Exemplo n.º 1
def goEstimateWaveletFromCmpGather():
  """ Estimates wavelet from a CMP gather """
  st = Sampling(501,0.004,0.0); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
  sx = Sampling(201,0.010,0.0); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
  nref,vnmo = 100,2.0 # number of reflectors and NMO velocity
  freq,decay = 30.0,0.1 # peak frequency and decay for wavelet
  p = makeCmpReflections(vnmo,nref,st,sx) # cmp gather without wavelet
  f = addArWavelet(freq,decay,st,sx,p) # cmp gather with wavelet
  plotGather(st,sx,f,"CMP gather")
  na,ka = 11,-5 # sampling for inverse wavelet a
  ak = zerofloat(na) # array for the known inverse wavelet a
  r,w = exp(-decay),2.0*PI*freq*st.delta # radius and frequency of poles
  a1,a2 = -2.0*r*cos(w),r*r # coefficients for inverse wavelet
  ak[0-ka] = 1.0
  ak[1-ka] = a1
  ak[2-ka] = a2
  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmo)
  ae = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,f) # the estimated inverse wavelet
  nh,kh = 100,-20 # sampling for wavelet h
  for a in [ak,ae]:
    if a is ak:
      title = "known wavelet"
      title = "estimated wavelet"
    print title
    h = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,a,nh,kh);
    g = wn.applyHNmoA(na,ka,ak,nh,kh,h,f)
    plotGather(st,sx,g,"NMO with "+title)
Exemplo n.º 2
def testInverseCalcReal(na,ka):
  #################### Build wavelet and CMP gather with const v##########
  st = Sampling(1500,0.004,0.0); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
  sx = Sampling(60,0.0496,.262); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
  cmp = "C:/Users/Chris/Documents/CWP/Research/research/vikinggrabenCMP/m1cdp=1300.strip"
  hp = SUDataGrabber.grab2DFile(cmp, nx, nt)
  hp = tpow(3.0,st,hp)
  tnmo = [0.010,0.646,0.846,1.150,1.511,1.825,2.490,2.985]
  vnmo = [1.510,1.575,1.687,1.817,1.938,1.980,2.446,2.735]
  vnmoInterp = interpolateVel(tnmo,st,vnmo)

  #################### Enhanced NMO Estimation #########################
  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmoInterp)
  aenha = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,hp) # estimate inverse wavelet
  print "enhance nmo inverse coefficients"

  pd = PredDecon(hp,na,ka)
  apred = pd.getPredErrorCoef()
  print "predictive decon inverse coefficients"

  ####Use predictive deconvolution to get prediction error coefficients
  #to get the inverse of the wavelet
  #pd = PredDecon(wn.applyNmo(hp),na,ka)
  #pd = PredDecon(hp,na,ka)
  #apred = pd.getPredErrorCoef()
  #print "predictive decon nmo inverse coefficients"
Exemplo n.º 3
def goEstimateWaveletFromSynthetic_More3NA_PEF(na, ka, nh, kh, nref):
  #Input data
  st = Sampling(501,0.004,0.0); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
  sx = Sampling(201,0.010,0.0); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
  nref,vnmo = nref,2.0 # number of reflectors and NMO velocity
  freq,decay = 30.0,0.1 # peak frequency and decay for wavelet
  p = makeCmpReflections(vnmo,1,st,sx) # cmp gather without wavelet
  hp = addArWavelet(freq,decay,st,sx,p) # cmp gather with wavelet
  plotGather(st,sx,hp,0,2,100,"CMP gather")
  na,ka = na,ka # sampling for inverse wavelet a
  nh,kh = nh,kh # sampling for wavelet h

  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmo)
  a = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,hp) # estimate inverse wavelet
  h = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,a,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet
  g = wn.applyHNmoA(na,ka,a,nh,kh,h,hp) #convolve inverse, apply NMO, convolve wavelet

  pd = PredDecon(hp,na,ka)
  apred = pd.getPredErrorCoef()
  hpred = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,apred,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet
  tmin,tmax,perc = 0.0,2,100.0
  #plotGather(st,sx,g,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="improved NMO")
  #plotGather(st,sx,e,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="conventional NMO")
  #plotGather(st,sx,hp,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="input gather")
  sa = Sampling(na,st.delta,ka*st.delta)
  sh = Sampling(nh,st.delta,kh*st.delta)
  plot2Sequences(sh,sh,normalize(h),normalize(hpred),title="estimated wavelet")
Exemplo n.º 4
def testInverseCalcSynthetic(na,ka,nref):
  #################### Build wavelet and CMP gather with const v##########
  st = Sampling(501,0.004,0.0); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
  sx = Sampling(201,0.010,0.0); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
  nref,vnmo = nref,2.0 # number of reflectors and NMO velocity
  freq,decay = 30.0,0.1 # peak frequency and decay for wavelet
  p = makeCmpReflections(vnmo,nref,st,sx) # cmp gather without wavelet
  hp = addArWavelet(freq,decay,st,sx,p) # cmp gather with wavelet
  ak = zerofloat(na) # array for the known inverse wavelet a
  r,w = exp(-decay),2.0*PI*freq*st.delta # radius and frequency of poles
  a1,a2 = -2.0*r*cos(w),r*r # coefficients for inverse wavelet
  ak[0-ka] = 1.0
  ak[1-ka] = a1
  ak[2-ka] = a2
  print "known inverse coefficients"
  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmo)
  fa = zerofloat(nt,nx)
  for x in range(0,nx):
  nmofa = wn.applyNmo(fa)
  print PredDecon.semblance(nmofa)
  test = zerofloat(nt,nx)
  for i in range(0,nx):
    test[i][125] = 2.0
  plotGatherPNG(st,sx,test,"test zoom",.4,.6)
  plotGatherPNG(st,sx,nmofa,"nmofa zoom",.4,.6)
  print PredDecon.semblance(test)

  #################### Enhanced NMO Estimation #########################
  aenha = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,hp) # estimate inverse wavelet
  print "enhance nmo inverse coefficients"

  pd = PredDecon(hp,na,ka)
  apredC = pd.getPredErrorCoef()
  apredD = pd.getInverseAPef(na, 0, hp) 
  print "Chris predictive decon inverse coefficients"
  print "predictive decon inverse coefficients"
  fa = zerofloat(nt,nx)
  for x in range(0,nx):
Exemplo n.º 5
def goEstimateWaveletFromSyntheticPEF(na, ka, nh, kh, nref):
  #Input data
  st = Sampling(501,0.004,0.0); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
  sx = Sampling(201,0.010,0.0); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
  nref,vnmo = nref,2.0 # number of reflectors and NMO velocity
  freq,decay = 30.0,0.1 # peak frequency and decay for wavelet
  p = makeCmpReflections(vnmo,1,st,sx) # cmp gather without wavelet
  hp = addArWavelet(freq,decay,st,sx,p) # cmp gather with wavelet
  plotGather(st,sx,hp,0,2,100,"CMP gather")
  na,ka = na,ka # sampling for inverse wavelet a
  nh,kh = nh,kh # sampling for wavelet h
  ak = zerofloat(na) # array for the known inverse wavelet a
  r,w = exp(-decay),2.0*PI*freq*st.delta # radius and frequency of poles
  a1,a2 = -2.0*r*cos(w),r*r # coefficients for inverse wavelet
  ak = zerofloat(na) # array for the known inverse wavelet a
  ak[0-ka] = 1.0
  ak[1-ka] = a1
  ak[2-ka] = a2

  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmo)
  a = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,hp) # estimate inverse wavelet
  h = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,a,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet
  g = wn.applyHNmoA(na,ka,a,nh,kh,h,hp) #convolve inverse, apply NMO, convolve wavelet
  #apply NMO to original data
  e = wn.applyNmo(hp)
  hk = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,ak,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet

  pd = PredDecon(hp,na,ka)
  apred = pd.getPredErrorCoef()
  hpred = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,apred,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet
  tmin,tmax,perc = 0.0,2,100.0
  #plotGather(st,sx,g,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="improved NMO")
  #plotGather(st,sx,e,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="conventional NMO")
  #plotGather(st,sx,hp,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="input gather")
  sa = Sampling(na,st.delta,ka*st.delta)
  sh = Sampling(nh,st.delta,kh*st.delta)
  plot3Sequences(sh,sh,sh,normalize(hk),normalize(h),normalize(hpred),title="estimated wavelet")
Exemplo n.º 6
def goEstimateWaveletFromOzGather():
  """ Estimates wavelet from one of Oz Yilmaz's gathers """
  name = "oz30"
  if name is "oz01": # Vibroseis
    st = Sampling(1275,0.004,0.004); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
    sx = Sampling(53,0.100584,-2.615184); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
    vnmo = 3.00 # NMO velocity
    texp,tbal = 1.00,500
    tmin,tmax,perc = 1.5,2.5,99
    na,ka = 21,-10 # sampling for inverse wavelet a
    nh,kh = 51,-25 # sampling for wavelet h
  elif name is "oz04": # Vibroseis
    st = Sampling(1275,0.004,0.004); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
    sx = Sampling(52,0.1,-2.55); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
    vnmo = 3.00 # NMO velocity
    texp,tbal = 1.00,500
    tmin,tmax,perc = 0.0,5.0,99
    na,ka = 21,-10 # sampling for inverse wavelet a
    nh,kh = 51,-25 # sampling for wavelet h
  elif name is "oz16": # Airgun
    st = Sampling(1325,0.004,0.004); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
    sx = Sampling(  48,0.025,0.233); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
    vnmo = 1.95 # NMO velocity
    texp,tbal = 1.00,100
    tmin,tmax,perc = 0.8,2.3,98
    na,ka = 11,0 # sampling for inverse wavelet a
    nh,kh = 201,-50 # sampling for wavelet h
  elif name is "oz30": # Airgun
    st = Sampling(2175,0.004,0.00400); nt,dt,ft = st.count,st.delta,st.first
    sx = Sampling(  96,0.025,0.23075); nx,dx,fx = sx.count,sx.delta,sx.first
    vnmo = 1.60 # NMO velocity
    texp,tbal = 0.00,0
    tmin,tmax,perc = 2.5,3.0,98
    na,ka = 11,0 # sampling for inverse wavelet a
    nh,kh = 201,-50 # sampling for wavelet h
  f = zerofloat(nt,nx)
  ais = ArrayInputStream("/data/seis/oz/"+name+".F")
  f = tpow(texp,st,f)
  if tbal>0:
    f = balance(tbal,f)
  wn = WaveletNmo(st,sx,vnmo)
  a = wn.getInverseA(na,ka,f) # estimate inverse wavelet
  h = wn.getWaveletH(na,ka,a,nh,kh); # estimate wavelet
  nah = na+nh
  kah = ka+kh
  ah = zerofloat(nah)
  g = wn.applyHNmoA(na,ka,a,nh,kh,h,f)
  e = wn.applyNmo(f)
  print "a ="; dump(a);
  plotGather(st,sx,f,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="input gather")
  plotGather(st,sx,e,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="conventional NMO")
  plotGather(st,sx,g,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,perc=perc,title="improved NMO")
               title="estimated wavelet")
               title="unit impulse")