Exemplo n.º 1
def loadParams(ind): 
    if processReal: 
        resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/theta" + str(ind) + "/"
        outputDir = resultsDir + "stats/"
        N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams(True)
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, numInds = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams(test=True, ind=ind)
        realTheta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta(ind)
        prefix = "Real"
        resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/theta/"
        outputDir = resultsDir + "stats/"        
        N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.toyABCParams()
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams(test=True)
        realTheta, sigmaTheta, pertTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()
        prefix = "Toy"
        numInds = 1

    breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale       
    return N, resultsDir, outputDir, recordStep, startDate, endDate, prefix, targetGraph, breakSize, numEpsilons, M, matchAlpha, matchAlg, numInds
Exemplo n.º 2
    def profileSimulate(self):
        startDate, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
        meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
        undirected = True
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        logging.info("Created graph: " + str(graph))
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        logging.debug("MeanTheta=" + str(meanTheta))

        ProfileUtils.profile('model.simulate()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 3
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    i = int(sys.argv[2])
    i = 0 

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
logging.debug("Number of processes: " + str(numProcesses))
logging.debug("Epidemic period index " + str(i))
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/" 
startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, numInds = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams(ind=i)
N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize, pertScale = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams(i)

logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(N))
logging.debug("Matching algorithm " + str(matchAlg))

logging.debug("="*10 + "Starting new simulation batch with index " + str(i) + "="*10) 
logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))    

breakSize = (targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size - targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(startDate)).size)  * breakScale
logging.debug("Largest acceptable graph is " + str(breakSize))

def createModel(t):
    The parameter t is the particle index. 
Exemplo n.º 4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. Let's try to get an 
exponential infection. 

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
M = 100
endDate = startDate + 1000
meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
meanTheta = numpy.array([ 1,   0.1,    0.0,    0.00,         0.5,      0.1])
outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/"

undirected = True
graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
logging.info("Created graph: " + str(graph))

alpha = 2
zeroVal = 0.9
p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
Exemplo n.º 5
assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    numProcesses = int(sys.argv[1])
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
logging.debug("Number of processes: " + str(numProcesses))
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/" 
startDates, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
N, matchAlpha, breakScale, numEpsilons, epsilon, minEpsilon, matchAlg, abcMaxRuns, batchSize = HIVModelUtils.realABCParams()

logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(N))

alpha = 2
zeroVal = 0.9

for i, endDate in enumerate(endDates): 
    startDate = startDates[i]
    logging.debug("="*10 + "Starting new simulation batch with index " + str(i) + "="*10) 
    logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))    
    breakSize = targetGraph.subgraph(targetGraph.removedIndsAt(endDate)).size * breakScale
    logging.debug("Largest acceptable graph is " + str(breakSize))