Exemplo n.º 1
class MoonServer :
    def __init__( self , moon_cfg ):
        self.log = VyLog( self.__class__.__name__ )
        try :
            moon_cfg = json.load( open( moon_cfg ) )
            self.log.show( "[filling up ip, port and name]" )
            self.ip = moon_cfg["ip"]
            self.port = int( moon_cfg["port"] )
            self.name = moon_cfg["name"]
            self.log.show( "[filling up std ( in |out | err ) for daemon class]" )
            # ---
            self.log.show( "[filling up directorys" )
            self.application_dir = moon_cfg["directorys"]["applications"]
            self.application_profile_dir = moon_cfg["directorys"]["application_profiles"]
            self.pidfile = moon_cfg["pid"]
        except :
            self.log.show( '[wrong json format :/]' )
            self.log.show( '[bye bye]' )
            exit( 0 )
        self.log.show("[loading application index]")
        self.library = {}
        self.log.show( '[acessing]['+self.application_profile_dir+']' )
        os.chdir( os.path.expanduser( self.application_profile_dir ) )
        for app_profile_filename in os.listdir('.'):
            app_tmp = Application()
            try :
                app_profile_dict = json.load( open( app_profile_filename ) )
                if 0 == app_tmp.load_profile( app_profile_dict ) :
                    self.library[app_tmp.alias] = app_tmp
                    self.log.show( '[application]['+app_tmp.alias+'][indexed]' )
            except :
                self.log.show( '[error][wrong json formating on profile][application will not be indexed]' )
        self.log.show( '[appending application dir to path]['+self.application_dir+']' )
        sys.path.append( os.path.expanduser( self.application_dir ) )
        self.log.show('persisting pid -> ' + moon_cfg["pid"] )
        if not os.path.isfile(moon_cfg["pid"]):
            pid = open( self.pidfile , 'w' )
            pid.write(str( os.getpid() ))
    def start( self ):
    def stop( self ):
        if os.path.isfile(self.pidfile):
            pid = ''.join( open( self.pidfile , 'r' ) )
            try :

                self.log.show('Kill moon server at PID '+pid)
                os.kill( int(pid) , 9 )
            except :
                self.log.show('pid file exist but process is already dead!')
            os.remove( self.pidfile )
        else :
            self.log.show('there is nothing to stop! .-.')
    def run( self ):
        server = None
        client = None
        try :
            #self.ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(self.network_device)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr']
            self.log.show( '[setting up bind]['+self.ip+'/'+str(self.port)+']' )
            server = TCPSocketServer()
            server.bind( self.ip , self.port )
            while True :
                self.log.show( '[wait for an expedition]' )
                client = server.wait()
                self.log.show( '[solving task mode]' )
                self.solving_tasks( client )
                self.log.show( '[closing connection]' )
        except :
            if server : server.close()
            if client : client.close()
    def solving_tasks( self , client ):
        try :
            self.log.show( '[wait for a task request]' )
            task_json_str = client.read()
            task_obj = Task( json_str = task_json_str )
            self.log.show( '[checking if the app is intalled]['+task_obj.app+']' )
            app = self.library[ task_obj.app ]
            self.log.show( '[executing]['+task_obj.app+']' )
            task_obj = app.run( task_obj )
            task_obj.moon_name = self.name
            self.log.show( '[sending result to planet]' )
            client.send( str( task_obj ) )
        except :
Exemplo n.º 2
def expedition( planet_name , moon_name , moon_ip , moon_port , send_q , recv_q ):
    log = VyLog( 'Expedition' )
    log.show('Expedition to '+moon_name+' is launched')
    try :
        #log.show('Entering on main loop')
        while not send_q.empty() :
            log.show('get task to send')
            task_json_str = send_q.get()
            try :
                moon_connection = TCPSocketClient()
                log.show( 'connecting to '+moon_name )
                moon_connection.connect( moon_ip , moon_port ) # Moon(Slave Host) is down.
                log.show( 'sending task to '+moon_name )
                moon_connection.send( task_json_str )
                log.show( 'reading a response from '+moon_name )
                task_json_str = moon_connection.read()
                log.show( 'closing connection' )
                log.show( 'enqueue on recv_queue' )
                recv_q.put_nowait( task_json_str )
            except :
                send_q.put( task_json_str )
                log.show( 'Expedition on '+moon_name+' is aborted!' )
    except :
        log.show( 'Expedition on '+moon_name+' is aborted!' )
    log.show( 'Expedition on '+moon_name+' was a sucess! returning to home!' )
Exemplo n.º 3
class Application :
    def __init__( self ):
        self.log = VyLog( self.__class__.__name__ )
        self.name        = None
        self.alias       = None
        self.boot_module = None
    def load_profile( self , application_profile_dict ):
        try :
            self.name        = application_profile_dict["name"]
            self.alias       = application_profile_dict["alias"]
            self.boot_module = application_profile_dict["boot_module"]
            return 0
        except :
            self.log.show( '[error][wrong json format]' )
            return 1
    def __str__( self ):
        return json.dumps( self , default=lambda o: o.__dict__  , indent=4 )
    def run( self , task_obj ):
        self.log.show( '['+str(os.getcwd())+']' )
        try :
            self.log.show( '[importing module]['+self.boot_module+']' )
            self.log.show( self.boot_module )
            self.log.show( self.boot_module.split('.')[-1] )
            app = __import__( self.boot_module , globals() , locals() , [ self.boot_module.split('.')[-1] ] , -1 )
            os.chdir(  os.path.dirname( app.__file__ ) )
            self.log.show( '[executing app]' )
            s = time.time()
            task_obj.result , task_obj.error = app.run( task_obj.get_arguments() )
            e = time.time()
            task_obj.execution_time = e - s
            self.log.show('[error][cant import application]' )
            task_obj.error = format_exc()
        return task_obj
Exemplo n.º 4
class Planet :
    # Master Host Abstraction
    Orbit File Template

        "name" : "planet_name",
        "ip"   : "planet_ip",
        "port" : planet_port,

        "moons" : 
            [ "moon_name" , { "ip" : "moon_ip" , "port" : moon_host } ]

    def __init__( self , orbit_file_path ): # orbit file is a JSON formatted file :)
        self.log = VyLog( self.__class__.__name__ ) 
        # --- loading orbit configs - [bgn]
        self.log.show('loading orbit configs [bgn]')
        orbit_json = json.load( open( orbit_file_path ) )
        self.name = orbit_json["name"]
        self.ip   = orbit_json["ip"]
        self.port = int( orbit_json["port"] ) # just make sure, ok?
        self.orbit = Orbit(orbit_json["moons"])
        self.log.show('loading orbit configs [end]')
        # --- loading orbit configs - [end]
    def launch_expeditions( self , task_request_list , moon_name_list=None ):
        global expedition
        # ---[ 1 ]------------------------------------------------------
        self.log.show( 'Checking Moon list sent by user' )
        working_moons = []
        if not moon_name_list :
            self.log.show( 'Traveling to available Moons on Orbit' )
            working_moons = self.orbit.values()
        else :
            self.log.show( 'Traveling to ' + str( moon_name_list ) )
            working_moons = [ self.orbit.get_moon( moon_name ) for moon_name in moon_name_list ]
        # ---[ 2 ]------------------------------------------------------
        self.log.show( 'Build Thread-safe Queues with no maximum size' )
        recv_queue = Manager().Queue( )#len(task_request_list) )
        send_queue  = Manager().Queue( )#len(task_request_list) )

        # ---[ 3 ]------------------------------------------------------
        self.log.show( 'Enqueue tasks on "send_queue" object' )
        for task_obj in task_request_list : 
            send_queue.put_nowait( str(task_obj) ) # "Normal" Objects are note thread safe!
        self.log.show( 'send_queue = ' + str(send_queue.qsize())+'/'+str(len(task_request_list)) + 'tasks')
        # ---[ 4 ]------------------------------------------------------
        self.log.show( 'Starting up Process Pool' )
        pool = Pool(processes=len(working_moons))


        for moon in working_moons :
            #running_expeditions.append( Process( target=expedition , args=(self.name , moon.name , moon.ip , moon.port , taskrequest_queue , taskresponse_queue, ) ) ) # Process Object
            pool.apply_async( func=expedition , args=(self.name , moon.name , moon.ip , moon.port , send_queue , recv_queue , ) )

        # ---[ 5 ]------------------------------------------------------
        self.log.show( 'recv_queue = '+ str(recv_queue.qsize())+'/'+str(len(task_request_list)) + 'tasks' )
        tmp = []
        while not recv_queue.empty() :
            tmp.append( recv_queue.get() )
        self.log.show( 'closing queue' )
        self.log.show( 'return results' )
        return tmp