Exemplo n.º 1
def build_recommended_dns(env):
	ret = []
	domains = get_dns_domains(env)
	zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)
	additional_records = list(get_custom_dns_config(env))
	from web_update import get_default_www_redirects
	www_redirect_domains = get_default_www_redirects(env)
	for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
		records = build_zone(domain, domains, additional_records, www_redirect_domains, env)

		# remove records that we don't dislay
		records = [r for r in records if r[3] is not False]

		# put Required at the top, then Recommended, then everythiing else
		records.sort(key = lambda r : 0 if r[3].startswith("Required.") else (1 if r[3].startswith("Recommended.") else 2))

		# expand qnames
		for i in range(len(records)):
			if records[i][0] == None:
				qname = domain
				qname = records[i][0] + "." + domain

			records[i] = {
				"qname": qname,
				"rtype": records[i][1],
				"value": records[i][2],
				"explanation": records[i][3],

		# return
		ret.append((domain, records))
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_recommended_dns(env):
    ret = []
    domains = get_dns_domains(env)
    zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)
    additional_records = list(get_custom_dns_config(env))
    from web_update import get_default_www_redirects
    www_redirect_domains = get_default_www_redirects(env)
    for domain, zonefile in zonefiles:
        records = build_zone(domain, domains, additional_records,
                             www_redirect_domains, env)

        # remove records that we don't dislay
        records = [r for r in records if r[3] is not False]

        # put Required at the top, then Recommended, then everythiing else
        records.sort(key=lambda r: 0 if r[3].startswith("Required.") else
                     (1 if r[3].startswith("Recommended.") else 2))

        # expand qnames
        for i in range(len(records)):
            if records[i][0] == None:
                qname = domain
                qname = records[i][0] + "." + domain

            records[i] = {
                "qname": qname,
                "rtype": records[i][1],
                "value": records[i][2],
                "explanation": records[i][3],

        # return
        ret.append((domain, records))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_domain_checks(rounded_time, env, output, pool):
    # Get the list of domains we handle mail for.
    mail_domains = get_mail_domains(env)

    # Get the list of domains we serve DNS zones for (i.e. does not include subdomains).
    dns_zonefiles = dict(get_dns_zones(env))
    dns_domains = set(dns_zonefiles)

    # Get the list of domains we serve HTTPS for.
    web_domains = set(get_web_domains(env) + get_default_www_redirects(env))

    domains_to_check = mail_domains | dns_domains | web_domains

    # Serial version:
    # for domain in sort_domains(domains_to_check, env):
    # 	run_domain_checks_on_domain(domain, rounded_time, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles, mail_domains, web_domains)

    # Parallelize the checks across a worker pool.
    args = (
        (domain, rounded_time, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles, mail_domains, web_domains)
        for domain in domains_to_check
    ret = pool.starmap(run_domain_checks_on_domain, args, chunksize=1)
    ret = dict(ret)  # (domain, output) => { domain: output }
    for domain in sort_domains(ret, env):
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_domain_checks(rounded_time, env, output, pool):
	# Get the list of domains we handle mail for.
	mail_domains = get_mail_domains(env)

	# Get the list of domains we serve DNS zones for (i.e. does not include subdomains).
	dns_zonefiles = dict(get_dns_zones(env))
	dns_domains = set(dns_zonefiles)

	# Get the list of domains we serve HTTPS for.
	web_domains = set(get_web_domains(env) + get_default_www_redirects(env))

	domains_to_check = mail_domains | dns_domains | web_domains

	# Get the list of domains that we don't serve web for because of a custom CNAME/A record.
	domains_with_a_records = get_domains_with_a_records(env)

	ssl_certificates = get_ssl_certificates(env)

	# Serial version:
	#for domain in sort_domains(domains_to_check, env):
	#	run_domain_checks_on_domain(domain, rounded_time, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles, mail_domains, web_domains)

	# Parallelize the checks across a worker pool.
	args = ((domain, rounded_time, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles, mail_domains, web_domains, domains_with_a_records, ssl_certificates)
		for domain in domains_to_check)
	ret = pool.starmap(run_domain_checks_on_domain, args, chunksize=1)
	ret = dict(ret) # (domain, output) => { domain: output }
	for domain in sort_domains(ret, env):
Exemplo n.º 5
def do_dns_update(env, force=False):
	# What domains (and their zone filenames) should we build?
	domains = get_dns_domains(env)
	zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)

	# Custom records to add to zones.
	additional_records = list(get_custom_dns_config(env))
	from web_update import get_default_www_redirects
	www_redirect_domains = get_default_www_redirects(env)

	# Write zone files.
	os.makedirs('/etc/nsd/zones', exist_ok=True)
	updated_domains = []
	for i, (domain, zonefile) in enumerate(zonefiles):
		# Build the records to put in the zone.
		records = build_zone(domain, domains, additional_records, www_redirect_domains, env)

		# See if the zone has changed, and if so update the serial number
		# and write the zone file.
		if not write_nsd_zone(domain, "/etc/nsd/zones/" + zonefile, records, env, force):
			# Zone was not updated. There were no changes.

		# If this is a .justtesting.email domain, then post the update.
			justtestingdotemail(domain, records)
			# Hmm. Might be a network issue. If we stop now, will we end
			# up in an inconsistent state? Let's just continue.

		# Mark that we just updated this domain.

		# Sign the zone.
		# Every time we sign the zone we get a new result, which means
		# we can't sign a zone without bumping the zone's serial number.
		# Thus we only sign a zone if write_nsd_zone returned True
		# indicating the zone changed, and thus it got a new serial number.
		# write_nsd_zone is smart enough to check if a zone's signature
		# is nearing expiration and if so it'll bump the serial number
		# and return True so we get a chance to re-sign it.
		sign_zone(domain, zonefile, env)

	# Now that all zones are signed (some might not have changed and so didn't
	# just get signed now, but were before) update the zone filename so nsd.conf
	# uses the signed file.
	for i in range(len(zonefiles)):
		zonefiles[i][1] += ".signed"

	# Write the main nsd.conf file.
	if write_nsd_conf(zonefiles, additional_records, env):
		# Make sure updated_domains contains *something* if we wrote an updated
		# nsd.conf so that we know to restart nsd.
		if len(updated_domains) == 0:
			updated_domains.append("DNS configuration")

	# Kick nsd if anything changed.
	if len(updated_domains) > 0:
		shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nsd", "restart"])

	# Write the OpenDKIM configuration tables.
	if write_opendkim_tables(domains, env):
		# Settings changed. Kick opendkim.
		shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "opendkim", "restart"])
		if len(updated_domains) == 0:
			# If this is the only thing that changed?
			updated_domains.append("OpenDKIM configuration")

	if len(updated_domains) == 0:
		# if nothing was updated (except maybe OpenDKIM's files), don't show any output
		return ""
		return "updated DNS: " + ",".join(updated_domains) + "\n"
Exemplo n.º 6
def do_dns_update(env, force=False):
    # What domains (and their zone filenames) should we build?
    domains = get_dns_domains(env)
    zonefiles = get_dns_zones(env)

    # Custom records to add to zones.
    additional_records = list(get_custom_dns_config(env))
    from web_update import get_default_www_redirects
    www_redirect_domains = get_default_www_redirects(env)

    # Write zone files.
    os.makedirs('/etc/nsd/zones', exist_ok=True)
    updated_domains = []
    for i, (domain, zonefile) in enumerate(zonefiles):
        # Build the records to put in the zone.
        records = build_zone(domain, domains, additional_records,
                             www_redirect_domains, env)

        # See if the zone has changed, and if so update the serial number
        # and write the zone file.
        if not write_nsd_zone(domain, "/etc/nsd/zones/" + zonefile, records,
                              env, force):
            # Zone was not updated. There were no changes.

        # If this is a .justtesting.email domain, then post the update.
            justtestingdotemail(domain, records)
            # Hmm. Might be a network issue. If we stop now, will we end
            # up in an inconsistent state? Let's just continue.

        # Mark that we just updated this domain.

        # Sign the zone.
        # Every time we sign the zone we get a new result, which means
        # we can't sign a zone without bumping the zone's serial number.
        # Thus we only sign a zone if write_nsd_zone returned True
        # indicating the zone changed, and thus it got a new serial number.
        # write_nsd_zone is smart enough to check if a zone's signature
        # is nearing expiration and if so it'll bump the serial number
        # and return True so we get a chance to re-sign it.
        sign_zone(domain, zonefile, env)

    # Now that all zones are signed (some might not have changed and so didn't
    # just get signed now, but were before) update the zone filename so nsd.conf
    # uses the signed file.
    for i in range(len(zonefiles)):
        zonefiles[i][1] += ".signed"

    # Write the main nsd.conf file.
    if write_nsd_conf(zonefiles, additional_records, env):
        # Make sure updated_domains contains *something* if we wrote an updated
        # nsd.conf so that we know to restart nsd.
        if len(updated_domains) == 0:
            updated_domains.append("DNS configuration")

    # Kick nsd if anything changed.
    if len(updated_domains) > 0:
        shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nsd", "restart"])

    # Write the OpenDKIM configuration tables.
    if write_opendkim_tables(domains, env):
        # Settings changed. Kick opendkim.
        shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "opendkim", "restart"])
        if len(updated_domains) == 0:
            # If this is the only thing that changed?
            updated_domains.append("OpenDKIM configuration")

    if len(updated_domains) == 0:
        # if nothing was updated (except maybe OpenDKIM's files), don't show any output
        return ""
        return "updated DNS: " + ",".join(updated_domains) + "\n"
Exemplo n.º 7
            total_size += stat.st_size
    return total_size

def wait_for_service(port, public, env, timeout):
    # Block until a service on a given port (bound privately or publicly)
    # is taking connections, with a maximum timeout.
    import socket, time
    start = time.perf_counter()
    while True:
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.settimeout(timeout / 3)
            s.connect(("" if not public else env['PUBLIC_IP'], port))
            return True
        except OSError:
            if time.perf_counter() > start + timeout:
                return False
        time.sleep(min(timeout / 4, 1))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from dns_update import get_dns_domains
    from web_update import get_web_domains, get_default_www_redirects
    env = load_environment()
    domains = get_dns_domains(env) | set(
        get_web_domains(env) + get_default_www_redirects(env))
    domains = sort_domains(domains, env)
    for domain in domains:
Exemplo n.º 8
            if stat.st_ino in seen:
            total_size += stat.st_size
    return total_size

def wait_for_service(port, public, env, timeout):
	# Block until a service on a given port (bound privately or publicly)
	# is taking connections, with a maximum timeout.
	import socket, time
	start = time.perf_counter()
	while True:
		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			s.connect(("" if not public else env['PUBLIC_IP'], port))
			return True
		except OSError:
			if time.perf_counter() > start+timeout:
				return False
		time.sleep(min(timeout/4, 1))

if __name__ == "__main__":
	from dns_update import get_dns_domains
	from web_update import get_web_domains, get_default_www_redirects
	env = load_environment()
	domains = get_dns_domains(env) | set(get_web_domains(env) + get_default_www_redirects(env))
	domains = sort_domains(domains, env)
	for domain in domains: