Exemplo n.º 1
    def resize(self, img: WandImage, mult: float) -> WandImage:
        # No need to waste our resources for resizing by the same exact multiplier (1:1)
        if mult == 1.0:
            return img
        # Or even invalid multiplier (raise exception instead)
        elif mult <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Image resize multiplier must not be less than 0!")

        # Resize the image using the multiplier
        new_width = round(img.width * mult)
        new_height = round(img.height * mult)
        img.adaptive_resize(new_width, new_height)

        # Then crop the image so it's centered
        crop_left = round((self.max_width - img.width) / 2)
        if crop_left < 0:
            crop_left = 0
        crop_right = crop_left + self.max_width
        if crop_right > img.width:
            crop_right = img.width
        img.crop(crop_left, 0, crop_right, self.max_height)

        return img