Exemplo n.º 1
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    username = d.get_sysname(form.username)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user = d.engine.execute(
        "SELECT userid, email FROM login WHERE login_name = %(username)s",

    if not user:
        raise WeasylError("loginRecordMissing")

    # Check the user's email address against the provided e-mail address,
    # raising an exception if there is a mismatch
    if email != emailer.normalize_address(user.email):
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
    # or update an existing one
    now = d.get_time()
    address = d.get_address()

        INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)
        VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)
        ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET
            token = %(token)s,
            set_time = %(time)s,
            address = %(address)s
    """, id=user.userid, token=token, time=now, address=address)

    # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery", d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def control_editemailpassword_post_(request):
    form = request.web_input(newemail="",

    newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
    newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

    # Check if the email was invalid; Both fields must be valid (not None), and have the form fields set
    if not newemail and not newemailcheck and form.newemail != "" and form.newemailcheck != "":
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    return_message = profile.edit_email_password(request.userid, form.username,
                                                 form.password, newemail,

    if not return_message:  # No changes were made
        message = "No changes were made to your account."
    else:  # Changes were made, so inform the user of this
        message = "**Success!** " + return_message
    # Finally return the message about what (if anything) changed to the user
    return Response(
        define.errorpage(request.userid, message,
                         [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def create(form):
    # Normalize form data
    username = d.plaintext(form.username[:_USERNAME])
    sysname = d.get_sysname(username)

    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    emailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.emailcheck)

    password = form.password
    passcheck = form.passcheck

    if form.day and form.month and form.year:
            birthday = arrow.Arrow(int(form.year), int(form.month), int(form.day))
        except ValueError:
            raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
        birthday = None

    # Check mismatched form data
    if password != passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    if email != emailcheck:
        raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")

    # Check invalid form data
    if birthday is None or d.age_in_years(birthday) < 13:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    if not password_secure(password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")
    if not email:
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")
    if not sysname or ";" in username:
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if sysname in ["admin", "administrator", "mod", "moderator", "weasyl",
                   "weasyladmin", "weasylmod", "staff", "security"]:
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if email_exists(email):
        raise WeasylError("emailExists")
    if username_exists(sysname):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")

    # Create pending account
    token = security.generate_key(40)

    d.engine.execute(d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
        "token": token,
        "username": username,
        "login_name": sysname,
        "hashpass": passhash(password),
        "email": email,
        "birthday": birthday,
        "unixtime": arrow.now(),

    # Queue verification email
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Account Creation", d.render(
        "email/verify_account.html", [token, sysname]))
    d.metric('increment', 'createdusers')
Exemplo n.º 4
def control_editemailpassword_post_(request):
    form = request.web_input(newemail="", newemailcheck="", newpassword="", newpasscheck="", password="")

    newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
    newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

    profile.edit_email_password(request.userid, form.username, form.password,
                                newemail, newemailcheck, form.newpassword, form.newpasscheck)

    return Response(define.errorpage(
        request.userid, "**Success!** Your settings have been updated.",
        [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def POST(self):
        form = web.input(newemail="", newemailcheck="", newpassword="", newpasscheck="", password="")

        newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
        newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

        profile.edit_email_password(self.user_id, form.username, form.password,
                                    newemail, newemailcheck, form.newpassword, form.newpasscheck)

        return define.errorpage(
            self.user_id, "**Success!** Your settings have been updated.",
            [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]])
Exemplo n.º 6
def control_editemailpassword_post_(request):
    form = request.web_input(newemail="", newemailcheck="", newpassword="", newpasscheck="", password="")

    newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
    newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

    profile.edit_email_password(request.userid, form.username, form.password,
                                newemail, newemailcheck, form.newpassword, form.newpasscheck)

    return Response(define.errorpage(
        request.userid, "**Success!** Your settings have been updated.",
        [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]]))
Exemplo n.º 7
def reset(form):
    from weasyl import login

    # Raise an exception if `password` does not enter `passcheck` (indicating
    # that the user mistyped one of the fields) or if `password` does not meet
    # the system's password security requirements
    if form.password != form.passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    elif not login.password_secure(form.password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")

    # Select the user information and record data from the forgotpassword table
    # pertaining to `token`, requiring that the link associated with the record
    # be visited no more than five minutes prior; if the forgotpassword record is
    # not found or does not meet this requirement, raise an exception
    query = d.engine.execute("""
        SELECT lo.userid, lo.login_name, lo.email, fp.link_time, fp.address
        FROM login lo
            INNER JOIN userinfo ui USING (userid)
            INNER JOIN forgotpassword fp USING (userid)
        WHERE fp.token = %(token)s AND fp.link_time > %(cutoff)s
                             cutoff=d.get_time() - 300).first()

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("forgotpasswordRecordMissing")


    # Check `username` and `email` against known correct values and raise an
    # exception if there is a mismatch
    if emailer.normalize_address(
            form.email) != emailer.normalize_address(EMAIL):
        raise WeasylError("emailIncorrect")
    elif d.get_sysname(form.username) != USERNAME:
        raise WeasylError("usernameIncorrect")
    elif d.get_address() != ADDRESS:
        raise WeasylError("addressInvalid")

    # Update the authbcrypt table with a new password hash
        'INSERT INTO authbcrypt (userid, hashsum) VALUES (%(user)s, %(hash)s) '
        'ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET hashsum = %(hash)s',

    d.engine.execute("DELETE FROM forgotpassword WHERE token = %(token)s",
Exemplo n.º 8
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user_id = d.engine.scalar("""
        SELECT userid FROM login WHERE email = %(email)s
    """, email=email)

    # If `user_id` exists, then the supplied email was valid; if not valid, do nothing, raising
    #   no errors for plausible deniability of email existence
    if user_id:
        # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
        # or update an existing one
        now = d.get_time()
        address = d.get_address()

            INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)
            VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)
            ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET
                token = %(token)s,
                set_time = %(time)s,
                address = %(address)s
        """, id=user_id, token=token, time=now, address=address)

        # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
        emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery", d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 9
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user_id = d.engine.scalar("""
        SELECT userid FROM login WHERE email = %(email)s

    # If `user_id` exists, then the supplied email was valid; if not valid, do nothing, raising
    #   no errors for plausible deniability of email existence
    if user_id:
        # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
        # or update an existing one
        now = d.get_time()
        address = d.get_address()

            INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)
            VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)
            ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET
                token = %(token)s,
                set_time = %(time)s,
                address = %(address)s

        # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
        emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery",
                       d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 10
def reset(form):
    import login

    # Raise an exception if `password` does not enter `passcheck` (indicating
    # that the user mistyped one of the fields) or if `password` does not meet
    # the system's password security requirements
    if form.password != form.passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    elif not login.password_secure(form.password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")

    # Select the user information and record data from the forgotpassword table
    # pertaining to `token`, requiring that the link associated with the record
    # be visited no more than five minutes prior; if the forgotpassword record is
    # not found or does not meet this requirement, raise an exception
    query = d.execute("""
        SELECT lo.userid, lo.login_name, lo.email, fp.link_time, fp.address
        FROM login lo
            INNER JOIN userinfo ui USING (userid)
            INNER JOIN forgotpassword fp USING (userid)
        WHERE fp.token = '%s' AND fp.link_time > %i
    """, [form.token, d.get_time() - 300], options="single")

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("forgotpasswordRecordMissing")


    # Check `username` and `email` against known correct values and raise an
    # exception if there is a mismatch
    if emailer.normalize_address(form.email) != emailer.normalize_address(EMAIL):
        raise WeasylError("emailIncorrect")
    elif d.get_sysname(form.username) != USERNAME:
        raise WeasylError("usernameIncorrect")
    elif d.get_address() != ADDRESS:
        raise WeasylError("addressInvalid")

    # Update the authbcrypt table with a new password hash
    """ TODO TEMPORARY """
        d.execute("INSERT INTO authbcrypt VALUES (%i, '')", [USERID])

    d.execute("UPDATE authbcrypt SET hashsum = '%s' WHERE userid = %i", [login.passhash(form.password), USERID])

    d.execute("DELETE FROM forgotpassword WHERE token = '%s'", [form.token])
Exemplo n.º 11
def reset(form):
    import login

    # Raise an exception if `password` does not enter `passcheck` (indicating
    # that the user mistyped one of the fields) or if `password` does not meet
    # the system's password security requirements
    if form.password != form.passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    elif not login.password_secure(form.password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")

    # Select the user information and record data from the forgotpassword table
    # pertaining to `token`, requiring that the link associated with the record
    # be visited no more than five minutes prior; if the forgotpassword record is
    # not found or does not meet this requirement, raise an exception
    query = d.execute("""
        SELECT lo.userid, lo.login_name, lo.email, fp.link_time, fp.address
        FROM login lo
            INNER JOIN userinfo ui USING (userid)
            INNER JOIN forgotpassword fp USING (userid)
        WHERE fp.token = '%s' AND fp.link_time > %i
    """, [form.token, d.get_time() - 300], options="single")

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("forgotpasswordRecordMissing")


    # Check `username` and `email` against known correct values and raise an
    # exception if there is a mismatch
    if emailer.normalize_address(form.email) != emailer.normalize_address(EMAIL):
        raise WeasylError("emailIncorrect")
    elif d.get_sysname(form.username) != USERNAME:
        raise WeasylError("usernameIncorrect")
    elif d.get_address() != ADDRESS:
        raise WeasylError("addressInvalid")

    # Update the authbcrypt table with a new password hash
    """ TODO TEMPORARY """
        d.execute("INSERT INTO authbcrypt VALUES (%i, '')", [USERID])

    d.execute("UPDATE authbcrypt SET hashsum = '%s' WHERE userid = %i", [login.passhash(form.password), USERID])

    d.execute("DELETE FROM forgotpassword WHERE token = '%s'", [form.token])
Exemplo n.º 12
    def POST(self):
        form = web.input(newemail="",

        newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
        newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

        profile.edit_email_password(self.user_id, form.username, form.password,
                                    newemail, newemailcheck, form.newpassword,

        return define.errorpage(
            self.user_id, "**Success!** Your settings have been updated.",
            [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]])
Exemplo n.º 13
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    username = d.get_sysname(form.username)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user = d.engine.execute(
        "SELECT userid, email FROM login WHERE login_name = %(username)s",

    if not user:
        raise WeasylError("loginRecordMissing")

    # Check the user's email address against the provided e-mail address,
    # raising an exception if there is a mismatch
    if email != emailer.normalize_address(user.email):
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
    # or update an existing one
    now = d.get_time()
    address = d.get_address()

            "INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)"
            " VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)",
            id=user.userid, token=token, time=now, address=address)
    except IntegrityError:
        # An IntegrityError will probably indicate that a password reset request
        # already exists and that the existing row should be updated. If the update
        # doesn't find anything, though, the original error should be re-raised.
        result = d.engine.execute("""
            UPDATE forgotpassword SET
                token = %(token)s,
                set_time = %(time)s,
                address = %(address)s
            WHERE userid = %(id)s
        """, id=user.userid, token=token, time=now, address=address)

        if result.rowcount != 1:

    # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery", d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 14
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    username = d.get_sysname(form.username)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user = d.engine.execute(
        "SELECT userid, email FROM login WHERE login_name = %(username)s",

    if not user:
        raise WeasylError("loginRecordMissing")

    # Check the user's email address against the provided e-mail address,
    # raising an exception if there is a mismatch
    if email != emailer.normalize_address(user.email):
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
    # or update an existing one
    now = d.get_time()
    address = d.get_address()

            "INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)"
            " VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)",
            id=user.userid, token=token, time=now, address=address)
    except IntegrityError:
        # An IntegrityError will probably indicate that a password reset request
        # already exists and that the existing row should be updated. If the update
        # doesn't find anything, though, the original error should be re-raised.
        result = d.engine.execute("""
            UPDATE forgotpassword SET
                token = %(token)s,
                set_time = %(time)s,
                address = %(address)s
            WHERE userid = %(id)s
        """, id=user.userid, token=token, time=now, address=address)

        if result.rowcount != 1:

    # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery", d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 15
def append(db, email, terms):
    token = security.generate_key(40)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(email)

    if not email:
        raise error.WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    define.execute(db, "INSERT INTO premiumpurchase VALUES ('%s', '%s', %i)", [token, email, terms])

    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Premium Verification",
                   define.render("email/verify_premium.html", [token, terms]))
Exemplo n.º 16
def request(form):
    token = security.generate_key(100)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    username = d.get_sysname(form.username)

    # Determine the user associated with `username`; if the user is not found,
    # raise an exception
    user = d.engine.execute(
        "SELECT userid, email FROM login WHERE login_name = %(username)s",

    if not user:
        raise WeasylError("loginRecordMissing")

    # Check the user's email address against the provided e-mail address,
    # raising an exception if there is a mismatch
    if email != emailer.normalize_address(user.email):
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    # Insert a record into the forgotpassword table for the user,
    # or update an existing one
    now = d.get_time()
    address = d.get_address()

        INSERT INTO forgotpassword (userid, token, set_time, address)
        VALUES (%(id)s, %(token)s, %(time)s, %(address)s)
        ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET
            token = %(token)s,
            set_time = %(time)s,
            address = %(address)s

    # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Password Recovery",
                   d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_account_verification_token(email=None, username=None):
    email = email and emailer.normalize_address(email)
    username = username and d.get_sysname(username)

    logincreate = d.meta.tables['logincreate']
    statement = select([logincreate.c.token])

    if email:
        statement = statement.where(logincreate.c.email.ilike(email))
        statement = statement.where(logincreate.c.login_name == username)

    return d.engine.scalar(statement)
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_account_verification_token(email=None, username=None):
    email = email and emailer.normalize_address(email)
    username = username and d.get_sysname(username)

    logincreate = d.meta.tables['logincreate']
    statement = select([logincreate.c.token])

    if email:
        statement = statement.where(logincreate.c.email.ilike(email))
        statement = statement.where(logincreate.c.login_name == username)

    return d.engine.scalar(statement)
Exemplo n.º 19
def control_editemailpassword_post_(request):
    form = request.web_input(newemail="", newemailcheck="", newpassword="", newpasscheck="", password="")

    newemail = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemail)
    newemailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.newemailcheck)

    # Check if the email was invalid; Both fields must be valid (not None), and have the form fields set
    if not newemail and not newemailcheck and form.newemail != "" and form.newemailcheck != "":
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

    return_message = profile.edit_email_password(
        request.userid, form.username, form.password, newemail, newemailcheck,
        form.newpassword, form.newpasscheck

    if not return_message:  # No changes were made
        message = "No changes were made to your account."
    else:  # Changes were made, so inform the user of this
        message = "**Success!** " + return_message
    # Finally return the message about what (if anything) changed to the user
    return Response(define.errorpage(
        request.userid, message,
        [["Go Back", "/control"], ["Return Home", "/"]])
Exemplo n.º 20
def request(email):
    token = security.generate_key(25,
                                  key_characters=string.digits +
    token_sha256 = _hash_token(token)
    email = emailer.normalize_address(email)

    if email is None:
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")

        "INSERT INTO forgotpassword (email, token_sha256)"
        " VALUES (%(email)s, %(token_sha256)s)",

    # Generate and send an email to the user containing a password reset link
    emailer.send(email, "Weasyl Account Recovery",
                 d.render("email/reset_password.html", [token]))
Exemplo n.º 21
def create(form):
    # Normalize form data
    username = d.plaintext(form.username[:_USERNAME])
    sysname = d.get_sysname(username)

    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    emailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.emailcheck)

    password = form.password
    passcheck = form.passcheck

    if form.day and form.month and form.year:
            birthday = arrow.Arrow(int(form.year), int(form.month),
        except ValueError:
            raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
        birthday = None

    # Check mismatched form data
    if password != passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    if email != emailcheck:
        raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")

    # Check invalid form data
    if birthday is None or d.age_in_years(birthday) < 13:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    if not password_secure(password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")
    if not email:
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")
    if not sysname or ";" in username:
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if sysname in [
            "admin", "administrator", "mod", "moderator", "weasyl",
            "weasyladmin", "weasylmod", "staff", "security"
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if email_exists(email):
        raise WeasylError("emailExists")
    if username_exists(sysname):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")

    # Create pending account
    token = security.generate_key(40)

        d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
            "token": token,
            "username": username,
            "login_name": sysname,
            "hashpass": passhash(password),
            "email": email,
            "birthday": birthday,
            "unixtime": arrow.now(),

    # Queue verification email
    emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Account Creation",
                   d.render("email/verify_account.html", [token, sysname]))
    d.metric('increment', 'createdusers')
Exemplo n.º 22
def create(form):
    # Normalize form data
    username = clean_display_name(form.username)
    sysname = d.get_sysname(username)

    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    emailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.emailcheck)

    password = form.password
    passcheck = form.passcheck
    if form.day and form.month and form.year:
            birthday = arrow.Arrow(int(form.year), int(form.month), int(form.day))
        except ValueError:
            raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
        birthday = None

    # Check mismatched form data
    if password != passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    if email != emailcheck:
        raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")

    # Check invalid form data
    if birthday is None or d.age_in_years(birthday) < 13:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    if not password_secure(password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")
    if not email:
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")
    if is_email_blacklisted(email):
        raise WeasylError("emailBlacklisted")
    if username_exists(sysname):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")

    # Account verification token
    token = security.generate_key(40)

    # Only attempt to create the account if the email is unused (as defined by the function)
    if not email_exists(email):
        # Create pending account
        d.engine.execute(d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
            "token": token,
            "username": username,
            "login_name": sysname,
            "hashpass": passhash(password),
            "email": email,
            "birthday": birthday,

        # Send verification email
        emailer.send(email, "Weasyl Account Creation", d.render(
            "email/verify_account.html", [token, sysname]))
        d.metric('increment', 'createdusers')
        # Store a dummy record to support plausible deniability of email addresses
        # So "reserve" the username, but mark the record invalid, and use the token to satisfy the uniqueness
        #  constraint for the email field (e.g., if there is already a valid, pending row in the table).
        d.engine.execute(d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
            "token": token,
            "username": username,
            "login_name": sysname,
            "hashpass": passhash(password),
            "email": token,
            "birthday": arrow.now(),
            "invalid": True,
            # So we have a way for admins to determine which email address collided in the View Pending Accounts Page
            "invalid_email_addr": email,
        # The email address in question is already in use in either `login` or `logincreate`;
        #   let the already registered user know this via email (perhaps they forgot their username/password)
        query_username_login = d.engine.scalar("SELECT login_name FROM login WHERE email = %(email)s", email=email)
        query_username_logincreate = d.engine.scalar("SELECT login_name FROM logincreate WHERE email = %(email)s", email=email)
        emailer.send(email, "Weasyl Account Creation - Account Already Exists", d.render(
            "email/email_in_use_account_creation.html", [query_username_login or query_username_logincreate]))
Exemplo n.º 23
def create(form):
    # Normalize form data
    username = d.plaintext(form.username[:_USERNAME])
    sysname = d.get_sysname(username)

    email = emailer.normalize_address(form.email)
    emailcheck = emailer.normalize_address(form.emailcheck)

    password = form.password
    passcheck = form.passcheck

    if form.day and form.month and form.year:
            birthday = arrow.Arrow(int(form.year), int(form.month), int(form.day))
        except ValueError:
            raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
        birthday = None

    # Check mismatched form data
    if password != passcheck:
        raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
    if email != emailcheck:
        raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")

    # Check invalid form data
    if birthday is None or d.age_in_years(birthday) < 13:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    if not password_secure(password):
        raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")
    if not email:
        raise WeasylError("emailInvalid")
    if is_email_blacklisted(email):
        raise WeasylError("emailBlacklisted")
    if not sysname or ";" in username:
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if sysname in ["admin", "administrator", "mod", "moderator", "weasyl",
                   "weasyladmin", "weasylmod", "staff", "security"]:
        raise WeasylError("usernameInvalid")
    if username_exists(sysname):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")

    # Account verification token
    token = security.generate_key(40)

    # Only attempt to create the account if the email is unused (as defined by the function)
    if not email_exists(email):
        # Create pending account
        d.engine.execute(d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
            "token": token,
            "username": username,
            "login_name": sysname,
            "hashpass": passhash(password),
            "email": email,
            "birthday": birthday,
            "unixtime": arrow.now(),

        # Queue verification email
        emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Account Creation", d.render(
            "email/verify_account.html", [token, sysname]))
        d.metric('increment', 'createdusers')
        # Store a dummy record to support plausible deniability of email addresses
        # So "reserve" the username, but mark the record invalid, and use the token to satisfy the uniqueness
        #  constraint for the email field (e.g., if there is already a valid, pending row in the table).
        d.engine.execute(d.meta.tables["logincreate"].insert(), {
            "token": token,
            "username": username,
            "login_name": sysname,
            "hashpass": passhash(password),
            "email": token,
            "birthday": arrow.now(),
            "unixtime": arrow.now(),
            "invalid": True,
        # The email address in question is already in use in either `login` or `logincreate`;
        #   let the already registered user know this via email (perhaps they forgot their username/password)
        query_username_login = d.engine.scalar("SELECT login_name FROM login WHERE email = %(email)s", email=email)
        query_username_logincreate = d.engine.scalar("SELECT login_name FROM logincreate WHERE email = %(email)s", email=email)
        emailer.append([email], None, "Weasyl Account Creation - Account Already Exists", d.render(
            "email/email_in_use_account_creation.html", [query_username_login or query_username_logincreate]))