def migu_register(): """用户注册(GET|POST) :uri: /migu/register_phone :param phone: 手机号 :param password: 密码 :param code: 验证码 :param sessionid: 短信sessionid :returns: {'user': object, 'ut': string} """ params = request.values.to_dict() phone = params.get('phone', None) code = params.get('code', None) sessionid = params.get('sessionid', None) password = params.get('password', None) if not phone or not code or not password or not sessionid: return error.InvalidArguments invalid_error = User.invalid_password(password) if invalid_error: return invalid_error # 用户中心注册 ret = Migu.center_register(phone, password, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE, code, sessionid) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret # 进行用户绑定 migu_uid = Migu.get_identityid(phone, password, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE) if isinstance(migu_uid, error.ApiError): return migu_uid user = User.get_platform_user('migu', migu_uid) if not user: user = User.get_by_phone(phone) if user: info = dict(partner_migu={'id': migu_uid}, nickname=u'咪咕用户%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999)), gender=random.randint(1, 2), name='$mg$%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999))) user = user.update_model({'$set': info}) else: info = dict(phone=phone, nickname=u'咪咕用户%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999)), gender=random.randint(1, 2), name='$mg$%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999))) user = User.create_platform_user('migu', migu_uid, data=info) else: # 如果用户没有绑定手机并且手机号没有被绑定, 则自动进行手机号绑定 if not and not User.get_by_phone(phone): info = dict(phone=phone) user.update_model({'$set': info}) ut = User.gen_token(str(user._id)) return {'user': user.format(), 'ut': ut}
def migu_change_pwd(): """更改密码(GET|POST) :uri: /migu/change_password :param phone: 手机号 :param old_pwd: 旧密码 :param new_pwd: 新密码 :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values old_pwd = params.get('old_pwd', None) new_pwd = params.get('new_pwd', None) phone = params.get('phone', None) or (user and if not old_pwd or not new_pwd or not phone: return error.InvalidArguments invalid_error = User.invalid_password(new_pwd) if invalid_error: return invalid_error openid = Migu.get_identityid(phone, old_pwd, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE) if isinstance(openid, error.ApiError): return openid ret = Migu.center_update_pwd(openid, old_pwd, new_pwd) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret return {}
def send_migu_code(): """发送短信验证码 (GET|POST) :uri: /migu/sms_code :param phone: 手机号 :param action: (注册:reg 重置:reset 升级:up) :returns: {'sessionid': string} """ params = request.values phone = params.get('phone', None) action = params.get('action', None) if not phone: return error.InvalidArguments # 如果是注册验证码,提前判断手机号是否已存在 ret = Migu.center_check_account(phone, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret if action == 'reg' and not ret: return error.UserExists ret = Migu.center_sms_code(phone, action) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret return {'sessionid': ret}
def game_poplists(): """ 获取所有游戏排行 :uri: /games/toplists :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道号【可选】 :param version_code: 版本号 :return: {'toplists': <TopList> list} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) if not os or not version_code: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None toplists = list() _ids = TopList.all_ids_by_os(os) for b in TopList.get_list(_ids): if b.os and b.os != os: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue toplists.append(b.format()) return {'toplists': toplists}
def migu_present_record(): """ 获取咪咕币赠送记录 :uri: /migupay/present/record :param: start_at 查询起始时间,格式 yyyymmddHHMMSS :param: end_at 查询结束时间,格式 yyyymmddHHMMSS :param: page 页码,int :param: nbr 页长度, int,范围1到500 :return: {'records': <MiguPresentRecord>list, 'end_page': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values start_at = params.get('start_at') end_at = params.get('end_at') page_no = params.get('page') page_size = params.get('nbr') if not all([start_at, end_at, page_no, page_size]): return error.InvalidArguments passid = user.partner_migu and user.partner_migu.get('passid') if not passid: passid = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(, keyword='passID') if passid: user.update_model({'$set': {'partner_migu.passid': passid}}) data = {'records': [], 'end_page': False} # passid = '6484464505210' if passid: data = MiguPay.query_present_record(passid, start_at, end_at, page_no, page_size) return data
def game_download(gid): """获取游戏下载地址(GET|POST) :uri: /games/<string:gid>/download :returns: {'url': url, 'download_id': string} """ ua = request.headers.get('User-Agent') game = Game.get_one(gid, check_online=False) if not game: return error.GameNotExist url = game.format(exclude_fields=['subscribed'])['url'] if and game.bcode: url = Migu.ota_download(ua, game.bcode, or url # 增加下载记录 gd = GameDownload.init() gd.user = request.authed_user._id if request.authed_user else None gd.device = request.values.get('device', None) = game._id gd.finish = False download_id = gd.create_model() #咪咕汇活动 user = request.authed_user if user: Marketing.trigger_report(user.partner_migu['id'],, 'download_game') return {'url': url, 'download_id': str(download_id)}
def migu_reset_password(): """重置密码 (GET|POST) :uri: /migu/reset_password :param phone: 手机号 :param password: 密码 :param code: 短信验证码 :param sessionid: 短信sessionid :returns: {} """ params = request.values.to_dict() phone = params.get('phone', None) code = params.get('code', None) sessionid = params.get('sessionid', None) password = params.get("password", None) if not phone or not code or not password or not sessionid: return error.InvalidArguments invalid_error = User.invalid_password(password) if invalid_error: return invalid_error ret = Migu.center_reset_pwd(phone, password, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE, code, sessionid) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret return {}
def game_mainstays(): """获取主推游戏 (GET) :uri: /games/mainstays :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :returns: {'mainstays': list} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) if not os or not version_code: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None banners = list() _ids = GameMainstay.all_ids() for b in GameMainstay.get_list(_ids): if b.os and b.os != os: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue banners.append(b.format()) return {'mainstays': sorted(banners, key=lambda x: x['order'])}
def migu_hf_userid(): user = request.authed_user hf_userid = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(str(, keyword='hfUserID') if isinstance(hf_userid, error.ApiError): return hf_userid return {'hf_userid': hf_userid}
def all_game_grids(): """ 获取游戏页所有宫格 uri: /games/grids :param: os :return: {'grids': list} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 1)) if not os or not version_code: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None grids = list() _ids = GameGrid.all_ids() for b in GameGrid.get_list(_ids): if b.os and b.os != os: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue grids.append(b.format()) return {'grids': grids}
def migu_verify_upgrade(): """手机号码验证 (GET|POST) :uri: /migu/verify_upgrade :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user phone = if not phone: return error.InvalidArguments ret = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone, keyword='passID') if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret if ret: return error.UserAlreadyUpgraded return {}
def migu_verify_phone(): """手机号码验证 (GET|POST) :uri: /migu/verify_phone :param phone: 手机号 :returns: {} """ params = request.values.to_dict() phone = params.get('phone', None) if not phone: return error.InvalidArguments ret = Migu.center_check_account(phone, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_PHONE) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret elif not ret: return error.UserExists("手机号已被注册") return {}
def phone_province(): """ 查询手机号码归属地 :uri: /migu/phone/province :param: phone :return: """ phone = request.values.get('phone', None) if not phone: return error.InvalidArguments user = User.get_by_phone(phone) if user and user.province: return {'province': user.province} province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if isinstance(province, error.ApiError): return province user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) return {'province': province}
def service_up(): """升级咪咕通行证 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /migu/upgrade :param phone: 手机号 :param password: 升级密码 :param code: 短信验证码 :param sessionid: 短信sessionid :returns: {} """ params = request.values phone = params.get('phone', None) password = params.get('password', None) code = params.get('code', None) sessionid = params.get('sessionid', None) if not phone or not password or not code or not sessionid: return error.InvalidArguments ret = Migu.center_service_up(phone, password, code, sessionid) if isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return ret return {}
def live_task(): """观看直播时长任务 (GET) :uri: /lives/task :param task_id: 直播任务ID :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :param live_id: 直播间ID :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values task_id = params.get('task_id', None) os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) live_id = request.values.get('live_id') if not os or not version_code or not task_id or not live_id: return error.InvalidArguments uid = str(user._id) phone = str( province = None if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None # 避免出现跨天时出现没有任务的情况 tids = WatchLiveTask.get_user_tids(uid) task = WatchLiveTask.get_one(task_id) if not task: return error.TaskError(u'观看直播时长任务不存在!') if task.os not in ['all', os]: return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') if (task.version_code_mix and task.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (task.version_code_max and task.version_code_max < version_code): return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') if channels and task.channels and channels not in task.channels: return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') if task.login == 'login' and ( not uid or not task.user_in_group(str(, uid)): return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') if task.province and not province: return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') if task.province and province and province not in task.province: return error.TaskError(u'不符合任务条件!') extra = dict(migu_id=user.partner_migu['id'],, campaign_id=task.campaign_id) msg = u"恭喜%(name)s获得%(gift)s" def send_default_gift(uid, task_id, user, extra, msg): item = WatchLiveTaskItem.get_item_by_identity(task_id, 'default') if not item: return {'ret': False, 'task': task.format(uid), 'item': None} # 更新库存 item.update_left() # 进行物品的发放 product = Product.get_product(item.product_id) status = product.add_product2user(uid, item.product_num, const.TASK, extra) _msg = msg % ({'name': user.nickname or, 'gift': item.title}) data = dict(message=_msg, event_id=live_id) Xlive.send_live_msg(data, 'activity') return {'ret': True, 'task': task.format(uid), 'item': item.format()} lockkey = 'lock:task:%s:%s' % (uid, task_id) with util.Lockit(Redis, lockkey) as locked: if locked: return error.TaskError(u'请求频率过高') # 查看是否有抽奖机会 stat = WatchLiveTask.update_left_chance(uid, task_id) if not stat: return error.TaskError(u'无抽奖机会!') # 从营销中心查询/请求抽奖机会 left_chances = Marketing.query_lottery_chance(user.partner_migu['id'], task.campaign_id) if isinstance(left_chances, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, task_id, user, extra, msg) if left_chances <= 0: # 进行抽奖机会的兑换 ret = Marketing.execute_campaign(user.partner_migu['id'],, [task.campaign_id]) if not ret or isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, task_id, user, extra, msg) # 调用营销平台进行抽奖 prize = Marketing.draw_lottery(user.partner_migu['id'], task.campaign_id) if isinstance(prize, error.ApiError): prize = None if not prize: # 如果没有抽中奖品,发放默认奖品 return send_default_gift(uid, task_id, user, extra, msg) prize_name = None for i in prize['extensionInfo']: if i['key'] == 'levelName': prize_name = i['value'] break item = WatchLiveTaskItem.get_item_by_identity(task_id, prize_name) # 更新库存 item.update_left() # 生成兑奖订单 order = UserLiveOrder.create(user_id=uid, item_id=str(item._id), activity_id=task_id, activity_type=0, campaign_id=task.campaign_id, title=item.title, product_id=item.product_id, product_num=item.product_num, status=const.ORDER_FINISHED, result=json.dumps(prize)) # 进行物品的发放 product = Product.get_product(item.product_id) status = product.add_product2user(uid, item.product_num, const.TASK, extra) _msg = msg % ({'name': user.nickname or, 'gift': item.title}) data = dict(message=_msg, event_id=live_id) Xlive.send_live_msg(data, 'activity') return {'ret': True, 'task': task.format(uid), 'item': item.format()}
def live_redpacket(): """直播间红包活动(GET) :uri: /lives/redpacket/info :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :param live_id: 直播间ID :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) live_id = params.get('live_id', None) if not os or not version_code or not live_id: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None live = Xlive.get_live(live_id) # live = Xlive.test_lives()[0] if not live: return error.LiveError('直播不存在') red_packet = None red_packet_count = 0 # 先获取已存在的红包,以及已经参与的直播间抢红包 _ids = UserRedPacket.user_red_packets(uid) # user_rps = [] lrp_ids = [] for urp in UserRedPacket.get_list(_ids): # 查找用户直播间抽取红包记录 # if urp.resource_id is None: # user_rps.append((urp.campaign_id, urp.resource_id)) lrp_ids.append(str(urp.active_id)) if not LiveRedPacket.get_one(urp.active_id): continue if urp.chance <= 0: continue if red_packet is None or red_packet.expire_at > urp.expire_at: red_packet = urp red_packet_count += urp.chance red_packet = red_packet.format( red_packet_count) if red_packet else red_packet cdrp = None rp_ids = LiveRedPacket.all_ids() for rp in LiveRedPacket.get_list(rp_ids): # 过滤非观看时长红包 if rp.mode != 2: continue # 过滤已参与的红包活动id if str(rp._id) in lrp_ids: continue if rp.os and rp.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (rp.version_code_mix and rp.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (rp.version_code_max and rp.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and rp.channels and channels not in rp.channels: continue if rp.login == 'login' and (not uid or not rp.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if rp.province and not province: continue if rp.province and province and province not in rp.province: continue # 过滤主播 live_authors = [] if not rp.live_authors else rp.live_authors.split( '\r\n') if live_authors and live['user_id'] not in live_authors: continue # 过滤游戏 live_games = [] if not rp.live_games else rp.live_games.split('\r\n') if live_games and live['game_id'] not in live_games: continue # 过滤关键字 key_words = [] if not rp.keyword else rp.keyword.split(u',') if key_words and not any(map(lambda x: x in live['name'], key_words)): continue cdrp = rp.format() break return {'red_packet': red_packet, 'cdrp': cdrp}
def async_msg(): """服务器给客户端发消息接口(GET|POST) :uri: /async/msg :returns: {'has_new_msg': bool, 'has_new_follow': bool, 'has_new_task': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None retry_seconds = 60 retry_times = 0 msgs = [] while len(msgs) <= 0 and retry_times < 10: ts = time.time() if user: pubsub = MRedis.pubsub() with gevent.Timeout(retry_seconds, False): user_channel = User.USER_ASYNC_MSG % ({'uid': uid}) pubsub.subscribe(user_channel) for item in pubsub.listen(): if item['type'] == 'message': msgs.append(item['data']) break pubsub.unsubscribe(user_channel) pubsub.close() msgs = [json.loads(m) for m in msgs] # 获取发给用户的系统消息 for sys_msg in SysMessage.sys_user_messages(ts, uid): _msg = dict(obj_type='SysMessage', obj_id=str(sys_msg._id), count=1) msgs.append(_msg) else: time.sleep(retry_seconds) # 获取并过滤系统消息(平台、渠道、版本、用户组、有效期) for msg in SysMessage.sys_new_messages(ts, time.time()): if msg.os and msg.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (msg.version_code_mix and msg.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (msg.version_code_max and msg.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and msg.channels and channels not in msg.channels: continue if msg.login == 'login' and ( not uid or not msg.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if msg.province and not province: continue if msg.province and province and province not in msg.province: continue _msg = dict(obj_type='SysMessage', obj_id=str(msg._id), count=1) msgs.append(_msg) break retry_times += 1 has_new_msg = False has_new_follow = False has_new_task = False for msg in msgs: if msg['obj_type'] == 'FriendShip': has_new_follow = True elif msg['obj_type'] == 'Message': has_new_msg = True elif msg['obj_type'] == 'Letter': has_new_msg = True elif msg['obj_type'] == 'SysMessage': has_new_msg = True elif msg['obj_type'] == 'Task': has_new_task = True return { 'has_new_msg': has_new_msg, 'has_new_follow': has_new_follow, 'has_new_task': has_new_task }
def play_live(): """观看直播接口 (GET) :uri: /lives/play :param live_id: 直播ID :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本 :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values live_id = params.get('live_id', None) os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) if not os or not version_code or live_id is None: return error.InvalidArguments live = Xlive.get_live(live_id) if not live: return error.LiveError('直播不存在') uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) UserTask.check_user_tasks(uid, PLAY_LIVE, 1) task_ids = WatchLiveTask.get_user_tids(uid) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None else: task_ids = WatchLiveTask.get_live_tids() task = None for b in WatchLiveTask.get_list(task_ids): if b.os and b.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue task = b.format(uid) break red_packet, red_packet_count = None, 0 _ids = UserRedPacket.user_red_packets(uid) lrp_ids = [] for urp in UserRedPacket.get_list(_ids): lrp_ids.append(str(urp.active_id)) if not LiveRedPacket.get_one(urp.active_id): continue if urp.source == 0: # 过滤掉所有直播间抽奖机会 continue if urp.chance <= 0: continue if red_packet is None or red_packet.expire_at > urp.expire_at: red_packet = urp red_packet_count += 1 red_packet = red_packet.format( red_packet_count) if red_packet else red_packet cdrp = None rp_ids = LiveRedPacket.all_ids() for rp in LiveRedPacket.get_list(rp_ids): # 过滤非观看时长红包 if rp.mode != 2: continue # 过滤已参与的红包活动id if str(rp._id) in lrp_ids: continue if rp.os and rp.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (rp.version_code_mix and rp.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (rp.version_code_max and rp.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and rp.channels and channels not in rp.channels: continue if rp.login == 'login' and (not uid or not rp.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if rp.province and not province: continue if rp.province and province and province not in rp.province: continue # 过滤主播 live_authors = [] if not rp.live_authors else rp.live_authors.split( '\r\n') if live_authors and live['user_id'] not in live_authors: continue # 过滤游戏 live_games = [] if not rp.live_games else rp.live_games.split('\r\n') if live_games and live['game_id'] not in live_games: continue # 过滤关键字 key_words = [] if not rp.keyword else rp.keyword.split(u',') if key_words and not any(map(lambda x: x in live['name'], key_words)): continue cdrp = rp.format() break return {'ret': True, 'task': task, 'red_packet': red_packet, 'cdrp': cdrp}
def user_migupay_info(): """ 用户咪咕币信息及会员信息 :return: """ user = request.authed_user os = request.values.get('os', 'andriod') channels = request.values.get('channels', None) version_code = int(request.values.get('version_code', 1)) if not os or not version_code: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None vip_zone = None _ids = GameGrid.all_ids() for b in GameGrid.get_list(_ids): if != u'会员': continue if b.os and b.os != os: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue vip_zone = b break if os == 'ios': hide_migumoney = Config.fetch('ios_hide_migu_money', False, int) else: hide_migumoney = False migu_money = { 'miguTotalCount': 0, 'miguMoneyCount': 0, 'miguMarketingCount': 0 } # 当登录用户访问且显示咪咕币时,去一级支付中心获取用户咪咕币信息 if not hide_migumoney and user: passid = user.partner_migu and user.partner_migu.get('passid') if not passid: passid = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(, keyword='passID') if passid: user.update_model({'$set': {'partner_migu.passid': passid}}) # passid = '6484464505210' if passid: migu_money = MiguPay.query_balance_available_new(passid) if isinstance(migu_money, error.ApiError): # TODO 生产环境中需要返回错误信息 # return migu_money migu_money = { 'miguTotalCount': 0, 'miguMoneyCount': 0, 'miguMarketingCount': 0 } vip = { 'vip5': { 'subscribed': False, 'can_sub': True }, 'vip10': { 'subscribed': False, 'can_sub': True } } if user and vip = MiguPay.check_user_vip_level( if isinstance(vip, error.ApiError): return vip data = { 'hide_migu_money': bool(hide_migumoney), 'migu_money': migu_money, 'vip': vip, 'vip_action': vip_zone and vip_zone.action } return data
def game_home(): """ 获取游戏页首页内容 uri: /games/home :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :return: {'grids': list} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) if not os or not version_code: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None def my_filter(data): result = list() for b in data: if b.os and b.os != os: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue result.append(b.format()) return result # 游戏页宫格 _ids = GameGrid.all_ids() grids = my_filter(GameGrid.get_list(_ids)) # 游戏页广告 _ids = GameAds.all_ad_ids() banners = my_filter(GameAds.get_list(_ids)) # 游戏页主推游戏 _ids = GameMainstay.all_ids() mainstays = my_filter(GameMainstay.get_list(_ids)) # 游戏页热门游戏 _ids = HotRecommendGame.hot_game_ids() hot_games = [g.format() for g in Game.get_list(_ids)] # 游戏页模块内容 _ids = GameModule.all_ids_by_os(os) modules = [ i.format() for i in GameModule.get_list(_ids) if ModuleGame.module_game_ids(str(i._id)) ] return { 'grids': grids, 'ads': banners, 'mainstays': mainstays, 'hot_games': hot_games, 'modules': modules }
def query_new_redpacket(): """ :uri: /lives/redpacket/query_new :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :param live_id: 直播间ID :param active_id: 活动ID :return: """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) live_id = params.get('live_id', None) active_id = params.get('active_id', None) if not os or not version_code or not active_id or not live_id: return error.InvalidArguments live = Xlive.get_live(live_id) if not live: return error.LiveError(u'直播不存在') activity = LiveRedPacket.get_one(active_id) if not activity: return error.RedPacketError(u'直播红包活动不存在!') uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None else: return {'red_packet': activity.format()} live_authors = [] if not activity.live_authors else activity.live_authors.split( '\r\n') live_games = [] if not activity.live_games else activity.live_games.split( '\r\n') key_words = [] if not activity.keyword else activity.keyword.split(u',') # 过滤主播 if live_authors and live['user_id'] not in live_authors: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') # 过滤游戏 if live_games and live['game_id'] not in live_games: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') # 过滤关键字 if key_words and not any(map(lambda x: x in live['name'], key_words)): return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if activity.os not in ['all', os]: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if (activity.version_code_mix and activity.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (activity.version_code_max and activity.version_code_max < version_code): return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if channels and activity.channels and channels not in activity.channels: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if activity.login == 'login' and ( not uid or not activity.user_in_group(str(, uid)): return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if activity.province and not province: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') if activity.province and province and province not in activity.province: return error.RedPacketError(u'不符合活动条件!') key = 'lock:receive_red_packet:%s' % (uid) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return error.RedPacketError(u'领取红包失败,请稍后再试!') # 查看用户是否已领取该红包 if UserRedPacket.check_live_redpacket(uid, activity._id): return error.RedPacketError(u'用户已领取该红包!') _urp = UserRedPacket.init() _urp.active_id = activity._id _urp.campaign_id = activity.campaign_id _urp.chance = activity.chance _urp.expire_at = activity.expire_at _urp.user_id = uid _urp.source = 0 # 不可被分享 _urp.create_model() return {'red_packet': _urp.format(activity.chance)}
def grab_redpacket(): """直播间红包争抢(POST) :uri: /lives/redpacket/grab :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本号 :param live_id: 直播间ID :param source_id: 红包ID :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) live_id = params.get('live_id', None) source_id = params.get('source_id', None) if not os or not version_code or not source_id or not live_id: return error.InvalidArguments uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None red_packet = UserRedPacket.get_one(source_id) if not red_packet: return error.RedPacketError(u'红包不存在!') activity = LiveRedPacket.get_one(red_packet.active_id) if not activity: return error.RedPacketError(u'直播红包活动不存在!') # 查看是否有抽奖机会 if red_packet.chance <= 0: return error.RedPacketError(u'已达到领取红包次数上限!') def get_user_redpackets(): # 先获取已存在的红包,以及已经参与的直播间抢红包 _red_packet, _red_packet_count = None, 0 _ids = UserRedPacket.user_red_packets(uid) for urp in UserRedPacket.get_list(_ids): if not LiveRedPacket.get_one(urp.active_id): continue if urp.source == 0: # 过滤掉所有直播间抽奖机会 continue if urp.chance <= 0: continue if _red_packet is None or _red_packet.expire_at > urp.expire_at: _red_packet = urp _red_packet_count += 1 # 如果是直播间红包,返回直播间红包;如果不是,返回新红包 if red_packet.from_user == red_packet.user_id: _red_packet = red_packet # 如果没有新红包,返回当前红包,并标记剩余红包数为0 if not _red_packet: _red_packet = red_packet return _red_packet.format(_red_packet_count) def send_default_gift(uid, task_id, user, extra): return { 'ret': True, 'red_packet': get_user_redpackets(True), 'item': None, 'current_red_packet': red_packet.format(0, True) } extra = dict(migu_id=user.partner_migu['id'],, campaign_id=red_packet.campaign_id) item = None key = 'lock:receive_red_packet:%s' % (uid) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return error.RedPacketError(u'领取红包失败,请稍后再试!') # 如果是直播间红包抽奖,则需要先调用抽奖接口再获取红包物品 if not red_packet.source: # 从营销中心查询/请求抽奖机会 left_chances = Marketing.query_lottery_chance( user.partner_migu['id'], red_packet.campaign_id) if isinstance(left_chances, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) if left_chances <= 0: # 进行抽奖机会的兑换 ret = Marketing.execute_campaign(user.partner_migu['id'],, [red_packet.campaign_id]) if not ret or isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) # 扣除用户抽奖次数 red_packet.take_chance() # 调用营销平台进行抽奖 prize = Marketing.draw_lottery(user.partner_migu['id'], red_packet.campaign_id) if isinstance(prize, error.ApiError): prize = None if not prize: # 如果没有抽中奖品,发放默认奖品 return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) # 先请求红包机会 extra.update({'campaign_id': activity.redpacket_id}) ret = Marketing.execute_campaign(user.partner_migu['id'],, [activity.redpacket_id]) if not ret or isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) # 抢红包 rps = Marketing.query_red_package_by_user(user.partner_migu['id'], activity.redpacket_id) if isinstance(rps, error.ApiError): return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) if not rps: return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) # 将最新的红包放到最前面 rps.sort(key=lambda x: x['createDate']['time'], reverse=True) # 将红包放入用户可分享红包 _urp = UserRedPacket.init() _urp.active_id = activity._id _urp.campaign_id = activity.redpacket_id _urp.resource_id = rps[0]['id'] _urp.chance = 1 _urp.expire_at = activity.share_expire_at _urp.item_count = activity.share_count _urp.user_id = uid _urp.from_user = uid _urp.source = 1 _urp.create_model() red_packet = _urp # 扣除红包领取次数 red_packet.take_chance() # 从分享红包获取物品 prize = Marketing.grab_red_package(user.partner_migu['id'], red_packet.campaign_id, red_packet.resource_id) if isinstance(prize, error.ApiError): return { 'ret': False, 'red_packet': get_user_redpackets(), 'item': None, 'current_red_packet': red_packet.format(0, True) } if not prize: # 如果没有抽中奖品,发放默认奖品 return send_default_gift(uid, source_id, user, extra) # 发放物品 prize_name = prize.get('name') item = LiveRedPacketItem.get_item_by_identity(activity._id, prize_name) # 更新库存 item.update_left() # 生成兑奖订单 order = UserLiveOrder.create(user_id=str(user._id), item_id=str(item._id), activity_id=str(activity._id), activity_type=1, campaign_id=red_packet.campaign_id, title=item.title, product_id=item.product_id, product_num=item.product_num, status=const.ORDER_FINISHED, result=json.dumps(prize)) # 进行物品的发放 product = Product.get_product(item.product_id) product.add_product2user(uid, item.product_num, const.TASK, extra) return { 'ret': True, 'red_packet': get_user_redpackets(), 'item': item and item.format(), 'current_red_packet': red_packet.format(0, item is None) }
def user_msg_home(): """获取消息首页信息(GET|POST) :uri: /messages/home :param lrt: 系统消息最后阅读时间 :returns: {'msgs': list, 'sys_msgs': list, 'letters': list} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) ts = params.get('lrt', None) uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None # 默认取7天前的系统个人消息 cts = time.time() if ts: ts = ts_user = float(ts) else: ts_user = (cts - 7 * 24 * 3600) sys_msgs = [] # 过滤系统消息(平台、渠道、版本、用户组、有效期) for msg in SysMessage.sys_new_messages(ts, cts): if msg.os and msg.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (msg.version_code_mix and msg.version_code_mix > version_code) or\ (msg.version_code_max and msg.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and msg.channels and channels not in msg.channels: continue if msg.login == 'login' and ( not uid or not msg.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if msg.province and not province: continue if msg.province and province and province not in msg.province: continue sys_msgs.append(msg.format()) msgs = [] letters = [] if user: uid = str(user._id) # 用户系统消息推送 sys_user_msg = [ msg.format() for msg in SysMessage.sys_user_messages(ts_user, uid) ] sys_msgs.extend(sys_user_msg) msgs = [msg.format() for msg in Message.user_new_messages(uid)] letters = list() _letters = Letter.new_letter_count(uid) for _letter in _letters: last_letter = Letter.get_one(_letter['last_id']) temp = dict(last_letter=last_letter.format(), count=_letter['count']) letters.append(temp) return {'msgs': msgs, 'sys_msgs': sys_msgs, 'letters': letters}
def platform_login(): """第三方平台token登录 (GET|POST) :uri: /platform/users/login :param platform: 平台标识{'csdk':付费SDK, 'weixin':微信, 'qq':QQ, 'migu':咪咕} :param token: 用户平台token :returns: {'user': object, 'ut': string} """ params = request.values platform = params.get('platform', None) token = params.get("token", None) if not token or platform not in const.PARTNER: return error.InvalidArguments data = Migu.token_validate(token) if isinstance(data, error.ApiError): return data openid = data.get('msisdn', None) migu_uid = data.get('identityID', None) passid = data.get('passID', None) if isinstance(migu_uid, error.ApiError): return migu_uid if platform == 'migu': # 进行用户绑定 user = User.get_platform_user('migu', migu_uid) if not user: user = User.get_by_phone(openid) if user: info = dict(partner_migu={ 'id': migu_uid, 'passid': passid }, name='$mg$%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999))) user = user.update_model({'$set': info}) else: info = dict(phone=openid, nickname=u'咪咕用户%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999)), name='$mg$%s%s' % (migu_uid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999)), partner_migu={ 'id': migu_uid, 'passid': passid }) user = User.create_platform_user('migu', migu_uid, data=info) else: info = {} # 如果用户没有绑定手机并且手机号没有被绑定, 则自动进行手机号绑定 if not and not User.get_by_phone(openid): info = dict(phone=openid) # 如果用户未绑定passid,则自动进行passid绑定 if passid not in user.partner_migu: info.update( dict(partner_migu={ 'id': migu_uid, 'passid': passid })) if info: user = user.update_model({'$set': info}) # 同步咪咕用户名密码 if user: User.change_pwd(user, token) else: # 判断平台用户是否已经用户系统中存在 user = User.get_platform_user(platform, openid) first_login = not user info = {} if platform == 'csdk': info = ChargeSDK(token).get_open_info() elif platform == 'weixin': info = WeiXin(token, openid).get_open_info(first_login) elif platform == 'qq': info = QQ(token, openid).get_open_info(first_login) if not info: return error.LoginFailed # 如果平台用户在用户系统中不存在, 则创建, 通过平台ID(openid)进行关联 if first_login: open_id = info.pop('openid') user = User.create_platform_user(platform, open_id, data=info) # 给咪咕平台发送请求进行咪咕账号注册并登录绑定 try: if platform in ['qq', 'weixin'] and user: password = '******' % (openid[-4:]) ret = Migu.center_register(open_id, password, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_INDIV) if not isinstance(ret, error.ApiError): openid = Migu.get_identityid( open_id, password, const.CENTER_ACCOUNT_INDIV) if not isinstance(openid, error.ApiError): if not User.get_platform_user('migu', openid): info = {'partner_migu': {'id': openid}} user.update_model({'$set': info}) except: pass if not user: return error.LoginFailed ut = User.gen_token(str(user._id)) return {'user': user.format(include_fields=['passid']), 'ut': ut}