def withdraw_(): check = wallet.check() if not check: return redirect("/") if request.method == "POST": if request.form.get("email"): email = request.form['email'] check = db.members.find_one({"email":email}) if check: flash("Email already exists in our database.") return redirect("/account/edit") db.members.update({"email":session['login']}, {"$set":{"email":email}}) flash("Email updated successfully!") return redirect("/account/edit") if request.form.get("password"): password = protect.protect(request.form['password']) confirm = protect.protect(request.form['verifypassword']) if password != confirm: flash("Passwords do not match.") return redirect("/account/edit") else: db.members.update({"email":session['login']}, {"$set":{"password":password}}) flash("Password updated successfully.") return redirect("/account/edit") return render_template("edit.html", user=check, admin=check['admin'])
def deposit_(): check = wallet.check() if not check: return redirect("/") games ={"rsname":check['rsname']}).sort("_id", -1) return render_template("games.html", games=games, admin=check['admin'])
def delete_(uid): user = wallet.check() user = db.members.find_one({"email":session['login']}) check ={"creator":user['rsname']}) if check or user['admin']: if{"id":uid}): return redirect("/account/games") else: return "This game does not exist. <a href='javascript:history.back()'>Click</a> here to go back." else: return "Shame on you. This game does not belong to you."
def bank_(): user = wallet.check() if not user or not user['admin']: return redirect("/") total = if not total:{"total":0}) total = if request.method == "POST": if request.form.get("withdraw"): name = request.form['rsname'] deposit = request.form['finalwithdraw'] try: deposit = int(deposit) except: flash("Deposit must be an integer.") return redirect("/admin/bank") check = db.members.find_one({"rsname":name}) if not check: flash("RSname does not exist on our site.") return redirect("/admin/bank") db.members.update({"rsname":name}, {"$set":{"wallet":check['wallet'] - deposit}}){"total":total['total']}, {"$set":{"total":total['total'] - deposit }}) flash("Withdraw successful") return redirect("/admin/bank") if request.form.get("deposit"): name = request.form['rsname'] deposit = request.form['finaldeposit'] try: deposit = int(deposit) except: flash("Deposit must be an integer.") return redirect("/admin/bank") check = db.members.find_one({"rsname":name}) if not check: flash("RSname does not exist on our site.") return redirect("/admin/bank") db.members.update({"rsname":name}, {"$set":{"wallet":check['wallet'] + deposit}}){"total":total['total']}, {"$set":{"total":total['total'] + deposit }}) flash("Deposit successful") return redirect("/admin/bank") return render_template("bank.html", total=total)
def create_(): check = wallet.check() if not check: return redirect("/") if request.method == "POST": if not request.form.get("amount"): flash("You need to bet an amount.") return redirect("/create/") amount = request.form['amount'] try: amount = int(amount) except: flash("Amount needs to be an integer.") return redirect("/create/") if amount > check['wallet']: flash("You don't have enough gold.") return redirect("/create/") if amount < 10000: flash("You have to bet atleast 10000.") return redirect("/create/") gameid = uuid.uuid4().hex game = request.form['radios1'] if game != "bank": try: players = int(request.form['radios']) except: flash("Number of players has to be an integer.") return redirect("/create/"){"type":"Dice Duel", "creator":check['rsname'], "rsname":check['rsname'], "id":gameid, "bet":amount, "participants":1, "max_participants":players, "win":None, "roll":None, "resullt":None}) db.members.update({"rsname":check['rsname']}, {"$set":{"wallet":check['wallet'] - amount}}) elif game == "bank": db.members.update({"rsname":check['rsname']}, {"$set":{"wallet":check['wallet'] - amount}}) roll = random.randint(1, 101) if roll > 60: win = (amount * 2) win -= win * 0.05{"rsname":check['rsname'], "type":"Bank", "id":gameid, "bet":amount, "participants":1, "max_participants":1, "win":amount, "roll":roll, "result":"You won!"}) db.members.update({"rsname":check['rsname']}, {"$set":{"wallet":check['wallet'] + win}}) if roll <= 60:{"rsname":check['rsname'], "type":"Bank", "id":gameid, "bet":amount, "participants":1, "max_participants":1, "win":0, "roll":roll, "result":"You lost"}) flash("Game has been created.") return redirect("/create/") return render_template("create.html", admin=check['admin'])
def match_(uid): user = wallet.check() if not user: return redirect("/") if request.method == "POST": check ={"rsname":user['rsname'], "id":uid}) if check: flash("You are already in this game.") return reirect("/match/"+uid) c2 ={"id":uid}) if c2['participants'] >= c2['max_participants']: flash("There are too many people in this game.") return redirect("/match/"+uid) if user['wallet'] < c2['bet']: flash("You don't have enough gold to bet.") return redirect("/match/"+uid) c3 ={"id":uid}) control = None for x in c3: participants = x['participants'] + 1{"_id":ObjectId(x['_id'])}, {"$set":{"participants":x['participants']+1}}) control = x{"type":"Dice Duel", "creator":control['creator'], "rsname":user['rsname'], "id":control['id'], "bet":control['bet'], "participants":control['participants']+1, "max_participants":control['max_participants'], "win":None, "roll":None, "resullt":None}) db.members.update({"rsname":user['rsname']}, {"$set":{"wallet":user['wallet'] - control['bet']}}) if control['max_participants'] == control['participants'] + 1: people ={"id":uid}) for x in people: while True: roll = random.randint(1, 101) if{"id":uid, "roll":roll}): pass else:{"id":uid, "rsname":x['rsname']}, {"$set":{"roll":roll}}) break winner = {"roll":-5} check_winner ={"id":uid}) for x in check_winner: if x['roll'] > winner['roll']: winner = x member = db.members.find_one({"rsname":winner['rsname']}) final_update ={"id":uid}) for x in final_update: if x['rsname'] == winner['rsname']: win = control['bet'] * x['participants'] win -= win * 0.05 win += member['wallet']{"rsname":x['rsname'], "id":uid}, {"$set":{"win":control['win'], "result":winner['rsname']+" Wins!"}}) db.members.update({"rsname":winner['rsname']}, {"$set":{"wallet":win}}) else:{"rsname":x['rsname'], "id":uid}, {"$set":{"win":0, "result":winner['rsname']+" Wins!"}}) return redirect("/match/"+uid) out = [] data ={"id":uid}).sort("_id", -1) for x in data: out.append(x) control = out[0] return render_template("match.html", games=out, control = x, admin=user['admin'])
def account_(): check = wallet.check() if not check: return redirect("/") tickets ={"rsname":check['rsname']}).sort("_id", -1) return render_template("dashboard.html", admin=check['admin'], tickets=tickets)
def tickets_(): user = wallet.check() if not user or not user['admin']: return redirect("/") tickets ={"status":"Not Completed"}).sort("_id", 1) return render_template("tickets.html", tickets=tickets)
def tickets_view(uid): user = wallet.check() if not user or not user['admin']: return redirect("/") return render_template("tickets_view.html")
def deny(oid): user = wallet.check() if not user or not user['admin']: return redirect("/"){"_id":ObjectId(oid)}, {"$set":{"status":"Transaction could not be completed, try making another request."}}) return redirect("/admin/tickets")
def complete(oid): user = wallet.check() if not user or not user['admin']: return redirect("/"){"_id":ObjectId(oid)}, {"$set":{"status":"Transaction Complete"}}) return redirect("/admin/tickets")