Exemplo n.º 1
def getRulesByRuleClass(request, ruleClassID, pagenr):
    """	This method is loaded when the /rules/getRulesByRuleClass/ url is called. 
		The method fetches rules based on a ruleClassID.
		If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method.

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    context = {}

    # Get the two values from the HTTP POST request.

    # Get pagelength from the utility class.
    pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength

    # We set this value to true so that we can differentiate in the template.
    context['rulesearch'] = False

    # We want pagenr with us in the template, but we modify it.
    context['pagenr'] = int(pagenr)

    # We want pagelength with us in the template.
    context['pagelength'] = int(pagelength)

    # The first page isnt hidden.
    if int(pagenr) == 1:
        context['ishidden'] = False
        context['ishidden'] = True

    # If this is the first page or there is only one page, minrange must be 0.
    minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr) - 1)

    # We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
    maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength


        # We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
        context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(
        # Get matching rules, within the set range.
        context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(
                'revisions', 'revisions__references', 'revisions__update',
                'ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]

    except Rule.DoesNotExist:
            "Page request /rules/getRulesByRuleSet could not be resolved, objects not found."
        raise Http404

    # Process the objects before we give them to the template.
    context['rule_list'] = rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list'])
    return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 2
def getRulesByRuleSet(request, ruleSetID, pagenr):
	"""	This method is loaded when the /rules/getRulesByRuleSet/ url is called. 
		The method fetches rules based on a ruleSetID.
		If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method.
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
	context = {}
	# Get the two values from the HTTP POST request.

	# Get pagelength from the utility class.
	pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength
	# We set this value to true so that we can differentiate in the template.
	context['rulesearch'] = False
	# We want pagenr with us in the template, but we modify it.
	context['pagenr'] = int(pagenr)
	# We want pagelength with us in the template.
	context['pagelength'] = int(pagelength)
	# The first page isnt hidden.
	if int(pagenr) == 1:
		context['ishidden'] = False
		context['ishidden'] = True
	# We multiply the paglength with the requested pagenr, this should give us the minimum range.
	minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr)-1)
	# We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
	maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength
		# We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
		context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(ruleSet__id=ruleSetID).count()
		# Get matching rules, within the set range.
		context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(ruleSet__id=ruleSetID).prefetch_related('revisions','revisions__references','revisions__update','ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]

	except Rule.DoesNotExist:
		logger.warning("Page request /rules/getRulesByRuleSet could not be resolved, objects not found.")
		raise Http404
	# Process the objects before we give them to the template.
	return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 3
def getRulePage(request, pagenr):
    """This method is loaded when the /rules/page/<int>/ url is called.
	It is used to answer dynamic calls for more pages in the paginated list of RuleRevision objects in /rules/.
	The method takes an argument pagenr, which it uses to calculate the minrange and maxrange of objects it needs to get, with the pagelength factored in. 
	If it doesnt find anything, it raises a 404 error.
	If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method. """

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    context = {}

    # Get pagelength from the utility class.
    pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength

    # We want pagenr with us in the template.
    context['pagenr'] = pagenr

    # We want pagelength with us in the template.
    context['pagelength'] = pagelength

    # The first page isnt hidden.
    context['ishidden'] = True

    # We multiply the paglength with the requested pagenr, this should give us the minimum range.
    minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr) - 1)

    # We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
    maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength


        # We need to know how many rules there are total.
        context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.count()
        # Get all rules, within the set range.
        context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.all().prefetch_related(
            'revisions', 'revisions__references', 'revisions__update',
            'ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]
    except Rule.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning("Page request /rules/page/" + str(pagenr) +
                       " could not be resolved, objects in range " +
                       str(minrange) + " - " + str(maxrange) + "not found.")
        raise Http404

    # Process the objects before we give them to the template.
    context['rule_list'] = rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list'])
    return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 4
def index(request):
    """This method is loaded when the /rules/ url is called.
	Which is a list of all RuleRevision objects, paginated by the limit set in pagelength.
	The method gets a count of the number of objects in the database and then gets all the objects. 
	If it doesnt find anything, it raises a 404 error.
	If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rules.tpl through the render method. """

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # Spool up context.
    context = {}

    # Get pagelength from the utility class.
    pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength

    # This is always page nr 1.
    context['pagenr'] = 1

    # We want pagelength with us in the template.
    context['pagelength'] = pagelength

    # The first page isnt hidden.
    context['ishidden'] = False

        # Get the current sensor count, but we want it in a negative value.
        #context['sensorcount'] =  Sensor.objects.count()
        #context['sensorcount'] = -context['sensorcount']

        # We need to know how many rules there are total.
        context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.count()
        # Get all rules, but limited by the set pagelength.
        context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.all().prefetch_related(
            'revisions', 'revisions__references', 'revisions__update',
            'ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[:pagelength]

    except Rule.DoesNotExist:
            "Page request /rules/ could not be resolved, objects not found.")
        raise Http404

    # Process the objects before we give them to the template.
    context['rule_list'] = rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list'])
    #return HttpResponse(rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list']))
    return render(request, 'rules/rules.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 5
def index(request):

	"""This method is loaded when the /rules/ url is called.
	Which is a list of all RuleRevision objects, paginated by the limit set in pagelength.
	The method gets a count of the number of objects in the database and then gets all the objects. 
	If it doesnt find anything, it raises a 404 error.
	If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rules.tpl through the render method. """
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
	# Spool up context.
	context = {}
	# Get pagelength from the utility class.
	pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength
	# This is always page nr 1.
	context['pagenr'] = 1
	# We want pagelength with us in the template.
	context['pagelength'] = pagelength
	# The first page isnt hidden.
	context['ishidden'] = False
		# Get the current sensor count, but we want it in a negative value.
		#context['sensorcount'] =  Sensor.objects.count()
		#context['sensorcount'] = -context['sensorcount']
		# We need to know how many rules there are total.
		context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.count()
		# Get all rules, but limited by the set pagelength.
		context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.all().prefetch_related('revisions','revisions__references','revisions__update','ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[:pagelength]

	except Rule.DoesNotExist:
		logger.warning("Page request /rules/ could not be resolved, objects not found.")
		raise Http404
	# Process the objects before we give them to the template.
	#return HttpResponse(rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list']))
	return render(request, 'rules/rules.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 6
def getRulePage(request, pagenr):
	"""This method is loaded when the /rules/page/<int>/ url is called.
	It is used to answer dynamic calls for more pages in the paginated list of RuleRevision objects in /rules/.
	The method takes an argument pagenr, which it uses to calculate the minrange and maxrange of objects it needs to get, with the pagelength factored in. 
	If it doesnt find anything, it raises a 404 error.
	If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method. """
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
	context = {}
	# Get pagelength from the utility class.
	pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength
	# We want pagenr with us in the template.
	context['pagenr'] = pagenr
	# We want pagelength with us in the template.
	context['pagelength'] = pagelength
	# The first page isnt hidden.
	context['ishidden'] = True
	# We multiply the paglength with the requested pagenr, this should give us the minimum range.
	minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr)-1)
	# We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
	maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength
		# We need to know how many rules there are total.
		context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.count()
		# Get all rules, within the set range.
		context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.all().prefetch_related('revisions','revisions__references','revisions__update','ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]
	except Rule.DoesNotExist:
		logger.warning("Page request /rules/page/"+str(pagenr)+" could not be resolved, objects in range "+str(minrange)+" - "+str(maxrange)+"not found.")
		raise Http404
	# Process the objects before we give them to the template.
	return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 7
def getRulesBySearch(request, pagenr):
    """	This method is loaded when the /rules/search/<int>/ url is called. This url is called when a user has typed a string into 
		the search bar on the /rules page. 
		The method does a search in the database based on the searchfield and searchstring requested, and the item range based on the page requested.
		If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method.

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    context = {}

    # Get the two values from the HTTP POST request.
    searchstring = request.POST['searchs']
    searchfield = request.POST['searchf']

    # Get pagelength from the utility class.
    pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength

    # We set this value to true so that we can differentiate in the template.
    context['rulesearch'] = True

    # We want pagenr with us in the template, but we modify it.
    context['pagenr'] = "search" + pagenr

    # We want pagelength with us in the template.
    context['pagelength'] = pagelength

    # The first page isnt hidden.
    context['ishidden'] = True

    # We want the searchstring with us in the template.
    context['searchstring'] = searchstring

    # We multiply the paglength with the requested pagenr, this should give us the minimum range.
    minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr) - 1)

    # We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
    maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength


        # We do different queries based on the searchfield string.
        if searchfield == 'sid':
            # We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
            context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(
            # Get matching rules, within the set range.
            context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(
                    'revisions', 'revisions__references', 'revisions__update',
                    'ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors',
        elif searchfield == 'name':
            # We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
            context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(
            # Get matching rules, within the set range.
            context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(
                    'revisions', 'revisions__references', 'revisions__update',
                    'ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors',

    except Rule.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning("Page request /rules/search for string: " +
                       searchstring + " in field " + searchfield +
                       " could not be resolved, objects not found.")
        raise Http404

    # Process the objects before we give them to the template.
    context['rule_list'] = rulesToTemplate(context['rule_list'])
    return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)
Exemplo n.º 8
def getRulesBySearch(request, pagenr):
	"""	This method is loaded when the /rules/search/<int>/ url is called. This url is called when a user has typed a string into 
		the search bar on the /rules page. 
		The method does a search in the database based on the searchfield and searchstring requested, and the item range based on the page requested.
		If it finds objects, it then sends everything to the template rules/rulepage.tpl through the render method.
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
	context = {}
	# Get the two values from the HTTP POST request.
	searchstring = request.POST['searchs']
	searchfield = request.POST['searchf']
	# Get pagelength from the utility class.
	pagelength = request.user.userProfile.pageLength
	# We set this value to true so that we can differentiate in the template.
	context['rulesearch'] = True
	# We want pagenr with us in the template, but we modify it.
	context['pagenr'] = "search"+pagenr
	# We want pagelength with us in the template.
	context['pagelength'] = pagelength
	# The first page isnt hidden.
	context['ishidden'] = True
	# We want the searchstring with us in the template.
	context['searchstring'] = searchstring
	# We multiply the paglength with the requested pagenr, this should give us the minimum range.
	minrange = pagelength * (int(pagenr)-1)
	# We add pagelength to the minumum range, this gives us the maximum range.
	maxrange = int(minrange) + pagelength
		# We do different queries based on the searchfield string.
		if searchfield=='sid':
			# We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
			context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(SID__istartswith=searchstring).count()
			# Get matching rules, within the set range.
			context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(SID__istartswith=searchstring).prefetch_related('revisions','revisions__references','revisions__update','ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]
		elif searchfield=='name':
			# We need to know how many rules the search will produce.
			context['itemcount'] = Rule.objects.filter(revisions__active=True, revisions__msg__icontains=searchstring).count()
			# Get matching rules, within the set range.
			context['rule_list'] = Rule.objects.filter(revisions__active=True, revisions__msg__icontains=searchstring).prefetch_related('revisions','revisions__references','revisions__update','ruleSet', 'ruleSet__sensors', 'ruleClass')[minrange:maxrange]

	except Rule.DoesNotExist:
		logger.warning("Page request /rules/search for string: "+searchstring+" in field "+searchfield+" could not be resolved, objects not found.")
		raise Http404
	# Process the objects before we give them to the template.
	return render(request, 'rules/rulePage.tpl', context)