Exemplo n.º 1
def find_timezone(lat, lon):
    Find timezone based on lat and lon.

    :param lat:
    :param lon:
    :return: timezone_string
    tz_str = tzwhere.tzwhere().tzNameAt(float(lat), float(lon))
    logger.debug(f'lat: "{lat}" | lon: "{lon}" | timezone: "{tz_str}"')

    return tz_str
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_date(url):
    Parses datetime timezone object based on queru param from url.
    Throws DateException if
        1. query string does not follow ISO8601 format
        2. date in the past
        3. date in the future beyond 5 day limit

    :param url:
    :return: datetime object
    logger.info(f'Parsing "{url}"...')
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
    # Change '+' sign to '%2B' unicode encoded
    query_params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query.replace('+', '%2B'),

    # Get 'at' query parameter
    date_param = query_params.get('at')
    logger.debug(f'Date "{date_param}')

    # Parse 'at' parameter to datetime based on ISO8601 format. Raise DateException if unsuccesful.
        requested_date = iso8601.parse_date(date_param[0])
        logger.info(f'Date parsed "{requested_date}"')
    except Exception:
        logger.error('Unparsable date!')
        raise custom_exceptions.DateException('Invalid date format!')

    # Create curent time datetime object
    now_utc = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())

    # Chech if requested time is valid. Raise DateException if not.
    if requested_date > now_utc + timedelta(days=5):
            f'Requested date "{requested_date}" exceeding 5 day limit!')
        raise custom_exceptions.DateException(
            'Maximum forecast can be 5 days in the future!')
    elif requested_date < now_utc:
        logger.error(f'Date "{requested_date}" is in the past!')
        raise custom_exceptions.DateException('Date in the past!')
        logger.debug(f'Date "{requested_date}" is valid.')
        return requested_date
Exemplo n.º 3
def city_name_to_code(city):
    Search for city name in city_codes
    Throws InvalidCityException if city name does not exist in city_codes.

    :param city:
    :return: list
    if city_codes is None:
        raise custom_exceptions.ServerException('city_codes is None!')

    logger.debug(f'Searching city id for "{city}".')
    city_entry = list(filter(lambda c: c['name'] == city, city_codes))

    if len(city_entry) == 0:
        raise custom_exceptions.InvalidCityException(
            f"Cannot find city '{city}'")

    return city_entry
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_response_from_xml(xml_content):
    Create weather data dictionary based on API xml

    :param xml_content:
    :return: dict
    logger.debug('Parsing XML.')
    clouds = xml_content.find('clouds')
    humidity = xml_content.find('humidity')
    pressure = xml_content.find('pressure')
    temperature = xml_content.find('temperature')

    response = {
        "clouds": f'{clouds.get("name")}',
        "humidity": f'{humidity.get("value")} {humidity.get("unit")}',
        "pressure": f'{pressure.get("value")} {pressure.get("unit")}',
        "temperature": f'{temperature.get("value")} {temperature.get("unit")}'

    return response
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_response(city):
    Returns dictionary with weather data.

    :param city:
    :return: dict
    units_param = ''
    # Check whether unit param exists.
    logger.debug('Checking for "units" param.')
    if request.args.get('units') is not None:
        units_param = f'&units={request.args.get("units")}'
        logger.debug(f'Units = {units_param}')

    # Check whether curent weather or forecast for specific day has been requested.
    logger.debug('Checking for "at" param.')
    if request.args.get('at') is not None:
        logger.debug(f'Param at = {request.args.get("at")}.')
        return specific_date_forecast(city, units_param)
        logger.debug('No "at" param.')
        return current_weather(city, units_param)
Exemplo n.º 6
def specific_date_forecast(city, units_param):
    Calls openweathermap API to retreive forecast data.

    :param city:
    :param units_param:
    :return: dict

    # Create API url.
    url = f'{base_api_url}forecast' \

    # Get xml from API
    xml_content = consume_weather_api(url)

    # Get datetime object of forecast datetime requested.
    date = parse_date(url=request.url)

    forecast = xml_content.find('forecast')
    location_element = xml_content.find('location').find('location')

    # Find timezone based on city's lat lon.
    tz_name = find_timezone(location_element.get('latitude'),
    city_tz = pytz.timezone(tz_name)

    # Iterate through forecast elements to find the one the requeted forecast time was requeted.
    for child in forecast:
        min_timeframe = iso8601.parse_date(child.get('from'), city_tz)
        max_timeframe = iso8601.parse_date(child.get('to'), city_tz)

        # Return data once time  falls in element's time window
        if min_timeframe <= date < max_timeframe:
                f'Requsted time {date} found in time window {min_timeframe} - {max_timeframe}'
            return create_response_from_xml(child)
Exemplo n.º 7
def consume_weather_api(url):
    Access to API to retrieve XML response.
    Throws ServerException if API call is unsuccesfull or
    returns with a non 200 HTTP response

    :param url:
    :return: xml string

    # Check if responce has been cached.
    request_content = cache.get(url)

    # If response has not been cashed make a request to the API.
    if request_content is None:

            logger.debug(f'Request "{url}".')
            weather_request = req.get(url)
        except Exception:
            raise custom_exceptions.ServerException(
                f'Error while requesting "{url}"')

        if weather_request.status_code is not 200:
            raise custom_exceptions.ServerException(
                f'Requst to "{url}" returned with {weather_request.status_code}!'

        request_content = weather_request.content

        # Cache content for 10 min
        logger.debug(f'Caching "{url}"!')
        cache.set(url, request_content, timeout=600)

    e_tree = XMLElements.fromstring(request_content)

    return e_tree