def get_keypoint_stats(ibs): """ kp info """ # from ut import util_latex #from hsdev import dev_consistency #dev_consistency.check_keypoint_consistency(ibs) # Keypoint stats #ibs.refresh_features() import vtool as vt from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import IBEISController assert(isinstance(ibs, IBEISController)) valid_aids = np.array(ibs.get_valid_aids()) cx2_kpts = ibs.get_annot_kpts(valid_aids) #cx2_kpts = ibs.feats.cx2_kpts # Check cx2_kpts cx2_nFeats = list(map(len, cx2_kpts)) kpts = np.vstack(cx2_kpts) print('[dbinfo] --- LaTeX --- ') #_printopts = np.get_printoptions() #np.set_printoptions(precision=3) scales = vt.get_scales(kpts) scales = np.array(sorted(scales)) tex_scale_stats = util_latex.latex_get_stats(r'kpt scale', scales) tex_nKpts = util_latex.latex_scalar(r'\# kpts', len(kpts)) tex_kpts_stats = util_latex.latex_get_stats(r'\# kpts/chip', cx2_nFeats) print(tex_nKpts) print(tex_kpts_stats) print(tex_scale_stats) #np.set_printoptions(**_printopts) print('[dbinfo] ---/LaTeX --- ') return (tex_nKpts, tex_kpts_stats, tex_scale_stats)
def print_feat_stats(kpts, vecs): assert len(vecs) == len(kpts), 'disagreement' print('keypoints and vecs agree') flat_kpts = np.vstack(kpts) num_kpts = list(map(len, kpts)) kpt_scale = vt.get_scales(flat_kpts) num_kpts_stats = ut.get_stats(num_kpts) scale_kpts_stats = ut.get_stats(kpt_scale) print('Number of ' + prefix + ' keypoints: ' + ut.repr3(num_kpts_stats, nl=0, precision=2)) print('Scale of ' + prefix + ' keypoints: ' + ut.repr3(scale_kpts_stats, nl=0, precision=2))
def warp_patch_onto_kpts( kpts, patch, chipshape, weights=None, out=None, cov_scale_factor=.2, cov_agg_mode='max', cov_remove_shape=False, cov_remove_scale=False, cov_size_penalty_on=True, cov_size_penalty_power=.5, cov_size_penalty_frac=.1): r""" Overlays the source image onto a destination image in each keypoint location Args: kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints patch (ndarray): patch to warp (like gaussian) chipshape (tuple): weights (ndarray): score for every keypoint Kwargs: cov_scale_factor (float): Returns: ndarray: mask CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --hole python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square --hole Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import pyhesaff >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> (kpts, vecs) = pyhesaff.detect_feats(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[::15] >>> chip = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> chipshape = chip.shape >>> weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) >>> cov_scale_factor = 1.0 >>> srcshape = (19, 19) >>> radius = srcshape[0] / 2.0 >>> sigma = 0.4 * radius >>> SQUARE = ut.get_argflag('--square') >>> HOLE = ut.get_argflag('--hole') >>> if SQUARE: >>> patch = np.ones(srcshape) >>> else: >>> patch = ptool.gaussian_patch(shape=srcshape, sigma=sigma) #, norm_01=False) >>> patch = patch / patch.max() >>> if HOLE: >>> patch[int(patch.shape[0] / 2), int(patch.shape[1] / 2)] = 0 >>> # execute function >>> dstimg = warp_patch_onto_kpts(kpts, patch, chipshape, weights, cov_scale_factor=cov_scale_factor) >>> # verify results >>> print('dstimg stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(dstimg, axis=None)),) >>> print('patch stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(patch, axis=None)),) >>> #print(patch.sum()) >>> assert np.all(ut.inbounds(dstimg, 0, 1, eq=True)) >>> # show results >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> mask = dstimg >>> show_coverage_map(chip, mask, patch, kpts) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt #if len(kpts) == 0: # return None chip_scale_h = int(np.ceil(chipshape[0] * cov_scale_factor)) chip_scale_w = int(np.ceil(chipshape[1] * cov_scale_factor)) if len(kpts) == 0: dstimg = np.zeros((chip_scale_h, chip_scale_w)) return dstimg if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) dsize = (chip_scale_w, chip_scale_h) # Allocate destination image patch_shape = patch.shape # Scale keypoints into destination image # <HACK> if cov_remove_shape: # disregard affine information in keypoints # i still dont understand why we are trying this (patch_h, patch_w) = patch_shape half_width = (patch_w / 2.0) # - .5 half_height = (patch_h / 2.0) # - .5 # Center src image T1 = vt.translation_mat3x3(-half_width + .5, -half_height + .5) # Scale src to the unit circle if not cov_remove_scale: S1 = vt.scale_mat3x3(1.0 / half_width, 1.0 / half_height) # Transform the source image to the keypoint ellipse kpts_T = np.array([vt.translation_mat3x3(x, y) for (x, y) in vt.get_xys(kpts).T]) if not cov_remove_scale: kpts_S = np.array([vt.scale_mat3x3(np.sqrt(scale)) for scale in vt.get_scales(kpts).T]) # Adjust for the requested scale factor S2 = vt.scale_mat3x3(cov_scale_factor, cov_scale_factor) #perspective_list = [ for A in invVR_aff2Ds] if not cov_remove_scale: M_list = reduce(vt.matrix_multiply, (S2, kpts_T, kpts_S, S1, T1)) else: M_list = reduce(vt.matrix_multiply, (S2, kpts_T, T1)) # </HACK> else: M_list = ktool.get_transforms_from_patch_image_kpts(kpts, patch_shape, cov_scale_factor) affmat_list = M_list[:, 0:2, :] weight_list = weights # For each keypoint warp a gaussian scaled by the feature score into the image warped_patch_iter = warped_patch_generator( patch, dsize, affmat_list, weight_list, cov_size_penalty_on=cov_size_penalty_on, cov_size_penalty_power=cov_size_penalty_power, cov_size_penalty_frac=cov_size_penalty_frac) # Either max or sum if cov_agg_mode == 'max': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.maximum, warped_patch_iter, out=out) elif cov_agg_mode == 'sum': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.add, warped_patch_iter, out=out) # HACK FOR SUM: DO NOT DO THIS FOR MAX dstimg[dstimg > 1.0] = 1.0 else: raise AssertionError('Unknown cov_agg_mode=%r' % (cov_agg_mode,)) return dstimg
def scale(self): return vt.get_scales(self.kparr)
def get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index get_support_data --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn) >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> qreq_ = wbia.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', p=':fgw_thresh=.9,maxscale_thresh=10', a=':size=2') >>> daid_list = qreq_.daids >>> tup = get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list) >>> vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list = tup >>> assert all([np.all(fgws > .9) for fgws in fgws_list]) >>> result = ('depth_profile = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(tup),)) >>> print(result) depth_profile = [[(128, 128), (174, 128)], [128, 174], [128, 174]] I can't figure out why this tests isn't determenistic all the time and I can't get it to reproduce non-determenism. This could be due to theano. depth_profile = [[(39, 128), (22, 128)], [39, 22], [39, 22]] depth_profile = [[(35, 128), (24, 128)], [35, 24], [35, 24]] depth_profile = [[(34, 128), (31, 128)], [34, 31], [34, 31]] depth_profile = [[(83, 128), (129, 128)], [83, 129], [83, 129]] depth_profile = [[(13, 128), (104, 128)], [13, 104], [13, 104]] """ config2_ = qreq_.get_internal_data_config2() vecs_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs(daid_list, config2_=config2_) # Create corresponding feature indicies fxs_list = [np.arange(len(vecs)) for vecs in vecs_list] # <HACK:featweight> # hack to get feature weights. returns None if feature weights are turned # off in config settings if config2_.minscale_thresh is not None or config2_.maxscale_thresh is not None: min_ = -np.inf if config2_.minscale_thresh is None else config2_.minscale_thresh max_ = np.inf if config2_.maxscale_thresh is None else config2_.maxscale_thresh kpts_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(daid_list, config2_=config2_) # kpts_list = vt.ziptake(kpts_list, fxs_list, axis=0) # not needed for first filter scales_list = [vt.get_scales(kpts) for kpts in kpts_list] # Remove data under the threshold flags_list = [ np.logical_and(scales >= min_, scales <= max_) for scales in scales_list ] vecs_list = vt.zipcompress(vecs_list, flags_list, axis=0) fxs_list = vt.zipcompress(fxs_list, flags_list, axis=0) if qreq_.qparams.fg_on: # I've found that the call to get_annot_fgweights is different on # different machines. Something must be configured differently. fgws_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights(daid_list, config2_=config2_, ensure=True) fgws_list = vt.ziptake(fgws_list, fxs_list, axis=0) # assert list(map(len, fgws_list)) == list(map(len, vecs_list)), 'bad corresponding vecs' if config2_.fgw_thresh is not None and config2_.fgw_thresh > 0: flags_list = [fgws > config2_.fgw_thresh for fgws in fgws_list] # Remove data under the threshold fgws_list = vt.zipcompress(fgws_list, flags_list, axis=0) vecs_list = vt.zipcompress(vecs_list, flags_list, axis=0) fxs_list = vt.zipcompress(fxs_list, flags_list, axis=0) else: fgws_list = None # </HACK:featweight> return vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list
def test_sver_wrapper(): """ Test to ensure cpp and python agree and that cpp is faster CommandLine: python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --rebuild-sver python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --dummy python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=easy1.png --fname2=easy2.png python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=easy1.png --fname2=hard3.png python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=carl.jpg --fname2=hard3.png Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.sver_c_wrapper import * # NOQA >>> test_sver_wrapper() Ignore: %timeit call_python_version(*args) %timeit get_affine_inliers_cpp(*args) """ import vtool.spatial_verification as sver import vtool.tests.dummy as dummy xy_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(.4) scale_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(2.0) ori_thresh = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(TAU / 4.0) keys = 'xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh'.split(', ') print(ut.dict_str(ut.dict_subset(locals(), keys))) def report_errors(): pass if ut.get_argflag('--dummy'): testtup = dummy.testdata_dummy_matches() (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, rchip1, rchip2) = testtup fm_input = fm_input.astype(fm_dtype) #fm_input = fm_input[0:10].astype(fm_dtype) #fs_input = fs_input[0:10].astype(np.float32) else: fname1 = ut.get_argval('--fname1', type_=str, default='easy1.png') fname2 = ut.get_argval('--fname2', type_=str, default='easy2.png') testtup = dummy.testdata_ratio_matches(fname1, fname2) (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, rchip1, rchip2) = testtup # pack up call to aff hypothesis import vtool as vt import scipy.stats.mstats scales1 = vt.get_scales(kpts1.take(fm_input.T[0], axis=0)) scales2 = vt.get_scales(kpts2.take(fm_input.T[1], axis=0)) #fs_input = 1 / scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(np.vstack((scales1, scales2))) fs_input = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(np.vstack((scales1, scales2))) print('fs_input = ' + ut.numpy_str(fs_input)) #fs_input[0:-9] = 0 #fs_input = np.ones(len(fm_input), dtype=fs_dtype) #ut.embed() #fs_input = scales1 * scales2 args = (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh) ex_list = [] try: with ut.Indenter('[TEST1] '): inlier_tup = vt.compare_implementations( sver.get_affine_inliers, get_affine_inliers_cpp, args, lbl1='py', lbl2='c', output_lbl=('aff_inliers_list', 'aff_errors_list', 'Aff_mats') ) out_inliers, out_errors, out_mats = inlier_tup except AssertionError as ex: ex_list.append(ex) raise try: import functools with ut.Indenter('[TEST2] '): bestinlier_tup = vt.compare_implementations( functools.partial(sver.get_best_affine_inliers, forcepy=True), get_best_affine_inliers_cpp, args, show_output=True, lbl1='py', lbl2='c', output_lbl=('bestinliers', 'besterror', 'bestmat') ) bestinliers, besterror, bestmat = bestinlier_tup except AssertionError as ex: ex_list.append(ex) raise if len(ex_list) > 0: raise AssertionError('some tests failed. see previous stdout') #num_inliers_list = np.array(map(len, out_inliers_c)) #best_argx = num_inliers_list.argmax() ##best_inliers_py = out_inliers_py[best_argx] #best_inliers_c = out_inliers_c[best_argx] if ut.show_was_requested(): import plottool as pt fm_output = fm_input.take(bestinliers, axis=0) fnum = pt.next_fnum() pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, ell_linewidth=5, fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 1, 1)) pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_output, ell_linewidth=5, fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 1, 2)) pt.show_if_requested()
def warp_patch_onto_kpts(kpts, patch, chipshape, weights=None, out=None, cov_scale_factor=.2, cov_agg_mode='max', cov_remove_shape=False, cov_remove_scale=False, cov_size_penalty_on=True, cov_size_penalty_power=.5, cov_size_penalty_frac=.1): r""" Overlays the source image onto a destination image in each keypoint location Args: kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints patch (ndarray): patch to warp (like gaussian) chipshape (tuple): weights (ndarray): score for every keypoint Kwargs: cov_scale_factor (float): Returns: ndarray: mask CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --hole python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square --hole Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import pyhesaff >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> (kpts, vecs) = pyhesaff.detect_feats(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[::15] >>> chip = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> chipshape = chip.shape >>> weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) >>> cov_scale_factor = 1.0 >>> srcshape = (19, 19) >>> radius = srcshape[0] / 2.0 >>> sigma = 0.4 * radius >>> SQUARE = ut.get_argflag('--square') >>> HOLE = ut.get_argflag('--hole') >>> if SQUARE: >>> patch = np.ones(srcshape) >>> else: >>> patch = ptool.gaussian_patch(shape=srcshape, sigma=sigma) #, norm_01=False) >>> patch = patch / patch.max() >>> if HOLE: >>> patch[int(patch.shape[0] / 2), int(patch.shape[1] / 2)] = 0 >>> # execute function >>> dstimg = warp_patch_onto_kpts(kpts, patch, chipshape, weights, cov_scale_factor=cov_scale_factor) >>> # verify results >>> print('dstimg stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(dstimg, axis=None)),) >>> print('patch stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(patch, axis=None)),) >>> #print(patch.sum()) >>> assert np.all(ut.inbounds(dstimg, 0, 1, eq=True)) >>> # show results >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> mask = dstimg >>> show_coverage_map(chip, mask, patch, kpts) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt #if len(kpts) == 0: # return None chip_scale_h = int(np.ceil(chipshape[0] * cov_scale_factor)) chip_scale_w = int(np.ceil(chipshape[1] * cov_scale_factor)) if len(kpts) == 0: dstimg = np.zeros((chip_scale_h, chip_scale_w)) return dstimg if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) dsize = (chip_scale_w, chip_scale_h) # Allocate destination image patch_shape = patch.shape # Scale keypoints into destination image # <HACK> if cov_remove_shape: # disregard affine information in keypoints # i still dont understand why we are trying this (patch_h, patch_w) = patch_shape half_width = (patch_w / 2.0) # - .5 half_height = (patch_h / 2.0) # - .5 # Center src image T1 = vt.translation_mat3x3(-half_width + .5, -half_height + .5) # Scale src to the unit circle if not cov_remove_scale: S1 = vt.scale_mat3x3(1.0 / half_width, 1.0 / half_height) # Transform the source image to the keypoint ellipse kpts_T = np.array( [vt.translation_mat3x3(x, y) for (x, y) in vt.get_xys(kpts).T]) if not cov_remove_scale: kpts_S = np.array([ vt.scale_mat3x3(np.sqrt(scale)) for scale in vt.get_scales(kpts).T ]) # Adjust for the requested scale factor S2 = vt.scale_mat3x3(cov_scale_factor, cov_scale_factor) #perspective_list = [ for A in invVR_aff2Ds] if not cov_remove_scale: M_list = reduce(vt.matrix_multiply, (S2, kpts_T, kpts_S, S1, T1)) else: M_list = reduce(vt.matrix_multiply, (S2, kpts_T, T1)) # </HACK> else: M_list = ktool.get_transforms_from_patch_image_kpts( kpts, patch_shape, cov_scale_factor) affmat_list = M_list[:, 0:2, :] weight_list = weights # For each keypoint warp a gaussian scaled by the feature score into the image warped_patch_iter = warped_patch_generator( patch, dsize, affmat_list, weight_list, cov_size_penalty_on=cov_size_penalty_on, cov_size_penalty_power=cov_size_penalty_power, cov_size_penalty_frac=cov_size_penalty_frac) # Either max or sum if cov_agg_mode == 'max': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.maximum, warped_patch_iter, out=out) elif cov_agg_mode == 'sum': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.add, warped_patch_iter, out=out) # HACK FOR SUM: DO NOT DO THIS FOR MAX dstimg[dstimg > 1.0] = 1.0 else: raise AssertionError('Unknown cov_agg_mode=%r' % (cov_agg_mode, )) return dstimg
def test_sver_wrapper(): """ Test to ensure cpp and python agree and that cpp is faster CommandLine: python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --rebuild-sver python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --dummy python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=easy1.png --fname2=easy2.png python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=easy1.png --fname2=hard3.png python -m vtool.sver_c_wrapper --test-test_sver_wrapper --show --fname1=carl.jpg --fname2=hard3.png Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.sver_c_wrapper import * # NOQA >>> test_sver_wrapper() Ignore: %timeit call_python_version(*args) %timeit get_affine_inliers_cpp(*args) """ import vtool.spatial_verification as sver import vtool.tests.dummy as dummy xy_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(.4) scale_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(2.0) ori_thresh = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(TAU / 4.0) keys = 'xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh'.split(', ') print(ut.dict_str(ut.dict_subset(locals(), keys))) def report_errors(): pass if ut.get_argflag('--dummy'): testtup = dummy.testdata_dummy_matches() (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, rchip1, rchip2) = testtup fm_input = fm_input.astype(fm_dtype) #fm_input = fm_input[0:10].astype(fm_dtype) #fs_input = fs_input[0:10].astype(np.float32) else: fname1 = ut.get_argval('--fname1', type_=str, default='easy1.png') fname2 = ut.get_argval('--fname2', type_=str, default='easy2.png') testtup = dummy.testdata_ratio_matches(fname1, fname2) (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, rchip1, rchip2) = testtup # pack up call to aff hypothesis import vtool as vt import scipy.stats.mstats scales1 = vt.get_scales(kpts1.take(fm_input.T[0], axis=0)) scales2 = vt.get_scales(kpts2.take(fm_input.T[1], axis=0)) #fs_input = 1 / scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(np.vstack((scales1, scales2))) fs_input = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(np.vstack((scales1, scales2))) print('fs_input = ' + ut.numpy_str(fs_input)) #fs_input[0:-9] = 0 #fs_input = np.ones(len(fm_input), dtype=fs_dtype) #ut.embed() #fs_input = scales1 * scales2 args = (kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, fs_input, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh) ex_list = [] try: with ut.Indenter('[TEST1] '): inlier_tup = vt.compare_implementations( sver.get_affine_inliers, get_affine_inliers_cpp, args, lbl1='py', lbl2='c', output_lbl=('aff_inliers_list', 'aff_errors_list', 'Aff_mats')) out_inliers, out_errors, out_mats = inlier_tup except AssertionError as ex: ex_list.append(ex) raise try: import functools with ut.Indenter('[TEST2] '): bestinlier_tup = vt.compare_implementations( functools.partial(sver.get_best_affine_inliers, forcepy=True), get_best_affine_inliers_cpp, args, show_output=True, lbl1='py', lbl2='c', output_lbl=('bestinliers', 'besterror', 'bestmat')) bestinliers, besterror, bestmat = bestinlier_tup except AssertionError as ex: ex_list.append(ex) raise if len(ex_list) > 0: raise AssertionError('some tests failed. see previous stdout') #num_inliers_list = np.array(map(len, out_inliers_c)) #best_argx = num_inliers_list.argmax() ##best_inliers_py = out_inliers_py[best_argx] #best_inliers_c = out_inliers_c[best_argx] if ut.show_was_requested(): import plottool as pt fm_output = fm_input.take(bestinliers, axis=0) fnum = pt.next_fnum() pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_input, ell_linewidth=5, fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 1, 1)) pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_output, ell_linewidth=5, fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 1, 2)) pt.show_if_requested()
def _annotate_kpts(kpts_, sel_fx=None, **kwargs): r""" Args: kpts_ (ndarray): keypoints sel_fx (None): Keywords: color: 3/4-tuple, ndarray, or str Returns: None Example: >>> from plottool.viz_keypoints import * # NOQA >>> sel_fx = None >>> kpts = np.array([[ 92.9246, 17.5453, 7.8103, -3.4594, 10.8566, 0. ], ... [ 76.8585, 24.7918, 11.4412, -3.2634, 9.6287, 0. ], ... [ 140.6303, 24.9027, 10.4051, -10.9452, 10.5991, 0. ],]) """ if len(kpts_) == 0: print('len(kpts_) == 0...') return #color = kwargs.get('color', 'distinct' if sel_fx is None else df2.ORANGE) color = kwargs.get('color', 'scale' if sel_fx is None else df2.ORANGE) if color == 'distinct': # hack for distinct colors color = df2.distinct_colors(len(kpts_)) # , randomize=True) elif color == 'scale': # hack for distinct colors import vtool as vt #color = df2.scores_to_color(vt.get_scales(kpts_), cmap_='inferno', score_range=(0, 50)) color = df2.scores_to_color(vt.get_scales(kpts_), cmap_='viridis', score_range=(5, 30), cmap_range=None) #df2.distinct_colors(len(kpts_)) # , randomize=True) # Keypoint drawing kwargs drawkpts_kw = { 'ell': True, 'pts': False, 'ell_alpha': .4, 'ell_linewidth': 2, 'ell_color': color, } drawkpts_kw.update(kwargs) # draw all keypoints if sel_fx is None: df2.draw_kpts2(kpts_, **drawkpts_kw) else: # dont draw the selected keypoint in this batch nonsel_kpts_ = np.vstack((kpts_[0:sel_fx], kpts_[sel_fx + 1:])) # Draw selected keypoint sel_kpts = kpts_[sel_fx:sel_fx + 1] import utool as ut if ut.isiterable(color) and ut.isiterable(color[0]): # hack for distinct colors drawkpts_kw['ell_color'] = color[0:sel_fx] + color[sel_fx + 1:] drawkpts_kw drawkpts_kw2 = drawkpts_kw.copy() drawkpts_kw2.update({ 'ell_color': df2.BLUE, 'eig': True, 'rect': True, 'ori': True, }) df2.draw_kpts2(nonsel_kpts_, **drawkpts_kw) df2.draw_kpts2(sel_kpts, **drawkpts_kw2)