Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_list(self):
     # TODO: no idea abount how proxy account are displayed
     for a in self.document.xpath('//a[@class="mainclic"]'):
         account = Account()
         account.currency = Currency.CUR_EUR
         account.id = unicode(a.find('span[@class="account-number"]').text)
         account._id = account.id
         account.label = unicode(a.find('span[@class="title"]').text)
         balance = a.find('span[@class="solde"]/label').text
         account.balance = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(balance))
         account.coming = NotAvailable
         if "Courant" in account.label:
             account.id = "CC-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_CHECKING
         elif "Livret A" in account.label:
             account.id = "LA-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_SAVINGS
         elif "Orange" in account.label:
             account.id = "LEO-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_SAVINGS
         elif "Durable" in account.label:
             account.id = "LDD-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_SAVINGS
         elif "Titres" in account.label:
             account.id = "TITRE-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_MARKET
         elif "PEA" in account.label:
             account.id = "PEA-" + account.id
             account.type = Account.TYPE_MARKET
         jid = self.document.find('//input[@name="javax.faces.ViewState"]')
         account._jid = jid.attrib['value']
         yield account
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_list(self):
        TABLE_XPATH = '//table[caption[@class="caption tdb-cartes-caption" or @class="ca-table caption"]]'

        cards_tables = self.document.xpath(TABLE_XPATH)

        currency = self.document.xpath('//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]')[0].replace("Montants en ", "") or None
        if cards_tables:
            self.logger.debug('There are several cards')
            xpaths = {
                '_id': './caption/span[@class="tdb-cartes-num"]',
                'label1': './caption/span[contains(@class, "tdb-cartes-carte")]',
                'label2': './caption/span[@class="tdb-cartes-prop"]',
                'balance': './/tr/td[@class="cel-num"]',
                'currency': '//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]',
                'link': './/tr//a/@href[contains(., "fwkaction=Detail")]',
            self.logger.debug('There is only one card')
            xpaths = {
                '_id': './/tr/td[@class="cel-texte"]',
                'label1': './/tr[@class="ligne-impaire ligne-bleu"]/th',
                'label2': './caption/span[@class="tdb-cartes-prop"]/b',
                'balance': './/tr[last()-1]/td[@class="cel-num"] | .//tr[last()-2]/td[@class="cel-num"]',
                'currency': '//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]',
            TABLE_XPATH = '(//table[@class="ca-table"])[1]'
            cards_tables = self.document.xpath(TABLE_XPATH)

        for table in cards_tables:
            get = lambda name: self.parser.tocleanstring(table.xpath(xpaths[name])[0])

            account = Account()
            account.type = account.TYPE_CARD
            account.id = ''.join(get('_id').split()[1:])
            account._id = ' '.join(get('_id').split()[1:])
            account.label = '%s - %s' % (get('label1'),
                                         re.sub('\s*-\s*$', '', get('label2')))
                account.balance = Decimal(Transaction.clean_amount(table.xpath(xpaths['balance'])[-1].text))
                account.currency = account.get_currency(self.document
                        .xpath(xpaths['currency'])[0].replace("Montants en ", ""))
                if not account.currency and currency:
                    account.currency = Account.get_currency(currency)
            except IndexError:
                account.balance = Decimal('0.0')

            if 'link' in xpaths:
                    account._link = table.xpath(xpaths['link'])[-1]
                except IndexError:
                    account._link = None
                    account._link = re.sub('[\n\r\t]+', '', account._link)
                account._link = self.url

            account._perimeter = self.browser.current_perimeter
            yield account
Exemplo n.º 3
 def iter_accounts(self):
     for classeur in self.doc.get('donnees', {}).get('classeurs', {}):
         title = classeur['title']
         for compte in classeur.get('comptes', []):
             a = Account()
             a.label = CleanText().filter(compte['libelle'])
             a._id = compte['id']
             a.iban = compte['iban'].replace(' ', '')
             # id based on iban to match ids in database.
             a.id = a.iban[4:-2] if len(a.iban) == 27 else a.iban
             a.type = self.obj_type(a.label)
             a._agency = compte['agenceGestionnaire']
             a._title = title
             yield a
Exemplo n.º 4
 def iter_accounts(self):
     for classeur in self.doc['donnees']['classeurs']:
         title = classeur['title']
         for compte in classeur['comptes']:
             a = Account()
             a.label = compte['libelle']
             a._id = compte['id']
             a.iban = compte['iban'].replace(' ', '')
             # id based on iban to match ids in database.
             a.id = a.iban[4:-2]
             a.type = Account.TYPE_CHECKING
             a._agency = compte['agenceGestionnaire']
             a._title = title
             yield a
Exemplo n.º 5
 def iter_accounts(self):
     for classeur in self.doc.get('donnees', {}).get('classeurs', {}):
         title = classeur['title']
         for compte in classeur.get('comptes', []):
             a = Account()
             a.label = CleanText().filter(compte['libelle'])
             a._id = compte['id']
             a.type = self.obj_type(a.label)
             a.number = compte['iban'].replace(' ', '')
             # for some account that don't have Iban the account number is store under this variable in the Json
             if not is_iban_valid(a.number):
                 a.iban = NotAvailable
                 a.iban = a.number
             # id based on iban to match ids in database.
             a.id = a.number[4:-2] if len(a.number) == 27 else a.number
             a._agency = compte['agenceGestionnaire']
             a._title = title
             yield a
Exemplo n.º 6
 def iter_accounts(self):
     for classeur in self.doc.get('donnees', {}).get('classeurs', {}):
         title = classeur['title']
         for compte in classeur.get('comptes', []):
             a = Account()
             a.label = CleanText().filter(compte['libelle'])
             a._id = compte['id']
             a.type = self.obj_type(a.label)
             a.number = compte['iban'].replace(' ', '')
             # for some account that don't have Iban the account number is store under this variable in the Json
             if not is_iban_valid(a.number):
                 a.iban = NotAvailable
                 a.iban = a.number
             # id based on iban to match ids in database.
             a.id = a.number[4:-2] if len(a.number) == 27 else a.number
             a._agency = compte['agenceGestionnaire']
             a._title = title
             yield a
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_list(self):
        TABLE_XPATH = '//table[caption[@class="caption tdb-cartes-caption" or @class="ca-table caption"]]'

        cards_tables = self.document.xpath(TABLE_XPATH)

        currency = self.document.xpath(
            '//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]'
        )[0].replace("Montants en ", "") or None
        if cards_tables:
            self.logger.debug('There are several cards')
            xpaths = {
                '_id': './caption/span[@class="tdb-cartes-num"]',
                './caption/span[contains(@class, "tdb-cartes-carte")]',
                'label2': './caption/span[@class="tdb-cartes-prop"]',
                'balance': './/tr/td[@class="cel-num"]',
                '//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]',
                'link': './/tr//a/@href[contains(., "fwkaction=Detail")]',
            self.logger.debug('There is only one card')
            xpaths = {
                './/tr[@class="ligne-impaire ligne-bleu"]/th',
                './/tr[last()-1]/td[@class="cel-num"] | .//tr[last()-2]/td[@class="cel-num"]',
                '//table/caption//span/text()[starts-with(.,"Montants en ")]',
            TABLE_XPATH = '(//table[@class="ca-table"])[1]'
            cards_tables = self.document.xpath(TABLE_XPATH)

        for table in cards_tables:
            get = lambda name: self.parser.tocleanstring(

            account = Account()
            account.type = account.TYPE_CARD
            account.id = ''.join(get('_id').split()[1:])
            account._id = ' '.join(get('_id').split()[1:])
            account.label = '%s - %s' % (get('label1'),
                                         re.sub('\s*-\s*$', '', get('label2')))
                account.balance = Decimal(
                account.currency = account.get_currency(
                        "Montants en ", ""))
                if not account.currency and currency:
                    account.currency = Account.get_currency(currency)
            except IndexError:
                account.balance = Decimal('0.0')

            if 'link' in xpaths:
                    account._link = table.xpath(xpaths['link'])[-1]
                except IndexError:
                    account._link = None
                    account._link = re.sub('[\n\r\t]+', '', account._link)
                account._link = self.url

            account._perimeter = self.browser.current_perimeter
            yield account