Exemplo n.º 1
def search_post():
	search_text = request.form['search_text']
	txt = lifepim_web_menu()
	txt += web.build_search_form()
	import page_search
	txt += page_search.get_page(search_text)
	return txt
Exemplo n.º 2
def page_home():
    txt = aikif_web_menu()
    txt += web.build_search_form()
    txt += "<H3>Pages on this site</h3><TABLE width=80% border=0 align=centre>\n"
    for m in menu:
        txt += '<TR><TD><a href="' + m[0] + '">' + m[1] + '</a></td><td>' + m[2] + '</td></tr>\n'
    txt += '</table><BR>\n'
    txt += '<H3>Status</h3>\n'
    txt += AIKIF_VERSION_NUM + ' (Mode=' + AIKIF_WEB_VERSION + ')\n'
    txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
    txt += get_footer()
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 3
def page_home():
	txt = lifepim_web_menu()
	txt += web.build_search_form()
	txt += "<H3>Pages on this site</h3><TABLE width=80% border=0 align=centre>\n"
	for m in menu:
		txt += '<TR><TD><a href="' + m[0] + '">' + m[1] + '</a></td><td>' + m[2] + '</td></tr>\n'
	txt += "</table><BR>\n"
	txt += "<H3>Status</h3>\n"
	txt += "TODO - update status\n"
	txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
	txt += get_footer()
	return txt
Exemplo n.º 4
def page_home():
    txt = aikif_web_menu()
    txt += web.build_search_form()

    txt += "<H3>Pages on this site</h3><TABLE width=80% border=0 align=centre>\n"
    for m in menu:
        txt += '<TR><TD><a href="' + m[0] + '">' + m[1] + '</a></td><td>' + m[
            2] + '</td></tr>\n'
    txt += '</table><BR>\n'
    txt += '<H3>Status</h3>\n'
    txt += AIKIF_VERSION_NUM + ' (Mode=' + AIKIF_WEB_VERSION + ')\n'
    txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
    txt += get_footer()
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 5
def page_tasks():
	txt = lifepim_web_menu('Tasks')
	txt += web.build_search_form()
	txt += "<H3>Dev Tasks</h3>\n"
	txt += "<LI>get basic web functionality working in this app web_lifepim</LI>\n"
	txt += "<LI>Split to standard MVC layout once implemention works</LI>\n"
	txt += "<LI>check install of Python 2.7 and 3.3, ensure startup checks this</LI>\n"
	txt += "<H3>Data Tasks</h3>\n"
	txt += "<LI>confirm overwrite of existing data files by checking source of creation (ok to overwrite if done via Create_AIKIF.py)</LI>\n"
	txt += "<LI>collect data output from existing proc_*.py needs to be properly integrated</LI>\n"
	txt += "<LI>finish function to completely import random spreadsheet</LI>\n"
	txt += "<H3>Config Tasks</h3>\n"
	txt += "<LI>get webserver running, deploy to restricted site</LI>\n"
	txt += "<LI>schedule collection tasks to run daily</LI>\n"
	txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
	txt += get_footer()
	return txt
Exemplo n.º 6
def page_todo():
    txt = aikif_web_menu('Todo')
    txt += web.build_search_form()
    txt += "<H3>Dev Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>implement mapping functionality of business rules</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>web interface to control agents, including feedback status</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI></LI>\n"
    txt += "<H3>Data Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>define structures for core tables: events, people, facts, locations</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>define flexible structure for raw data to knowledge to learning</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>collect data output from existing proc_*.py needs to be properly integrated</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>finish function to completely import random spreadsheet</LI>\n"
    txt += "<H3>Config Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>setup for users to auto build database</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>get webserver running, deploy to restricted site</LI>\n"
    txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
    txt += get_footer()
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 7
def page_todo():
    txt = aikif_web_menu('Todo')
    txt += web.build_search_form()
    txt += "<H3>Dev Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>implement mapping functionality of business rules</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>web interface to control agents, including feedback status</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI></LI>\n"
    txt += "<H3>Data Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>define structures for core tables: events, people, facts, locations</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>define flexible structure for raw data to knowledge to learning</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>collect data output from existing proc_*.py needs to be properly integrated</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>finish function to completely import random spreadsheet</LI>\n"
    txt += "<H3>Config Tasks</h3>\n"
    txt += "<LI>setup for users to auto build database</LI>\n"
    txt += "<LI>get webserver running, deploy to restricted site</LI>\n"
    txt += "<BR><BR>\n"
    txt += get_footer()
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 8
def _search(search_text):
    txt = aikif_web_menu()
    txt += web.build_search_form()
    import page_search
    txt += page_search.get_page(search_text)
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 9
def _search(search_text):
    txt = aikif_web_menu()
    txt += web.build_search_form()
    import page_search
    txt += page_search.get_page(search_text)
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_04_build_search_form(self):
     txt = web_utils.build_search_form()
     self.assertEqual(txt[0:31], '<form action="." method="POST">')
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_04_build_search_form(self):
     txt = web_utils.build_search_form()
     self.assertEqual(txt[0:31], '<form action="." method="POST">')
     self.assertEqual(txt[-8:], '</form>\n')