Exemplo n.º 1
    def validate_block_days(self):
        from_date = getdate(self.doc.from_date)
        to_date = getdate(self.doc.to_date)

        department = webnotes.conn.get_value("Employee", self.doc.employee, "department")
        if department:
            block_list = webnotes.conn.get_value("Department", department, "holiday_block_list")
            if block_list:
                if self.is_user_in_allow_list(block_list):
                for d in webnotes.conn.sql(
                    """select block_date, reason from
					`tabHoliday Block List Date` where parent=%s""",
                    block_date = getdate(d.block_date)
                    if block_date > from_date and block_date < to_date:
                            _("You cannot apply for a leave on the following date because it is blocked")
                            + ": "
                            + formatdate(d.block_date)
                            + _(" Reason: ")
                            + d.reason
                        raise LeaveDayBlockedError
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_last_purchase_details(item_code, doc_name=None, conversion_rate=1.0):
	"""returns last purchase details in stock uom"""
	# get last purchase order item details
	last_purchase_order = webnotes.conn.sql("""\
		select po.name, po.transaction_date, po.conversion_rate,
			po_item.conversion_factor, po_item.purchase_ref_rate, 
			po_item.discount_rate, po_item.purchase_rate
		from `tabPurchase Order` po, `tabPurchase Order Item` po_item
		where po.docstatus = 1 and po_item.item_code = %s and po.name != %s and 
			po.name = po_item.parent
		order by po.transaction_date desc, po.name desc
		limit 1""", (item_code, cstr(doc_name)), as_dict=1)

	# get last purchase receipt item details		
	last_purchase_receipt = webnotes.conn.sql("""\
		select pr.name, pr.posting_date, pr.posting_time, pr.conversion_rate,
			pr_item.conversion_factor, pr_item.purchase_ref_rate, pr_item.discount_rate,
		from `tabPurchase Receipt` pr, `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pr_item
		where pr.docstatus = 1 and pr_item.item_code = %s and pr.name != %s and
			pr.name = pr_item.parent
		order by pr.posting_date desc, pr.posting_time desc, pr.name desc
		limit 1""", (item_code, cstr(doc_name)), as_dict=1)

	purchase_order_date = getdate(last_purchase_order and last_purchase_order[0].transaction_date \
		or "1900-01-01")
	purchase_receipt_date = getdate(last_purchase_receipt and \
		last_purchase_receipt[0].posting_date or "1900-01-01")

	if (purchase_order_date > purchase_receipt_date) or \
			(last_purchase_order and not last_purchase_receipt):
		# use purchase order
		last_purchase = last_purchase_order[0]
		purchase_date = purchase_order_date
	elif (purchase_receipt_date > purchase_order_date) or \
			(last_purchase_receipt and not last_purchase_order):
		# use purchase receipt
		last_purchase = last_purchase_receipt[0]
		purchase_date = purchase_receipt_date
		return webnotes._dict()
	conversion_factor = flt(last_purchase.conversion_factor)
	out = webnotes._dict({
		"purchase_ref_rate": flt(last_purchase.purchase_ref_rate) / conversion_factor,
		"purchase_rate": flt(last_purchase.purchase_rate) / conversion_factor,
		"discount_rate": flt(last_purchase.discount_rate),
		"purchase_date": purchase_date

	conversion_rate = flt(conversion_rate) or 1.0
		"import_ref_rate": out.purchase_ref_rate / conversion_rate,
		"import_rate": out.purchase_rate / conversion_rate,
		"rate": out.purchase_rate
	return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def send_notification(new_rv):
	"""Notify concerned persons about recurring invoice generation"""
	subject = "Invoice : " + new_rv.doc.name

	com = new_rv.doc.company   # webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel', '', 'letter_head')

	hd = '''<div><h2>%s</h2></div>
			<div><h3>Invoice: %s</h3></div>
			<table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5"  width = "100%%">
					<td width = "50%%"><b>Customer</b><br>%s<br>%s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Invoice Date	   : %s<br>Invoice Period : %s to %s <br>Due Date	   : %s</td>
		''' % (com, new_rv.doc.name, new_rv.doc.customer_name, new_rv.doc.address_display, getdate(new_rv.doc.posting_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), \
		getdate(new_rv.doc.invoice_period_from_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), getdate(new_rv.doc.invoice_period_to_date).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"),\
	tbl = '''<table border="1px solid #CCC" width="100%%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
					<td width = "15%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="left"><b>Item</b></td>
					<td width = "40%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="left"><b>Description</b></td>
					<td width = "15%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"><b>Qty</b></td>
					<td width = "15%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"><b>Rate</b></td>
					<td width = "15%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"><b>Amount</b></td>
	for d in getlist(new_rv.doclist, 'entries'):
		tbl += '<tr><td>' + d.item_code +'</td><td>' + d.description+'</td><td>' + cstr(d.qty) +'</td><td>' + cstr(d.basic_rate) +'</td><td>' + cstr(d.amount) +'</td></tr>'
	tbl += '</table>'

	totals ='''<table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5"  width = "100%%">
						<td width = "50%%"></td>
						<td width = "50%%">
							<table width = "100%%">
									<td width = "50%%">Net Total: </td><td>%s </td>
									<td width = "50%%">Total Tax: </td><td>%s </td>
									<td width = "50%%">Grand Total: </td><td>%s</td>
									<td width = "50%%">In Words: </td><td>%s</td>
					<tr><td>Terms and Conditions:</td></tr>
			''' % (new_rv.doc.net_total,

	msg = hd + tbl + totals
	sendmail(new_rv.doc.notification_email_address, subject=subject, msg = msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def check_freezing_date(self, adv_adj):
		if not adv_adj:
			acc_frozen_upto = get_value('Global Defaults', None, 'acc_frozen_upto')
			if acc_frozen_upto:
				bde_auth_role = get_value( 'Global Defaults', None,'bde_auth_role')
				if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) <= getdate(acc_frozen_upto) and not bde_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
					msgprint("You are not authorized to do/modify back dated accounting entries before %s." % getdate(acc_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), raise_exception=1)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_next_date(self):
        """ Set next date on which auto invoice will be created"""

        if not self.doc.repeat_on_day_of_month:
                """Please enter 'Repeat on Day of Month' field value. \nThe day of the month on which auto invoice 
						will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc.""",

        import datetime

        mcount = {"Monthly": 1, "Quarterly": 3, "Half-yearly": 6, "Yearly": 12}
        m = getdate(self.doc.posting_date).month + mcount[self.doc.recurring_type]
        y = getdate(self.doc.posting_date).year
        if m > 12:
            m, y = m - 12, y + 1
            next_date = datetime.date(y, m, cint(self.doc.repeat_on_day_of_month))
            import calendar

            last_day = calendar.monthrange(y, m)[1]
            next_date = datetime.date(y, m, last_day)
        next_date = next_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, "next_date", next_date)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_balance_on(account=None, date=None):
    if not account and webnotes.form_dict.get("account"):
        account = webnotes.form_dict.get("account")
        date = webnotes.form_dict.get("date")

    cond = []
    if date:
        cond.append("posting_date <= '%s'" % date)
        # get balance of all entries that exist
        date = nowdate()

        year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(date, verbose=0)[1]
    except FiscalYearError, e:
        from webnotes.utils import getdate

        if getdate(date) > getdate(nowdate()):
            # if fiscal year not found and the date is greater than today
            # get fiscal year for today's date and its corresponding year start date
            year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), verbose=1)[1]
            # this indicates that it is a date older than any existing fiscal year.
            # hence, assuming balance as 0.0
            return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_fy_details(fy_start_date, fy_end_date):
	start_year = getdate(fy_start_date).year
	if start_year == getdate(fy_end_date).year:
		fy = cstr(start_year)
		fy = cstr(start_year) + '-' + cstr(start_year + 1)
	return fy
def execute(filters=None):
	if not filters: filters = {}
	float_preceision = webnotes.conn.get_default("float_preceision")

	condition =get_condition(filters)

	avg_daily_outgoing = 0
	diff = ((getdate(filters.get("to_date")) - getdate(filters.get("from_date"))).days)+1
	if diff <= 0:
		webnotes.msgprint("To Date should not be less than eual to From Date",raise_exception=1)

	columns = get_columns()
	items = get_item_info()
	consumed_item_map = get_consumed_items(condition)
	delivered_item_map = get_delivered_items(condition)

	data = []
	for item in items:

		total_outgoing = consumed_item_map.get(item.name, 0)+delivered_item_map.get(item.name,0)
		avg_daily_outgoing = flt(total_outgoing/diff, float_preceision)
		reorder_level = (avg_daily_outgoing * flt(item.lead_time_days)) + flt(item.min_order_qty)

		data.append([item.name, item.item_name, item.description, item.min_order_qty, item.lead_time_days, 
			consumed_item_map.get(item.name, 0), delivered_item_map.get(item.name,0), total_outgoing, 
			avg_daily_outgoing, reorder_level])

	return columns , data
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_period_date_ranges(period, fiscal_year=None, year_start_date=None):
	from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

	if not year_start_date:
		year_start_date, year_end_date = webnotes.conn.get_value("Fiscal Year", 
			fiscal_year, ["year_start_date", "year_end_date"])

	increment = {
		"Monthly": 1,
		"Quarterly": 3,
		"Half-Yearly": 6,
		"Yearly": 12

	period_date_ranges = []
	for i in xrange(1, 13, increment):
		period_end_date = getdate(year_start_date) + relativedelta(months=increment, days=-1)
		if period_end_date > getdate(year_end_date):
			period_end_date = year_end_date
		period_date_ranges.append([year_start_date, period_end_date])
		year_start_date = period_end_date + relativedelta(days=1)
		if period_end_date == year_end_date:

	return period_date_ranges
Exemplo n.º 10
def send_daily_summary(for_date=None, event_date=None):
	if not for_date:
		for_date = add_days(today(), days=-1)
	if not event_date:
		event_date = today()
	formatted_date = getdate(for_date).strftime("%a, %d %B, %Y")
	formatted_event_date = getdate(event_date).strftime("%a, %d %B, %Y")
	subject = "[AAP Ka Manch] Updates for {formatted_date}".format(formatted_date=formatted_date)
	unit_post_map = get_unit_post_map(for_date, event_date)
	if not unit_post_map:
		# no updates!
	for user in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tabProfile`
		where user_type='Website User' and enabled=1 and name not in ('Administrator', 'Guest')"""):
		summary = prepare_daily_summary(user, unit_post_map, {"subject": subject, "formatted_date": formatted_date,
			"formatted_event_date": formatted_event_date})
		if not summary:
			# no access!
			# to allow unsubscribe
			# for tracking sent status
			ref_doctype="Profile", ref_docname=user)
Exemplo n.º 11
        def get_weekly_off_date_list(self, year_start_date, year_end_date):
                from webnotes.utils import getdate
                year_start_date, year_end_date = getdate(year_start_date), getdate(year_end_date)

                from dateutil import relativedelta
                from datetime import timedelta
                import calendar

                date_list = []
                date_list1 = []
                if self.doc.weekly_off=='3rd Saturday':
                        weekday = getattr(calendar, ('Saturday').upper())
                        reference_date = year_start_date + relativedelta.relativedelta(weekday=weekday)
                        while reference_date <= year_end_date:
                                reference_date += timedelta(days=7)
                        for dt in date_list1:
                                if dt.day>14 :
                                        if dt.day <22:
                                                ch = addchild(self.doc, 'holiday_list_details', 'Holiday', self.doclist)
                                                ch.description = self.doc.weekly_off
                                                ch.holiday_date = dt
                        return date_list
                        weekday = getattr(calendar, (self.doc.weekly_off).upper())
                        reference_date = year_start_date + relativedelta.relativedelta(weekday=weekday)
                        while reference_date <= year_end_date:
                                reference_date += timedelta(days=7)
                        return date_list
Exemplo n.º 12
	def update_production_order(self, is_submit):
		if self.doc.production_order:
			pro_obj = get_obj("Production Order", self.doc.production_order)
			if flt(pro_obj.doc.docstatus) != 1:
				msgprint("""You cannot do any transaction against 
					Production Order : %s, as it's not submitted"""
					% (pro_obj.doc.name), raise_exception=1)
			if pro_obj.doc.status == 'Stopped':
				msgprint("""You cannot do any transaction against Production Order : %s, 
					as it's status is 'Stopped'"""% (pro_obj.doc.name), raise_exception=1)
			if getdate(pro_obj.doc.posting_date) > getdate(self.doc.posting_date):
				msgprint("""Posting Date of Stock Entry cannot be before Posting Date of 
					Production Order: %s"""% cstr(self.doc.production_order), raise_exception=1)
			if self.doc.process == 'Backflush':
				pro_obj.doc.produced_qty = flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty) + \
					(is_submit and 1 or -1 ) * flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty)
				args = {
					"item_code": pro_obj.doc.production_item,
					"posting_date": self.doc.posting_date,
					"planned_qty": (is_submit and -1 or 1 ) * flt(self.doc.fg_completed_qty)
				get_obj('Warehouse', pro_obj.doc.fg_warehouse).update_bin(args)
			pro_obj.doc.status = (flt(pro_obj.doc.qty)==flt(pro_obj.doc.produced_qty)) \
				and 'Completed' or 'In Process'
Exemplo n.º 13
 def set_last_contact_date(self):
   if self.doc.contact_date_ref and self.doc.contact_date_ref != self.doc.contact_date:
     if getdate(self.doc.contact_date_ref) < getdate(self.doc.contact_date):
       msgprint("Contact Date Cannot be before Last Contact Date")
       raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 14
  def get_dashboard_values(self, arg=''):
    d = get_defaults()
    self.fiscal_year = d['fiscal_year']
    if arg:
      company = arg
      company = d['company']

    r = {}
    r['Income'] = self.bl('Income', company)
    r['Expenses'] = self.bl('Expenses', company)

    r['Profit'] = []
    for i in range(3):
      r['Profit'].append(r['Income'][i] - r['Expenses'][i])
    r['Current Assets'] = self.bl_bs('Current Assets', company, getdate(d['year_start_date']))
    r['Current Liabilities'] = self.bl_bs('Current Liabilities', company, getdate(d['year_start_date']))
    r['Working Capital'] = []
    for i in range(3):
      r['Working Capital'].append(r['Current Assets'][i] - r['Current Liabilities'][i])

    r['Bank Accounts'] = self.bl_bs('Bank Accounts', company, getdate(d['year_start_date']))
    r['Top Customers'] = convert_to_lists(self.get_top_5_cust(company))
    r['Top Expenses'] = convert_to_lists(self.get_top_5_exp(company))
    return r
Exemplo n.º 15
	def validate_warranty_status(self):
		if self.doc.warranty_expiry_date and getdate(self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today() and self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of Warranty':
			msgprint("Warranty expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify")
			raise Exception
		elif (not self.doc.warranty_expiry_date or getdate(self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today()) and self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under Warranty':
			msgprint("Warranty expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, company, start, end, interval):
        from webnotes.utils import getdate
        from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
        import webnotes

        self.company = company
        self.abbr = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", company, "abbr")
        self.start = getdate(start)
        self.end = getdate(end)

        self.interval = interval

        self.glc = get_obj("GL Control")
        self.cash_accounts = [
            for d in webnotes.conn.sql(
			select name from tabAccount 
			where account_type='Bank or Cash'
			and company = %s and docstatus = 0 

        self.receivables_group = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", company, "receivables_group")
        self.payables_group = webnotes.conn.get_value("Company", company, "payables_group")

        # list of bank and cash accounts
        self.bc_list = [
            s[0] for s in webnotes.conn.sql("select name from tabAccount where account_type='Bank or Cash'")
Exemplo n.º 17
	def validate_amc_status(self):
		if self.doc.amc_expiry_date and getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today() and self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of AMC':
			msgprint("AMC expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify")
			raise Exception
		elif (not self.doc.amc_expiry_date or getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today()) and self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under AMC':
			msgprint("AMC expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 18
	def get_loan_details(self):
		end= self.doc.doi_closing
		list1 = []	
		#webnotes.errprint((cstr(self.doc.doi_start) + datetime.timedelta(12*365/12)).isoformat())
		#self.doc.doi_closing=(self.doc.doi_start + datetime.timedelta(12*365/12)).isformat()
		for j in range(0,j):
			if date<=getdate(end):

		for i in list1:
			#ebnotes.errprint("in for loop")
			ch = addchild(self.doc, 'installment', 
					'Loan Installment Details', self.doclist)
			ch.date_of_installment = i
			ch.amount_to_be_paid =self.doc.amount_per_month 
Exemplo n.º 19
    def validate_with_timesheet_dates(self):
        chk = sql(
            "select t1.name, t1.timesheet_date from `tabTimesheet` t1, `tabTimesheet Detail` t2 where t2.parent = t1.name and t2.task_id = %s and t1.status = 'Submitted' order by t1.timesheet_date asc",
        if chk:
            if self.doc.act_start_date:
                if chk[0]["timesheet_date"] > getdate(self.doc.act_start_date) or chk[0]["timesheet_date"] < getdate(
                        "Actual start date of this task is "
                        + cstr(chk[0]["timesheet_date"])
                        + " as per timesheet "
                        + cstr(chk[0]["name"])
                    raise Exception
                self.doc.act_start_date = chk[0]["timesheet_date"]

            if self.doc.act_end_date:
                if chk[len(chk) - 1]["timesheet_date"] < getdate(self.doc.act_end_date) or chk[len(chk) - 1][
                ] > getdate(self.doc.act_end_date):
                        "Actual end date of this task is "
                        + cstr(chk[len(chk) - 1]["timesheet_date"])
                        + " as per timesheet "
                        + cstr(chk[len(chk) - 1]["name"])
                    raise Exception
                self.doc.act_end_date = chk[len(chk) - 1]["timesheet_date"]
    def validate_posting_date(self):
        yr = sql(
            """select year_start_date, adddate(year_start_date, interval 1 year)
			from `tabFiscal Year` where name=%s""",
        self.year_start_date = yr and yr[0][0] or ""
        self.year_end_date = yr and yr[0][1] or ""

        # Posting Date should be within closing year
        if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) < getdate(self.year_start_date) or getdate(self.doc.posting_date) > getdate(
            msgprint("Posting Date should be within Closing Fiscal Year")
            raise Exception

            # Period Closing Entry
        pce = sql(
            "select name from `tabPeriod Closing Voucher` \
			where posting_date > '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and docstatus = 1"
            % (self.doc.posting_date, self.doc.fiscal_year)
        if pce and pce[0][0]:
                "Another Period Closing Entry: %s has been made after posting date: %s"
                % (cstr(pce[0][0]), self.doc.posting_date)
            raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 21
    def validate(self):
        if getdate(self.doc.timesheet_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
            msgprint("You can not prepare timesheet for future date")
            raise Exception

        chk = sql(
            "select name from `tabTimesheet` where timesheet_date=%s and owner=%s and status!='Cancelled' and name!=%s",
            (self.doc.timesheet_date, self.doc.owner, self.doc.name),
        if chk:
            msgprint("You have already created timesheet " + cstr(chk and chk[0][0] or "") + " for this date.")
            raise Exception

        import time

        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "timesheet_details"):
            if d.act_start_time and d.act_end_time:
                d1 = time.strptime(d.act_start_time, "%H:%M")
                d2 = time.strptime(d.act_end_time, "%H:%M")

                if d1 > d2:
                    msgprint("Start time can not be greater than end time. Check for Task Id : " + cstr(d.task_id))
                    raise Exception
                elif d1 == d2:
                    msgprint("Start time and end time can not be same. Check for Task Id : " + cstr(d.task_id))
                    raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 22
def execute(filters=None):
	priority_map = {"High": 3, "Medium": 2, "Low": 1}
	todo_list = runreport(doctype="ToDo", fields=["name", "date", "description",
		"priority", "reference_type", "reference_name", "assigned_by", "owner"], 
		filters=[["ToDo", "checked", "!=", 1]])
	todo_list.sort(key=lambda todo: (priority_map.get(todo.priority, 0), 
		todo.date and getdate(todo.date) or getdate("1900-01-01")), reverse=True)
	columns = [_("ID")+":Link/ToDo:90", _("Priority")+"::60", _("Date")+ ":Date", 
		_("Description")+"::150", _("Assigned To/Owner") + ":Link/Profile:120", 
		_("Assigned By")+":Link/Profile:120", _("Reference")+"::200"]

	result = []
	for todo in todo_list:
		if todo.reference_type:
			todo.reference = """<a href="#Form/%s/%s">%s: %s</a>""" % \
				(todo.reference_type, todo.reference_name, todo.reference_type, todo.reference_name)
			todo.reference = None
		result.append([todo.name, todo.priority, todo.date, todo.description,
			todo.owner, todo.assigned_by, todo.reference])
	return columns, result
Exemplo n.º 23
	def get_as_on_balance(self, account_name, fiscal_year, as_on, credit_or_debit, lft, rgt):
		# initialization
		det = webnotes.conn.sql("select start_date, opening from `tabAccount Balance` where period = %s and account = %s", (fiscal_year, account_name))
		from_date, opening, debit_bal, credit_bal, closing_bal = det and det[0][0] or getdate(nowdate()), det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0, 0, 0, det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0

		# prev month closing
		prev_month_det = webnotes.conn.sql("select end_date, debit, credit, balance from `tabAccount Balance` where account = %s and end_date <= %s and fiscal_year = %s order by end_date desc limit 1", (account_name, as_on, fiscal_year))
		if prev_month_det:
			from_date = getdate(add_days(prev_month_det[0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 1))
			opening = 0
			debit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][1])
			credit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][2])
			closing_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][3])

		# curr month transaction
		if getdate(as_on) >= from_date:
			curr_month_bal = webnotes.conn.sql("select SUM(t1.debit), SUM(t1.credit) from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' AND t1.account = t2.name AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (from_date, as_on, lft, rgt))
			curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
			debit_bal = curr_month_bal and debit_bal + curr_debit_amt or debit_bal
			credit_bal = curr_month_bal and credit_bal + curr_credit_amt or credit_bal

			if credit_or_debit == 'Credit':
				curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
			closing_bal = closing_bal + curr_debit_amt - curr_credit_amt

		return flt(debit_bal), flt(credit_bal), flt(closing_bal)
Exemplo n.º 24
	def notify(self):
		import datetime
		from webnotes.utils import getdate
		serial_nos = webnotes.conn.sql(\
				"""SELECT name, warranty_expiry_date,\
					  amc_expiry_date, warranty_amc_status,\
					  brand, product_code,\
					  customer, territory\
				   FROM `tabSerial No`\
				   WHERE (((DATEDIFF(NOW(),warranty_expiry_date) between -30 and 365) AND ifnull(amc_expiry_date, '') = '')\
				   OR (DATEDIFF(NOW(), amc_expiry_date) between -30 and 365 AND warranty_amc_status = 'Under AMC'))\
				   AND warranty_amc_status in ('Under Warranty', 'Under AMC')\
				""", as_dict=1)
		for s in serial_nos:
			status = s['warranty_amc_status']
				amc_ex_date = getdate(s['amc_expiry_date'])
				amc_ex_date = s['amc_expiry_date']
				warranty_ex_date = getdate(s['warranty_expiry_date'])
				warranty_ex_date = s['warranty_expiry_date']
			days = 1 # intializing to 1 coz it wont be true even if we dont have warranty or expiry date
			if status == 'Under Warranty' and warranty_ex_date:
				days = (datetime.datetime.now().date() - warranty_ex_date).days
			elif status == 'Under AMC' and amc_ex_date:
				days = (datetime.datetime.now().date() - amc_ex_date).days
			if days % 30 == 0 and s['territory']:
				self.send_mail(s, days)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def get_weekly_off_date_list(self, yr_start_date, yr_end_date):
        days_dict, dt_list, lst_st = (
            {"Monday": 0, "Tuesday": 1, "Wednesday": 2, "Thursday": 3, "Friday": 4, "Saturday": 5, "Sunday": 6},

        w = cint(days_dict[self.doc.weekly_off])  # Weekly Off Day No.

        st_dt_weekday = getdate(yr_start_date).weekday()  # Year Start Date weekday()

        if w == st_dt_weekday:  # Get Start Date
            lst_st = yr_start_date
        elif w > st_dt_weekday:
            lst_st = add_days(yr_start_date, w - st_dt_weekday)
            lst_st = add_days(yr_start_date, 6 - st_dt_weekday + 1)

        while getdate(lst_st) < getdate(yr_end_date):  # Get list of dates
            lst_st = add_days(lst_st, 7)
            if getdate(lst_st) > getdate(yr_end_date):

        return dt_list
Exemplo n.º 26
	def validate(self):
		if self.doc.exp_start_date and self.doc.exp_end_date and getdate(self.doc.exp_start_date) > getdate(self.doc.exp_end_date):
			msgprint("'Expected Start Date' can not be greater than 'Expected End Date'")
			raise Exception
		if self.doc.act_start_date and self.doc.act_end_date and getdate(self.doc.act_start_date) > getdate(self.doc.act_end_date):
			msgprint("'Actual Start Date' can not be greater than 'Actual End Date'")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 27
	def validate_po_date(self):
		# validate p.o date v/s delivery date
		if self.doc.po_date and self.doc.delivery_date and getdate(self.doc.po_date) > getdate(self.doc.delivery_date):
			msgprint("Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order Date")
			raise Exception	
		# amendment date is necessary if document is amended
		if self.doc.amended_from and not self.doc.amendment_date:
			msgprint("Please Enter Amendment Date")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 28
	def validate_po_date(self):
		# validate p.o date v/s delivery date
		if self.doc.po_date and self.doc.delivery_date and getdate(self.doc.po_date) > getdate(self.doc.delivery_date):
			msgprint("Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order Date")
			raise Exception	
		# amendment date is necessary if document is amended
		if self.doc.amended_from and not self.doc.amendment_date:
			msgprint("Please Enter Amendment Date")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 29
def execute(filters=None):
	if not filters: filters = {}
	columns = get_columns()
	entries = get_gl_entries(filters)
	entries_after_report_date = [[gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no] 
		for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=False)]
	account_supplier_type_map = get_account_supplier_type_map()
	pi_map = get_pi_map()

	# Age of the invoice on this date
	age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
		and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")

	data = []
	total_invoiced_amount = total_paid = total_outstanding = 0
	for gle in entries:
		if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
				or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:
			if gle.voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice":
				pi_info = pi_map.get(gle.voucher_no)
				due_date = pi_info.get("due_date")
				bill_no = pi_info.get("bill_no")
				bill_date = pi_info.get("bill_date")
				due_date = bill_no = bill_date = ""
			invoiced_amount = gle.credit > 0 and gle.credit or 0		
			paid_amount = get_paid_amount(gle, filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(), 
			outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - paid_amount
			if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
				row = [gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, 
					gle.remarks, account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), due_date, bill_no, 
					bill_date, invoiced_amount, paid_amount, outstanding_amount]
				# Ageing
				if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
					ageing_based_on_date = due_date
					ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
				row += get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on, outstanding_amount)
				# Add to total
				total_invoiced_amount += flt(invoiced_amount)
				total_paid += flt(paid_amount)
				total_outstanding += flt(outstanding_amount)
	if data:
		data.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Total", "", total_invoiced_amount, total_paid, 
			total_outstanding, "", "", "", ""])
	return columns, data
Exemplo n.º 30
	def validate_to_date(self):
		#ebnotes.errprint("in validate")
		if getdate(self.doc.loan_sanction_date) < getdate(self.doc.doi_start):

			#tdate(self.doc.loan_sanction_date) < getdate(self.doc.doi_start)):
			webnotes.msgprint("Date of installament cannot be less than  loan sanction date")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 31
 def validate(self):
     """validate start date before end date"""
     if self.doc.project_start_date and self.doc.completion_date:
         if getdate(self.doc.completion_date) < getdate(
                 "Expected Completion Date can not be less than Project Start Date"
             raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 32
def execute(filters=None):
    if not filters: filters = {}
    columns = get_columns()

    entries = get_gl_entries(filters)

    entries_after_report_date = [[
        gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no
    ] for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, before_report_date=False)]

    account_supplier_type_map = get_account_supplier_type_map()
    pi_map = get_pi_map()

    # Age of the invoice on this date
    age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
     and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")

    data = []
    for gle in entries:
        if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
          or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:

            if gle.voucher_type == "Purchase Invoice":
                pi_info = pi_map.get(gle.voucher_no)
                due_date = pi_info.get("due_date")
                bill_no = pi_info.get("bill_no")
                bill_date = pi_info.get("bill_date")
                due_date = bill_no = bill_date = ""

            invoiced_amount = gle.credit > 0 and gle.credit or 0
            paid_amount = get_paid_amount(
                filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(),
            outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - paid_amount

            if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
                row = [
                    gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type,
                    gle.voucher_no, gle.remarks,
                    account_supplier_type_map.get(gle.account), due_date,
                    bill_no, bill_date, invoiced_amount, paid_amount,

                # Ageing
                if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
                    ageing_based_on_date = due_date
                    ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date

                row += get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on,

    return columns, data
Exemplo n.º 33
 def validate_amc_date(self):
   for d in getlist(self.doclist,'service_order_details'):
     if d.start_date and d.end_date:      # in AMC we don't require start_date and end_date
       if getdate(d.start_date) >= getdate(d.end_date):
         msgprint("End Date must be after Start Date in Item .")
         raise Exception
       if flt(d.no_of_visit) <= 0:
         msgprint("No of visit must be a positive value")
         raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 34
    def validate_for_items(self):
        check_list, flag = [], 0
        chk_dupl_itm = []
        # Sales Order Details Validations
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'sales_order_details'):
            if cstr(self.doc.quotation_no) == cstr(d.prevdoc_docname):
                flag = 1
            if d.prevdoc_docname:
                if self.doc.quotation_date and getdate(
                        self.doc.quotation_date) > getdate(
                        "Sales Order Date cannot be before Quotation Date")
                    raise Exception
                # validates whether quotation no in doctype and in table is same
                if not cstr(d.prevdoc_docname) == cstr(self.doc.quotation_no):
                        "Items in table does not belong to the Quotation No mentioned."
                    raise Exception

            # validates whether item is not entered twice
            e = [
                d.item_code, d.description, d.reserved_warehouse,
                d.prevdoc_docname or ''
            f = [d.item_code, d.description]

            #check item is stock item
            st_itm = sql(
                "select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'" %

            if st_itm and st_itm[0][0] == 'Yes':
                if e in check_list:
                    msgprint("Item %s has been entered twice." % d.item_code)
            elif st_itm and st_itm[0][0] == 'No':
                if f in chk_dupl_itm:
                    msgprint("Item %s has been entered twice." % d.item_code)

            # used for production plan
            d.transaction_date = self.doc.transaction_date
            d.delivery_date = self.doc.delivery_date

            # gets total projected qty of item in warehouse selected (this case arises when warehouse is selected b4 item)
            tot_avail_qty = sql(
                "select projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'"
                % (d.item_code, d.reserved_warehouse))
            d.projected_qty = tot_avail_qty and flt(tot_avail_qty[0][0]) or 0

        if flag == 0:
            msgprint("There are no items of the quotation selected.")
            raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 35
	def validate_mandatory(self):
		# validate transaction date v/s delivery date
		if self.doc.delivery_date:
			if getdate(self.doc.transaction_date) > getdate(self.doc.delivery_date):
				msgprint("Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Sales Order Date")
				raise Exception
		# amendment date is necessary if document is amended
		if self.doc.amended_from and not self.doc.amendment_date:
			msgprint("Please Enter Amendment Date")
			raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 36
	def set_last_contact_date(self):
		#if not self.doc.contact_date_ref:
		if self.doc.contact_date_ref and self.doc.contact_date_ref != self.doc.contact_date:
			if getdate(self.doc.contact_date_ref) < getdate(self.doc.contact_date):
				msgprint("Contact Date Cannot be before Last Contact Date")
				raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 37
 def validate_warranty_status(self):
     if (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of Warranty'
             and self.doc.warranty_expiry_date and getdate(
                 self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today()
         ) or (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under Warranty' and
               (not self.doc.warranty_expiry_date or getdate(
                   self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today())):
             self.doc.name + ": " +
             _("Warranty expiry date and maintenance status mismatched"))
Exemplo n.º 38
 def validate_amc_status(self):
     if (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of AMC'
             and self.doc.amc_expiry_date
             and getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today()
         ) or (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under AMC' and
               (not self.doc.amc_expiry_date or
                getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today())):
             self.doc.name + ": " +
             _("AMC expiry date and maintenance status mismatched"))
Exemplo n.º 39
def execute(filters=None):
    if not filters: filters = {}
    columns = get_columns()
    entries = get_gl_entries(filters)
    account_customer = dict(
        webnotes.conn.sql("""select account.name, customer.customer_name
		from `tabAccount` account, `tabCustomer` customer 
		where account.master_type="Customer" and customer.name=account.master_name"""

    entries_after_report_date = [[
        gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no
    ] for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, upto_report_date=False)]

    account_territory_map = get_account_territory_map()
    si_due_date_map = get_si_due_date_map()

    # Age of the invoice on this date
    age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
     and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")

    data = []
    for gle in entries:
        if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
          or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:

            due_date = (gle.voucher_type == "Sales Invoice") \
             and si_due_date_map.get(gle.voucher_no) or ""

            invoiced_amount = gle.debit > 0 and gle.debit or 0
            outstanding_amount = get_outstanding_amount(
                filters.get("report_date") or nowdate())

            if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
                payment_amount = invoiced_amount - outstanding_amount
                row = [
                    gle.posting_date, gle.account,
                    account_customer.get(gle.account, ""), gle.voucher_type,
                    gle.voucher_no, gle.remarks, due_date,
                    account_territory_map.get(gle.account), invoiced_amount,
                    payment_amount, outstanding_amount
                # Ageing
                if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
                    ageing_based_on_date = due_date
                    ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
                row += get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on,


    return columns, data
Exemplo n.º 40
 def create_schedule_list(self, start_date, end_date, no_of_visit):
     schedule_list = []
     start_date1 = start_date
     date_diff = (getdate(end_date) - getdate(start_date)).days
     add_by = date_diff / no_of_visit
     while (getdate(start_date1) < getdate(end_date)):
         start_date1 = add_days(start_date1, add_by)
         if len(schedule_list) < no_of_visit:
     return schedule_list
Exemplo n.º 41
	def check_stock_frozen_date(self):
		stock_frozen_upto = webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None, 'stock_frozen_upto') or ''
		if stock_frozen_upto:
			stock_auth_role = webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None,'stock_auth_role')
			if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) <= getdate(stock_frozen_upto) and not stock_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
				msgprint("You are not authorized to do / modify back dated stock entries before %s" % getdate(stock_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), raise_exception=StockFreezeError)

		stock_frozen_upto_days = int(webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None, 'stock_frozen_upto_days') or 0)
		if stock_frozen_upto_days:
			stock_auth_role = webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None,'stock_auth_role')
			older_than_x_days_ago = (add_days(getdate(self.doc.posting_date), stock_frozen_upto_days) <= date.today())
			if older_than_x_days_ago and not stock_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
				msgprint("You are not authorized to do / modify back dated stock entries older than %d days ago" %stock_frozen_upto_days, raise_exception=StockFreezeError)
Exemplo n.º 42
	def validate_po(self):
		# validate p.o date v/s delivery date
		if self.doc.po_date and self.doc.delivery_date and getdate(self.doc.po_date) > getdate(self.doc.delivery_date):
			msgprint("Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order Date")
			raise Exception	
		if self.doc.po_no and self.doc.customer:
			so = webnotes.conn.sql("select name from `tabSales Order` \
				where ifnull(po_no, '') = %s and name != %s and docstatus < 2\
				and customer = %s", (self.doc.po_no, self.doc.name, self.doc.customer))
			if so and so[0][0]:
				msgprint("""Another Sales Order (%s) exists against same PO No and Customer. 
					Please be sure, you are not making duplicate entry.""" % so[0][0])
Exemplo n.º 43
    def validate_warranty_status(self):
			validate warranty status	
        if (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of Warranty'
                and self.doc.warranty_expiry_date and getdate(
                    self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today()
            ) or (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under Warranty' and
                  (not self.doc.warranty_expiry_date or getdate(
                      self.doc.warranty_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today())):
                "Warranty expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify",
Exemplo n.º 44
	def check_freezing_date(self, adv_adj):
			Nobody can do GL Entries where posting date is before freezing date 
			except authorized person
		if not adv_adj:
			acc_frozen_upto = webnotes.conn.get_value('Global Defaults', None, 'acc_frozen_upto')
			if acc_frozen_upto:
				bde_auth_role = webnotes.conn.get_value( 'Global Defaults', None,'bde_auth_role')
				if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) <= getdate(acc_frozen_upto) \
						and not bde_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
					msgprint(_("You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ") + 
						getdate(acc_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), raise_exception=1)
Exemplo n.º 45
 def check_stock_frozen_date(self):
     stock_frozen_upto = webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None,
                                                 'stock_frozen_upto') or ''
     if stock_frozen_upto:
         stock_auth_role = webnotes.conn.get_value('Stock Settings', None,
         if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) <= getdate(
         ) and not stock_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
                 "You are not authorized to do / modify back dated stock entries before %s"
                 % getdate(stock_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'),
Exemplo n.º 46
 def validate_serial_no_warranty(self):
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
     if d.serial_no:
       dt = sql("select warranty_expiry_date, amc_expiry_date from `tabSerial No` where name = %s", d.serial_no, as_dict=1)
       if dt[0]['warranty_expiry_date']:
         if dt[0]['warranty_expiry_date'] >= getdate(d.start_date):
           msgprint("Serial no "+d.serial_no+" for item "+d.item_code+" is already under warranty till "+(dt[0]['warranty_expiry_date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+". You can schedule AMC start date after "+(dt[0]['warranty_expiry_date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
           raise Exception
       if dt[0]['amc_expiry_date']:
         if dt[0]['amc_expiry_date'] >= getdate(d.start_date):
           msgprint("Serial no "+d.serial_no+" for item "+d.item_code+" is already under AMC till "+(dt[0]['amc_expiry_date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+". You can schedule new AMC start date after "+(dt[0]['amc_expiry_date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
           raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 47
def check_freezing_date(posting_date, adv_adj=False):
		Nobody can do GL Entries where posting date is before freezing date 
		except authorized person
	if not adv_adj:
		acc_frozen_upto = webnotes.conn.get_value('Accounts Settings', None, 'acc_frozen_upto')
		if acc_frozen_upto:
			bde_auth_role = webnotes.conn.get_value( 'Accounts Settings', None,'bde_auth_role')
			if getdate(posting_date) <= getdate(acc_frozen_upto) \
					and not bde_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
				webnotes.throw(_("You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ")
					+ getdate(acc_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))
Exemplo n.º 48
    def validate(self):
        year_start_end_dates = webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select year_start_date, year_end_date 
			from `tabFiscal Year` where name=%s""", (self.doc.name))

        if year_start_end_dates:
            if getdate(
            ) != year_start_end_dates[0][0] or getdate(
                    self.doc.year_end_date) != year_start_end_dates[0][1]:
                    _("Cannot change Year Start Date and Year End Date \
					once the Fiscal Year is saved."))
Exemplo n.º 49
    def validate_amc_status(self):
			validate amc status
        if (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Out of AMC'
                and self.doc.amc_expiry_date
                and getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) >= datetime.date.today()
            ) or (self.doc.maintenance_status == 'Under AMC' and
                  (not self.doc.amc_expiry_date or
                   getdate(self.doc.amc_expiry_date) < datetime.date.today())):
                "AMC expiry date and maintenance status mismatch. Please verify",
Exemplo n.º 50
	def get_fy_details(self, fy_start):
		st = {'1st Jan':'01-01','1st Apr':'04-01','1st Jul':'07-01', '1st Oct': '10-01'}
		curr_year = getdate(nowdate()).year
		if cint(getdate(nowdate()).month) < cint((st[fy_start].split('-'))[0]):
			curr_year = getdate(nowdate()).year - 1
		stdt = cstr(curr_year)+'-'+cstr(st[fy_start])
		#eddt = sql("select DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(DATE_ADD('%s', INTERVAL 1 YEAR), INTERVAL 1 DAY),'%%d-%%m-%%Y')" % (stdt.split('-')[2]+ '-' + stdt.split('-')[1] + '-' + stdt.split('-')[0]))
		if(fy_start == '1st Jan'):
			fy = cstr(getdate(nowdate()).year)
			abbr = cstr(fy)[-2:]
			fy = cstr(curr_year) + '-' + cstr(curr_year+1)
			abbr = cstr(curr_year)[-2:] + '-' + cstr(curr_year+1)[-2:]
		return fy, stdt, abbr
Exemplo n.º 51
    def validate(self):
        if self.doc.exp_start_date and self.doc.exp_end_date and getdate(
                self.doc.exp_start_date) > getdate(self.doc.exp_end_date):
                "'Expected Start Date' can not be greater than 'Expected End Date'"
            raise Exception

        if self.doc.act_start_date and self.doc.act_end_date and getdate(
                self.doc.act_start_date) > getdate(self.doc.act_end_date):
                "'Actual Start Date' can not be greater than 'Actual End Date'"
            raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 52
 def check_freezing_date(self, adv_adj):
     if not adv_adj:
         acc_frozen_upto = get_value('Global Defaults', None,
         if acc_frozen_upto:
             bde_auth_role = get_value('Global Defaults', None,
             if getdate(self.doc.posting_date) <= getdate(
             ) and not bde_auth_role in webnotes.user.get_roles():
                     "You are not authorized to do/modify back dated accounting entries before %s."
                     % getdate(acc_frozen_upto).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'),
Exemplo n.º 53
    def get_payment_days(self, m):
        payment_days = m['month_days']
        emp = webnotes.conn.sql(
            "select date_of_joining, relieving_date from `tabEmployee` \
			where name = %s",

        if emp['relieving_date']:
            if getdate(
                    emp['relieving_date']) > m['month_start_date'] and getdate(
                        emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = getdate(emp['relieving_date']).day
            elif getdate(emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_start_date']:
                payment_days = 0

        if emp['date_of_joining']:
            if getdate(emp['date_of_joining']
                       ) > m['month_start_date'] and getdate(
                           emp['date_of_joining']) < m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = payment_days - getdate(
                    emp['date_of_joining']).day + 1
            elif getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) > m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = 0

        return payment_days
Exemplo n.º 54
def get_next_date(dt, mcount):
    import datetime
    m = getdate(dt).month + mcount
    y = getdate(dt).year
    d = getdate(dt).day
    if m > 12:
        m, y = m - 12, y + 1
        next_month_date = datetime.date(y, m, d)
        import calendar
        last_day = calendar.monthrange(y, m)[1]
        next_month_date = datetime.date(y, m, last_day)
    return next_month_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
Exemplo n.º 55
    def get_payment_days(self, m):
        payment_days = m['month_days']
        emp = webnotes.conn.sql(
            "select date_of_joining, relieving_date from `tabEmployee` \
			where name = %s",

        if emp['relieving_date']:
            if getdate(emp['relieving_date']) > m['month_start_date'] and \
             getdate(emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = getdate(emp['relieving_date']).day
            elif getdate(emp['relieving_date']) < m['month_start_date']:
                    _("Relieving Date of employee is ") +
                    cstr(emp['relieving_date'] +
                         _(". Please set status of the employee as 'Left'")),

        if emp['date_of_joining']:
            if getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) > m['month_start_date'] and \
             getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) < m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = payment_days - getdate(
                    emp['date_of_joining']).day + 1
            elif getdate(emp['date_of_joining']) > m['month_end_date']:
                payment_days = 0

        return payment_days
Exemplo n.º 56
def execute(filters=None):
    if not filters: filters = {}
    columns = get_columns()
    entries = get_gl_entries(filters)

    entries_after_report_date = [[
        gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no
    ] for gle in get_gl_entries(filters, upto_report_date=False)]

    account_territory_map = get_account_territory_map()
    si_due_date_map = get_si_due_date_map()

    # Age of the invoice on this date
    age_on = getdate(filters.get("report_date")) > getdate(nowdate()) \
     and nowdate() or filters.get("report_date")

    data = []
    for gle in entries:
        if cstr(gle.against_voucher) == gle.voucher_no or not gle.against_voucher \
          or [gle.against_voucher_type, gle.against_voucher] in entries_after_report_date:

            due_date = (gle.voucher_type == "Sales Invoice") \
             and si_due_date_map.get(gle.voucher_no) or ""

            invoiced_amount = gle.debit > 0 and gle.debit or 0
            payment_amount = get_payment_amount(
                filters.get("report_date") or nowdate(),
            outstanding_amount = invoiced_amount - payment_amount

            if abs(flt(outstanding_amount)) > 0.01:
                row = [
                    gle.posting_date, gle.account, gle.voucher_type,
                    gle.voucher_no, gle.remarks, due_date,
                    account_territory_map.get(gle.account), invoiced_amount,
                    payment_amount, outstanding_amount
                # Ageing
                if filters.get("ageing_based_on") == "Due Date":
                    ageing_based_on_date = due_date
                    ageing_based_on_date = gle.posting_date
                row += get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on,


    return columns, data
Exemplo n.º 57
def get_next_date(dt, mcount, day=None):
	import datetime
	month = getdate(dt).month + mcount
	year = getdate(dt).year
	if not day:
		day = getdate(dt).day
	if month > 12:
		month, year = m-12, y+1
		next_month_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
		import calendar
		last_day = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
		next_month_date = datetime.date(year, month, last_day)
	return next_month_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
Exemplo n.º 58
def get_ageing_data(ageing_based_on_date, age_on, outstanding_amount):
    val1 = val2 = val3 = val4 = diff = 0
    diff = age_on and ageing_based_on_date \
     and (getdate(age_on) - getdate(ageing_based_on_date)).days or 0

    if diff <= 30:
        val1 = outstanding_amount
    elif 30 < diff <= 60:
        val2 = outstanding_amount
    elif 60 < diff <= 90:
        val3 = outstanding_amount
    elif diff > 90:
        val4 = outstanding_amount

    return [diff, val1, val2, val3, val4]
Exemplo n.º 59
  def validate_first_entry(self,obj):
    if obj.doc.doctype == 'Purchase Invoice':
      supp_acc = obj.doc.credit_to
    elif obj.doc.doctype == 'Journal Voucher':
      supp_acc = obj.doc.supplier_account

    if obj.doc.ded_amount:
      # first pv
      first_pv = sql("select posting_date from `tabPurchase Invoice` where credit_to = '%s' and docstatus = 1 and tds_category = '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and tds_applicable = 'Yes' and (ded_amount != 0 or ded_amount is not null) order by posting_date asc limit 1"%(supp_acc, obj.doc.tds_category, obj.doc.fiscal_year))
      first_pv_date = first_pv and first_pv[0][0] or ''
      # first jv
      first_jv = sql("select posting_date from `tabJournal Voucher` where supplier_account = '%s'and docstatus = 1 and tds_category = '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and tds_applicable = 'Yes' and (ded_amount != 0 or ded_amount is not null) order by posting_date asc limit 1"%(supp_acc, obj.doc.tds_category, obj.doc.fiscal_year))
      first_jv_date = first_jv and first_jv[0][0] or ''

      #first tds voucher date
      first_tds_date = ''
      if first_pv_date and first_jv_date:
        first_tds_date = first_pv_date < first_jv_date and first_pv_date or first_jv_date
      elif first_pv_date:
        first_tds_date = first_pv_date
      elif first_jv_date:
        first_tds_date = first_jv_date

      if first_tds_date and getdate(obj.doc.posting_date) < first_tds_date:
        msgprint("First tds voucher for this category has been made already. Hence payable voucher cannot be made before posting date of first tds voucher ")
        raise Exception
Exemplo n.º 60
def get_next_date(dt, mcount, day=None):
    dt = getdate(dt)

    from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
    dt += relativedelta(months=mcount, day=day)

    return dt