Exemplo n.º 1
    def _test_prefix_list(self, issue_number, only_changed_tests):
        """Returns a collection of test, builder and file extensions to get new baselines for.

            issue_number: The CL number of the change which needs new baselines.
            only_changed_tests: Whether to only include baselines for tests that
               are changed in this CL. If False, all new baselines for failing
               tests will be downloaded, even for tests that were not modified.

            A dict containing information about which new baselines to download.
        builds_to_tests = self._builds_to_tests(issue_number)
        if only_changed_tests:
            files_in_cl = self.rietveld.changed_files(issue_number)
            finder = WebKitFinder(self._tool.filesystem)
            tests_in_cl = [finder.layout_test_name(f) for f in files_in_cl]
        result = {}
        for build, tests in builds_to_tests.iteritems():
            for test in tests:
                if only_changed_tests and test not in tests_in_cl:
                if test not in result:
                    result[test] = {}
                result[test][build] = BASELINE_SUFFIX_LIST
        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _test_prefix_list(self, issue_number, only_changed_tests):
        """Returns a collection of test, builder and file extensions to get new baselines for.

            issue_number: The CL number of the change which needs new baselines.
            only_changed_tests: Whether to only include baselines for tests that
               are changed in this CL. If False, all new baselines for failing
               tests will be downloaded, even for tests that were not modified.

            A dict containing information about which new baselines to download.
        builds_to_tests = self._builds_to_tests(issue_number)
        if only_changed_tests:
            files_in_cl = self.rietveld.changed_files(issue_number)
            finder = WebKitFinder(self._tool.filesystem)
            tests_in_cl = [finder.layout_test_name(f) for f in files_in_cl]
        result = {}
        for build, tests in builds_to_tests.iteritems():
            for test in tests:
                if only_changed_tests and test not in tests_in_cl:
                if test not in result:
                    result[test] = {}
                result[test][build] = BASELINE_SUFFIX_LIST
        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestImporter(object):
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.executive = host.executive
        self.fs = host.filesystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.fs)
        self.verbose = False
        self.git_cl = None

    def main(self, argv=None):
        options = self.parse_args(argv)
        self.verbose = options.verbose
        log_level = logging.DEBUG if self.verbose else logging.INFO
        logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(message)s')

        if not self.checkout_is_okay(options.allow_local_commits):
            return 1

        self.git_cl = GitCL(
            self.host, auth_refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json)

        _log.debug('Noting the current Chromium commit.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'HEAD'])
        chromium_commit = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        assert options.target in ('wpt', 'css')
        dest_dir_name = WPT_DEST_NAME
        repo_url = WPT_REPO_URL
        if options.target != 'wpt':
            dest_dir_name = CSS_DEST_NAME
            repo_url = CSS_REPO_URL

        # TODO(qyearsley): Simplify this to use LocalWPT.fetch when csswg-test
        # is merged into web-platform-tests.
        temp_repo_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        _log.info('Cloning repo: %s', repo_url)
        _log.info('Local path: %s', temp_repo_path)
        self.run(['git', 'clone', repo_url, temp_repo_path])

        if options.target == 'wpt' and not options.ignore_exportable_commits:
            commits = self.exportable_but_not_exported_commits(temp_repo_path)
            if commits:
                # If there are exportable commits, then there's no more work
                # to do for now. This isn't really an error case; we expect
                # to hit this case some of the time.
                    'There were exportable but not-yet-exported commits:')
                for commit in commits:
                        '  https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/%s',
                    'Aborting import to prevent clobbering these commits.')
                return 0

        import_commit = self.update(dest_dir_name, temp_repo_path,


        if options.target == 'wpt':

        has_changes = self._has_changes()
        if not has_changes:
            _log.info('Done: no changes to import.')
            return 0

        commit_message = self._commit_message(chromium_commit, import_commit)
        _log.info('Done: changes imported and committed.')

        if options.auto_update:
            commit_successful = self.do_auto_update()
            if not commit_successful:
                return 1
        return 0

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.description = __doc__
                            help='log what we are doing')
            help='allow script to run even if we have local commits')
                            help='Target revision.')
            choices=['css', 'wpt'],
            'Target repository.  "css" for csswg-test, "wpt" for web-platform-tests.'
                            help='uploads CL and initiates commit queue.')
                            help='authentication refresh token JSON file, '
                            'used for authentication for try jobs, '
                            'generally not necessary on developer machines')
            'Continue even if there are exportable commits that may be overwritten.'
        return parser.parse_args(argv)

    def checkout_is_okay(self, allow_local_commits):
        git_diff_retcode, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
        if git_diff_retcode:
            _log.warning('Checkout is dirty; aborting.')
            return False

        local_commits = self.run(
            ['git', 'log', '--oneline', 'origin/master..HEAD'])[1]
        if local_commits and not allow_local_commits:
                'Checkout has local commits; aborting. Use --allow-local-commits to allow this.'
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(WPT_DEST_NAME)):
            _log.warning('WebKit/%s exists; aborting.', WPT_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(CSS_DEST_NAME)):
            _log.warning('WebKit/%s repo exists; aborting.', CSS_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        return True

    def exportable_but_not_exported_commits(self, wpt_path):
        """Checks for commits that might be overwritten by importing.

            wpt_path: The path to a local checkout of web-platform-tests.

            A list of commits in the Chromium repo that are exportable
            but not yet exported to the web-platform-tests repo.
        local_wpt = LocalWPT(self.host, path=wpt_path)
        assert self.host.filesystem.exists(wpt_path)
        _, chromium_commit = local_wpt.most_recent_chromium_commit()
        return exportable_commits_since(chromium_commit.sha, self.host,

    def clean_up_temp_repo(self, temp_repo_path):
        _log.info('Deleting temp repo directory %s.', temp_repo_path)

    def _copy_resources(self):
        """Copies resources from wpt to LayoutTests/resources.

        We copy idlharness.js and testharness.js in wpt to LayoutTests/resources
        in order to use them in non-imported tests.

        If this method is changed, the lists of files expected to be identical
        in LayoutTests/PRESUBMIT.py should also be changed.
        resources_to_copy_from_wpt = [
            ('idlharness.js', 'resources'),
            ('testharness.js', 'resources'),
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_from_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'external',
                                                WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir,
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests',
                                                     'resources', filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])

    def _generate_manifest(self, dest_path):
        """Generates MANIFEST.json for imported tests.

            dest_path: Path to the destination WPT directory.

        Runs the (newly-updated) manifest command if it's found, and then
        stages the generated MANIFEST.json in the git index, ready to commit.
        if 'css' in dest_path:
            # Do nothing for csswg-test.
        _log.info('Generating MANIFEST.json')
        WPTManifest.generate_manifest(self.host, dest_path)
        manifest_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, 'MANIFEST.json')
        assert self.fs.exists(manifest_path)
        manifest_base_path = self.fs.normpath(
            self.fs.join(dest_path, '..', 'WPT_BASE_MANIFEST.json'))
        self.copyfile(manifest_path, manifest_base_path)
        self.run(['git', 'add', manifest_base_path])

    def update(self, dest_dir_name, temp_repo_path, revision):
        """Updates an imported repository.

            dest_dir_name: The destination directory name.
            temp_repo_path: Path to local checkout of W3C test repo.
            revision: A W3C test repo commit hash, or None.

            A string for the commit description "<destination>@<commitish>".
        if revision is not None:
            _log.info('Checking out %s', revision)
            self.run(['git', 'checkout', revision], cwd=temp_repo_path)

        self.run(['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'],

        _log.info('Noting the revision we are importing.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'origin/master'],
        master_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        _log.info('Cleaning out tests from LayoutTests/external/%s.',
        dest_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'external',
        is_not_baseline_filter = lambda fs, dirname, basename: not self.is_baseline(
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(
            dest_path, file_filter=is_not_baseline_filter)
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove('LayoutTests', 'external', subpath)

        _log.info('Importing the tests.')
        test_copier = TestCopier(self.host, temp_repo_path)

            ['git', 'add', '--all',
             'LayoutTests/external/%s' % dest_dir_name])



            'Updating TestExpectations for any removed or renamed tests.')

        return '%s@%s' % (dest_dir_name, master_commitish)

    def _commit_changes(self, commit_message):
        _log.info('Committing changes.')
        self.run(['git', 'commit', '--all', '-F', '-'], stdin=commit_message)

    def _has_changes(self):
        return_code, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
        return return_code == 1

    def _commit_message(self, chromium_commit, import_commit):
        return ('Import %s\n\n'
                'Using wpt-import in Chromium %s.\n\n'
                'NOEXPORT=true' % (import_commit, chromium_commit))

    def _delete_orphaned_baselines(self, dest_path):
        _log.info('Deleting any orphaned baselines.')
        is_baseline_filter = lambda fs, dirname, basename: self.is_baseline(
        previous_baselines = self.fs.files_under(
            dest_path, file_filter=is_baseline_filter)
        for sub_path in previous_baselines:
            full_baseline_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, sub_path)
            if not self._has_corresponding_test(full_baseline_path):

    def _has_corresponding_test(self, full_baseline_path):
        base = full_baseline_path.replace('-expected.txt', '')
        return any(
            self.fs.exists(base + ext)
            for ext in Port.supported_file_extensions)

    def is_baseline(basename):
        # TODO(qyearsley): Find a better, centralized place for this.
        # Also, the name for this method should be is_text_baseline.
        return basename.endswith('-expected.txt')

    def run(self, cmd, exit_on_failure=True, cwd=None, stdin=''):
        _log.debug('Running command: %s', ' '.join(cmd))

        cwd = cwd or self.finder.webkit_base()
        proc = self.executive.popen(cmd,
        out, err = proc.communicate(stdin)
        if proc.returncode or self.verbose:
            _log.info('# ret> %d', proc.returncode)
            if out:
                for line in out.splitlines():
                    _log.info('# out> %s', line)
            if err:
                for line in err.splitlines():
                    _log.info('# err> %s', line)
        if exit_on_failure and proc.returncode:
        return proc.returncode, out

    def check_run(self, command):
        return_code, out = self.run(command)
        if return_code:
            raise Exception('%s failed with exit code %d.' % ' '.join(command),
        return out

    def copyfile(self, source, destination):
        _log.debug('cp %s %s', source, destination)
        self.fs.copyfile(source, destination)

    def remove(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        _log.debug('rm %s', dest)

    def rmtree(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        _log.debug('rm -fr %s', dest)

    def path_from_webkit_base(self, *comps):
        return self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)

    def do_auto_update(self):
        """Attempts to upload a CL, make any required adjustments, and commit.

        This function assumes that the imported repo has already been updated,
        and that change has been committed. There may be newly-failing tests,
        so before being able to commit these new changes, we may need to update
        TestExpectations or download new baselines.

            True if successfully committed, False otherwise.
        _log.info('Issue: %s', self.git_cl.run(['issue']).strip())

        # First, try on Blink try bots in order to get any new baselines.
        # TODO(qyearsley): Make this faster by triggering all try jobs in
        # one invocation.
        _log.info('Triggering try jobs.')
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs(

        if not try_results:
            return False

        if try_results and self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):

        # Trigger CQ and wait for CQ try jobs to finish.
        self.git_cl.run(['set-commit', '--gerrit'])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs(

        if not try_results:
            _log.error('No try job results.')
            return False

        # If the CQ passes, then the issue will be closed.
        status = self.git_cl.run(['status' '--field', 'status']).strip()
        _log.info('CL status: "%s"', status)
        if status not in ('lgtm', 'closed'):
            _log.error('CQ appears to have failed; aborting.')
            return False

        _log.info('Update completed.')
        return True

    def _upload_cl(self):
        _log.info('Uploading change list.')
        directory_owners = self.get_directory_owners()
        description = self._cl_description(directory_owners)
        ] + self._cc_part(directory_owners))

    def _cc_part(directory_owners):
        cc_part = []
        for owner_tuple in sorted(directory_owners):
            cc_part.extend('--cc=' + owner for owner in owner_tuple)
        return cc_part

    def get_directory_owners(self):
        """Returns a mapping of email addresses to owners of changed tests."""
        _log.info('Gathering directory owners emails to CC.')
        changed_files = self.host.git().changed_files()
        extractor = DirectoryOwnersExtractor(self.fs)
        return extractor.list_owners(changed_files)

    def _cl_description(self, directory_owners):
        """Returns a CL description string.

            directory_owners: A dict of tuples of owner names to lists of directories.
        description = self.check_run(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%B'])
        build_link = current_build_link(self.host)
        if build_link:
            description += 'Build: %s\n\n' % build_link

        if directory_owners:
            description += self._format_directory_owners(
                directory_owners) + '\n\n'
        description += '[email protected]\n'

        # Move any NOEXPORT tag to the end of the description.
        description = description.replace('NOEXPORT=true', '')
        description = description.replace('\n\n\n\n', '\n\n')
        description += 'NOEXPORT=true'
        return description

    def _format_directory_owners(directory_owners):
        message_lines = ['Directory owners for changes in this CL:']
        for owner_tuple, directories in sorted(directory_owners.items()):
            message_lines.append(', '.join(owner_tuple) + ':')
            message_lines.extend('  ' + d for d in directories)
        return '\n'.join(message_lines)

    def fetch_new_expectations_and_baselines(self):
        """Adds new expectations and downloads baselines based on try job results, then commits and uploads the change."""
            'Adding test expectations lines to LayoutTests/TestExpectations.')
        expectation_updater = WPTExpectationsUpdater(self.host)
        message = 'Update test expectations and baselines.'
        self.check_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', message])
        self.git_cl.run(['upload', '-t', message, '--gerrit'])

    def update_all_test_expectations_files(self, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates all test expectations files for tests that have been deleted or renamed."""
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        for path, file_contents in port.all_expectations_dict().iteritems():
            parser = TestExpectationParser(port,
            expectation_lines = parser.parse(path, file_contents)
            self._update_single_test_expectations_file(path, expectation_lines,

    def _update_single_test_expectations_file(self, path, expectation_lines,
                                              deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates single test expectations file."""
        # FIXME: This won't work for removed or renamed directories with test expectations
        # that are directories rather than individual tests.
        new_lines = []
        changed_lines = []
        for expectation_line in expectation_lines:
            if expectation_line.name in deleted_tests:
            if expectation_line.name in renamed_tests:
                expectation_line.name = renamed_tests[expectation_line.name]
                # Upon parsing the file, a "path does not exist" warning is expected
                # to be there for tests that have been renamed, and if there are warnings,
                # then the original string is used. If the warnings are reset, then the
                # expectation line is re-serialized when output.
                expectation_line.warnings = []
        new_file_contents = TestExpectations.list_to_string(
            new_lines, reconstitute_only_these=changed_lines)
        self.host.filesystem.write_text_file(path, new_file_contents)

    def _list_deleted_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout tests that have been deleted."""
        out = self.check_run([
            'git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=D',
        deleted_tests = []
        for line in out.splitlines():
            test = self.finder.layout_test_name(line)
            if test:
        return deleted_tests

    def _list_renamed_tests(self):
        """Returns a dict mapping source to dest name for layout tests that have been renamed."""
        out = self.check_run([
            'git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=R',
        renamed_tests = {}
        for line in out.splitlines():
            _, source_path, dest_path = line.split()
            source_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(source_path)
            dest_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(dest_path)
            if source_test and dest_test:
                renamed_tests[source_test] = dest_test
        return renamed_tests
Exemplo n.º 4
class DepsUpdater(object):
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.executive = host.executive
        self.fs = host.filesystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.fs)
        self.verbose = False
        self.git_cl = None

    def main(self, argv=None):
        options = self.parse_args(argv)
        self.verbose = options.verbose

        if not self.checkout_is_okay(options.allow_local_commits):
            return 1

        self.git_cl = GitCL(
            self.host, auth_refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json)

        self.print_('## Noting the current Chromium commit.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'HEAD'])
        chromium_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        if options.target == 'wpt':
            import_commitish = self.update(WPT_DEST_NAME, WPT_REPO_URL,
        elif options.target == 'css':
            import_commitish = self.update(CSS_DEST_NAME, CSS_REPO_URL,
            raise AssertionError("Unsupported target %s" % options.target)

        has_changes = self.commit_changes_if_needed(chromium_commitish,
        if options.auto_update and has_changes:
            commit_successful = self.do_auto_update()
            if not commit_successful:
                return 1
        return 0

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.description = __doc__
                            help='log what we are doing')
            help='allow script to run even if we have local commits')
            help='leave the w3c repos around that were imported previously.')
                            help='Target revision.')
            choices=['css', 'wpt'],
            'Target repository.  "css" for csswg-test, "wpt" for web-platform-tests.'
                            help='uploads CL and initiates commit queue.')
                            help='Rietveld auth refresh JSON token.')
        return parser.parse_args(argv)

    def checkout_is_okay(self, allow_local_commits):
        git_diff_retcode, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
        if git_diff_retcode:
            self.print_('## Checkout is dirty; aborting.')
            return False

        local_commits = self.run(
            ['git', 'log', '--oneline', 'origin/master..HEAD'])[1]
        if local_commits and not allow_local_commits:
                '## Checkout has local commits; aborting. Use --allow-local-commits to allow this.'
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(WPT_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_('## WebKit/%s exists; aborting.' % WPT_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(CSS_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_('## WebKit/%s repo exists; aborting.' % CSS_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        return True

    def _copy_resources(self):
        """Copies resources from LayoutTests/resources to wpt and vice versa.

        There are resources from our repository that we use instead of the
        upstream versions. Conversely, there are also some resources that
        are copied in the other direction.

          - testharnessreport.js contains code needed to integrate our testing
            with testharness.js; we also want our code to be used for tests
            in wpt.
          - TODO(qyearsley, jsbell): Document why other other files are copied,
            or stop copying them if it's unnecessary.

        If this method is changed, the lists of files expected to be identical
        in LayoutTests/PRESUBMIT.py should also be changed.
        resources_to_copy_to_wpt = [
            ('testharnessreport.js', 'resources'),
            ('WebIDLParser.js', 'resources'),
            ('vendor-prefix.js', 'common'),
        resources_to_copy_from_wpt = [
            ('idlharness.js', 'resources'),
            ('testharness.js', 'resources'),
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_to_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'resources',
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported',
                                                     WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir,
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_from_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported',
                                                WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir,
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests',
                                                     'resources', filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])

    def update(self, dest_dir_name, url, keep_w3c_repos_around, revision):
        """Updates an imported repository.

            dest_dir_name: The destination directory name.
            url: URL of the git repository.
            revision: Commit hash or None.

            A string for the commit description "<destination>@<commitish>".
        temp_repo_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        self.print_('## Cloning %s into %s.' % (url, temp_repo_path))
        self.run(['git', 'clone', url, temp_repo_path])

        if revision is not None:
            self.print_('## Checking out %s' % revision)
            self.run(['git', 'checkout', revision], cwd=temp_repo_path)
        self.run(['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'],

        self.print_('## Noting the revision we are importing.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'origin/master'],
        master_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        self.print_('## Cleaning out tests from LayoutTests/imported/%s.' %
        dest_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported',
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(dest_path,
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove('LayoutTests', 'imported', subpath)

        self.print_('## Importing the tests.')
        src_repo = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        import_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('Tools', 'Scripts',
            [self.host.executable, import_path, '-d', 'imported', src_repo])

            ['git', 'add', '--all',
             'LayoutTests/imported/%s' % dest_dir_name])

        self.print_('## Deleting manual tests.')
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(dest_path,
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove('LayoutTests', 'imported', subpath)

        self.print_('## Deleting any orphaned baselines.')
        previous_baselines = self.fs.files_under(dest_path,
        for subpath in previous_baselines:
            full_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, subpath)
            if self.fs.glob(full_path.replace('-expected.txt',
                                              '*')) == [full_path]:

        if not keep_w3c_repos_around:
            self.print_('## Deleting temp repo directory %s.' % temp_repo_path)

            '## Updating TestExpectations for any removed or renamed tests.')

        return '%s@%s' % (dest_dir_name, master_commitish)

    def commit_changes_if_needed(self, chromium_commitish, import_commitish):
        if self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
            self.print_('## Committing changes.')
            commit_msg = ('Import %s\n'
                          'Using update-w3c-deps in Chromium %s.\n' %
                          (import_commitish, chromium_commitish))
            path_to_commit_msg = self.path_from_webkit_base('commit_msg')
            if self.verbose:
                self.print_('cat > %s <<EOF' % path_to_commit_msg)
            self.fs.write_text_file(path_to_commit_msg, commit_msg)
            self.run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-F', path_to_commit_msg])
            self.print_('## Done: changes imported and committed.')
            return True
            self.print_('## Done: no changes to import.')
            return False

    def is_manual_test(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        """Returns True if the file should be removed because it's a manual test.

        Tests with "-manual" in the name are not considered manual tests
        if there is a corresponding JS automation file.
        basename_without_extension, _ = self.fs.splitext(basename)
        if not basename_without_extension.endswith('-manual'):
            return False
        dir_from_wpt = fs.relpath(
            self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported', 'wpt'))
        automation_dir = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported',
        if fs.isfile(
                        '%s-automation.js' % basename_without_extension)):
            return False
        return True

    # Callback for FileSystem.files_under; not all arguments used - pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def is_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return basename.endswith('-expected.txt')

    def is_not_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return not self.is_baseline(fs, dirname, basename)

    def run(self, cmd, exit_on_failure=True, cwd=None):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_(' '.join(cmd))

        cwd = cwd or self.finder.webkit_base()
        proc = self.executive.popen(cmd,
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        if proc.returncode or self.verbose:
            self.print_('# ret> %d' % proc.returncode)
            if out:
                for line in out.splitlines():
                    self.print_('# out> %s' % line)
            if err:
                for line in err.splitlines():
                    self.print_('# err> %s' % line)
        if exit_on_failure and proc.returncode:
        return proc.returncode, out

    def check_run(self, command):
        return_code, out = self.run(command)
        if return_code:
            raise Exception('%s failed with exit code %d.' % ' '.join(command),
        return out

    def copyfile(self, source, destination):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('cp %s %s' % (source, destination))
        self.fs.copyfile(source, destination)

    def remove(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('rm %s' % dest)

    def rmtree(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('rm -fr %s' % dest)

    def path_from_webkit_base(self, *comps):
        return self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)

    def print_(self, msg):

    def do_auto_update(self):
        """Attempts to upload a CL, make any required adjustments, and commit.

        This function assumes that the imported repo has already been updated,
        and that change has been committed. There may be newly-failing tests,
        so before being able to commit these new changes, we may need to update
        TestExpectations or download new baselines.

            True if successfully committed, False otherwise.
        self.print_('## ' + self.git_cl.run(['issue']).strip())

        # First try: if there are failures, update expectations.
        self.print_('## Triggering try jobs.')
        for try_bot in self.host.builders.all_try_builder_names():
            self.git_cl.run(['try', '-b', try_bot])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_('## Timed out waiting for try results.')
        if try_results and self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):

        # Second try: if there are failures, then abort.
        self.git_cl.run(['set-commit', '--rietveld'])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_('Timed out waiting for try results.')
            return False
        if self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):
            self.print_('CQ failed; aborting.')
            return False
        self.print_('## Update completed.')
        return True

    def _upload_cl(self):
        self.print_('## Uploading change list.')
        cc_list = self.get_directory_owners_to_cc()
        last_commit_message = self.check_run(
            ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%B'])
        commit_message = last_commit_message + '[email protected]'
        ] + ['--cc=' + email for email in cc_list])

    def get_directory_owners_to_cc(self):
        """Returns a list of email addresses to CC for the current import."""
        self.print_('## Gathering directory owners emails to CC.')
        directory_owners_file_path = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'webkitpy', 'w3c', 'directory_owners.json')
        with open(directory_owners_file_path) as data_file:
            directory_to_owner = self.parse_directory_owners(
        out = self.check_run(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--name-only'])
        changed_files = out.splitlines()
        return self.generate_email_list(changed_files, directory_to_owner)

    def parse_directory_owners(decoded_data_file):
        directory_dict = {}
        for dict_set in decoded_data_file:
            if dict_set['notification-email']:
                    dict_set['directory']] = dict_set['notification-email']
        return directory_dict

    def generate_email_list(self, changed_files, directory_to_owner):
        """Returns a list of email addresses based on the given file list and
        directory-to-owner mapping.

            changed_files: A list of file paths relative to the repository root.
            directory_to_owner: A dict mapping layout test directories to emails.

            A list of the email addresses to be notified for the current import.
        email_addresses = set()
        for file_path in changed_files:
            test_path = self.finder.layout_test_name(file_path)
            if test_path is None:
            test_dir = self.fs.dirname(test_path)
            if test_dir in directory_to_owner:
        return sorted(email_addresses)

    def fetch_new_expectations_and_baselines(self):
        """Adds new expectations and downloads baselines based on try job results, then commits and uploads the change."""
            '## Adding test expectations lines to LayoutTests/TestExpectations.'
        script_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'update-w3c-test-expectations')
        self.run([self.host.executable, script_path, '--verbose'])
        message = 'Modify TestExpectations or download new baselines for tests.'
        self.check_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', message])
        self.git_cl.run(['upload', '-m', message, '--rietveld'])

    def update_test_expectations(self, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates the TestExpectations file entries for tests that have been deleted or renamed."""
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        test_expectations = TestExpectations(port, include_overrides=False)
        # Tests for which files don't exist aren't stored in TestExpectationsModel,
        # so methods like TestExpectations.remove_expectation_line don't work; instead
        # we can run through the TestExpectationLine objects that were parsed.
        # FIXME: This won't work for removed or renamed directories with test expectations
        # that are directories rather than individual tests.
        new_lines = []
        changed_lines = []
        for expectation_line in test_expectations.expectations():
            if expectation_line.name in deleted_tests:
            if expectation_line.name in renamed_tests:
                expectation_line.name = renamed_tests[expectation_line.name]
                # Upon parsing the file, a "path does not exist" warning is expected
                # to be there for tests that have been renamed, and if there are warnings,
                # then the original string is used. If the warnings are reset, then the
                # expectation line is re-serialized when output.
                expectation_line.warnings = []
                new_lines, reconstitute_only_these=changed_lines))

    def _list_deleted_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout tests that have been deleted."""
        out = self.check_run(
            ['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--diff-filter=D', '--name-only'])
        deleted_tests = []
        for line in out.splitlines():
            test = self.finder.layout_test_name(line)
            if test:
        return deleted_tests

    def _list_renamed_tests(self):
        """Returns a dict mapping source to dest name for layout tests that have been renamed."""
        out = self.check_run([
            'git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--diff-filter=R', '--name-status'
        renamed_tests = {}
        for line in out.splitlines():
            _, source_path, dest_path = line.split()
            source_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(source_path)
            dest_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(dest_path)
            if source_test and dest_test:
                renamed_tests[source_test] = dest_test
        return renamed_tests
Exemplo n.º 5
class DirectoryOwnersExtractor(object):
    def __init__(self, filesystem=None):
        self.filesystem = filesystem or FileSystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(filesystem)
        self.owner_map = None

    def read_owner_map(self):
        """Reads the W3CImportExpectations file and returns a map of directories to owners."""
        input_path = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            'LayoutTests', 'W3CImportExpectations')
        input_contents = self.filesystem.read_text_file(input_path)
        self.owner_map = self.lines_to_owner_map(input_contents.splitlines())

    def lines_to_owner_map(self, lines):
        current_owners = []
        owner_map = {}
        for line in lines:
            owners = self.extract_owners(line)
            if owners:
                current_owners = owners
            directory = self.extract_directory(line)
            if current_owners and directory:
                owner_map[directory] = current_owners
        return owner_map

    def extract_owners(line):
        """Extracts owner email addresses listed on a line."""
        match = re.match(r'##? Owners?: (?P<addresses>.*)', line)
        if not match or not match.group('addresses'):
            return None
        email_part = match.group('addresses')
        addresses = [email_part] if ',' not in email_part else re.split(
            r',\s*', email_part)
        addresses = [s for s in addresses if re.match(r'\S+@\S+', s)]
        return addresses or None

    def extract_directory(line):
        match = re.match(r'# ?(?P<directory>\S+) \[ (Pass|Skip) \]', line)
        if match and match.group('directory'):
            return match.group('directory')
        match = re.match(r'(?P<directory>\S+) \[ Pass \]', line)
        if match and match.group('directory'):
            return match.group('directory')
        return None

    def list_owners(self, changed_files):
        """Looks up the owners for the given set of changed files.

            changed_files: A list of file paths relative to the repository root.

            A dict mapping (owner) email addresses to (owned) directories.
        tests = [self.finder.layout_test_name(path) for path in changed_files]
        tests = [t for t in tests if t is not None]
        email_map = {}
        for directory, owners in self.owner_map.iteritems():
            owned_tests = [t for t in tests if t.startswith(directory)]
            if owned_tests:
                for owner in owners:
                    email_map[owner] = directory
        return email_map
Exemplo n.º 6
class W3CExpectationsLineAdder(object):

    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.host.filesystem)

    def run(self, args=None):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
        parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='More verbose logging.')
        args = parser.parse_args(args)
        log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO
        logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(message)s')

        issue_number = self.get_issue_number()
        if issue_number == 'None':
            _log.error('No issue on current branch.')
            return 1

        rietveld = Rietveld(self.host.web)
        builds = rietveld.latest_try_jobs(issue_number, self.get_try_bots())
        _log.debug('Latest try jobs: %r', builds)

        if not builds:
            _log.error('No try job information was collected.')
            return 1

        test_expectations = {}
        for build in builds:
            platform_results = self.get_failing_results_dict(build)
            test_expectations = self.merge_dicts(test_expectations, platform_results)

        for test_name, platform_result in test_expectations.iteritems():
            test_expectations[test_name] = self.merge_same_valued_keys(platform_result)

        test_expectations = self.get_expected_txt_files(test_expectations)
        test_expectation_lines = self.create_line_list(test_expectations)
        return 0

    def get_issue_number(self):
        return GitCL(self.host).get_issue_number()

    def get_try_bots(self):
        return self.host.builders.all_try_builder_names()

    def generate_results_dict(self, platform, result_list):
        test_dict = {}
        if '-' in platform:
            platform = platform[platform.find('-') + 1:].capitalize()
        for result in result_list:
            test_dict[result.test_name()] = {
                platform: {
                    'expected': result.expected_results(),
                    'actual': result.actual_results(),
                    'bug': 'crbug.com/626703'
        return test_dict

    def get_failing_results_dict(self, build):
        """Returns a nested dict of failing test results.

        Retrieves a full list of layout test results from a builder result URL.
        Collects the builder name, platform and a list of tests that did not
        run as expected.

            build: A Build object.

            A dictionary with the structure: {
                'key': {
                    'expected': 'TIMEOUT',
                    'actual': 'CRASH',
                    'bug': 'crbug.com/11111'
            If there are no failing results or no results could be fetched,
            this will return an empty dict.
        layout_test_results = self.host.buildbot.fetch_results(build)
        if layout_test_results is None:
            _log.warning('No results for build %s', build)
            return {}
        platform = self.host.builders.port_name_for_builder_name(build.builder_name)
        result_list = layout_test_results.didnt_run_as_expected_results()
        failing_results_dict = self.generate_results_dict(platform, result_list)
        return failing_results_dict

    def merge_dicts(self, target, source, path=None):
        """Recursively merges nested dictionaries.

            target: First dictionary, which is updated based on source.
            source: Second dictionary, not modified.

            An updated target dictionary.
        path = path or []
        for key in source:
            if key in target:
                if (isinstance(target[key], dict)) and isinstance(source[key], dict):
                    self.merge_dicts(target[key], source[key], path + [str(key)])
                elif target[key] == source[key]:
                    raise ValueError('The key: %s already exist in the target dictionary.' % '.'.join(path))
                target[key] = source[key]
        return target

    def merge_same_valued_keys(self, dictionary):
        """Merges keys in dictionary with same value.

        Traverses through a dict and compares the values of keys to one another.
        If the values match, the keys are combined to a tuple and the previous
        keys are removed from the dict.

            dictionary: A dictionary with a dictionary as the value.

            A new dictionary with updated keys to reflect matching values of keys.
            Example: {
                'one': {'foo': 'bar'},
                'two': {'foo': 'bar'},
                'three': {'foo': 'bar'}
            is converted to a new dictionary with that contains
            {('one', 'two', 'three'): {'foo': 'bar'}}
        merged_dict = {}
        matching_value_keys = set()
        keys = sorted(dictionary.keys())
        while keys:
            current_key = keys[0]
            found_match = False
            if current_key == keys[-1]:
                merged_dict[current_key] = dictionary[current_key]

            for next_item in keys[1:]:
                if dictionary[current_key] == dictionary[next_item]:
                    found_match = True
                    matching_value_keys.update([current_key, next_item])

                if next_item == keys[-1]:
                    if found_match:
                        merged_dict[tuple(matching_value_keys)] = dictionary[current_key]
                        keys = [k for k in keys if k not in matching_value_keys]
                        merged_dict[current_key] = dictionary[current_key]
            matching_value_keys = set()
        return merged_dict

    def get_expectations(self, results):
        """Returns a set of test expectations for a given test dict.

        Returns a set of one or more test expectations based on the expected
        and actual results of a given test name.

            results: A dictionary that maps one test to its results. Example:
                    'test_name': {
                        'expected': 'PASS',
                        'actual': 'FAIL',
                        'bug': 'crbug.com/11111'

            A set of one or more test expectation strings with the first letter
            capitalized. Example: set(['Failure', 'Timeout']).
        expectations = set()
        failure_types = ['TEXT', 'FAIL', 'IMAGE+TEXT', 'IMAGE', 'AUDIO', 'MISSING', 'LEAK']
        for expected in results['expected'].split():
            for actual in results['actual'].split():
                if expected in test_expectation_types and actual in failure_types:
                if expected in failure_types and actual in test_expectation_types:
                if expected in test_expectation_types and actual in test_expectation_types:
        return expectations

    def create_line_list(self, merged_results):
        """Creates list of test expectations lines.

        Traverses through the given |merged_results| dictionary and parses the
        value to create one test expectations line per key.

            merged_results: A merged_results with the format:
                    'test_name': {
                        'platform': {
                            'expected: 'PASS',
                            'actual': 'FAIL',
                            'bug': 'crbug.com/11111'

            A list of test expectations lines with the format:
        line_list = []
        for test_name, platform_results in merged_results.iteritems():
            for platform in platform_results:
                if test_name.startswith('imported'):
                    platform_list = []
                    bug = []
                    expectations = []
                    if isinstance(platform, tuple):
                        platform_list = list(platform)
                    expectations = self.get_expectations(platform_results[platform])
                    line = '%s [ %s ] %s [ %s ]' % (bug[0], ' '.join(platform_list), test_name, ' '.join(expectations))
        return line_list

    def write_to_test_expectations(self, line_list):
        """Writes to TestExpectations.

        The place in the file where the new lines are inserted is after a
        marker comment line. If this marker comment line is not found, it will
        be added to the end of the file.

            line_list: A list of lines to add to the TestExpectations file.
        _log.debug('Lines to write to TestExpectations: %r', line_list)
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        expectations_file_path = port.path_to_generic_test_expectations_file()
        file_contents = self.host.filesystem.read_text_file(expectations_file_path)
        marker_comment_index = file_contents.find(MARKER_COMMENT)
        line_list = [line for line in line_list if self._test_name_from_expectation_string(line) not in file_contents]
        if not line_list:
        if marker_comment_index == -1:
            file_contents += '\n%s\n' % MARKER_COMMENT
            file_contents += '\n'.join(line_list)
            end_of_marker_line = (file_contents[marker_comment_index:].find('\n')) + marker_comment_index
            file_contents = file_contents[:end_of_marker_line + 1] + '\n'.join(line_list) + file_contents[end_of_marker_line:]
        self.host.filesystem.write_text_file(expectations_file_path, file_contents)

    def _test_name_from_expectation_string(expectation_string):
        return TestExpectationLine.tokenize_line(filename='', expectation_string=expectation_string, line_number=0).name

    def get_expected_txt_files(self, tests_results):
        """Fetches new baseline files for tests that should be rebaselined.

        Invokes webkit-patch rebaseline-from-try-jobs in order to download new
        -expected.txt files for testharness.js tests that did not crash or time
        out. Then, the platform-specific test is removed from the overall
        failure test dictionary.

            tests_results: A dict mapping test name to platform to test results.

            An updated tests_results dictionary without the platform-specific
            testharness.js tests that required new baselines to be downloaded
            from `webkit-patch rebaseline-from-try-jobs`.
        modified_tests = self.get_modified_existing_tests()
        tests_to_rebaseline, tests_results = self.get_tests_to_rebaseline(modified_tests, tests_results)
        _log.debug('Tests to rebaseline: %r', tests_to_rebaseline)
        if tests_to_rebaseline:
            webkit_patch = self.host.filesystem.join(
                self.finder.chromium_base(), self.finder.webkit_base(), self.finder.path_to_script('webkit-patch'))
            ] + tests_to_rebaseline)
        return tests_results

    def get_modified_existing_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout test names for layout tests that have been modified."""
        diff_output = self.host.executive.run_command(
            ['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=AMR'])  # Added, modified, and renamed files.
        paths_from_chromium_root = diff_output.splitlines()
        modified_tests = []
        for path in paths_from_chromium_root:
            absolute_path = self.host.filesystem.join(self.finder.chromium_base(), path)
            if not self.host.filesystem.exists(absolute_path):
                _log.warning('File does not exist: %s', absolute_path)
            test_path = self.finder.layout_test_name(path)
            if test_path:
        return modified_tests

    def get_tests_to_rebaseline(self, modified_tests, test_results):
        """Returns a list of tests to download new baselines for.

        Creates a list of tests to rebaseline depending on the tests' platform-
        specific results. In general, this will be non-ref tests that failed
        due to a baseline mismatch (rather than crash or timeout).

            modified_tests: A list of paths to modified files (which should
                be added, removed or modified files in the imported w3c
                directory), relative to the LayoutTests directory.
            test_results: A dictionary of failing tests results.

            A pair: A set of tests to be rebaselined, and a modified copy of
            the test results dictionary. The tests to be rebaselined should include
            testharness.js tests that failed due to a baseline mismatch.
        test_results = copy.deepcopy(test_results)
        tests_to_rebaseline = set()
        for test_path in modified_tests:
            if not (self.is_js_test(test_path) and test_results.get(test_path)):
            for platform in test_results[test_path].keys():
                if test_results[test_path][platform]['actual'] not in ['CRASH', 'TIMEOUT']:
                    del test_results[test_path][platform]
        return sorted(tests_to_rebaseline), test_results

    def is_js_test(self, test_path):
        """Checks whether a given file is a testharness.js test.

            test_path: A file path relative to the layout tests directory.
                This might correspond to a deleted file or a non-test.
        absolute_path = self.host.filesystem.join(self.finder.layout_tests_dir(), test_path)
        test_parser = TestParser(absolute_path, self.host)
        if not test_parser.test_doc:
            return False
        return test_parser.is_jstest()
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_layout_test_name_not_in_layout_tests_dir(self):
     finder = WebKitFinder(MockFileSystem())
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_layout_test_name(self):
     finder = WebKitFinder(MockFileSystem())
Exemplo n.º 9
class DepsUpdater(object):
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.executive = host.executive
        self.fs = host.filesystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.fs)
        self.verbose = False
        self.git_cl = None

    def main(self, argv=None):
        options = self.parse_args(argv)
        self.verbose = options.verbose

        if not self.checkout_is_okay(options.allow_local_commits):
            return 1

        self.git_cl = GitCL(self.host, auth_refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json)

        self.print_("## Noting the current Chromium commit.")
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(["git", "show-ref", "HEAD"])
        chromium_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        if options.target == "wpt":
            import_commitish = self.update(WPT_DEST_NAME, WPT_REPO_URL, options.keep_w3c_repos_around, options.revision)
        elif options.target == "css":
            import_commitish = self.update(CSS_DEST_NAME, CSS_REPO_URL, options.keep_w3c_repos_around, options.revision)
            raise AssertionError("Unsupported target %s" % options.target)

        has_changes = self.commit_changes_if_needed(chromium_commitish, import_commitish)
        if options.auto_update and has_changes:
            commit_successful = self.do_auto_update()
            if not commit_successful:
                return 1
        return 0

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.description = __doc__
        parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="log what we are doing")
            "--allow-local-commits", action="store_true", help="allow script to run even if we have local commits"
            help="leave the w3c repos around that were imported previously.",
        parser.add_argument("-r", dest="revision", action="store", help="Target revision.")
            choices=["css", "wpt"],
            help='Target repository.  "css" for csswg-test, "wpt" for web-platform-tests.',
        parser.add_argument("--auto-update", action="store_true", help="uploads CL and initiates commit queue.")
        parser.add_argument("--auth-refresh-token-json", help="Rietveld auth refresh JSON token.")
        return parser.parse_args(argv)

    def checkout_is_okay(self, allow_local_commits):
        git_diff_retcode, _ = self.run(["git", "diff", "--quiet", "HEAD"], exit_on_failure=False)
        if git_diff_retcode:
            self.print_("## Checkout is dirty; aborting.")
            return False

        local_commits = self.run(["git", "log", "--oneline", "origin/master..HEAD"])[1]
        if local_commits and not allow_local_commits:
            self.print_("## Checkout has local commits; aborting. Use --allow-local-commits to allow this.")
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(WPT_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_("## WebKit/%s exists; aborting." % WPT_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(CSS_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_("## WebKit/%s repo exists; aborting." % CSS_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        return True

    def _copy_resources(self):
        """Copies resources from LayoutTests/resources to wpt and vice versa.

        There are resources from our repository that we use instead of the
        upstream versions. Conversely, there are also some resources that
        are copied in the other direction.

          - testharnessreport.js contains code needed to integrate our testing
            with testharness.js; we also want our code to be used for tests
            in wpt.
          - TODO(qyearsley, jsbell): Document why other other files are copied,
            or stop copying them if it's unnecessary.

        If this method is changed, the lists of files expected to be identical
        in LayoutTests/PRESUBMIT.py should also be changed.
        resources_to_copy_to_wpt = [
            ("testharnessreport.js", "resources"),
            ("WebIDLParser.js", "resources"),
            ("vendor-prefix.js", "common"),
        resources_to_copy_from_wpt = [("idlharness.js", "resources"), ("testharness.js", "resources")]
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_to_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "resources", filename)
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "imported", WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir, filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(["git", "add", destination])
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_from_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "imported", WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir, filename)
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "resources", filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(["git", "add", destination])

    def update(self, dest_dir_name, url, keep_w3c_repos_around, revision):
        """Updates an imported repository.

            dest_dir_name: The destination directory name.
            url: URL of the git repository.
            revision: Commit hash or None.

            A string for the commit description "<destination>@<commitish>".
        temp_repo_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        self.print_("## Cloning %s into %s." % (url, temp_repo_path))
        self.run(["git", "clone", url, temp_repo_path])

        if revision is not None:
            self.print_("## Checking out %s" % revision)
            self.run(["git", "checkout", revision], cwd=temp_repo_path)
        self.run(["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"], cwd=temp_repo_path)

        self.print_("## Noting the revision we are importing.")
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(["git", "show-ref", "origin/master"], cwd=temp_repo_path)
        master_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        self.print_("## Cleaning out tests from LayoutTests/imported/%s." % dest_dir_name)
        dest_path = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "imported", dest_dir_name)
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(dest_path, file_filter=self.is_not_baseline)
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove("LayoutTests", "imported", subpath)

        self.print_("## Importing the tests.")
        src_repo = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        import_path = self.path_from_webkit_base("Tools", "Scripts", "import-w3c-tests")
        self.run([self.host.executable, import_path, "-d", "imported", src_repo])

        self.run(["git", "add", "--all", "LayoutTests/imported/%s" % dest_dir_name])

        self.print_("## Deleting manual tests.")
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(dest_path, file_filter=self.is_manual_test)
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove("LayoutTests", "imported", subpath)

        self.print_("## Deleting any orphaned baselines.")
        previous_baselines = self.fs.files_under(dest_path, file_filter=self.is_baseline)
        for subpath in previous_baselines:
            full_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, subpath)
            if self.fs.glob(full_path.replace("-expected.txt", "*")) == [full_path]:

        if not keep_w3c_repos_around:
            self.print_("## Deleting temp repo directory %s." % temp_repo_path)

        self.print_("## Updating TestExpectations for any removed or renamed tests.")
        self.update_all_test_expectations_files(self._list_deleted_tests(), self._list_renamed_tests())

        return "%s@%s" % (dest_dir_name, master_commitish)

    def commit_changes_if_needed(self, chromium_commitish, import_commitish):
        if self.run(["git", "diff", "--quiet", "HEAD"], exit_on_failure=False)[0]:
            self.print_("## Committing changes.")
            commit_msg = (
                "Import %s\n" "\n" "Using update-w3c-deps in Chromium %s.\n" % (import_commitish, chromium_commitish)
            path_to_commit_msg = self.path_from_webkit_base("commit_msg")
            if self.verbose:
                self.print_("cat > %s <<EOF" % path_to_commit_msg)
            self.fs.write_text_file(path_to_commit_msg, commit_msg)
            self.run(["git", "commit", "-a", "-F", path_to_commit_msg])
            self.print_("## Done: changes imported and committed.")
            return True
            self.print_("## Done: no changes to import.")
            return False

    def is_manual_test(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        """Returns True if the file should be removed because it's a manual test.

        Tests with "-manual" in the name are not considered manual tests
        if there is a corresponding JS automation file.
        basename_without_extension, _ = self.fs.splitext(basename)
        if not basename_without_extension.endswith("-manual"):
            return False
        dir_from_wpt = fs.relpath(dirname, self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "imported", "wpt"))
        automation_dir = self.path_from_webkit_base("LayoutTests", "imported", "wpt_automation", dir_from_wpt)
        if fs.isfile(fs.join(automation_dir, "%s-automation.js" % basename_without_extension)):
            return False
        return True

    # Callback for FileSystem.files_under; not all arguments used - pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def is_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return basename.endswith("-expected.txt")

    def is_not_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return not self.is_baseline(fs, dirname, basename)

    def run(self, cmd, exit_on_failure=True, cwd=None):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_(" ".join(cmd))

        cwd = cwd or self.finder.webkit_base()
        proc = self.executive.popen(cmd, stdout=self.executive.PIPE, stderr=self.executive.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        if proc.returncode or self.verbose:
            self.print_("# ret> %d" % proc.returncode)
            if out:
                for line in out.splitlines():
                    self.print_("# out> %s" % line)
            if err:
                for line in err.splitlines():
                    self.print_("# err> %s" % line)
        if exit_on_failure and proc.returncode:
        return proc.returncode, out

    def check_run(self, command):
        return_code, out = self.run(command)
        if return_code:
            raise Exception("%s failed with exit code %d." % " ".join(command), return_code)
        return out

    def copyfile(self, source, destination):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_("cp %s %s" % (source, destination))
        self.fs.copyfile(source, destination)

    def remove(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_("rm %s" % dest)

    def rmtree(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_("rm -fr %s" % dest)

    def path_from_webkit_base(self, *comps):
        return self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)

    def print_(self, msg):

    def do_auto_update(self):
        """Attempts to upload a CL, make any required adjustments, and commit.

        This function assumes that the imported repo has already been updated,
        and that change has been committed. There may be newly-failing tests,
        so before being able to commit these new changes, we may need to update
        TestExpectations or download new baselines.

            True if successfully committed, False otherwise.
        self.print_("## " + self.git_cl.run(["issue"]).strip())

        # First try: if there are failures, update expectations.
        self.print_("## Triggering try jobs.")
        for try_bot in self.host.builders.all_try_builder_names():
            self.git_cl.run(["try", "-b", try_bot])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_("## Timed out waiting for try results.")
        if try_results and self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):

        # Second try: if there are failures, then abort.
        self.git_cl.run(["set-commit", "--rietveld"])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_("Timed out waiting for try results.")
            return False
        if self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):
            self.print_("CQ failed; aborting.")
            return False
        self.print_("## Update completed.")
        return True

    def _upload_cl(self):
        self.print_("## Uploading change list.")
        cc_list = self.get_directory_owners_to_cc()
        last_commit_message = self.check_run(["git", "log", "-1", "--format=%B"])
        commit_message = last_commit_message + "[email protected]"
        self.git_cl.run(["upload", "-f", "--rietveld", "-m", commit_message] + ["--cc=" + email for email in cc_list])

    def get_directory_owners_to_cc(self):
        """Returns a list of email addresses to CC for the current import."""
        self.print_("## Gathering directory owners emails to CC.")
        directory_owners_file_path = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            "Tools", "Scripts", "webkitpy", "w3c", "directory_owners.json"
        with open(directory_owners_file_path) as data_file:
            directory_to_owner = self.parse_directory_owners(json.load(data_file))
        out = self.check_run(["git", "diff", "origin/master", "--name-only"])
        changed_files = out.splitlines()
        return self.generate_email_list(changed_files, directory_to_owner)

    def parse_directory_owners(decoded_data_file):
        directory_dict = {}
        for dict_set in decoded_data_file:
            if dict_set["notification-email"]:
                directory_dict[dict_set["directory"]] = dict_set["notification-email"]
        return directory_dict

    def generate_email_list(self, changed_files, directory_to_owner):
        """Returns a list of email addresses based on the given file list and
        directory-to-owner mapping.

            changed_files: A list of file paths relative to the repository root.
            directory_to_owner: A dict mapping layout test directories to emails.

            A list of the email addresses to be notified for the current import.
        email_addresses = set()
        for file_path in changed_files:
            test_path = self.finder.layout_test_name(file_path)
            if test_path is None:
            test_dir = self.fs.dirname(test_path)
            if test_dir in directory_to_owner:
        return sorted(email_addresses)

    def fetch_new_expectations_and_baselines(self):
        """Adds new expectations and downloads baselines based on try job results, then commits and uploads the change."""
        self.print_("## Adding test expectations lines to LayoutTests/TestExpectations.")
        script_path = self.path_from_webkit_base("Tools", "Scripts", "update-w3c-test-expectations")
        self.run([self.host.executable, script_path, "--verbose"])
        message = "Modify TestExpectations or download new baselines for tests."
        self.check_run(["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", message])
        self.git_cl.run(["upload", "-m", message, "--rietveld"])

    def update_all_test_expectations_files(self, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates all test expectations files for tests that have been deleted or renamed."""
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        for path, file_contents in port.all_expectations_dict().iteritems():

            parser = TestExpectationParser(port, all_tests=None, is_lint_mode=False)
            expectation_lines = parser.parse(path, file_contents)
            self._update_single_test_expectations_file(path, expectation_lines, deleted_tests, renamed_tests)

    def _update_single_test_expectations_file(self, path, expectation_lines, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates single test expectations file."""
        # FIXME: This won't work for removed or renamed directories with test expectations
        # that are directories rather than individual tests.
        new_lines = []
        changed_lines = []
        for expectation_line in expectation_lines:
            if expectation_line.name in deleted_tests:
            if expectation_line.name in renamed_tests:
                expectation_line.name = renamed_tests[expectation_line.name]
                # Upon parsing the file, a "path does not exist" warning is expected
                # to be there for tests that have been renamed, and if there are warnings,
                # then the original string is used. If the warnings are reset, then the
                # expectation line is re-serialized when output.
                expectation_line.warnings = []
        new_file_contents = TestExpectations.list_to_string(new_lines, reconstitute_only_these=changed_lines)
        self.host.filesystem.write_text_file(path, new_file_contents)

    def _list_deleted_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout tests that have been deleted."""
        out = self.check_run(["git", "diff", "origin/master", "--diff-filter=D", "--name-only"])
        deleted_tests = []
        for line in out.splitlines():
            test = self.finder.layout_test_name(line)
            if test:
        return deleted_tests

    def _list_renamed_tests(self):
        """Returns a dict mapping source to dest name for layout tests that have been renamed."""
        out = self.check_run(["git", "diff", "origin/master", "--diff-filter=R", "--name-status"])
        renamed_tests = {}
        for line in out.splitlines():
            _, source_path, dest_path = line.split()
            source_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(source_path)
            dest_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(dest_path)
            if source_test and dest_test:
                renamed_tests[source_test] = dest_test
        return renamed_tests
Exemplo n.º 10
class DepsUpdater(object):
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.executive = host.executive
        self.fs = host.filesystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.fs)
        self.verbose = False
        self.git_cl = None

    def main(self, argv=None):
        options = self.parse_args(argv)
        self.verbose = options.verbose
        log_level = logging.DEBUG if self.verbose else logging.INFO
        logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(message)s')

        if not self.checkout_is_okay(options.allow_local_commits):
            return 1

        self.git_cl = GitCL(
            self.host, auth_refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json)

        _log.info('Noting the current Chromium commit.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'HEAD'])
        chromium_commit = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        if options.target == 'wpt':
            import_commit = self.update(WPT_DEST_NAME, WPT_REPO_URL,
        elif options.target == 'css':
            import_commit = self.update(CSS_DEST_NAME, CSS_REPO_URL,
            raise AssertionError("Unsupported target %s" % options.target)

        has_changes = self._has_changes()
        if not has_changes:
            _log.info('Done: no changes to import.')
            return 0

        commit_message = self._commit_message(chromium_commit, import_commit)
        _log.info('Done: changes imported and committed.')

        if options.auto_update:
            commit_successful = self.do_auto_update()
            if not commit_successful:
                return 1
        return 0

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.description = __doc__
                            help='log what we are doing')
            help='allow script to run even if we have local commits')
            help='leave the w3c repos around that were imported previously.')
                            help='Target revision.')
            choices=['css', 'wpt'],
            'Target repository.  "css" for csswg-test, "wpt" for web-platform-tests.'
                            help='uploads CL and initiates commit queue.')
                            help='Rietveld auth refresh JSON token.')
        return parser.parse_args(argv)

    def checkout_is_okay(self, allow_local_commits):
        git_diff_retcode, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
        if git_diff_retcode:
            _log.warning('Checkout is dirty; aborting.')
            return False

        local_commits = self.run(
            ['git', 'log', '--oneline', 'origin/master..HEAD'])[1]
        if local_commits and not allow_local_commits:
                'Checkout has local commits; aborting. Use --allow-local-commits to allow this.'
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(WPT_DEST_NAME)):
            _log.warning('WebKit/%s exists; aborting.', WPT_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(CSS_DEST_NAME)):
            _log.warning('WebKit/%s repo exists; aborting.', CSS_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        return True

    def _copy_resources(self):
        """Copies resources from LayoutTests/resources to wpt and vice versa.

        There are resources from our repository that we use instead of the
        upstream versions. Conversely, there are also some resources that
        are copied in the other direction.

          - testharnessreport.js contains code needed to integrate our testing
            with testharness.js; we also want our code to be used for tests
            in wpt.
          - TODO(qyearsley, jsbell): Document why other other files are copied,
            or stop copying them if it's unnecessary.

        If this method is changed, the lists of files expected to be identical
        in LayoutTests/PRESUBMIT.py should also be changed.
        # TODO(tkent): resources_to_copy_to_wpt is unnecessary after enabling
        # WPTServe.
        resources_to_copy_to_wpt = [
            ('testharnessreport.js', 'resources'),
            ('WebIDLParser.js', 'resources'),
            ('vendor-prefix.js', 'common'),
        resources_to_copy_from_wpt = [
            ('idlharness.js', 'resources'),
            ('testharness.js', 'resources'),
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_to_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'resources',
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'external',
                                                     WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir,
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_from_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'external',
                                                WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir,
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests',
                                                     'resources', filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])

    def _generate_manifest(self, dest_path):
        """Generates MANIFEST.json for imported tests.

            dest_path: Path to the destination WPT directory.

        Runs the (newly-updated) manifest command if it's found, and then
        stages the generated MANIFEST.json in the git index, ready to commit.
        manifest_command = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'webkitpy', 'thirdparty', 'wpt', 'wpt',
        if 'css' in dest_path:
            # Do nothing for csswg-test.
        _log.info('Generating MANIFEST.json')
        self.run([manifest_command, '--work', '--tests-root', dest_path])
        self.run(['git', 'add', self.fs.join(dest_path, 'MANIFEST.json')])

    def update(self, dest_dir_name, url, keep_w3c_repos_around, revision):
        """Updates an imported repository.

            dest_dir_name: The destination directory name.
            url: URL of the git repository.
            revision: Commit hash or None.

            A string for the commit description "<destination>@<commitish>".
        temp_repo_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        _log.info('Cloning %s into %s.', url, temp_repo_path)
        self.run(['git', 'clone', url, temp_repo_path])

        if revision is not None:
            _log.info('Checking out %s', revision)
            self.run(['git', 'checkout', revision], cwd=temp_repo_path)

        self.run(['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'],

        _log.info('Noting the revision we are importing.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'origin/master'],
        master_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        _log.info('Cleaning out tests from LayoutTests/external/%s.',
        dest_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'external',
        is_not_baseline_filter = lambda fs, dirname, basename: not self.is_baseline(
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(
            dest_path, file_filter=is_not_baseline_filter)
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove('LayoutTests', 'external', subpath)

        _log.info('Importing the tests.')
        test_importer = TestImporter(self.host, temp_repo_path)

            ['git', 'add', '--all',
             'LayoutTests/external/%s' % dest_dir_name])

        _log.info('Deleting any orphaned baselines.')

        is_baseline_filter = lambda fs, dirname, basename: self.is_baseline(
        previous_baselines = self.fs.files_under(
            dest_path, file_filter=is_baseline_filter)

        for subpath in previous_baselines:
            full_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, subpath)
            if self.fs.glob(full_path.replace('-expected.txt',
                                              '*')) == [full_path]:


        if not keep_w3c_repos_around:
            _log.info('Deleting temp repo directory %s.', temp_repo_path)

            'Updating TestExpectations for any removed or renamed tests.')

        return '%s@%s' % (dest_dir_name, master_commitish)

    def _commit_changes(self, commit_message):
        _log.info('Committing changes.')
        self.run(['git', 'commit', '--all', '-F', '-'], stdin=commit_message)

    def _has_changes(self):
        return_code, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
        return return_code == 1

    def _commit_message(self, chromium_commit, import_commit):
        return ('Import %s\n\nUsing update-w3c-deps in Chromium %s.\n\n' %
                (import_commit, chromium_commit))

    def is_baseline(basename):
        return basename.endswith('-expected.txt')

    def run(self, cmd, exit_on_failure=True, cwd=None, stdin=''):
        _log.debug('Running command: %s', ' '.join(cmd))

        cwd = cwd or self.finder.webkit_base()
        proc = self.executive.popen(cmd,
        out, err = proc.communicate(stdin)
        if proc.returncode or self.verbose:
            _log.info('# ret> %d', proc.returncode)
            if out:
                for line in out.splitlines():
                    _log.info('# out> %s', line)
            if err:
                for line in err.splitlines():
                    _log.info('# err> %s', line)
        if exit_on_failure and proc.returncode:
        return proc.returncode, out

    def check_run(self, command):
        return_code, out = self.run(command)
        if return_code:
            raise Exception('%s failed with exit code %d.' % ' '.join(command),
        return out

    def copyfile(self, source, destination):
        _log.debug('cp %s %s', source, destination)
        self.fs.copyfile(source, destination)

    def remove(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        _log.debug('rm %s', dest)

    def rmtree(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        _log.debug('rm -fr %s', dest)

    def path_from_webkit_base(self, *comps):
        return self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)

    def do_auto_update(self):
        """Attempts to upload a CL, make any required adjustments, and commit.

        This function assumes that the imported repo has already been updated,
        and that change has been committed. There may be newly-failing tests,
        so before being able to commit these new changes, we may need to update
        TestExpectations or download new baselines.

            True if successfully committed, False otherwise.
        _log.info('Issue: %s', self.git_cl.run(['issue']).strip())

        # First, try on Blink try bots in order to get any new baselines.
        _log.info('Triggering try jobs.')
        for try_bot in self.host.builders.all_try_builder_names():
            self.git_cl.run(['try', '-b', try_bot])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs(

        if not try_results:
            return False

        if try_results and self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):

        # Wait for CQ try jobs to finish. If there are failures, then abort.
        self.git_cl.run(['set-commit', '--rietveld'])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs(

        if not try_results:
            return False

        if self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):
            _log.info('CQ failed; aborting.')
            return False

        _log.info('Update completed.')
        return True

    def _upload_cl(self):
        _log.info('Uploading change list.')
        cc_list = self.get_directory_owners_to_cc()
        description = self._cl_description()
        ] + ['--cc=' + email for email in cc_list])

    def _cl_description(self):
        description = self.check_run(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%B'])
        build_link = self._build_link()
        if build_link:
            description += 'Build: %s\n\n' % build_link
        description += '[email protected]\n'
        description += 'NOEXPORT=true'
        return description

    def _build_link(self):
        """Returns a link to a job, if running on buildbot."""
        master_name = self.host.environ.get('BUILDBOT_MASTERNAME')
        builder_name = self.host.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME')
        build_number = self.host.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER')
        if not (master_name and builder_name and build_number):
            return None
        return 'https://build.chromium.org/p/%s/builders/%s/builds/%s' % (
            master_name, builder_name, build_number)

    def get_directory_owners_to_cc(self):
        """Returns a list of email addresses to CC for the current import."""
        _log.info('Gathering directory owners emails to CC.')
        directory_owners_file_path = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'webkitpy', 'w3c', 'directory_owners.json')
        with open(directory_owners_file_path) as data_file:
            directory_to_owner = self.parse_directory_owners(
        out = self.check_run(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--name-only'])
        changed_files = out.splitlines()
        return self.generate_email_list(changed_files, directory_to_owner)

    def parse_directory_owners(decoded_data_file):
        directory_dict = {}
        for dict_set in decoded_data_file:
            if dict_set['notification-email']:
                    dict_set['directory']] = dict_set['notification-email']
        return directory_dict

    def generate_email_list(self, changed_files, directory_to_owner):
        """Returns a list of email addresses based on the given file list and
        directory-to-owner mapping.

            changed_files: A list of file paths relative to the repository root.
            directory_to_owner: A dict mapping layout test directories to emails.

            A list of the email addresses to be notified for the current import.
        email_addresses = set()
        for file_path in changed_files:
            test_path = self.finder.layout_test_name(file_path)
            if test_path is None:
            test_dir = self.fs.dirname(test_path)
            if test_dir in directory_to_owner:
        return sorted(email_addresses)

    def fetch_new_expectations_and_baselines(self):
        """Adds new expectations and downloads baselines based on try job results, then commits and uploads the change."""
            'Adding test expectations lines to LayoutTests/TestExpectations.')
        script_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'update-w3c-test-expectations')
        self.run([self.host.executable, script_path, '--verbose'])
        message = 'Modify TestExpectations or download new baselines for tests.'
        self.check_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', message])
        self.git_cl.run(['upload', '-m', message, '--rietveld'])

    def update_all_test_expectations_files(self, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates all test expectations files for tests that have been deleted or renamed."""
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        for path, file_contents in port.all_expectations_dict().iteritems():

            parser = TestExpectationParser(port,
            expectation_lines = parser.parse(path, file_contents)
            self._update_single_test_expectations_file(path, expectation_lines,

    def _update_single_test_expectations_file(self, path, expectation_lines,
                                              deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates single test expectations file."""
        # FIXME: This won't work for removed or renamed directories with test expectations
        # that are directories rather than individual tests.
        new_lines = []
        changed_lines = []
        for expectation_line in expectation_lines:
            if expectation_line.name in deleted_tests:
            if expectation_line.name in renamed_tests:
                expectation_line.name = renamed_tests[expectation_line.name]
                # Upon parsing the file, a "path does not exist" warning is expected
                # to be there for tests that have been renamed, and if there are warnings,
                # then the original string is used. If the warnings are reset, then the
                # expectation line is re-serialized when output.
                expectation_line.warnings = []
        new_file_contents = TestExpectations.list_to_string(
            new_lines, reconstitute_only_these=changed_lines)
        self.host.filesystem.write_text_file(path, new_file_contents)

    def _list_deleted_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout tests that have been deleted."""
        out = self.check_run([
            'git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=D',
        deleted_tests = []
        for line in out.splitlines():
            test = self.finder.layout_test_name(line)
            if test:
        return deleted_tests

    def _list_renamed_tests(self):
        """Returns a dict mapping source to dest name for layout tests that have been renamed."""
        out = self.check_run([
            'git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=R',
        renamed_tests = {}
        for line in out.splitlines():
            _, source_path, dest_path = line.split()
            source_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(source_path)
            dest_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(dest_path)
            if source_test and dest_test:
                renamed_tests[source_test] = dest_test
        return renamed_tests
Exemplo n.º 11
class DepsUpdater(object):

    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.executive = host.executive
        self.fs = host.filesystem
        self.finder = WebKitFinder(self.fs)
        self.verbose = False
        self.git_cl = None

    def main(self, argv=None):
        options = self.parse_args(argv)
        self.verbose = options.verbose

        if not self.checkout_is_okay(options.allow_local_commits):
            return 1

        self.git_cl = GitCL(self.host, auth_refresh_token_json=options.auth_refresh_token_json)

        self.print_('## Noting the current Chromium commit.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'HEAD'])
        chromium_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        if options.target == 'wpt':
            import_commitish = self.update(WPT_DEST_NAME, WPT_REPO_URL, options.keep_w3c_repos_around, options.revision)
        elif options.target == 'css':
            import_commitish = self.update(CSS_DEST_NAME, CSS_REPO_URL, options.keep_w3c_repos_around, options.revision)
            raise AssertionError("Unsupported target %s" % options.target)

        has_changes = self.commit_changes_if_needed(chromium_commitish, import_commitish)
        if options.auto_update and has_changes:
            commit_successful = self.do_auto_update()
            if not commit_successful:
                return 1
        return 0

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.description = __doc__
        parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                            help='log what we are doing')
        parser.add_argument('--allow-local-commits', action='store_true',
                            help='allow script to run even if we have local commits')
        parser.add_argument('--keep-w3c-repos-around', action='store_true',
                            help='leave the w3c repos around that were imported previously.')
        parser.add_argument('-r', dest='revision', action='store',
                            help='Target revision.')
        parser.add_argument('target', choices=['css', 'wpt'],
                            help='Target repository.  "css" for csswg-test, "wpt" for web-platform-tests.')
        parser.add_argument('--auto-update', action='store_true',
                            help='uploads CL and initiates commit queue.')
                            help='Rietveld auth refresh JSON token.')
        return parser.parse_args(argv)

    def checkout_is_okay(self, allow_local_commits):
        git_diff_retcode, _ = self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'], exit_on_failure=False)
        if git_diff_retcode:
            self.print_('## Checkout is dirty; aborting.')
            return False

        local_commits = self.run(['git', 'log', '--oneline', 'origin/master..HEAD'])[1]
        if local_commits and not allow_local_commits:
            self.print_('## Checkout has local commits; aborting. Use --allow-local-commits to allow this.')
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(WPT_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_('## WebKit/%s exists; aborting.' % WPT_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        if self.fs.exists(self.path_from_webkit_base(CSS_DEST_NAME)):
            self.print_('## WebKit/%s repo exists; aborting.' % CSS_DEST_NAME)
            return False

        return True

    def _copy_resources(self):
        """Copies resources from LayoutTests/resources to wpt and vice versa.

        There are resources from our repository that we use instead of the
        upstream versions. Conversely, there are also some resources that
        are copied in the other direction.

          - testharnessreport.js contains code needed to integrate our testing
            with testharness.js; we also want our code to be used for tests
            in wpt.
          - TODO(qyearsley, jsbell): Document why other other files are copied,
            or stop copying them if it's unnecessary.

        If this method is changed, the lists of files expected to be identical
        in LayoutTests/PRESUBMIT.py should also be changed.
        # TODO(tkent): resources_to_copy_to_wpt is unnecessary after enabling
        # WPTServe.
        resources_to_copy_to_wpt = [
            ('testharnessreport.js', 'resources'),
            ('WebIDLParser.js', 'resources'),
            ('vendor-prefix.js', 'common'),
        resources_to_copy_from_wpt = [
            ('idlharness.js', 'resources'),
            ('testharness.js', 'resources'),
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_to_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'resources', filename)
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported', WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir, filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])
        for filename, wpt_subdir in resources_to_copy_from_wpt:
            source = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported', WPT_DEST_NAME, wpt_subdir, filename)
            destination = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'resources', filename)
            self.copyfile(source, destination)
            self.run(['git', 'add', destination])

    def _generate_manifest(self, original_repo_path, dest_path):
        """Generate MANIFEST.json for imported tests.

        Run 'manifest' command if it exists in original_repo_path, and
        add generated MANIFEST.json to dest_path.
        manifest_command = self.fs.join(original_repo_path, 'manifest')
        if not self.fs.exists(manifest_command):
            # Do nothing for csswg-test.
        self.print_('## Generating MANIFEST.json')
        self.run([manifest_command, '--tests-root', dest_path])
        self.run(['git', 'add', self.fs.join(dest_path, 'MANIFEST.json')])

    def update(self, dest_dir_name, url, keep_w3c_repos_around, revision):
        """Updates an imported repository.

            dest_dir_name: The destination directory name.
            url: URL of the git repository.
            revision: Commit hash or None.

            A string for the commit description "<destination>@<commitish>".
        temp_repo_path = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        self.print_('## Cloning %s into %s.' % (url, temp_repo_path))
        self.run(['git', 'clone', url, temp_repo_path])

        if revision is not None:
            self.print_('## Checking out %s' % revision)
            self.run(['git', 'checkout', revision], cwd=temp_repo_path)
        self.run(['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'], cwd=temp_repo_path)

        self.print_('## Noting the revision we are importing.')
        _, show_ref_output = self.run(['git', 'show-ref', 'origin/master'], cwd=temp_repo_path)
        master_commitish = show_ref_output.split()[0]

        self.print_('## Cleaning out tests from LayoutTests/imported/%s.' % dest_dir_name)
        dest_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('LayoutTests', 'imported', dest_dir_name)
        files_to_delete = self.fs.files_under(dest_path, file_filter=self.is_not_baseline)
        for subpath in files_to_delete:
            self.remove('LayoutTests', 'imported', subpath)

        self.print_('## Importing the tests.')
        src_repo = self.path_from_webkit_base(dest_dir_name)
        import_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('Tools', 'Scripts', 'import-w3c-tests')
        self.run([self.host.executable, import_path, '-d', 'imported', src_repo])

        self.run(['git', 'add', '--all', 'LayoutTests/imported/%s' % dest_dir_name])

        self.print_('## Deleting any orphaned baselines.')
        previous_baselines = self.fs.files_under(dest_path, file_filter=self.is_baseline)
        for subpath in previous_baselines:
            full_path = self.fs.join(dest_path, subpath)
            if self.fs.glob(full_path.replace('-expected.txt', '*')) == [full_path]:

        self._generate_manifest(temp_repo_path, dest_path)
        if not keep_w3c_repos_around:
            self.print_('## Deleting temp repo directory %s.' % temp_repo_path)

        self.print_('## Updating TestExpectations for any removed or renamed tests.')
        self.update_all_test_expectations_files(self._list_deleted_tests(), self._list_renamed_tests())

        return '%s@%s' % (dest_dir_name, master_commitish)

    def commit_changes_if_needed(self, chromium_commitish, import_commitish):
        if self.run(['git', 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'], exit_on_failure=False)[0]:
            self.print_('## Committing changes.')
            commit_msg = ('Import %s\n'
                          'Using update-w3c-deps in Chromium %s.\n'
                          % (import_commitish, chromium_commitish))
            path_to_commit_msg = self.path_from_webkit_base('commit_msg')
            if self.verbose:
                self.print_('cat > %s <<EOF' % path_to_commit_msg)
            self.fs.write_text_file(path_to_commit_msg, commit_msg)
            self.run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-F', path_to_commit_msg])
            self.print_('## Done: changes imported and committed.')
            return True
            self.print_('## Done: no changes to import.')
            return False

    # Callback for FileSystem.files_under; not all arguments used - pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def is_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return basename.endswith('-expected.txt')

    def is_not_baseline(self, fs, dirname, basename):
        return not self.is_baseline(fs, dirname, basename)

    def run(self, cmd, exit_on_failure=True, cwd=None):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_(' '.join(cmd))

        cwd = cwd or self.finder.webkit_base()
        proc = self.executive.popen(cmd, stdout=self.executive.PIPE, stderr=self.executive.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
        out, err = proc.communicate()
        if proc.returncode or self.verbose:
            self.print_('# ret> %d' % proc.returncode)
            if out:
                for line in out.splitlines():
                    self.print_('# out> %s' % line)
            if err:
                for line in err.splitlines():
                    self.print_('# err> %s' % line)
        if exit_on_failure and proc.returncode:
        return proc.returncode, out

    def check_run(self, command):
        return_code, out = self.run(command)
        if return_code:
            raise Exception('%s failed with exit code %d.' % ' '.join(command), return_code)
        return out

    def copyfile(self, source, destination):
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('cp %s %s' % (source, destination))
        self.fs.copyfile(source, destination)

    def remove(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('rm %s' % dest)

    def rmtree(self, *comps):
        dest = self.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)
        if self.verbose:
            self.print_('rm -fr %s' % dest)

    def path_from_webkit_base(self, *comps):
        return self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(*comps)

    def print_(self, msg):

    def do_auto_update(self):
        """Attempts to upload a CL, make any required adjustments, and commit.

        This function assumes that the imported repo has already been updated,
        and that change has been committed. There may be newly-failing tests,
        so before being able to commit these new changes, we may need to update
        TestExpectations or download new baselines.

            True if successfully committed, False otherwise.
        self.print_('## ' + self.git_cl.run(['issue']).strip())

        # First try: if there are failures, update expectations.
        self.print_('## Triggering try jobs.')
        for try_bot in self.host.builders.all_try_builder_names():
            self.git_cl.run(['try', '-b', try_bot])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_('## Timed out waiting for try results.')
        if try_results and self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):

        # Second try: if there are failures, then abort.
        self.git_cl.run(['set-commit', '--rietveld'])
        try_results = self.git_cl.wait_for_try_jobs()
        if not try_results:
            self.print_('Timed out waiting for try results.')
            return False
        if self.git_cl.has_failing_try_results(try_results):
            self.print_('CQ failed; aborting.')
            return False
        self.print_('## Update completed.')
        return True

    def _upload_cl(self):
        self.print_('## Uploading change list.')
        cc_list = self.get_directory_owners_to_cc()
        last_commit_message = self.check_run(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%B'])
        commit_message = last_commit_message + '[email protected]'
        ] + ['--cc=' + email for email in cc_list])

    def get_directory_owners_to_cc(self):
        """Returns a list of email addresses to CC for the current import."""
        self.print_('## Gathering directory owners emails to CC.')
        directory_owners_file_path = self.finder.path_from_webkit_base(
            'Tools', 'Scripts', 'webkitpy', 'w3c', 'directory_owners.json')
        with open(directory_owners_file_path) as data_file:
            directory_to_owner = self.parse_directory_owners(json.load(data_file))
        out = self.check_run(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--name-only'])
        changed_files = out.splitlines()
        return self.generate_email_list(changed_files, directory_to_owner)

    def parse_directory_owners(decoded_data_file):
        directory_dict = {}
        for dict_set in decoded_data_file:
            if dict_set['notification-email']:
                directory_dict[dict_set['directory']] = dict_set['notification-email']
        return directory_dict

    def generate_email_list(self, changed_files, directory_to_owner):
        """Returns a list of email addresses based on the given file list and
        directory-to-owner mapping.

            changed_files: A list of file paths relative to the repository root.
            directory_to_owner: A dict mapping layout test directories to emails.

            A list of the email addresses to be notified for the current import.
        email_addresses = set()
        for file_path in changed_files:
            test_path = self.finder.layout_test_name(file_path)
            if test_path is None:
            test_dir = self.fs.dirname(test_path)
            if test_dir in directory_to_owner:
        return sorted(email_addresses)

    def fetch_new_expectations_and_baselines(self):
        """Adds new expectations and downloads baselines based on try job results, then commits and uploads the change."""
        self.print_('## Adding test expectations lines to LayoutTests/TestExpectations.')
        script_path = self.path_from_webkit_base('Tools', 'Scripts', 'update-w3c-test-expectations')
        self.run([self.host.executable, script_path, '--verbose'])
        message = 'Modify TestExpectations or download new baselines for tests.'
        self.check_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', message])
        self.git_cl.run(['upload', '-m', message, '--rietveld'])

    def update_all_test_expectations_files(self, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates all test expectations files for tests that have been deleted or renamed."""
        port = self.host.port_factory.get()
        for path, file_contents in port.all_expectations_dict().iteritems():

            parser = TestExpectationParser(port, all_tests=None, is_lint_mode=False)
            expectation_lines = parser.parse(path, file_contents)
            self._update_single_test_expectations_file(path, expectation_lines, deleted_tests, renamed_tests)

    def _update_single_test_expectations_file(self, path, expectation_lines, deleted_tests, renamed_tests):
        """Updates single test expectations file."""
        # FIXME: This won't work for removed or renamed directories with test expectations
        # that are directories rather than individual tests.
        new_lines = []
        changed_lines = []
        for expectation_line in expectation_lines:
            if expectation_line.name in deleted_tests:
            if expectation_line.name in renamed_tests:
                expectation_line.name = renamed_tests[expectation_line.name]
                # Upon parsing the file, a "path does not exist" warning is expected
                # to be there for tests that have been renamed, and if there are warnings,
                # then the original string is used. If the warnings are reset, then the
                # expectation line is re-serialized when output.
                expectation_line.warnings = []
        new_file_contents = TestExpectations.list_to_string(new_lines, reconstitute_only_these=changed_lines)
        self.host.filesystem.write_text_file(path, new_file_contents)

    def _list_deleted_tests(self):
        """Returns a list of layout tests that have been deleted."""
        out = self.check_run(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=D', '--name-only'])
        deleted_tests = []
        for line in out.splitlines():
            test = self.finder.layout_test_name(line)
            if test:
        return deleted_tests

    def _list_renamed_tests(self):
        """Returns a dict mapping source to dest name for layout tests that have been renamed."""
        out = self.check_run(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '-M100%', '--diff-filter=R', '--name-status'])
        renamed_tests = {}
        for line in out.splitlines():
            _, source_path, dest_path = line.split()
            source_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(source_path)
            dest_test = self.finder.layout_test_name(dest_path)
            if source_test and dest_test:
                renamed_tests[source_test] = dest_test
        return renamed_tests
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_layout_test_name_not_in_layout_tests_dir(self):
     finder = WebKitFinder(MockFileSystem())
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_layout_test_name(self):
     finder = WebKitFinder(MockFileSystem())