Exemplo n.º 1
def clone_watcher(repo, base=None, name=None):
    """clone a watcher from Github (or other version control with git)
    meaning that we clone to a temporary folder, and then move
    to a new folder. By default, the user gets all tasks associated
    with the watcher, along with the git folder so that removing
    is also done with version control.

    repo: the repository to clone
    base: the watchme base, defaults to $HOME/.watchme
    name: a new name for the watcher, if a rename is desired.
    if base is None:
        base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR

    # clone_watcher(repo=repo, base=args.base, name=extra)
    # STOPPED HERE - need to test this.

    # Validate the repository address
    if not re.search("^git@|http", repo):
        bot.exit("Please provide a valid url to git repository")

    # if the name is None, use the repo name
    if name is None:
        name = os.path.basename(repo)

    # Ensure we aren't overwriting
    dest = os.path.join(base, name)
    if os.path.exists(dest):
        bot.exit("%s already exists, choose a different watcher name." % name)

    clone_dest = get_tmpdir(prefix="watchme-clone", create=False)
    run_command("git clone %s %s" % (repo, clone_dest))

    # Valid by default - will copy over if valid
    valid = True

    # Iterate over watchers
    watchers = os.listdir(clone_dest)
    for watcher in watchers:
        watcher = os.path.join(clone_dest, watcher)
        tasks = os.listdir(watcher)

        # Check that tasks include watchme.cfg
        for task in tasks:
            if not task.startswith("task"):
            task_folder = os.path.join(watcher, task)
            content = os.listdir(task_folder)
            if "watcher.cfg" not in content:
                bot.error("%s is missing a watcher.cfg" % task)
                valid = False

    if valid:
        shutil.move(clone_dest, dest)

    if os.path.exists(clone_dest):
Exemplo n.º 2
def git_clone(repo, name=None, base=None, force=False):
    """clone a git repo to a destination. The user can provide the following
    groupings of arguments:

    base without name: destination is ignored, the repo is cloned (named as
    it is) to the base. If the folder exists, --force must be used to remove
    it first.

    base with name: destination is ignored, repo is cloned (and named based
    on name variable) to the base. The same applies for force.

    dest provided: the repo is cloned to the destination, if it doesn't exist
    and/or force is True.

    name: the name of the watcher to add
    base: the base of the watcher (defaults to $HOME/.watchme
    force: remove first if already exists
    if base is None:
        base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR

    # Derive the repository name
    if name is None:
        name = os.path.basename(repo).replace(".git", "")

    # First clone to temporary directory
    tmpdir = get_tmpdir()
    command = "git clone %s %s" % (repo, tmpdir)

    # ensure there is a watchme.cfg
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, "watchme.cfg")):
        bot.exit("No watchme.cfg found in %s, aborting." % repo)

    # If it's good, move the repository
    dest = os.path.join(base, name)

    # Don't allow for overwrite
    if os.path.exists(dest):
        if force is False:
            bot.exit("%s exists. Use --force to overwrite" % dest)

    # Move the repository there
    shutil.move(tmpdir, dest)

    # Ensure we don't sign gpg key
    run_command("git --git-dir=%s/.git config commit.gpgsign false" % dest)
    bot.info("Added watcher %s" % name)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_files(self):
        print('Testing utils.generate_temporary_files')
        from watchme.utils import generate_temporary_file

        tmpfile = generate_temporary_file()
        from watchme.utils import run_command
        run_command('touch %s' %tmpfile)
        print('Testing utils.copyfile')
        from watchme.utils import copyfile
        copyfile(tmpfile, '%s.booga' % tmpfile)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('%s.booga' %tmpfile))
        os.remove("%s.booga" % tmpfile) 
Exemplo n.º 4
def git_add(repo, files):
    """add one or more files to the git repo.

    repo: the repository to commit to.
    files: one or more files to add.
    if not isinstance(files, list):
        files = [files]

    for f in files:
        command = "git add %s" % f
Exemplo n.º 5
def git_commit(repo, task, message):
    """Commit to the git repo with a particular message. folder.

    repo: the repository to commit to.
    task: the name of the task to add to the commit message
    message: the message for the commit, passed from the client
    # Commit with the watch group and date string
    message = "watchme %s %s" % (task, message)

    # Commit
    command = 'git commit -a -m "%s"' % message
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_latest_commit():
    """get the latest commit for a repository in the present working directory

    repo: the repository path to get the commit from
    commit = run_command('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"')["message"]
    return commit.strip("\n")
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_latest_commit():
    '''get the latest commit for a repository in the present working directory

       repo: the repository path to get the commit from
    commit = run_command('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"')['message']
    return commit.strip('\n')
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_earliest_commit():
    """get the earliest commit for a repository. This is intended to be used
    when in the present working directory

    repo: the repository path to get the commit from
    commit = run_command("git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD")["message"]
    return commit.strip("\n")
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_earliest_commit():
    '''get the earliest commit for a repository. This is intended to be used
       when in the present working directory

       repo: the repository path to get the commit from
    commit = run_command('git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD')['message']
    return commit.strip('\n')
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_terminal(self):

        print('Testing utils.run_command')
        from watchme.utils import run_command
        from watchme.utils import which
        result = run_command('echo Las Papas Fritas')
        self.assertEqual(result['message'], 'Las Papas Fritas\n')
        self.assertEqual(result['return_code'], 0)     

        print('Testing utils.which')
        result = which('echo')
        self.assertEqual(result, '/bin/echo')
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_watcher(name=None, watcher_type=None, base=None, exporter=None):
    '''create a watcher, meaning a folder with a configuration and
       initialized git repo.

       name: the watcher to create, uses default or WATCHME_WATCHER
       watcher_type: the type of watcher to create. defaults to 
    if name == None:
        name = WATCHME_WATCHER

    if base == None:
        base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR

    # Create the repository folder
    repo = os.path.join(base, name)

    if not os.path.exists(repo):

        bot.info('Adding watcher %s...' % repo)

        # Ensure no gpg signing happens
        run_command("git --git-dir=%s/.git init" % repo)
        run_command("git --git-dir=%s/.git config commit.gpgsign false" % repo)

        # Add the watcher configuration file
        generate_watcher_config(repo, watcher_type, exporter)
        run_command("git -C %s add watchme.cfg" % repo)
        return repo

        bot.info('%s already exists: %s' % (name, repo))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_terminal(self):

        print("Testing utils.run_command")
        from watchme.utils import run_command
        from watchme.utils import which

        result = run_command("echo Las Papas Fritas")
        self.assertEqual(result["message"], "Las Papas Fritas\n")
        self.assertEqual(result["return_code"], 0)

        print("Testing utils.which")
        result = which("echo")
        self.assertEqual(result, "/bin/echo")
Exemplo n.º 13
def git_date(repo, commit):
    """get the date for a particular commit.

    repo: the full path to the repository
    commit: the commit to get the date for
    command = "git show -s --format=" + "%ci " + commit
    result = run_command(command)
    if result["return_code"] == 0:
        return result["message"].strip("\n")
Exemplo n.º 14
def git_date(repo, commit):
    '''get the date for a particular commit.
       repo: the full path to the repository
       commit: the commit to get the date for
    command = 'git show -s --format=' + "%ci " + commit
    result = run_command(command)
    if result['return_code'] == 0:
        return result['message'].strip('\n')
Exemplo n.º 15
def git_show(repo, commit, filename):
    """git show is used to pipe the content of a file at a particular commit
    to the screen (and calling python client). We must be in the $PWD of the
    repo for this to work.

    repo: the repository to interact with
    commit: the commit to investigate for the file
    filename: the relative path to the file
    command = "git show %s:%s" % (commit, filename)
    result = run_command(command)
    if result["return_code"] == 0:
        return result["message"].strip("\n")
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_commits(repo,
    """get commits, starting from and going to a particular commit. if grep
    is defined, filter commits to those with messages that match that
    particular expression

    from_commit: the commit to start at
    to_commit: the commit to go to
    grep: the expression to match (not used if None)
    filename: the filename to filter to. Includes all files if not specified.
    command = 'git log --all --oneline --pretty=tformat:"%H"'

    # The earliest commit
    if from_commit is None:
        from_commit = get_earliest_commit()

    # The latest commit
    if to_commit is None:
        to_commit = get_latest_commit()

    # A regular expression to search for (and filter commits)
    if grep is not None:
        command = '%s --grep "ADD results"' % command

    # Add the commit range
    command = "%s %s..%s" % (command, from_commit, to_commit)

    if filename is not None:
        command = "%s -- %s" % (command, filename)

    results = run_command(command)["message"]
    results = [x for x in results.split("\n") if x]
    return results