_at_point(self, point, replace_coord, bounds,  **kwargs):
			Adds a line oriented on a given axis at a point

			:param point:list or 1d np array with coordinates of point where crosshair is centered
			:param replace_coord: index of the coordinate to replace (i.e. along which axis is the line oriented)
			:param bounds: list of two floats with lower and upper bound for line, determins the extent of the line
			:param kwargs: dictionary with arguments to specify how lines should look like
		# Get line coords
		p0, p1 = point.copy(), point.copy()
		p0[replace_coord] = bounds[0]
		p1[replace_coord] = bounds[1]

		# Get some default params
		color = kwargs.pop('c', 'blackboard')
		color = kwargs.pop('color', color)
		lw = kwargs.pop('lw', 3)

		# Create line actor
		act = self.add_vtkactor(Line(p0, p1, c=color, lw=lw, **kwargs))
		return act
Exemplo n.º 4
def trimesh2vtk(inputobj, alphaPerCell=False):
    Convert ``Trimesh`` object to ``Actor(vtkActor)`` or ``Assembly`` object.
    if isSequence(inputobj):
        vms = []
        for ob in inputobj:
        return vms

    # print('trimesh2vtk inputobj', type(inputobj))

    inputobj_type = str(type(inputobj))

    if "Trimesh" in inputobj_type or "primitives" in inputobj_type:
        from vtkplotter import Actor

        faces = inputobj.faces
        poly = buildPolyData(inputobj.vertices, faces)
        tact = Actor(poly)
        if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
            trim_c = inputobj.visual.face_colors
            trim_c = inputobj.visual.vertex_colors

        if isSequence(trim_c):
            if isSequence(trim_c[0]):
                sameColor = len(np.unique(
                    trim_c, axis=0)) < 2  # all vtxs have same color
                trim_c = trim_c / 255

                if sameColor:
                    tact.c(trim_c[0, [0, 1, 2]]).alpha(trim_c[0, 3])
                    if inputobj.visual.kind == "face":
                        tact.cellColors(trim_c[:, [0, 1, 2]],
                                        alpha=trim_c[:, 3],
                        tact.pointColors(trim_c[:, [0, 1, 2]],
        return tact

    elif "PointCloud" in inputobj_type:
        from vtkplotter.shapes import Points

        trim_cc, trim_al = "black", 1
        if hasattr(inputobj, "vertices_color"):
            trim_c = inputobj.vertices_color
            if len(trim_c):
                trim_cc = trim_c[:, [0, 1, 2]] / 255
                trim_al = trim_c[:, 3] / 255
                trim_al = np.sum(trim_al) / len(trim_al)  # just the average
        return Points(inputobj.vertices, r=8, c=trim_cc, alpha=trim_al)

    elif "path" in inputobj_type:
        from vtkplotter.shapes import Line
        from vtkplotter.actors import Assembly

        lines = []
        for e in inputobj.entities:
            # print('trimesh entity', e.to_dict())
            l = Line(inputobj.vertices[e.points], c="k", lw=2)
        return Assembly(lines)

    return None