def __init__(self): config = loadConfig("config.ini", config=CONFIGDEFAULT) self.rungame = config[""], config["rungame.path"], config[ "rungame.args"], config["rungame.wait"] self.logger = log() = watch(config) self.RPC = Presence(535809971867222036) self.RPC.connect() self.main()
def watch_and_log(program_names, output_name, capture_rate=2): results = defaultdict(list) for iteration, snapshots in enumerate(watch(set(program_names), capture_rate)): for key, value in snapshots: results[key].append((iteration, value)) if iteration % (capture_rate * 10) == 0: write_log(results, output_name) write_log(results, output_name)
def watch_and_log(program_names, output_name, capture_rate=2): results = defaultdict(list) for iteration, snapshots in enumerate( watch(set(program_names), capture_rate)): for key, value in snapshots: results[key].append((iteration, value)) if iteration % (capture_rate * 10) == 0: write_log(results, output_name) write_log(results, output_name)
def __main__(): """ Monitor MultiNest scan via command line arguments. """ # Make parser for command line arguments parser = arg_parser(description="Monitor MultiNest scan") parser.add_argument("root", help="Prefix of MultiNest output filenames (root)", type=str) parser.add_argument( "--tol", dest="tol", help="MultiNest evidence tolerance factor (tol)", type=float, default=0.1, required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--maxiter", dest="maxiter", help="MultiNest maximum number of iterations (maxiter)", type=int, default=float("inf"), required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--watch", dest="watch_mode", help="Whether to watch rather than snapshot", action="store_true", default=False, required=False, ) # Fetch arguments tol = parser.parse_args().tol assert tol > 0.0, "tol <= 0: %s" % tol maxiter = parser.parse_args().maxiter assert maxiter > 0, "maxiter <= 0: %s" % maxiter root = parser.parse_args().root watch_mode = parser.parse_args().watch_mode if watch_mode: watch(root, tol, maxiter) else: print_snapshot(root, tol, maxiter)
__author__ = 'yu' from watch import watch if __name__ == '__main__': watch('sh000001')
__author__ = 'yu' from watch import watch if __name__ == '__main__': watch('sz000776')
def to_progress(id=0): """ 1. 根据id 进入不同的函数 """ if id == 1: # ----爬取字母列表 # url = url_head_1 + 'dict/zimu_' + chr(ord('a')) + '_1.html' # 单个字母测试 thread = list() for a in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1): url = url_head_1 + '/dict/zimu_' + \ chr(a) + '_1.html' # 生成一个字母的首url链接 path = './datas/txt/' + chr(a) + '.txt' t = threading.Thread(target=spider_1, args=(url, path)) # 进入spider_1 thread.append(t) for i in thread: i.start() i.join() exit() elif (id == 2): # ----搜索词汇 # spider3.spider3(word) pass elif (id == 3): # ----重新搜索词汇详情 for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + 1): path1 = './datas/txt/' + chr(i) + '.txt' path2 = './datas/json/' + chr(i) + '.json' start = time.time() spider_2(path1, path2, letter=chr(i), key_word='', start=start) print("------------单词爬取保存成功-------------") exit() elif (id == 4): # ----继续搜索词汇详情 a = 'a' key_word = 'A bed of roses' try: with open("./datas/daily/record.txt", 'r') as ff: # 读取记录 lines = ff.readlines() a, key_word = lines[0].strip(), lines[1].strip() # 获取上次字母和单词位置 except: to_progress(id=3) exit() for i in range(ord(a), ord('z') + 1): path1 = './datas/txt/' + chr(i) + '.txt' path2 = './datas/json/' + chr(i) + '.json' start = time.time() spider_2(path1, path2, letter=chr(i), key_word=key_word, start=start) exit() elif (id == 5): for i in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1): path2 = './datas/json/' + chr(i) + '.json' in_sql(path2, host, port, user, password, database) print("\r {} 导入成功".format(chr(i))) print("------------ mysql 录入成功 -------------") exit() elif (id == 6): for i in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1): path1 = './datas/json/' + chr(i) + '.json' path2 = './watch/json/new_' + chr(i) + '.json' watch(path1, path2) print("\r {} 提取成功".format(chr(i))) print("------------ 提取完成 -------------") exit() else: exit()
__author__ = 'yu' from watch import watch if __name__ == '__main__': watch('sz002476')
def menu(apikey, apisecret, pushover_user, pushover_app, pushbullet_token, redis_password): import sys import time import threading import os from buy import buy from sell import sell from buysell import buysell from balances import balances from orderbook import orderbook from watch import watch from withdraw import withdraw from arbitrage import arbitrage from trailing import trailing from takeprofit import takeprofit from stoplosstakeprofit import stoplosstakeprofit from trailingtakeprofit import trailingtakeprofit from colorama import Fore, Back, Style, init init(autoreset=True) while True: print(30 * '-') print(Fore.GREEN + 'P O N T S T R A D E R . C O M') print(30 * '-') print(Fore.YELLOW + '1. Buy') print(Fore.YELLOW + '2. Sell') print(Fore.YELLOW + '3. Buy and Sell') print(Fore.YELLOW + '4. Balances') print(Fore.YELLOW + '5. Orderbook') print(Fore.YELLOW + '6. Watch coin') print(Fore.YELLOW + '7. Withdraw') print(Fore.YELLOW + '8. Arbitrage') print(Fore.YELLOW + '9. Trailing Stop Loss (24/7)') print(Fore.YELLOW + '10. Take Profit (BETA + 24/7)') print(Fore.YELLOW + '11. Stop Loss + Take Profit (BETA + 24/7)') print(Fore.YELLOW + '12. Trailing + Take Profit (BETA + 24/7)') print(Fore.RED + '13. Exit') print(30 * '-') try: choice = raw_input('Enter your choice [1-13] : ') choice = int(choice) except: print 'Invalid number. Try again...' # BUY if choice == 1: buy(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # SELL elif choice == 2: sell(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # BUY AND SELL elif choice == 3: buysell(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # SHOW WALLETS elif choice == 4: balances(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # OPEN ORDERS elif choice == 5: orderbook(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # WATCH elif choice == 6: watch(apikey, apisecret, redis_password) # WITHDRAW elif choice == 7: withdraw(apikey, apisecret) # ARBITRAGE elif choice == 8: arbitrage(redis_password) # TRAILING elif choice == 9: trailing(apikey, apisecret, pushover_user, pushover_app, pushbullet_token, redis_password) # TAKE PROFIT elif choice == 10: takeprofit(apikey, apisecret, pushover_user, pushover_app, pushbullet_token, redis_password) # STOP LOSS TAKE PROFIT elif choice == 11: stoplosstakeprofit(apikey, apisecret, pushover_user, pushover_app, pushbullet_token, redis_password) # TRAILING TAKE PROFIT elif choice == 12: trailingtakeprofit(apikey, apisecret, pushover_user, pushover_app, pushbullet_token, redis_password) # EXIT elif choice == 13: count = threading.activeCount() if count > 1: threads = threading.enumerate() thread_counter = 0 for t in threading.enumerate(): if 'arbitrage' in pass elif 'Main' in pass else: thread_counter += 1 if thread_counter > 0: print( Fore.YELLOW + 'WARNING: There are currently {0} active trade(s), are you sure you want to exit?' .format(thread_counter)) print(Fore.GREEN + '1. yes') print(Fore.RED + '2. no') try: yes_no = raw_input('Enter your choice [1-2] : ') yes_no = int(yes_no) except: print 'Invalid number... going back to Main Menu' if yes_no == 1: print 'Exiting...' sys.exit() elif yes_no == 2: print 'Good... going back to Main Menu' else: print 'Invalid number... going back to Main Menu' else: print 'Exiting...' sys.exit() else: print 'Exiting...' sys.exit() # ELSE EXIT else: print 'Invalid number. Try again...'
import dbfer import watch import placePnts import os # target_dir = os.path.join("/","users", "waltnixon", "Documents", "github", "dbfWatchAndMerge", "rigdata") # out_csv = os.path.join("/","users", "waltnixon", "Documents", "github", "dbfWatchAndMerge", "rigdata", "out.csv") target_dir = r"C:\Users\wnixon\Documents\GitHub\dbfWatchAndMerge\rigdata" output_dir = r"C:\Users\wnixon\Documents\GitHub\dbfWatchAndMerge\output" print ("target_dir = {0}".format(target_dir)) if == 'change': for fileType in ['l', 'p']: out_csv = os.path.join(output_dir, "out_csv_" + fileType + '.csv') dbfFiles = dbfer.getAndFilterFiles(target_dir, fileType, "dbf") result = dbfer.mergeDbfFiles(dbfFiles) clean = dbfer.removeDups(result[0], result[1]) csvFile = dbfer.writeCSV(clean, out_csv) placePnts.plot(csvFile)
def watch(): """Watch for any task.""" import watch
cnx = connect(**base) lid = insert_launch(cnx) obj, sen = Index(), Index() stats, top, dl = prepare(cnx, lid, cargs["ngrams"], cargs["test"], obj, sen) k = kernel(cargs["kernel"], cargs["sigma"]) estimate = Estimate() for mode, (trset, teset) in zip(["objective", "sentiment"], dl): svm = SVM(k, c=cargs["c"], tol=cargs["tol"], lpass=cargs["lpass"], liter=cargs["liter"]) svm = watch(svm, mode, len(trset[0]), estimate, cnx, lid, cargs) tr = train(svm, mode, trset[0], trset[1], cnx, lid) te = test(svm, mode, teset[0], teset[1]) svm, ts = flush(svm, mode) stats = update(stats, tr, te, ts) create_report(cnx, lid, stats, top, cargs) insert_index(cnx, lid, "objective", obj) insert_index(cnx, lid, "sentiment", sen) estimate.train() except: delete_launch(cnx, lid) raise finally: cnx.close()
def main(): # Check for required version major = sys.version_info[0] minor = sys.version_info[1] micro = sys.version_info[2] python_version = f'{major}.{minor}.{micro}' version_string = f'mcfunction expand (Version {__version__})' if major != 3 or minor < 8: print( f'You are using Python {python_version}, however mcfunction expand requires Python 3.8+.\nPlease upgrade to a supported version of Python.' ) exit(1) # Parse command line arguments parser = ArgumentParser(prog='expand', formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=version_string) parser.add_argument( '-w', '--watch', help='Start watching the current directory for file changes.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-s', '--silent', help='Reduce output generated by watching.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='Show this release\'s version number.', action='version', version=version_string) parser.add_argument('filename', help='Path to the file to compile.', default=None, nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() # Validate arguments if not any((args.filename, print('Error: No arguments provided. Type "expand --help" for help.') exit(1) if args.filename: # Check that the file provided is valid file_extension = path.splitext(args.filename)[1] if file_extension != '.mcfunction': print( f'Error: Can only compile files with extension \'.mcfunction\'.\nProvided file has extension \'{file_extension}\'.' ) exit(1) try: f = open(args.filename, 'r') f.close() del f except FileNotFoundError: print(f'Error: File \'{args.filename}\' does not exist.') exit(1) except IOError: print(f'Error: File \'{args.filename}\' is not accessible.') exit(1) # The input is validated, do something with it print(f'Compiling {args.filename}...') compile_function(args.filename) # Watching for file changes if watch(silent=args.silent)
__author__ = 'yu' from watch import watch if __name__ == '__main__': watch('sz399001', 3)