Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_movie(self, id):
        params = [('partner', self.PARTNER_KEY),
                  ('code', id),
                  ('profile', 'large'),
                  ('mediafmt', 'mp4-lc'),
                  ('filter', 'movie'),
                  ('striptags', 'synopsis,synopsisshort'),
                  ('format', 'json')]

        res = self.__do_request('movie', params)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            if 'movie' in jres:
                jres = jres['movie']
                return None
            return None
        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'originalTitle' not in jres:
        title = unicode(jres['originalTitle'].strip())
        if 'poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['poster']['href'])
        if 'genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['genre']:
        if 'runtime' in jres:
            nbsecs = jres['runtime']
            duration = nbsecs / 60
        if 'release' in jres:
            dstr = str(jres['release']['releaseDate'])
            tdate = dstr.split('-')
            day = 1
            month = 1
            year = 1901
            if len(tdate) > 2:
                year = int(tdate[0])
                month = int(tdate[1])
                day = int(tdate[2])
            release_date = datetime(year, month, day)
        if 'nationality' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['nationality']:
                country += '%s, ' % c['$']
            country = country.strip(', ')
        if 'synopsis' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['synopsis'])
        if 'statistics' in jres and 'userRating' in jres['statistics']:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (jres['statistics']['userRating'], jres['statistics']['userReviewCount'])
        if 'castMember' in jres:
            for cast in jres['castMember']:
                if cast['activity']['$'] not in roles:
                    roles[cast['activity']['$']] = []

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.open(
            'http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=b7c56eb5&i=%s&plot=full' % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = res.json()
            return None
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()

        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'Title' not in jres:
        title = htmlparser.unescape(unicode(jres['Title'].strip()))
        if 'Poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['Poster'])
        if 'Director' in jres:
            short_description = unicode(jres['Director'])
        if 'Genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['Genre'].split(', '):
        if 'Runtime' in jres:
            m = re.search('(\d+?) min', jres['Runtime'])
            if m:
                duration = int(m.group(1))
        if 'Released' in jres:
            released_string = str(jres['Released'])
            if released_string == 'N/A':
                release_date = NotAvailable
                months = {
                    'Jan': '01',
                    'Feb': '02',
                    'Mar': '03',
                    'Apr': '04',
                    'May': '05',
                    'Jun': '06',
                    'Jul': '07',
                    'Aug': '08',
                    'Sep': '09',
                    'Oct': '10',
                    'Nov': '11',
                    'Dec': '12',
                for st in months:
                    released_string = released_string.replace(st, months[st])
                release_date = datetime.strptime(released_string, '%d %m %Y')
        if 'Country' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['Country'].split(', '):
                country += '%s, ' % c
            country = country[:-2]
        if 'Plot' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['Plot'])
        if 'imdbRating' in jres and 'imdbVotes' in jres:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (jres['imdbRating'],
        for r in ['Actors', 'Director', 'Writer']:
            if '%s' % r in jres.keys():
                roles['%s' % r] = [('N/A', e)
                                   for e in jres['%s' % r].split(', ')]

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.readurl(
            'http://imdbapi.org/?id=%s&type=json&plot=simple&episode=1&lang=en-US&aka=full&release=simple&business=0&tech=0' % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            return None
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()

        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'title' not in jres:
        title = htmlparser.unescape(unicode(jres['title'].strip()))
        if 'poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['poster'])
        if 'directors' in jres:
            short_description = unicode(', '.join(jres['directors']))
        if 'genres' in jres:
            for g in jres['genres']:
        if 'runtime' in jres:
            dur_str = jres['runtime'][0].split(':')
            if len(dur_str) == 1:
                duration = int(dur_str[0].split()[0])
                duration = int(dur_str[1].split()[0])
        if 'also_known_as' in jres:
            for other_t in jres['also_known_as']:
                if 'country' in other_t and 'title' in other_t:
                    other_titles.append('%s : %s' % (other_t['country'], htmlparser.unescape(other_t['title'])))
        if 'release_date' in jres:
            dstr = str(jres['release_date'])
            year = int(dstr[:4])
            if year == 0:
                year = 1
            month = int(dstr[4:5])
            if month == 0:
                month = 1
            day = int(dstr[-2:])
            if day == 0:
                day = 1
            release_date = datetime(year, month, day)
        if 'country' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['country']:
                country += '%s, ' % c
            country = country[:-2]
        if 'plot_simple' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['plot_simple'])
        if 'rating' in jres and 'rating_count' in jres:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (jres['rating'], jres['rating_count'])
        for r in ['actor', 'director', 'writer']:
            if '%ss' % r in jres:
                roles['%s' % r] = list(jres['%ss' % r])

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_movie(self, id):
        params = [('partner', self.PARTNER_KEY), ('code', id),
                  ('profile', 'large'), ('mediafmt', 'mp4-lc'),
                  ('filter', 'movie'), ('striptags', 'synopsis,synopsisshort'),
                  ('format', 'json')]

        jres = self.__do_request('movie', params)
        if jres is not None:
            if 'movie' in jres:
                jres = jres['movie']
                return None
            return None
        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'originalTitle' not in jres:
        title = unicode(jres['originalTitle'].strip())
        if 'poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['poster']['href'])
        if 'genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['genre']:
        if 'runtime' in jres:
            nbsecs = jres['runtime']
            duration = nbsecs / 60
        if 'release' in jres:
            dstr = str(jres['release']['releaseDate'])
            tdate = dstr.split('-')
            day = 1
            month = 1
            year = 1901
            if len(tdate) > 2:
                year = int(tdate[0])
                month = int(tdate[1])
                day = int(tdate[2])
            release_date = datetime(year, month, day)
        if 'nationality' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['nationality']:
                country += '%s, ' % c['$']
            country = country.strip(', ')
        if 'synopsis' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['synopsis'])
        if 'statistics' in jres and 'userRating' in jres['statistics']:
            note = u'%s/5 (%s votes)' % (jres['statistics']['userRating'],
        if 'castMember' in jres:
            for cast in jres['castMember']:
                if cast['activity']['$'] not in roles:
                    roles[cast['activity']['$']] = []
                person_to_append = (u'%s' % cast['person']['code'],

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.open('http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=b7c56eb5&i=%s&plot=full' % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = res.json()
            return None
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()

        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'Title' not in jres:
        title = htmlparser.unescape(unicode(jres['Title'].strip()))
        if 'Poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['Poster'])
        if 'Director' in jres:
            short_description = unicode(jres['Director'])
        if 'Genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['Genre'].split(', '):
        if 'Runtime' in jres:
            m = re.search('(\d+?) min', jres['Runtime'])
            if m:
                duration = int(m.group(1))
        if 'Released' in jres:
            released_string = str(jres['Released'])
            if released_string == 'N/A':
                release_date = NotAvailable
                months = {
                for st in months:
                    released_string = released_string.replace(st,months[st])
                release_date = datetime.strptime(released_string, '%d %m %Y')
        if 'Country' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['Country'].split(', '):
                country += '%s, ' % c
            country = country[:-2]
        if 'Plot' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['Plot'])
        if 'imdbRating' in jres and 'imdbVotes' in jres:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (jres['imdbRating'], jres['imdbVotes'])
        for r in ['Actors', 'Director', 'Writer']:
            if '%s' % r in jres.keys():
                roles['%s' % r] = [('N/A',e) for e in jres['%s' % r].split(', ')]

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.readurl(
            % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            if 'movie' in jres:
                jres = jres['movie']
                return None
            return None
        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'originalTitle' not in jres:
        title = unicode(jres['originalTitle'].strip())
        if 'poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['poster']['href'])
        if 'genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['genre']:
        if 'runtime' in jres:
            nbsecs = jres['runtime']
            duration = nbsecs / 60
        if 'release' in jres:
            dstr = str(jres['release']['releaseDate'])
            tdate = dstr.split('-')
            day = 1
            month = 1
            year = 1901
            if len(tdate) > 2:
                year = int(tdate[0])
                month = int(tdate[1])
                day = int(tdate[2])
            release_date = datetime(year, month, day)
        if 'nationality' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['nationality']:
                country += '%s, ' % c['$']
            country = country.strip(', ')
        if 'synopsis' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['synopsis'])
        if 'statistics' in jres and 'userRating' in jres['statistics']:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (
        if 'castMember' in jres:
            for cast in jres['castMember']:
                if cast['activity']['$'] not in roles:
                    roles[cast['activity']['$']] = []

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.readurl('http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=%s&plot=full' % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            return None
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()

        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if 'Title' not in jres:
        title = htmlparser.unescape(unicode(jres['Title'].strip()))
        if 'Poster' in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres['Poster'])
        if 'Director' in jres:
            short_description = unicode(jres['Director'])
        if 'Genre' in jres:
            for g in jres['Genre'].split(', '):
        if 'Runtime' in jres:
            m = re.search('(\d+?) min', jres['Runtime'])
            if m:
                duration = int(m.group(1))
        if 'Released' in jres:
            release_date = datetime.strptime(str(jres['Released']), '%d %b %Y')
        if 'Country' in jres:
            country = u''
            for c in jres['Country'].split(', '):
                country += '%s, ' % c
            country = country[:-2]
        if 'Plot' in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres['Plot'])
        if 'imdbRating' in jres and 'imdbVotes' in jres:
            note = u'%s/10 (%s votes)' % (jres['imdbRating'], jres['imdbVotes'])
        for r in ['Actors', 'Director', 'Writer']:
            if '%s' % r in jres.keys():
                roles['%s' % r] = jres['%s' % r].split(', ')

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_movie(self, id):
        params = [
            ("partner", self.PARTNER_KEY),
            ("code", id),
            ("profile", "large"),
            ("mediafmt", "mp4-lc"),
            ("filter", "movie"),
            ("striptags", "synopsis,synopsisshort"),
            ("format", "json"),

        res = self.__do_request("movie", params)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            if "movie" in jres:
                jres = jres["movie"]
                return None
            return None
        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if "originalTitle" not in jres:
        title = unicode(jres["originalTitle"].strip())
        if "poster" in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres["poster"]["href"])
        if "genre" in jres:
            for g in jres["genre"]:
        if "runtime" in jres:
            nbsecs = jres["runtime"]
            duration = nbsecs / 60
        if "release" in jres:
            dstr = str(jres["release"]["releaseDate"])
            tdate = dstr.split("-")
            day = 1
            month = 1
            year = 1901
            if len(tdate) > 2:
                year = int(tdate[0])
                month = int(tdate[1])
                day = int(tdate[2])
            release_date = datetime(year, month, day)
        if "nationality" in jres:
            country = u""
            for c in jres["nationality"]:
                country += "%s, " % c["$"]
            country = country.strip(", ")
        if "synopsis" in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres["synopsis"])
        if "statistics" in jres and "userRating" in jres["statistics"]:
            note = u"%s/10 (%s votes)" % (jres["statistics"]["userRating"], jres["statistics"]["userReviewCount"])
        if "castMember" in jres:
            for cast in jres["castMember"]:
                if cast["activity"]["$"] not in roles:
                    roles[cast["activity"]["$"]] = []
                person_to_append = (u"%s" % cast["person"]["code"], cast["person"]["name"])

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_movie(self, id):
        res = self.readurl("http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=%s&plot=full" % id)
        if res is not None:
            jres = json.loads(res)
            return None
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()

        title = NotAvailable
        duration = NotAvailable
        release_date = NotAvailable
        pitch = NotAvailable
        country = NotAvailable
        note = NotAvailable
        short_description = NotAvailable
        thumbnail_url = NotAvailable
        other_titles = []
        genres = []
        roles = {}

        if "Title" not in jres:
        title = htmlparser.unescape(unicode(jres["Title"].strip()))
        if "Poster" in jres:
            thumbnail_url = unicode(jres["Poster"])
        if "Director" in jres:
            short_description = unicode(jres["Director"])
        if "Genre" in jres:
            for g in jres["Genre"].split(", "):
        if "Runtime" in jres:
            m = re.search("(\d+?) min", jres["Runtime"])
            if m:
                duration = int(m.group(1))
        if "Released" in jres:
            release_date = datetime.strptime(str(jres["Released"]), "%d %b %Y")
        if "Country" in jres:
            country = u""
            for c in jres["Country"].split(", "):
                country += "%s, " % c
            country = country[:-2]
        if "Plot" in jres:
            pitch = unicode(jres["Plot"])
        if "imdbRating" in jres and "imdbVotes" in jres:
            note = u"%s/10 (%s votes)" % (jres["imdbRating"], jres["imdbVotes"])
        for r in ["Actors", "Director", "Writer"]:
            if "%s" % r in jres.keys():
                roles["%s" % r] = jres["%s" % r].split(", ")

        movie = Movie(id, title)
        movie.other_titles = other_titles
        movie.release_date = release_date
        movie.duration = duration
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.pitch = pitch
        movie.country = country
        movie.note = note
        movie.roles = roles
        movie.short_description = short_description
        movie.all_release_dates = NotLoaded
        movie.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
        return movie