Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_list(self):
        accounts = OrderedDict()

        for tr in self.document.getiterator('tr'):
            first_td = tr.getchildren()[0]
            if (first_td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'i g' or first_td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'p g') \
               and first_td.find('a') is not None:

                a = first_td.find('a')
                link = a.get('href', '')
                if link.startswith('POR_SyntheseLst'):

                url = urlparse(link)
                p = parse_qs(url.query)
                if not 'rib' in p:

                for i in (2,1):
                    balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(tr.getchildren()[i].text.strip(' EUR'))
                    if len(balance) > 0:
                balance = Decimal(balance)

                id = p['rib'][0]
                if id in accounts:
                    account = accounts[id]
                    if not account.coming:
                        account.coming = Decimal('0.0')
                    account.coming += balance

                account = Account()
                account.id = id
                account.label = unicode(a.text).strip().lstrip(' 0123456789').title()
                account._link_id = link
                account._card_links = []

                account.balance = balance

                accounts[account.id] = account

        return accounts.itervalues()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        fields = [(field_name, attrs.pop(field_name)) for field_name, obj in attrs.items() if isinstance(obj, Field)]
        fields.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]._creation_counter)

        new_class = super(_BaseObjectMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        if new_class._fields is None:
            new_class._fields = OrderedDict()
            new_class._fields = deepcopy(new_class._fields)

        if new_class.__doc__ is None:
            new_class.__doc__ = ''
        for name, field in fields:
            doc = '(%s) %s' % (', '.join([':class:`%s`' % v.__name__ if isinstance(v,type) else v for v in field.types]), field.doc)
            if field.value is not NotLoaded:
                doc += ' (default: %s)' % field.value
            new_class.__doc__ += '\n:var %s: %s' % (name, doc)
        return new_class
Exemplo n.º 3
class GanAssurancesModule(Module, CapBank):
    NAME = 'ganassurances'
    MAINTAINER = u'Romain Bignon'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '1.2'
    DESCRIPTION = u'Groupama'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    website_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s (%s)' % (v, k))
        for k, v in sorted({
            'espaceclient.groupama.fr': u'Groupama Banque',
            'espaceclient.ganassurances.fr': u'Gan Assurances',
                           key=lambda k_v: (k_v[1], k_v[0]))
    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        ValueBackendPassword('login', label=u'Numéro client', masked=False),
        ValueBackendPassword('password', label=u"Code d'accès"))
    BROWSER = GanAssurances

    def create_default_browser(self):
        return self.create_browser(self.config['website'].get(),

    def iter_accounts(self):
        return self.browser.get_accounts_list()

    def get_account(self, _id):
        return find_object(self.browser.get_accounts_list(),

    def iter_history(self, account):
        return self.browser.get_history(account)

    def iter_coming(self, account):
        return self.browser.get_coming(account)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_accounts(self):
     accounts = OrderedDict()
     for table in self.document.getiterator('table'):
         if table.attrib.get('cellspacing') == '2':
             for tr in table.cssselect('tr.hdoc1, tr.hdotc1'):
                 tds = tr.findall('td')
                 id = tds[1].text.replace(u'\xa0', u'')
                 label = tds[0].text
                 if label is None and tds[0].find('nobr') is not None:
                     label = tds[0].find('nobr').text
                 send_checkbox = tds[4].find(
                     'input').attrib['value'] if tds[4].find(
                         'input') is not None else None
                 receive_checkbox = tds[5].find(
                     'input').attrib['value'] if tds[5].find(
                         'input') is not None else None
                 account = Account(id, label, send_checkbox,
                 accounts[id] = account
     return accounts
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_transfer_target_accounts(self):
     target_accounts = OrderedDict()
     for select in self.document.xpath('//select'):
         if not select.attrib.get(
                 'id', '') == 'compte-emmet' and not select.attrib.get(
                     'id', '') == 'devise':
             count = select.xpath('count(//option)')
             j = 1
             for i in range(1, int(count)):
                 opttextraw = select.xpath('//option[%s]/text()' % i)
                 optvalueraw = select.xpath('//option[%s]/@value' % i)
                 for opttext in opttextraw:
                     s = re.search('^\s*(.*)\s*(\w{2,}\d{14,})', opttext)
                     if not (s is None):
                         target_account_value = j
                         j = j + 1
                         account = Account_perso(target_account_value,
                         target_accounts[target_account_value] = account
     return target_accounts
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_list(self):
        accounts = OrderedDict()

        # Old website
        for table in self.document.xpath('//table[@cellpadding="1"]'):
            account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            for tr in table.xpath('./tr'):
                tds = tr.findall('td')
                if tr.attrib.get('class', '') == 'DataGridHeader':
                    account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(tds[1].text.strip(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                    # On the same row, there are many accounts (for example a
                    # check accound and a card one).
                    for i, a in enumerate(tds[2].xpath('./a')):
                        label = self.parser.tocleanstring(a)
                        balance = self.parser.tocleanstring(tds[-2].xpath('./a')[i])
                        self._add_account(accounts, a, label, account_type, balance)

        if len(accounts) == 0:
            # New website
            for table in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="panel"]'):
                title = table.getprevious()
                if title is None:
                account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(self.parser.tocleanstring(title), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                for tr in table.xpath('.//tr'):
                    tds = tr.findall('td')
                    for i in xrange(len(tds)):
                        a = tds[i].find('a')
                        if a is not None:

                    if a is None:

                    label = self.parser.tocleanstring(tds[0])
                    balance = self.parser.tocleanstring(tds[-1])

                    self._add_account(accounts, a, label, account_type, balance)

        return accounts.itervalues()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def do_list(self, line):
        list [CAPS ..]

        Show backends.
        caps = line.split()
        for instance_name, name, params in sorted(
            module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(name)
            if caps and not module.has_caps(*caps):
            row = OrderedDict([('Name', instance_name),
                               ('Module', name),
                               ('Configuration', ', '.join(
                                   '%s=%s' % (key, ('*****' if key in module.config and module.config[key].masked \
                                                    else value)) \
                                   for key, value in params.iteritems())),
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_accounts(self):
     accounts = OrderedDict()
     first = True
     for table in self.document.xpath('//table[@class="tableCompte"]'):
         if first:
             first = False
             for tr in table.cssselect('tr.hdoc1, tr.hdotc1'):
                 tds = tr.findall('td')
                 id = tds[1].text.replace(u'\xa0', u'')
                 label = tds[0].text.replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
                 if label is None and tds[0].find('nobr') is not None:
                     label = tds[0].find('nobr').text
                 send_checkbox = tds[4].find(
                     'input').attrib['value'] if tds[4].find(
                         'input') is not None else None
                 receive_checkbox = tds[5].find(
                     'input').attrib['value'] if tds[5].find(
                         'input') is not None else None
                 account = Account(id, label, send_checkbox,
                 accounts[id] = account
     return accounts
Exemplo n.º 9
class NewspaperPresseuropBrowser(BaseBrowser):
    "NewspaperPresseuropBrowser class"
    PAGES = OrderedDict((
        ("http://www.presseurop.eu/.*/todays-front-pages/.*", DailyTitlesPage),
        ("http://www.presseurop.eu/.*/front-page/.*", DailyTitlesPage),
        ("http://www.presseurop.eu/.*/cartoon/.*", CartoonPage),
        ("http://www.presseurop.eu/.*", PresseuropPage),

    def is_logged(self):
        return False

    def login(self):

    def fillobj(self, obj, fields):

    def get_content(self, _id):
        "return page article content"
        return self.page.get_article(_id)
Exemplo n.º 10
class Contact(CapBaseObject):
    A contact.
    STATUS_ONLINE = 0x001
    STATUS_AWAY = 0x002
    STATUS_OFFLINE = 0x004
    STATUS_ALL = 0xfff

    name = StringField('Name of contact')
    status = IntField('Status of contact (STATUS_* constants)')
    url = StringField('URL to the profile of contact')
    status_msg = StringField('Message of status')
    summary = StringField('Description of contact')
    photos = Field('List of photos', dict, default=OrderedDict())
    profile = Field('Contact profile', dict)

    def __init__(self, id, name, status):
        CapBaseObject.__init__(self, id)
        self.name = name
        self.status = status

    def set_photo(self, name, **kwargs):
        Set photo of contact.

        :param name: name of photo
        :type name: str
        :param kwargs: See :class:`ContactPhoto` to know what other parameters you can use
        if not name in self.photos:
            self.photos[name] = ContactPhoto(name)

        photo = self.photos[name]
        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            setattr(photo, key, value)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def do_list(self, line):
        list [CAPS ..]

        Show backends.
        caps = line.split()
        for backend_name, module_name, params in sorted(self.weboob.backends_config.iter_backends()):
                module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(module_name)
            except ModuleLoadError as e:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to load module %r: %s' % (module_name, e))

            if caps and not module.has_caps(*caps):
            row = OrderedDict([('Name', backend_name),
                               ('Module', module_name),
                               ('Configuration', ', '.join(
                                   '%s=%s' % (key, ('*****' if key in module.config and module.config[key].masked
                                                    else value))
                                   for key, value in params.iteritems())),
Exemplo n.º 12
class Contact(BaseObject):
    A contact.
    STATUS_ONLINE = 0x001
    STATUS_AWAY = 0x002
    STATUS_OFFLINE = 0x004
    STATUS_ALL = 0xfff

    name = StringField('Name of contact')
    status = IntField('Status of contact (STATUS_* constants)')
    status_msg = StringField('Message of status')
    summary = StringField('Description of contact')
    photos = Field('List of photos', dict, default=OrderedDict())
    profile = Field('Contact profile', dict, default=OrderedDict())

    def __init__(self, id, name, status, url=None):
        BaseObject.__init__(self, id, url)
        self.name = name
        self.status = status

    def set_photo(self, name, **kwargs):
        Set photo of contact.

        :param name: name of photo
        :type name: str
        :param kwargs: See :class:`ContactPhoto` to know what other parameters you can use
        if name not in self.photos:
            self.photos[name] = ContactPhoto(name)

        photo = self.photos[name]
        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            setattr(photo, key, value)

    def get_text(self):
        def print_node(node, level=1):
            result = u''
            if node.flags & node.SECTION:
                result += u'\t' * level + node.label + '\n'
                for sub in node.value.itervalues():
                    result += print_node(sub, level + 1)
                if isinstance(node.value, (tuple, list)):
                    value = ', '.join(unicode(v) for v in node.value)
                elif isinstance(node.value, float):
                    value = '%.2f' % node.value
                    value = node.value
                result += u'\t' * level + u'%-20s %s\n' % (node.label + ':',
            return result

        result = u'Nickname: %s\n' % self.name
        if self.status & Contact.STATUS_ONLINE:
            s = 'online'
        elif self.status & Contact.STATUS_OFFLINE:
            s = 'offline'
        elif self.status & Contact.STATUS_AWAY:
            s = 'away'
            s = 'unknown'
        result += u'Status: %s (%s)\n' % (s, self.status_msg)
        result += u'URL: %s\n' % self.url
        result += u'Photos:\n'
        for name, photo in self.photos.iteritems():
            result += u'\t%s%s\n' % (photo,
                                     ' (hidden)' if photo.hidden else '')
        result += u'\nProfile:\n'
        for head in self.profile.itervalues():
            result += print_node(head)
        result += u'Description:\n'
        for s in self.summary.split('\n'):
            result += u'\t%s\n' % s
        return result
Exemplo n.º 13
class AgendadulibreModule(Module, CapCalendarEvent):
    NAME = 'agendadulibre'
    DESCRIPTION = u'agendadulibre website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    VERSION = '1.2'
    BROWSER = AgendadulibreBrowser

    region_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s (%s)' % (v, k))
        for k, v in sorted({
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org": u'--France--',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#1": u'Alsace',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#2": u'Aquitaine',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#3": u'Auvergne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#4": u'Basse-Normandie',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#5": u'Bourgogne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#6": u'Bretagne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#7": u'Centre',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#8": u'Champagne-Ardenne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#9": u'Corse',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#10": u'Franche-Comté',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#23": u'Guadeloupe',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#24": u'Guyane',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#11": u'Haute-Normandie',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#12": u'Île-de-France',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#13": u'Languedoc-Roussillon',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#14": u'Limousin',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#15": u'Lorraine',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#25": u'Martinique',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#16": u'Midi-Pyrénées',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#17": u'Nord-Pas-de-Calais',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#18": u'Pays de la Loire',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#19": u'Picardie',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#20": u'Poitou-Charentes',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#21": u'Provence-Alpes-Côte d\'Azur',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#26": u'Réunion',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.org#22": u'Rhône-Alpes',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be": u'--Belgique--',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#11": u'Antwerpen',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#10": u'Brabant wallon',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#9": u'Bruxelles-Capitale',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#8": u'Hainaut',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#7": u'Liege',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#6": u'Limburg',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#5": u'Luxembourg',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#4": u'Namur',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#3": u'Oost-Vlaanderen',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#2": u'Vlaams-Brabant',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.be#1": u'West-Vlaanderen',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch": u'--Suisse--',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#15": u'Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#16": u'Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#19": u'Argovie',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#13": u'Bâle-Campagne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#12": u'Bâle-Ville',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#2": u'Berne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#10": u'Fribourg',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#25": u'Genève',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#8": u'Glaris',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#18": u'Grisons',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#26": u'Jura',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#3": u'Lucerne',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#24": u'Neuchâtel',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#7": u'Nidwald',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#6": u'Obwald',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#17": u'Saint-Gall',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#14": u'Schaffhouse',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#5": u'Schwytz',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#11": u'Soleure',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#21": u'Tessin',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#20": u'Thurgovie',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#4": u'Uri',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#23": u'Valais',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#22": u'Vaud',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#9": u'Zoug',
            "http://www.agendadulibre.ch#1": u'Zurich',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        Value('region', label=u'Region', choices=region_choices))

    def create_default_browser(self):
        choice = self.config['region'].get().split('#')
        selected_region = '' if len(choice) < 2 else choice[-1]
        return self.create_browser(website=choice[0], region=selected_region)

    def search_events(self, query):
        return self.browser.list_events(query.start_date, query.end_date,
                                        query.city, query.categories)

    def list_events(self, date_from, date_to=None):
        return self.browser.list_events(date_from, date_to)

    def get_event(self, event_id):
        return self.browser.get_event(event_id)

    def fill_obj(self, event, fields):
        event = self.browser.get_event(event.id, event)
        choice = self.config['region'].get().split('#')
        selected_region = '' if len(choice) < 2 else choice[-1]
        if selected_region == '23':
            event.timezone = 'America/Guadeloupe'
        elif selected_region == '24':
            event.timezone = 'America/Guyana'
        elif selected_region == '26':
            event.timezone = 'Indian/Reunion'
        elif selected_region == '25':
            event.timezone = 'America/Martinique'
            event.timezone = 'Europe/Paris'
        return event

    OBJECTS = {AgendadulibreBrowser: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, info):
        status = Contact.STATUS_OFFLINE
        last_seen = parse_date(info['modification_date'])
        if last_seen >= datetime.datetime.now(
                tzlocal()) - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30):
            status = Contact.STATUS_ONLINE

        super(HappnContact, self).__init__(info['id'], info['display_name'],

        self.summary = info['about']
        for photo in info['profiles']:
            self.set_photo(photo['id'], url=photo['url'])
        self.status_msg = u'Last seen at %s' % last_seen.strftime(
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        self.url = NotAvailable

        self.profile = OrderedDict()

        self.set_profile('info', 'id', info['id'])
            'info', 'full_name',
            ' '.join([info['first_name'] or '', info['last_name']
                      or '']).strip())
        if info['fb_id'] is not None:
                'info', 'facebook',
                % info['fb_id'])
        if info['twitter_id'] is not None:
            self.set_profile('info', 'twitter', info['twitter_id'])
        self.set_profile('stats', 'accepted', info['is_accepted'])
        self.set_profile('stats', 'charmed', info['is_charmed'])
        self.set_profile('stats', 'unread_conversations',
        self.set_profile('stats', 'credits', info['credits'])
        if info['last_meet_position'] is not None:
                'geoloc', 'last_meet',
                'https://www.google.com/maps/place//@%s,%s,17z' %
        if info['distance'] is not None:
            self.set_profile('geoloc', 'distance',
                             '%.2f km' % (info['distance'] / 1000.0))
        self.set_profile('details', 'gender', info['gender'])
        self.set_profile('details', 'age', '%s yo' % info['age'])
        self.set_profile('details', 'birthday', info['birth_date'])
        self.set_profile('details', 'job', info['job'])
        self.set_profile('details', 'company', info['workplace'])
        self.set_profile('details', 'school', info['school'])
        if info['matching_preferences'] is not None:
            self.set_profile('settings', 'age_min',
                             '%s yo' % info['matching_preferences']['age_min'])
            self.set_profile('settings', 'age_max',
                             '%s yo' % info['matching_preferences']['age_max'])
            self.set_profile('settings', 'distance',
                             '%s m' % info['matching_preferences']['distance'])
            self.set_profile('settings', 'female',
            self.set_profile('settings', 'male',
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(ListElement, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.logger = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__.lower())
     self.objects = OrderedDict()
Exemplo n.º 16
class MonsterModule(Module, CapJob):
    NAME = 'monster'
    DESCRIPTION = u'monster website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    VERSION = '1.2'

    BROWSER = MonsterBrowser

    type_contrat_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
            '97': u'Interim ou CDD ou mission',
            '98': u'CDI',
            '99': u'Stage',
            '000100': u'Autres',
            '101': u'Indépendant/Freelance/Franchise',
            '102': u'Journalier',
            '103': u'Titulaire de la fonction publique',
            '104': u'Temps Partiel',
            '105': u'Temps Plein',

    JobCategory_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
            ' ': u'Choisir…',
            '78': u'Architecture, Création et Spectacle',
            '92': u'Autres',
            '76': u'BTP et second oeuvre',
            '95': u'Commercial / Vente',
            '72': u'Comptabilité et Finance',
            '80': u'Edition et Ecriture',
            '81': u'Formation / Education',
            '93': u'Gestion de projet / programme',
            '83': u'Hôtellerie, Restauration et Tourisme',
            '86': u'Informatique et Technologies',
            '82': u'Ingénierie',
            '85': u'Installation, Maintenance et Réparation',
            '87': u'Juridique',
            '88': u'Logistique, Approvisionnement et Transport',
            '90': u'Marketing',
            '89': u'Production et Opérations',
            '94': u'Qualité / Inspection',
            '75': u'Recherche et Analyses',
            '84': u'Ressources Humaines',
            '91': u'Santé',
            '96': u'Sécurité',
            '73': u'Services administratifs',
            '79': u'Services clientèle et aux particuliers',
            '77': u'Stratégie et Management',

    activityDomain_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted(
            ' ': u'Choisir…',
            '16': u'Aéronautique / Aérospatiale (civil et militaire)',
            '17': u'Agriculture / Sylviculture / Pêche / Chasse',
            '39': u'Agroalimentaire',
            '18': u'Architecture / Design et services associés',
            '53': u'Art / Culture / Loisirs',
            '51': u'Associations / Bénévolat',
            '43': u'Assurance et Mutualité',
            '23': u'Audiovisuel / Media / Diffusion Audio et Vidéo',
            '14': u'Audit / Comptabilité / Fiscalité',
            '20': u'Automobile - Vente, Maintenance et Réparations',
            '52': u'Autres',
            '24': u'Autres Services aux entreprises',
            '21': u'Banques / Organismes financiers',
            '32': u'Biens de consommation courante / Cosmétiques',
            '31': u'BTP / Construction - bâtiments commerciaux, habitations',
            '30': u'BTP / Construction - usines, infrastructures, TP',
            '45': u'Cabinets et Services Juridiques',
            '46': u'Cabinets conseils en Management et Stratégie',
            '25': u'Chimie',
            '67': u'Commerce de gros et Import/Export',
            '55': u'Edition / Imprimerie',
            '35': u'Energie et Eau',
            '33': u'Enseignement et Formation',
            '66': u'Gestion des déchêts et Recyclage',
            '59': u'Grande Distribution et Commerce de détail',
            '42': u'Hôtellerie',
            '56': u'Immobilier',
            '47': u'Industrie / Production, autres',
            '19': u'Industrie Automobile - Constructeurs / Équipementiers',
            '34': u'Industrie électronique',
            '22': u'Industrie pharmaceutique / Biotechnologies',
            '26': u'Industrie Textile, Cuir et Confection',
            '27': u'Informatique - Hardware',
            '29': u'Informatique - Services',
            '28': u'Informatique - Software',
            '36': u'Ingénierie et services associés',
            '44': u'Internet / e-commerce',
            '57': u'Location',
            '48': u'Marine / Aéronautique',
            '15': u'Marketing / Communication / Publicité / RP',
            '50': u'Métaux et Minéraux',
            '37': u'Parcs d attraction et salles de spectacles',
            '62': u'Recrutement / Intérim et bureaux de placement',
            '58': u'Restauration',
            '41': u'Santé',
            '49': u'Santé - Equipement et appareils',
            '40': u'Secteur Public',
            '60': u'Sécurité et Surveillance',
            '54': u'Services aux particuliers',
            '38': u'Services financiers',
            '61': u'Sport - Equipements et infrastructures',
            '63': u'Télécommunication',
            '65': u'Tourisme, voyages et transport de personnes',
            '64': u'Transport de marchandises, entreprosage, stockage',

    date_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v))
                                for k, v in sorted({
                                    '-1': u'N importe quelle date',
                                    '000000': u'Aujourd hui',
                                    '1': u'2 derniers jours',
                                    '3': u'3 derniers jours',
                                    '7': u'Les 7 derniers jours',
                                    '14': u'Les 14 derniers jours',
                                    '30': u'30 derniers jours',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        Value('job_name', label='Job name', masked=False, default=''),
        Value('place', label='Place', masked=False, default=''),
              label=u'Job Category',
              label=u'Activity Domain',
        Value('limit_date', label=u'Date', choices=date_choices, default='-1'),

    def search_job(self, pattern=None):
        return self.browser.search_job(pattern)

    def advanced_search_job(self):
        return self.browser.advanced_search_job(

    def get_job_advert(self, _id, advert=None):
        return self.browser.get_job_advert(_id, advert)

    def fill_obj(self, advert, fields):
        return self.get_job_advert(advert.id, advert)

    OBJECTS = {BaseJobAdvert: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 17
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with weboob. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from weboob.tools.backend import Module, BackendConfig
from weboob.capabilities.base import StringField
from weboob.capabilities.gauge import CapGauge, GaugeSensor, Gauge, GaugeMeasure, SensorNotFound
from weboob.tools.value import Value
from weboob.tools.ordereddict import OrderedDict

from .browser import VelibBrowser

__all__ = ['jcvelauxModule']

SENSOR_TYPES = OrderedDict(((u'available_bikes', u'Available bikes'),
                            (u'available_bike_stands', u'Free stands'),
                            (u'bike_stands', u'Total stands')))

CITIES = ("Paris", "Rouen", "Toulouse", "Luxembourg", "Valence", "Stockholm",
          "Goteborg", "Santander", "Amiens", "Lillestrom", "Mulhouse", "Lyon",
          "Ljubljana", "Seville", "Namur", "Nancy", "Creteil",
          "Bruxelles-Capitale", "Cergy-Pontoise", "Vilnius", "Toyama", "Kazan",
          "Marseille", "Nantes", "Besancon")

class BikeMeasure(GaugeMeasure):
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<GaugeMeasure level=%d>' % self.level

class BikeSensor(GaugeSensor):
Exemplo n.º 18
class MonsterModule(Module, CapJob):
    NAME = 'monster'
    DESCRIPTION = u'monster website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    VERSION = '1.2'

    BROWSER = MonsterBrowser

    type_contrat_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v))
        for k, v in sorted({
            'Interim-ou-CDD-ou-mission_8': u'Interim ou CDD ou mission',
            'CDI_8': u'CDI',
            ' ': u'Autres',
            'Journalier_8': u'Journalier',
            'Temps-Partiel_8': u'Temps Partiel',
            'Temps-Plein_8': u'Temps Plein',

    date_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v))
                                for k, v in sorted({
                                    '-1': u'N importe quelle date',
                                    '000000': u'Aujourd hui',
                                    '1': u'2 derniers jours',
                                    '3': u'3 derniers jours',
                                    '7': u'Les 7 derniers jours',
                                    '14': u'Les 14 derniers jours',
                                    '30': u'30 derniers jours',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        Value('job_name', label='Job name', masked=False, default=''),
        Value('place', label='Place', masked=False, default=''),
        Value('limit_date', label=u'Date', choices=date_choices, default='-1'),

    def search_job(self, pattern=None):
        return self.browser.search_job(pattern)

    def advanced_search_job(self):
        return self.browser.advanced_search_job(

    def get_job_advert(self, _id, advert=None):
        return self.browser.get_job_advert(_id, advert)

    def fill_obj(self, advert, fields):
        return self.get_job_advert(advert.id, advert)

    OBJECTS = {BaseJobAdvert: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 19
class SenscritiqueModule(Module, CapCalendarEvent):
    NAME = 'senscritique'
    DESCRIPTION = u'senscritique website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    VERSION = '1.1'
    BROWSER = SenscritiqueBrowser

    tv_settings_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v))
                                       for k, v in sorted({
                                           '000000': u'-- Indifférent --',
                                           '9': u'TNT',
                                           '1': u'Canalsat',
                                           '2': u'Numericable',
                                           '10': u'Orange',
                                           '11': u'Free',
                                           '12': u'SFR',
                                           '15': u'Darty box via ADSL',
                                           '16': u'Bouygues',
    dict that represents ids list of general-interest channels included in a tv package
    {'tv package id': ['general-interest channels ids list']}
    general = {
        9: [46, 2, 48, 56],
        1: [
            49, 46, 21, 2, 36, 59, 54, 48, 56, 50, 32, 1, 51, 24, 38, 34, 37,
            6, 25, 11, 53, 26, 47
        2: [
            49, 46, 21, 2, 36, 59, 54, 48, 56, 50, 32, 1, 51, 24, 38, 34, 37,
            6, 25, 11, 53, 26, 47
        10: [46, 46, 2, 36, 59, 54, 32, 24, 34, 37, 53, 47],
        11: [46, 46, 2, 36, 59, 54, 32, 24, 34, 37, 53, 47],
        12: [49, 46, 2, 36, 59, 54, 32, 24, 34, 37, 53, 47],
        15: [49, 46, 2, 36, 32, 24, 34, 37, 53, 47],
        16: [49, 46, 2, 36, 59, 54, 32, 24, 34, 37, 53, 47],
    dict that represents ids list of cinema channels included in a tv package
    {'tv package id': ['cinema channels ids list']}
    cinema = {
        9: [10, 7],
        1: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 4055, 44, 3, 45, 42,
            41, 43, 13, 12
        2: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 4055, 44, 3, 45, 42,
            41, 43, 13, 12
        10: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 44, 3, 45, 42, 41, 43,
            13, 12
        11: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 4055, 44, 3, 45, 42,
            41, 43, 13, 12
        12: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 44, 3, 45, 42, 41, 43,
            13, 12
        15: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 44, 3, 45, 42, 41, 43,
            13, 12
        16: [
            10, 7, 9, 8, 52, 19, 18, 17, 16, 20, 15, 14, 4055, 44, 3, 45, 42,
            41, 43, 13, 12

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
              label=u'T.V. package',
        ValueBool('general', label='General', default=True),
        ValueBool('cinema', label='Cinema', default=False),

    def get_package_and_channels(self):
        package = int(self.config['tv_settings'].get())
        channels = []
        if package:
            if self.config['general'].get():
                channels += self.general[package]

            if self.config['cinema'].get():
                channels += self.cinema[package]

        return package, channels

    def search_events(self, query):
        if self.has_matching_categories(query):
            package, channels = self.get_package_and_channels()
            return self.browser.list_events(query.start_date, query.end_date,
                                            package, channels)

    def list_events(self, date_from, date_to=None):
        items = []
        package, channels = self.get_package_and_channels()
        for item in self.browser.list_events(date_from, date_to, package,

        items.sort(key=lambda o: o.start_date)
        return items

    def get_event(self, _id, event=None):
        package, channels = self.get_package_and_channels()
        return self.browser.get_event(_id,

    def fill_obj(self, event, fields):
        return self.get_event(event.id, event)

    OBJECTS = {SensCritiquenCalendarEvent: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 20
class Contact(_Contact):
    TABLE = OrderedDict((
                ('title', FieldStr('title')),
                # ipaddr is not available anymore.
                #('IPaddr',              FieldIP('last_ip', 'first_ip')),
                ('admin', FieldBool('admin')),
                ('ban', FieldBool('isBan')),
                ('first', FieldStr('first_cnx')),
                ('godfather', FieldProfileURL('godfather')),
             ('mails', FieldPopu('mails')),
             ('charms', FieldPopu('charmes')),
             ('visites', FieldPopu('visites')),
             ('baskets', FieldPopu('panier')),
             ('invits', FieldPopu('invits')),
             ('bonus', FieldPopu('bonus')),
             ('score', FieldStr('points')),
             ('ratio', FieldPopuRatio('mails', 'charmes')),
             ('mailable', FieldBool('can_mail')),
                #('old',                 FieldStr('age')),
                ('old', FieldOld('birthdate')),
                ('birthday', FieldStr('birthdate')),
                ('zipcode', FieldStr('zip')),
                ('location', FieldStr('city')),
                ('distance', FieldDist('dist')),
                ('country', FieldStr('country')),
                ('phone', FieldStr('phone')),
                ('eyes', FieldConst('eyes_color')),
                ('hair_color', FieldConst('hair_color')),
                ('hair_size', FieldConst('hair_size')),
                ('height', FieldConst('size')),
                ('weight', FieldConst('weight')),
                ('BMI', FieldBMI('size', 'weight')),
                ('fat', FieldBMI('size', 'weight', fat=True)),
                ('shape', FieldConst('shape')),
                ('origins', FieldConst('origins')),
                ('signs', FieldConst('features')),
                ('job', FieldStr('job')),
                ('style', FieldConst('styles')),
                ('food', FieldConst('diet')),
                ('favorite_food', FieldConst('favourite_food')),
                ('drink', FieldConst('alcohol')),
                ('smoke', FieldConst('tobacco')),
             ('hobbies', FieldStr('hobbies')),
             ('music', FieldList('music')),
             ('cinema', FieldList('cinema')),
             ('books', FieldList('books')),
             ('tv', FieldList('tvs')),
             ('underwear', FieldConst('underwear')),
             ('practices', FieldConst('sexgames')),
             ('favorite', FieldConst('arousing')),
             ('toys', FieldConst('sextoys')),
             ('snap', FieldStr('fall_for')),
             ('exciting', FieldStr('turned_on_by')),
             ('hate', FieldStr('cant_stand')),
             ('vices', FieldStr('vices')),
             ('assets', FieldStr('assets')),
             ('fantasies', FieldStr('fantasies')),
             ('is', FieldConst('character')),
             ('accessories', FieldConst('accessories')),
             ('skills', FieldConst('skills')),
             ('socios', FieldConst('socios')),
             ('family', FieldConst('family')),
             ('pets', FieldConst('pets')),

    def parse_profile(self, profile, consts):
        if profile['online']:
            self.status = Contact.STATUS_ONLINE
            self.status_msg = u'online'
            self.status_msg = u'since %s' % profile['last_cnx']
            self.status = Contact.STATUS_OFFLINE
            self.status_msg = u'last connection %s' % profile['last_cnx']

        self.summary = unicode(unescape(profile.get('announce', '').strip()))
        if len(profile.get('shopping_list', '')) > 0:
            self.summary += u'\n\nLooking for:\n%s' % unescape(

        for photo in profile['pics']:
                           url=photo + '/full',
                           thumbnail_url=photo + '/small',
        self.profile = OrderedDict()

        if 'sex' in profile:
            for section, d in self.TABLE.iteritems():
                flags = ProfileNode.SECTION
                if section.startswith('_'):
                    flags |= ProfileNode.HEAD
                if (section.startswith('+') and int(profile['sex']) != 1) or \
                   (section.startswith('-') and int(profile['sex']) != 0):

                section = section.lstrip('_+-')

                s = ProfileNode(section,

                for key, builder in d.iteritems():
                        value = builder.get_value(profile,
                    except KeyError:
                        s.value[key] = ProfileNode(
                            key.capitalize().replace('_', ' '), value)

                self.profile[section] = s

        self._aum_profile = profile

    def get_text(self):
        def print_node(node, level=1):
            result = u''
            if node.flags & node.SECTION:
                result += u'\t' * level + node.label + '\n'
                for sub in node.value.itervalues():
                    result += print_node(sub, level + 1)
                if isinstance(node.value, (tuple, list)):
                    value = ', '.join(unicode(v) for v in node.value)
                elif isinstance(node.value, float):
                    value = '%.2f' % node.value
                    value = node.value
                result += u'\t' * level + u'%-20s %s\n' % (node.label + ':',
            return result

        result = u'Nickname: %s\n' % self.name
        if self.status & Contact.STATUS_ONLINE:
            s = 'online'
        elif self.status & Contact.STATUS_OFFLINE:
            s = 'offline'
        elif self.status & Contact.STATUS_AWAY:
            s = 'away'
            s = 'unknown'
        result += u'Status: %s (%s)\n' % (s, self.status_msg)
        result += u'URL: %s\n' % self.url
        result += u'Photos:\n'
        for name, photo in self.photos.iteritems():
            result += u'\t%s%s\n' % (photo,
                                     ' (hidden)' if photo.hidden else '')
        result += u'\nProfile:\n'
        for head in self.profile.itervalues():
            result += print_node(head)
        result += u'Description:\n'
        for s in self.summary.split('\n'):
            result += u'\t%s\n' % s
        return result
Exemplo n.º 21
class AmazonModule(Module, CapShop, CapBill):
    NAME = 'amazon'
    MAINTAINER = u'Oleg Plakhotniuk'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '1.2'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    DESCRIPTION = u'Amazon'

    website_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s (%s)' % (v, k))
        for k, v in sorted({
            'www.amazon.com': u'Amazon.com',
            'www.amazon.fr': u'Amazon France',

    BROWSERS = {
        'www.amazon.com': Amazon,
        'www.amazon.fr': AmazonFR,

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        ValueBackendPassword('email', label='Username', masked=False),
        ValueBackendPassword('password', label='Password'))

    def create_default_browser(self):
        self.BROWSER = self.BROWSERS[self.config['website'].get()]
        return self.create_browser(self.config['email'].get(),

    def get_currency(self):
        return self.browser.get_currency()

    def get_order(self, id_):
        return self.browser.get_order(id_)

    def iter_orders(self):
        return self.browser.iter_orders()

    def iter_payments(self, order):
        if not isinstance(order, Order):
            order = self.get_order(order)
        return self.browser.iter_payments(order)

    def iter_items(self, order):
        if not isinstance(order, Order):
            order = self.get_order(order)
        return self.browser.iter_items(order)

    def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path):
        if Order in objs:
            return self.iter_orders()
        if Subscription in objs:
            return self.iter_subscription()

    def iter_subscription(self):
        return self.browser.get_subscription_list()

    def get_subscription(self, _id):
        return find_object(self.iter_subscription(),

    def get_bill(self, _id):
        subid = _id.split('.')[0]
        subscription = self.get_subscription(subid)
        return find_object(self.iter_bills(subscription),

    def iter_bills(self, subscription):
        if not isinstance(subscription, Subscription):
            subscription = self.get_subscription(subscription)
        return self.browser.iter_bills(subscription)

    def download_bill(self, bill):
        if not isinstance(bill, Bill):
            bill = self.get_bill(bill)
        if bill._url:
            return self.browser.open(bill._url).content
        return None
Exemplo n.º 22
class ArteModule(Module, CapVideo, CapCollection):
    NAME = 'arte'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '1.2'
    DESCRIPTION = 'Arte French and German TV'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'

    order = {
        'AIRDATE_DESC': 'Date',
        'VIEWS': 'Views',
        'ALPHA': 'Alphabetic',
        'LAST_CHANCE': 'Last chance'

    versions_choice = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v.get('label')))
                                   for k, v in VERSION_VIDEO.items])
    format_choice = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in FORMATS.items])
    lang_choice = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v.get('label')))
                               for k, v in LANG.items])
    quality_choice = [u'%s' % (k) for k, v in QUALITY.items]

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
              label='Lang of videos',
              label='Sort order',
              label='Quality of videos',
              label='Format of videos',
        Value('version', label='Version of videos', choices=versions_choice))

    BROWSER = ArteBrowser

    def create_default_browser(self):
        return self.create_browser(lang=self.config['lang'].get(),

    def parse_id(self, _id):
        sites = '|'.join(k.get('id') for k in SITE.values)
        m = re.match('^(%s)\.(.*)' % sites, _id)
        if m:
            return m.groups()

        m = re.match('https?://www.arte.tv/guide/\w+/(?P<id>.+)/(.*)', _id)
        if m:
            return SITE.PROGRAM.get('id'), m.group(1)

        m = re.match('https?://(%s).arte.tv/(\w+)/(.*)' % (sites), _id)
        if m:
            return m.group(1), '/%s/%s' % (m.group(2), m.group(3))

        if not _id.startswith('http'):
            return 'videos', _id

        return None, None

    def get_video(self, _id):
        site, _id = self.parse_id(_id)

        if not (site and _id):
            return None

        if site in [value.get('id') for value in SITE.values]:
            _site = (value for value in SITE.values
                     if value.get('id') == site).next()
            return getattr(self.browser, _site.get('video'))(_id)

            return self.browser.get_video(_id)

    def search_videos(self,
        return self.browser.search_videos(pattern)

    def fill_arte_video(self, video, fields):
        if fields != ['thumbnail']:
            video = self.browser.get_video(video.id, video)

        if 'thumbnail' in fields and video and video.thumbnail:
            video.thumbnail.data = self.browser.open(

        return video

    def fill_site_video(self, video, fields):
        if fields != ['thumbnail']:
            for site in SITE.values:
                m = re.match('%s\.(.*)' % site.get('id'), video.id)
                if m:
                    video = getattr(self.browser,
                                    site.get('video'))(m.group(1), video)

        if 'thumbnail' in fields and video and video.thumbnail:
                video.thumbnail.data = self.browser.open(
            except BrowserHTTPSDowngrade:
        return video

    def iter_resources(self, objs, split_path):
        if BaseVideo in objs:
            collection = self.get_collection(objs, split_path)
            if collection.path_level == 0:
                yield Collection([u'arte-latest'], u'Latest Arte videos')
                for site in SITE.values:
                    yield Collection([site.get('id')], site.get('label'))
            if collection.path_level == 1:
                if collection.split_path == [u'arte-latest']:
                    for video in self.browser.latest_videos():
                        yield video
                    for site in SITE.values:
                        if collection.split_path[0] == site.get(
                                'id') and collection.path_level in site.keys():
                            for item in getattr(
                                yield item

            if collection.path_level >= 2:
                for site in SITE.values:
                    if collection.split_path[0] == site.get(
                            'id') and collection.path_level in site.keys():
                        for item in getattr(self.browser,
                            yield item

    def validate_collection(self, objs, collection):
        if collection.path_level == 0:
        if BaseVideo in objs and (collection.split_path == [u'arte-latest']
                                  or collection.split_path[0] in [
                                      value.get('id') for value in SITE.values
        if BaseVideo in objs and collection.path_level >= 2 and\
                collection.split_path[0] in [value.get('id') for value in SITE.values]:
        raise CollectionNotFound(collection.split_path)

    OBJECTS = {ArteVideo: fill_arte_video, ArteSiteVideo: fill_site_video}
Exemplo n.º 23
class CragrModule(Module, CapBank):
    NAME = 'cragr'
    MAINTAINER = u'Romain Bignon'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '1.1'
    DESCRIPTION = u'Crédit Agricole'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    website_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s (%s)' % (v, k))
        for k, v in sorted({
            'm.ca-alpesprovence.fr': u'Alpes Provence',
            'm.ca-alsace-vosges.fr': u'Alsace-Vosges',
            'm.ca-anjou-maine.fr': u'Anjou Maine',
            'm.ca-aquitaine.fr': u'Aquitaine',
            'm.ca-atlantique-vendee.fr': u'Atlantique Vendée',
            'm.ca-briepicardie.fr': u'Brie Picardie',
            'm.ca-cb.fr': u'Champagne Bourgogne',
            'm.ca-centrefrance.fr': u'Centre France',
            'm.ca-centreloire.fr': u'Centre Loire',
            'm.ca-centreouest.fr': u'Centre Ouest',
            'm.ca-centrest.fr': u'Centre Est',
            'm.ca-charente-perigord.fr': u'Charente Périgord',
            'm.ca-cmds.fr': u'Charente-Maritime Deux-Sèvres',
            'm.ca-corse.fr': u'Corse',
            'm.ca-cotesdarmor.fr': u'Côtes d\'Armor',
            'm.ca-des-savoie.fr': u'Des Savoie',
            'm.ca-finistere.fr': u'Finistere',
            'm.ca-franchecomte.fr': u'Franche-Comté',
            'm.ca-guadeloupe.fr': u'Guadeloupe',
            'm.ca-illeetvilaine.fr': u'Ille-et-Vilaine',
            'm.ca-languedoc.fr': u'Languedoc',
            'm.ca-loirehauteloire.fr': u'Loire Haute Loire',
            'm.ca-lorraine.fr': u'Lorraine',
            'm.ca-martinique.fr': u'Martinique Guyane',
            'm.ca-morbihan.fr': u'Morbihan',
            'm.ca-nmp.fr': u'Nord Midi-Pyrénées',
            'm.ca-nord-est.fr': u'Nord Est',
            'm.ca-norddefrance.fr': u'Nord de France',
            'm.ca-normandie-seine.fr': u'Normandie Seine',
            'm.ca-normandie.fr': u'Normandie',
            'm.ca-paris.fr': u'Ile-de-France',
            'm.ca-pca.fr': u'Provence Côte d\'Azur',
            'm.ca-reunion.fr': u'Réunion',
            'm.ca-sudmed.fr': u'Sud Méditerranée',
            'm.ca-sudrhonealpes.fr': u'Sud Rhône Alpes',
            u'Toulouse 31',  # m.ca-toulousain.fr redirects here
            'm.ca-tourainepoitou.fr': u'Tourraine Poitou',
            'm.ca-valdefrance.fr': u'Val de France',
            'm.lefil.com': u'Pyrénées Gascogne',
    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        Value('website', label=u'Région', choices=website_choices),
        ValueBackendPassword('login', label=u'N° de compte', masked=False),
                             label=u'Code personnel',
    BROWSER = Cragr

    def create_default_browser(self):
            return self.create_browser(self.config['website'].get(),
        except Cragr.WebsiteNotSupported:
            self.logger.debug('falling-back on mobile version')
            self.BROWSER = CragrMobile
            return self.create_browser(self.config['website'].get(),

    def iter_accounts(self):
        return self.browser.get_accounts_list()

    def get_account(self, _id):
        account = self.browser.get_account(_id)
        if account:
            return account
            raise AccountNotFound()

    def iter_history(self, account):
        return self.browser.get_history(account)

    def transfer(self, account, to, amount, reason=None):
        return self.browser.do_transfer(account, to, amount, reason)
Exemplo n.º 24
class PopolemploiBackend(BaseBackend, ICapJob):
    NAME = 'popolemploi'
    DESCRIPTION = u'Pole Emploi website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '0.h'

    BROWSER = PopolemploiBrowser

    places_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v))
        for k, v in sorted({
            '100|FRANCE|FRANCE': u'France entière',
            '102|REGION|checkbox': u'Alsace',
            '103|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_66': u'-- Rhin (Bas) (67)',
            '104|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_67': u'-- Rhin (Haut) (68)',
            '105|REGION|checkbox_0': u'Aquitaine',
            '106|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_21': u'-- Dordogne (24)',
            '107|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_32': u'-- Gironde (33)',
            '108|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_39': u'-- Landes (40)',
            '109|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_46': u'-- Lot et Garonne (47)',
            '110|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_63': u'-- Pyrénées Atlantiques (64)',
            '111|REGION|checkbox_1': u'Auvergne',
            '112|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_1': u'-- Allier (03)',
            '113|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_13': u'-- Cantal (15)',
            '114|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_42': u'-- Loire (Haute) (43)',
            '115|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_62': u'-- Puy de Dôme (63)',
            '116|REGION|checkbox_2': u'Bourgogne',
            '117|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_18': u'-- Côte d\'Or (21)',
            '118|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_57': u'-- Nièvre (58)',
            '119|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_70': u'-- Saône et Loire (71)',
            '120|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_88': u'-- Yonne (89)',
            '121|REGION|checkbox_3': u'Bretagne',
            '122|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_19': u'-- Côtes d\'Armor (22)',
            '123|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_26': u'-- Finistère (29)',
            '124|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_34': u'-- Ille et Vilaine (35)',
            '125|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_54': u'-- Morbihan (56)',
            '126|REGION|checkbox_4': u'Centre',
            '127|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_16': u'-- Cher (18)',
            '128|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_25': u'-- Eure et Loir (28)',
            '129|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_35': u'-- Indre (36)',
            '130|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_36': u'-- Indre et Loire (37)',
            '131|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_40': u'-- Loir et Cher (41)',
            '132|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_44': u'-- Loiret (45)',
            '133|REGION|checkbox_5': u'Champagne Ardenne',
            '134|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_6': u'-- Ardennes (08)',
            '135|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_8': u'-- Aube (10)',
            '136|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_50': u'-- Marne (51)',
            '137|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_51': u'-- Marne (Haute) (52)',
            '138|REGION|checkbox_6': u'Corse',
            '139|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_26': u'-- Corse du Sud (2A)',
            '140|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_27': u'-- Haute Corse (2B)',
            '141|REGION|checkbox_7': u'Franche Comté',
            '142|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_89': u'-- Belfort (Territoire de) (90)',
            '143|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_22': u'-- Doubs (25)',
            '144|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_38': u'-- Jura (39)',
            '145|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_69': u'-- Saône (Haute) (70)',
            '146|REGION|checkbox_8': u'Ile de France',
            '147|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_90': u'-- Essonne (91)',
            '148|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_91': u'-- Hauts de Seine (92)',
            '149|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_74': u'-- Paris (Dept.) (75)',
            '150|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_92': u'-- Seine Saint Denis (93)',
            '151|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_76': u'-- Seine et Marne (77)',
            '152|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_94': u'-- Val d\'Oise (95)',
            '153|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_93': u'-- Val de Marne (94)',
            '154|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_77': u'-- Yvelines (78)',
            '155|REGION|checkbox_9': u'Languedoc Roussillon',
            '156|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_9': u'-- Aude (11)',
            '157|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_39': u'-- Gard (30)',
            '158|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_33': u'-- Hérault (34)',
            '159|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_47': u'-- Lozère (48)',
            '161|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_65': u'-- Pyrénées Orientales (66)',
            '162|REGION|checkbox_10': u'Limousin',
            '163|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_17': u'-- Corrèze (19)',
            '164|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_20': u'-- Creuse (23)',
            '165|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_86': u'-- Vienne (Haute) (87)',
            '166|REGION|checkbox_11': u'Lorraine',
            '167|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_53': u'-- Meurthe et Moselle (54)',
            '168|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_54': u'-- Meuse (55)',
            '169|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_56': u'-- Moselle (57)',
            '170|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_87': u'-- Vosges (88)',
            '171|REGION|checkbox_12': u'Midi Pyrénées',
            '172|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_7': u'-- Ariège (09)',
            '173|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_10': u'-- Aveyron (12)',
            '174|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_30': u'-- Garonne (Haute) (31)',
            '175|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_31': u'-- Gers (32)',
            '176|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_45': u'-- Lot (46)',
            '177|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_64': u'-- Pyrénées (Hautes) (65)',
            '178|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_80': u'-- Tarn (81)',
            '179|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_81': u'-- Tarn et Garonne (82)',
            '180|REGION|checkbox_13': u'Nord Pas de Calais',
            '181|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_58': u'-- Nord (59)',
            '182|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_61': u'-- Pas de Calais (62)',
            '183|REGION|checkbox_14': u'Normandie (Basse)',
            '184|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_12': u'-- Calvados (14)',
            '185|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_49': u'-- Manche (50)',
            '186|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_60': u'-- Orne (61)',
            '187|REGION|checkbox_15': u'Normandie (Haute)',
            '188|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_24': u'-- Eure (27)',
            '189|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_75': u'-- Seine Maritime (76)',
            '190|REGION|checkbox_16': u'Pays de la Loire',
            '191|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_43': u'-- Loire Atlantique (44)',
            '192|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_48': u'-- Maine et Loire (49)',
            '193|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_52': u'-- Mayenne (53)',
            '194|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_71': u'-- Sarthe (72)',
            '195|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_84': u'-- Vendée (85)',
            '196|REGION|checkbox_17': u'Picardie',
            '197|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_0': u'-- Aisne (02)',
            '198|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_59': u'-- Oise (60)',
            '199|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_79': u'-- Somme (80)',
            '200|REGION|checkbox_18': u'Poitou Charentes',
            '201|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_14': u'-- Charente (16)',
            '202|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_15': u'-- Charente Maritime (17)',
            '203|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_78': u'-- Sèvres (Deux) (79)',
            '204|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_85': u'-- Vienne (86)',
            '205|REGION|checkbox_19': u'Provence Alpes Côte d\'Azur',
            '206|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_3': u'-- Alpes (Hautes) (05)',
            '207|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_4': u'-- Alpes Maritimes (06)',
            '208|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_2': u'-- Alpes de Haute Provence (04)',
            '209|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_13': u'-- Bouches du Rhône (13)',
            '210|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_82': u'-- Var (83)',
            '211|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_83': u'-- Vaucluse (84)',
            '212|REGION|checkbox_20': u'Rhône Alpes',
            '213|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox': u'-- Ain (01)',
            '214|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_5': u'-- Ardèche (07)',
            '215|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_23': u'-- Drôme (26)',
            '216|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_37': u'-- Isère (38)',
            '217|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_41': u'-- Loire (42)',
            '218|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_68': u'-- Rhône (69)',
            '219|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_72': u'-- Savoie (73)',
            '220|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_73': u'-- Savoie (Haute) (74)',
            '221|REGION|checkbox_21': u'Région Antilles / Guyane',
            '222|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_95': u'-- Guadeloupe (971)',
            '223|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_97': u'-- Guyane (973)',
            '224|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_96': u'-- Martinique (972)',
            '225|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_101': u'-- Saint Barthélémy (977)',
            '226|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_102': u'-- Saint Martin (978)',
            '227|REGION|checkbox_22': u'Région Atlantique Nord',
            u'-- Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)',
            '229|REGION|checkbox_23': u'Région Pacifique',
            '230|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_107': u'-- Ile de Clipperton (989)',
            '231|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_106': u'-- Nouvelle Calédonie (988)',
            '232|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_105': u'-- Polynésie française (987)',
            u'-- Terres australes/antarctiques (984)',
            '234|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_104': u'-- Wallis et Futuna (986)',
            '235|REGION|checkbox_24': u'Région Réunion / Mayotte',
            '236|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_100': u'-- Mayotte (976)',
            '237|DEPARTEMENT|checkbox_98': u'-- Réunion (974)',

    type_contrat_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
            ' ': u'Tous types de contrats',
            '11': u'CDI tout public',
            '14': u'CDI alternance',
            '13': u'CDI insertion',
            '12': u'CDD tout public',
            '16': u'CDD alternance',
            '15': u'CDD insertion',
            '10': u'CDD Senior',
            '3': u'Mission d\'intérim',
            '4': u'Contrat de travail saisonnier',
            '5': u'Contrat de travail intermittent',
            '8': u'Franchise',
            '7': u'Profession libérale',
            '9': u'Reprise d\'entreprise',
            '6': u'Profession commerciale',

    salary_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v))
        for k, v in sorted({
            ' ': u'Tout salaire annuel',
            'FOURCHETTE1': u'Moins de 15000',
            'FOURCHETTE2': u'Compris entre 15000 et 18000',
            'FOURCHETTE3': u'Compris entre 18000 et 21000',
            'FOURCHETTE4': u'Compris entre 21000 et 24000',
            'FOURCHETTE5': u'Compris entre 24000 et 36000',
            'FOURCHETTE6': u'Compris entre 36000 et 60000',
            'FOURCHETTE7': u'Supérieur à 60000',

    qualification_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
            ' ': u'Toute Qualification',
            '1': u'Manoeuvre',
            '2': u'Ouvrier spécialisé',
            '3': u'Ouvrier qualifié (P1,P2)',
            '4': u'Ouvrier qualifié (P3,P4,OHQ)',
            '5': u'Employé non qualifié',
            '6': u'Employé qualifié',
            '7': u'Technicien',
            '8': u'Agent de maîtrise',
            '9': u'Cadre',

    limit_date_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
            '': u'Aucune limite',
            'UN_JOUR': u'Hier',
            'TROIS_JOUR': u'3 jours',
            'UNE_SEMAINE': u'1 semaine',
            'DEUX_SEMAINES': u'2 semaines',
            'UN_MOIS': u'1 mois',
            'TROIS_MOIS': u'3 mois',

    domain_choices = OrderedDict([
        (k, u'%s' % (v))
        for k, v in sorted({
            ' ': u'Tout secteur d\'activité',
            '88': u'Action sociale sans hebergt',
            '82': u'Activ.admin/soutien entreprise',
            '66': u'Activ. auxiliaire finance/assu',
            '90': u'Activ. crea/artistiq/spectacle',
            '77': u'Activ. de loc. et loc.-bail',
            '70': u'Activ. siege soc/conseil gest.',
            '93': u'Activ. sportive/recreat/loisir',
            '69': u'Activite juridique/comptable',
            '94': u'Activite organisations assoc.',
            '86': u'Activite pr la sante humaine',
            '53': u'Activites de poste/courrier',
            '64': u'Activite services financiers',
            '68': u'Activites immobilieres',
            '62': u'Activites informatiques',
            '78': u'Activites liees a l\'emploi',
            '75': u'Activites veterinaires',
            '84': u'Administration publiq/defense',
            '79': u'Agences  voyage/activ. liees',
            '71': u'Archi/ing/control/analyse tech',
            '65': u'Assurance',
            '32': u'Autre industrie manufacturiere',
            '74': u'Autres activ.spe scientif/tech',
            '08': u'Autres industries extractives',
            '91': u'Biblio/ musée/ activ. culturel',
            '36': u'Captage/traitement/distrib.eau',
            '19': u'Cokefaction et raffinage',
            '37': u'Collecte/traitement eaux usees',
            '38': u'Collecte/traitnt/elimin dechet',
            '45': u'Commerce/reparation  auto/moto',
            '47': u'Commerce detail sauf auto/moto',
            '46': u'Commerce gros sauf auto/moto',
            '41': u'Construction de batiments',
            '01': u'Cult./prod. animale, chasse',
            '39': u'Depollution/autre gest. dechet',
            '58': u'Edition',
            '80': u'Enquetes et securite',
            '85': u'Enseignement',
            '52': u'Entreposage/sce auxil. transp',
            '06': u'Extraction d\'hydrocarbures',
            '05': u'Extraction houille/ lignite',
            '07': u'Extraction minerais metalliq.',
            '26': u'Fab. prod. info/electro/optiq',
            '22': u'Fabr. prod. caoutchouc/plastiq',
            '30': u'Fabric. autre materiel transp.',
            '23': u'Fabric.autre produit non metal',
            '28': u'Fabric. autres machines/equip.',
            '27': u'Fabric. d\'equip. electriques',
            '31': u'Fabrication de meubles',
            '12': u'Fabrication produit base tabac',
            '25': u'Fabrication produits metalliq',
            '42': u'Genie civil',
            '55': u'Hebergement',
            '87': u'Hebergt médico-social/ social',
            '18': u'Imprimerie/reprod. enregistre.',
            '00': u'Indetermine',
            '29': u'Industrie automobile',
            '20': u'Industrie chimique',
            '14': u'Industrie de l\'habillement',
            '11': u'Industrie des boissons',
            '15': u'Industrie du cuir/la chaussure',
            '17': u'Industrie du papier/du carton',
            '21': u'Industrie pharmaceutique',
            '10': u'Industries alimentaires',
            '13': u'Industrie textile',
            '24': u'Metallurgie',
            '92': u'Orga. jeux  hasard/argent',
            '99': u'Organisations et organismes',
            '03': u'Peche et aquaculture',
            '35': u'Prod./distrib.elec/gaz/vap/air',
            '59': u'Prod film cine/video/tv/musiq',
            '98': u'Production menage bien propre',
            '60': u'Programmation et diffusion',
            '73': u'Publicite et etudes de marche',
            '72': u'Rech.-dev. scientifique',
            '33': u'Repar./instal. machines/equip.',
            '95': u'Repar.pc/biens perso/domestiq',
            '56': u'Restauration',
            '97': u'Sce domestique pr particuliers',
            '81': u'Services bat/amenagnt paysager',
            '63': u'Services d\'information',
            '96': u'Services personnels',
            '09': u'Soutien industries extractives',
            '02': u'Sylvicult./exploit. forestiere',
            '61': u'Telecommunications',
            '51': u'Transports aeriens',
            '50': u'Transports par eau',
            '49': u'Transports terrestres',
            '16': u'Travail bois/fab. article bois',
            '43': u'Travaux constr.specialises',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(
        Value('metier', label='Job name', masked=False, default=''),
        Value('salary', label=u'Salary', choices=salary_choices, default=''),
              label=u'Date limite',
        Value('domain', label=u'Domain', choices=domain_choices, default=''))

    def search_job(self, pattern=None):
        with self.browser:
            return self.browser.search_job(pattern=pattern)

    def advanced_search_job(self):
        return self.browser.advanced_search_job(

    def get_job_advert(self, _id, advert=None):
        with self.browser:
            return self.browser.get_job_advert(_id, advert)

    def fill_obj(self, advert, fields):
        self.get_job_advert(advert.id, advert)

    OBJECTS = {PopolemploiJobAdvert: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 25
    def registerEvent(self):
        selection = self.ui.modulesList.selectedItems()
        if not selection:

            module = self.weboob.modules_loader.get_or_load_module(
        except ModuleLoadError:
            module = None

        if not module:

        dialog = QDialog(self)
        vbox = QVBoxLayout(dialog)
        if module.website:
            website = 'on the website <b>%s</b>' % module.website
            website = 'with the module <b>%s</b>' % module.name
                'To create an account %s, please provide this information:' %
        formlayout = QFormLayout()
        props_widgets = OrderedDict()
        for key, prop in module.klass.ACCOUNT_REGISTER_PROPERTIES.iteritems():
            widget = QtValue(prop)
            formlayout.addRow(QLabel(u'%s:' % prop.label), widget)
            props_widgets[prop.id] = widget

        buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(dialog)
                                     | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)

        end = False
        while not end:
            end = True
            if dialog.exec_():
                account = Account()
                account.properties = {}
                for key, widget in props_widgets.iteritems():
                        v = widget.get_value()
                    except ValueError as e:
                            self, self.tr('Invalid value'),
                            tr('Invalid value for field "%s":<br /><br />%s') %
                            (key, e))
                        end = False
                        account.properties[key] = v
                if end:
                    except AccountRegisterError as e:
                            self, self.tr('Error during register'),
                                'Unable to register account %s:<br /><br />%s')
                            % (website, e))
                        end = False
                        for key, value in account.properties.iteritems():
                            if key in self.config_widgets:
Exemplo n.º 26
    def ask(self, question, default=None, masked=None, regexp=None, choices=None, tiny=None):
        Ask a question to user.

        @param question  text displayed (str)
        @param default  optional default value (str)
        @param masked  if True, do not show typed text (bool)
        @param regexp  text must match this regexp (str)
        @param choices  choices to do (list)
        @param tiny  ask for the (small) value of the choice (bool)
        @return  entered text by user (str)

        if isinstance(question, Value):
            v = copy(question)
            if default is not None:
                v.default = to_unicode(default) if isinstance(default, str) else default
            if masked is not None:
                v.masked = masked
            if regexp is not None:
                v.regexp = regexp
            if choices is not None:
                v.choices = choices
            if tiny is not None:
                v.tiny = tiny
            if isinstance(default, bool):
                klass = ValueBool
            elif isinstance(default, float):
                klass = ValueFloat
            elif isinstance(default, (int,long)):
                klass = ValueInt
                klass = Value

            v = klass(label=question, default=default, masked=masked, regexp=regexp, choices=choices, tiny=tiny)

        question = v.label
        if v.id:
            question = u'[%s] %s' % (v.id, question)

        if isinstance(v, ValueBackendPassword):
            print(question.encode(self.encoding) + ':')
            question = v.label
            choices = OrderedDict()
            choices['c'] = 'Run an external tool during backend load'
            if not v.noprompt:
                choices['p'] = 'Prompt value when needed (do not store it)'
            choices['s'] = 'Store value in config'

            if v.is_command(v.default):
                d = 'c'
            elif v.default == '' and not v.noprompt:
                d = 'p'
                d = 's'

            r = self.ask('*** How do you want to store it?', choices=choices, tiny=True, default=d)
            if r == 'p':
                return ''
            if r == 'c':
                print('Enter the shell command that will print the required value on the standard output')
                if v.is_command(v.default):
                    print(': %s' % v.default[1:-1])
                    d = None
                while True:
                    cmd = self.ask('')
                        subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
                    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                        print('%s' % e)
                        return '`%s`' % cmd

        aliases = {}
        if isinstance(v, ValueBool):
            question = u'%s (%s/%s)' % (question, 'Y' if v.default else 'y', 'n' if v.default else 'N')
        elif v.choices:
            if v.tiny is None:
                v.tiny = True
                for key in v.choices.iterkeys():
                    if len(key) > 5 or ' ' in key:
                        v.tiny = False

            if v.tiny:
                question = u'%s (%s)' % (question, '/'.join((s.upper() if s == v.default else s)
                                                            for s in v.choices.iterkeys()))
                for s in v.choices.iterkeys():
                    if s == v.default:
                        aliases[s.upper()] = s
                for key, value in v.choices.iteritems():
                    print('     %s%s%s: %s' % (self.BOLD, key, self.NC, value))
                for n, (key, value) in enumerate(v.choices.iteritems()):
                    print('     %s%2d)%s %s' % (self.BOLD, n + 1, self.NC,
                    aliases[str(n + 1)] = key
                question = u'%s (choose in list)' % question
        if v.masked:
            question = u'%s (hidden input)' % question

        if not isinstance(v, ValueBool) and not v.tiny and v.default not in (None, ''):
            question = u'%s [%s]' % (question, '*******' if v.masked else v.default)

        question += ': '

        while True:
            if v.masked:
                if sys.platform == 'win32':
                    line = getpass.getpass(str(question))
                    line = getpass.getpass(question.encode(self.encoding))
                line = self.stdin.readline()
                if len(line) == 0:
                    raise EOFError()
                    line = line.rstrip('\r\n')

            if not line and v.default is not None:
                line = v.default
            if isinstance(line, str):
                line = line.decode('utf-8')

            if line in aliases:
                line = aliases[line]

            except ValueError as e:
                print(u'Error: %s' % e, file=self.stderr)

        v.noprompt = True
        return v.get()
Exemplo n.º 27
class IndeedModule(Module, CapJob):
    NAME = 'indeed'
    DESCRIPTION = u'indeed website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    LICENSE = 'AGPLv3+'
    VERSION = '1.2'

    BROWSER = IndeedBrowser

    type_contrat_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        'all': u'Tous les emplois',
        'fulltime': u'Temps plein',
        'parttime': u'Temps partiel',
        'contract': u'Durée indéterminée',
        'internship': u'Stage / Apprentissage',
        'temporary': u'Durée déterminée',

    limit_date_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        'any': u'à tout moment',
        '15': u'depuis 15 jours',
        '7': u'depuis 7 jours',
        '3': u'depuis 3 jours',
        '1': u'depuis hier',
        'last': u'depuis ma dernière visite',

    radius_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        '0': u'uniquement à cet endroit',
        '5': u'dans un rayon de 5 kilomètres',
        '10': u'dans un rayon de 10 kilomètres',
        '15': u'dans un rayon de 15 kilomètres',
        '25': u'dans un rayon de 25 kilomètres',
        '50': u'dans un rayon de 50 kilomètres',
        '100': u'dans un rayon de 100 kilomètres',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(Value('metier', label=u'Job name', masked=False, default=''),
                           Value('limit_date', label=u'Date limite', choices=limit_date_choices, default=''),
                           Value('contrat', label=u'Contract', choices=type_contrat_choices, default=''),
                           Value('place', label=u'Place', masked=False, default=''),
                           Value('radius', label=u'Radius', choices=radius_choices, default=''))

    def search_job(self, pattern=None):
        return self.browser.search_job(metier=pattern)

    def advanced_search_job(self):
        return self.browser.search_job(metier=self.config['metier'].get(),

    def get_job_advert(self, _id, advert=None):
        return self.browser.get_job_advert(_id, advert)

    def fill_obj(self, advert, fields):
        return self.get_job_advert(advert.id, advert)

    OBJECTS = {BaseJobAdvert: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 28
class AdeccoModule(Module, CapJob):
    NAME = 'adecco'
    DESCRIPTION = u'adecco website'
    MAINTAINER = u'Bezleputh'
    EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
    VERSION = '1.1'

    BROWSER = AdeccoBrowser

    publicationDate_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        '000000': u'-- Indifférent --',
        '1': u'Moins de 48 heures',
        '2': u'Moins de 1 semaine',
        '4': u'Moins de 2 semaines',
        '3': u'Moins de 5 semaines',

    type_contract_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        '000000': u'--Indifferent--',
        '1': u'CDD',
        '2': u'CDI',
        '3': u'Intérim',
        '4': u'Emploi formation',
        '5': u'Emploi saisonnier',
        '6': u'Stage',
        '7': u'Autre',

    places_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        '100|REGION_0|DEPARTEMENT_0': u'--Indifferent--',
        '101|REGION_1': u'Alsace',
        '102|REGION_1|DEPARTEMENT_1': u'-- Rhin (Bas) (67)',
        '103|REGION_1|DEPARTEMENT_2': u'-- Rhin (Haut) (68)',
        '104|REGION_2': u'Aquitaine',
        '105|REGION_2|DEPARTEMENT_3': u'-- Dordogne (24)',
        '106|REGION_2|DEPARTEMENT_4': u'-- Gironde (33)',
        '107|REGION_2|DEPARTEMENT_5': u'-- Landes (40)',
        '108|REGION_2|DEPARTEMENT_6': u'-- Lot et Garonne (47)',
        '109|REGION_2|DEPARTEMENT_7': u'-- Pyrénées Atlantiques (64)',
        '110|REGION_3': u'Auvergne',
        '111|REGION_3|DEPARTEMENT_8': u'-- Allier (03)',
        '112|REGION_3|DEPARTEMENT_9': u'-- Cantal (15)',
        '113|REGION_3|DEPARTEMENT_10': u'-- Loire (Haute) (43)',
        '114|REGION_3|DEPARTEMENT_11': u'-- Puy de Dôme (63)',
        '115|REGION_5': u'Bourgogne',
        '116|REGION_5|DEPARTEMENT_15': u'-- Côte d\'Or (21)',
        '117|REGION_5|DEPARTEMENT_16': u'-- Nièvre (58)',
        '118|REGION_5|DEPARTEMENT_17': u'-- Saône et Loire (71)',
        '119|REGION_5|DEPARTEMENT_18': u'-- Yonne (89)',
        '120|REGION_6': u'Bretagne',
        '121|REGION_6|DEPARTEMENT_19': u'-- Côtes d\'Armor (22)',
        '122|REGION_6|DEPARTEMENT_20': u'-- Finistère (29)',
        '123|REGION_6|DEPARTEMENT_21': u'-- Ille et Vilaine (35)',
        '124|REGION_6|DEPARTEMENT_22': u'-- Morbihan (56)',
        '125|REGION_7': u'Centre',
        '126|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_23': u'-- Cher (18)',
        '127|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_24': u'-- Eure et Loir (28)',
        '128|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_25': u'-- Indre (36)',
        '129|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_26': u'-- Indre et Loire (37)',
        '130|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_27': u'-- Loir et Cher (41)',
        '131|REGION_7|DEPARTEMENT_28': u'-- Loiret (45)',
        '132|REGION_8': u'Champagne Ardenne',
        '133|REGION_8|DEPARTEMENT_29': u'-- Ardennes (08)',
        '134|REGION_8|DEPARTEMENT_30': u'-- Aube (10)',
        '135|REGION_8|DEPARTEMENT_31': u'-- Marne (51)',
        '136|REGION_8|DEPARTEMENT_32': u'-- Marne (Haute) (52)',
        '137|REGION_9': u'Corse',
        '138|REGION_9|DEPARTEMENT_33': u'-- Corse du Sud (2A)',
        '139|REGION_9|DEPARTEMENT_34': u'-- Haute Corse (2B)',
        '140|REGION_11': u'Franche Comté',
        '141|REGION_11|DEPARTEMENT_43': u'-- Belfort (Territoire de) (90)',
        '142|REGION_11|DEPARTEMENT_40': u'-- Doubs (25)',
        '143|REGION_11|DEPARTEMENT_41': u'-- Jura (39)',
        '144|REGION_11|DEPARTEMENT_42': u'-- Saône (Haute) (70)',
        '145|REGION_13': u'Ile de France',
        '146|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_49': u'-- Essonne (91)',
        '147|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_50': u'-- Hauts de Seine (92)',
        '148|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_46': u'-- Paris (Dept.) (75)',
        '149|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_51': u'-- Seine Saint Denis (93)',
        '150|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_47': u'-- Seine et Marne (77)',
        '151|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_53': u'-- Val d\'Oise (95)',
        '152|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_52': u'-- Val de Marne (94)',
        '153|REGION_13|DEPARTEMENT_48': u'-- Yvelines (78)',
        '154|REGION_14': u'Languedoc Roussillon',
        '155|REGION_14|DEPARTEMENT_54': u'-- Aude (11)',
        '156|REGION_14|DEPARTEMENT_55': u'-- Gard (30)',
        '157|REGION_14|DEPARTEMENT_56': u'-- Hérault (34)',
        '158|REGION_14|DEPARTEMENT_57': u'-- Lozère (48)',
        '159|REGION_14|DEPARTEMENT_58': u'-- Pyrénées Orientales (66)',
        '160|REGION_15': u'Limousin',
        '161|REGION_15|DEPARTEMENT_59': u'-- Corrèze (19)',
        '162|REGION_15|DEPARTEMENT_60': u'-- Creuse (23)',
        '163|REGION_15|DEPARTEMENT_61': u'-- Vienne (Haute) (87)',
        '164|REGION_16': u'Lorraine',
        '165|REGION_16|DEPARTEMENT_62': u'-- Meurthe et Moselle (54)',
        '166|REGION_16|DEPARTEMENT_63': u'-- Meuse (55)',
        '167|REGION_16|DEPARTEMENT_64': u'-- Moselle (57)',
        '168|REGION_16|DEPARTEMENT_65': u'-- Vosges (88)',
        '169|REGION_17': u'Midi Pyrénées',
        '170|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_66': u'-- Ariège (09)',
        '171|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_67': u'-- Aveyron (12)',
        '172|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_68': u'-- Garonne (Haute) (31)',
        '173|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_69': u'-- Gers (32)',
        '174|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_70': u'-- Lot (46)',
        '175|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_71': u'-- Pyrénées (Hautes) (65)',
        '176|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_72': u'-- Tarn (81)',
        '177|REGION_17|DEPARTEMENT_73': u'-- Tarn et Garonne (82)',
        '178|REGION_18': u'Nord Pas de Calais',
        '179|REGION_18|DEPARTEMENT_74': u'-- Nord (59)',
        '180|REGION_18|DEPARTEMENT_75': u'-- Pas de Calais (62)',
        '181|REGION_4': u'Normandie (Basse)',
        '182|REGION_4|DEPARTEMENT_12': u'-- Calvados (14)',
        '183|REGION_4|DEPARTEMENT_13': u'-- Manche (50)',
        '184|REGION_4|DEPARTEMENT_14': u'-- Orne (61)',
        '185|REGION_12': u'Normandie (Haute)',
        '186|REGION_12|DEPARTEMENT_44': u'-- Eure (27)',
        '187|REGION_12|DEPARTEMENT_47': u'-- Seine Maritime (76)',
        '188|REGION_19': u'Pays de la Loire',
        '189|REGION_19|DEPARTEMENT_76': u'-- Loire Atlantique (44)',
        '190|REGION_19|DEPARTEMENT_77': u'-- Maine et Loire (49)',
        '191|REGION_19|DEPARTEMENT_78': u'-- Mayenne (53)',
        '192|REGION_19|DEPARTEMENT_79': u'-- Sarthe (72)',
        '193|REGION_19|DEPARTEMENT_80': u'-- Vendée (85)',
        '194|REGION_20': u'Picardie',
        '195|REGION_20|DEPARTEMENT_81': u'-- Aisne (02)',
        '196|REGION_20|DEPARTEMENT_83': u'-- Oise (60)',
        '197|REGION_20|DEPARTEMENT_84': u'-- Somme (80)',
        '198|REGION_21': u'Poitou Charentes',
        '199|REGION_21|DEPARTEMENT_85': u'-- Charente (16)',
        '200|REGION_21|DEPARTEMENT_86': u'-- Charente Maritime (17)',
        '201|REGION_21|DEPARTEMENT_87': u'-- Sèvres (Deux) (79)',
        '202|REGION_21|DEPARTEMENT_88': u'-- Vienne (86)',
        '203|REGION_22': u'Provence Alpes Côte d\'Azur',
        '204|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_90': u'-- Alpes (Hautes) (05)',
        '205|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_91': u'-- Alpes Maritimes (06)',
        '206|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_89': u'-- Alpes de Haute Provence (04)',
        '207|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_92': u'-- Bouches du Rhône (13)',
        '208|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_93': u'-- Var (83)',
        '209|REGION_22|DEPARTEMENT_94': u'-- Vaucluse (84)',
        '210|REGION_23': u'Rhône Alpes',
        '211|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_95': u'-- Ain (01)',
        '212|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_96': u'-- Ardèche (07)',
        '213|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_97': u'-- Drôme (26)',
        '214|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_98': u'-- Isère (38)',
        '215|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_99': u'-- Loire (42)',
        '216|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_100': u'-- Rhône (69)',
        '217|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_101': u'-- Savoie (73)',
        '218|REGION_23|DEPARTEMENT_102': u'-- Savoie (Haute) (74)',
        '219|REGION_10': u'DOM TOM',
        '220|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_35': u'-- Guadeloupe (971)',
        '221|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_37': u'-- Guyane (973)',
        '222|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_38': u'-- La Réunion (974)',
        '223|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_36': u'-- Martinique (972)',
        '224|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_108': u'-- Mayotte (976)',
        '225|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_109': u'-- Nouvelle Calédonie (988)',
        '226|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_108': u'-- Polynésie (987)',
        '227|REGION_10|DEPARTEMENT_107': u'-- Saint Pierre et Miquelon (975)',
        '228|REGION_24': u'International',
        '229|REGION_24|DEPARTEMENT_104': u'-- Andorre',
        '230|REGION_24|DEPARTEMENT_105': u'-- Monaco',
        '231|REGION_24|DEPARTEMENT_106': u'-- Suisse',

    activityDomain_choices = OrderedDict([(k, u'%s' % (v)) for k, v in sorted({
        '100|DOMAIN_0': u'Tous domaines d\'activité',
        '101|DOMAIN_1': u'Accueil - Secrétariat - Fonctions Administratives',
        '102|DOMAIN_1|ACTIVITY_1': u'-- Accueil',
        '103|DOMAIN_1|ACTIVITY_2': u'-- Secrétariat - Assistanat',
        '104|DOMAIN_1|ACTIVITY_3': u'-- Autres Fonctions Administratives',
        '105|DOMAIN_2': u'Achats - Juridique - Qualité - RH - Direction',
        '106|DOMAIN_2|ACTIVITY_4': u'-- Achats ',
        '107|DOMAIN_2|ACTIVITY_5': u'-- Juridique',
        '108|DOMAIN_2|ACTIVITY_6': u'-- Qualité',
        '109|DOMAIN_2|ACTIVITY_7': u'Ressources Humaines - Formation',
        '110|DOMAIN_2|ACTIVITY_8': u'-- Direction Générale',
        '111|DOMAIN_3': u'Agriculture - Viticulture - Pêche - Espaces Verts',
        '112|DOMAIN_3|ACTIVITY_9': u'-- Agriculture - Viticulture - Pêche ',
        '113|DOMAIN_3|ACTIVITY_10': u'-- Espaces Verts - Exploitation Forestière',
        '114|DOMAIN_4': u'Automobile',
        '115|DOMAIN_5': u'Banque - Finance - Gestion Comptabilité - Assurance',
        '116|DOMAIN_5|ACTIVITY_11': u'-- Banque - Finance ',
        '117|DOMAIN_5|ACTIVITY_12': u'-- Gestion - Comptabilité',
        '118|DOMAIN_5|ACTIVITY_13': u'-- Assurance',
        '119|DOMAIN_6': u'Bâtiment - Travaux Publics - Architecture - Immobilier',
        '120|DOMAIN_6|ACTIVITY_14': u'-- Bâtiment - Travaux Publics',
        '121|DOMAIN_6|ACTIVITY_15': u'-- Architecture - Immobilier ',
        '122|DOMAIN_13': u'Bureaux d\'Etudes - Méthodes',
        '123|DOMAIN_8': u'Commerce - Vente - Grande Distribution',
        '124|DOMAIN_8|ACTIVITY_20': u'-- Commerce - Vente',
        '125|DOMAIN_8|ACTIVITY_21': u'-- Grande et Moyenne Distribution',
        '126|DOMAIN_9': u'Environnement - Nettoyage - Sécurité',
        '127|DOMAIN_9|ACTIVITY_22': u'-- Environnement - HSE - Développement durable',
        '128|DOMAIN_9|ACTIVITY_23': u'-- Nettoyage - Assainissement - Pressing',
        '129|DOMAIN_9|ACTIVITY_24': u'-- Sécurité - Premiers secours',
        '130|DOMAIN_10': u'Hôtellerie - Restauration - Métiers de Bouche',
        '131|DOMAIN_10|ACTIVITY_25': u'-- Hôtellerie',
        '132|DOMAIN_10|ACTIVITY_27': u'-- Métiers de bouche',
        '133|DOMAIN_10|ACTIVITY_26': u'-- Restauration',
        '134|DOMAIN_11': u'Industrie',
        '135|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_32': u'-- Aéronautique - Navale',
        '136|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_33': u'-- Agroalimentaire',
        '137|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_58': u'-- Chimie - Pétrochimie',
        '138|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_28': u'-- Electricité - Electronique - Automatisme',
        '139|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_29': u'-- Maintenance - Entretien - SAV ',
        '140|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_30': u'-- Mécanique Générale',
        '141|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_31': u'-- Production - Fabrication ',
        '142|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_36': u'-- Sidérurgie - Métallurgie - Tuyauterie - Soudure',
        '143|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_34': u'-- Nucléaire - Production d\'énergie',
        '144|DOMAIN_11|ACTIVITY_35': u'-- Plasturgie - Bois - Papier - Verre - Cuir - Textile',
        '145|DOMAIN_12': u'Informatique - Technologie de l\'Information',
        '146|DOMAIN_12|ACTIVITY_37': u'-- Direction informatique encadrement',
        '147|DOMAIN_12|ACTIVITY_38': u'-- Etude et développement',
        '148|DOMAIN_12|ACTIVITY_39': u'-- Exploitation, maintenance et support ',
        '149|DOMAIN_12|ACTIVITY_40': u'-- Systèmes et réseaux informatique et télécom',
        '150|DOMAIN_14': u'Logistique - Manutention - Transport',
        '151|DOMAIN_14|ACTIVITY_42': u'-- Conduite de véhicule',
        '152|DOMAIN_14|ACTIVITY_43': u'-- Exploitation de logistique - supply chain',
        '153|DOMAIN_14|ACTIVITY_44': u'-- Manutention',
        '154|DOMAIN_14|ACTIVITY_45': u'-- Transport',
        '155|DOMAIN_15': u'Marketing - Communication - Imprimerie - Edition',
        '156|DOMAIN_15|ACTIVITY_47': u'-- Imprimerie - Edition - Arts Graphiques',
        '157|DOMAIN_15|ACTIVITY_46': u'-- Marketing - Communication - Medias',
        '158|DOMAIN_16': u'Médical - Paramédical - Esthétique',
        '159|DOMAIN_16|ACTIVITY_59': u'-- Commerce Appareillage',
        '160|DOMAIN_16|ACTIVITY_50': u'-- Directions, Cadres et Enseignement',
        '161|DOMAIN_16|ACTIVITY_49': u'-- Rééducation, Radiologie, Appareillage, LAM',
        '162|DOMAIN_16|ACTIVITY_51': u'-- Secrétariat, Dentaire, Social, Esthétique et Autres',
        '163|DOMAIN_16|ACTIVITY_48': u'-- Soignants - Auxiliaires',
        '164|DOMAIN_7': u'Pharmacie (Industrie, Officine) - Recherche clinique',
        '165|DOMAIN_7|ACTIVITY_16': u'-- Industrie Pharmaceutique / Cosmétologique - Biotech',
        '166|DOMAIN_7|ACTIVITY_17': u'-- Recherche Clinique',
        '167|DOMAIN_7|ACTIVITY_18': u'-- Pharmacie Officine / Hospit / Para-pharmacie',
        '168|DOMAIN_7|ACTIVITY_19': u'-- Vente, information et promotion du médicament',
        '169|DOMAIN_17': u'Télémarketing - Téléservices',
        '170|DOMAIN_17|ACTIVITY_52': u'-- Téléconseil - Télévente - Autres',
        '171|DOMAIN_17|ACTIVITY_53': u'-- Direction, Encadrement',
        '172|DOMAIN_18': u'Tourisme - Loisirs - Spectacle - Audiovisuel',
        '173|DOMAIN_18|ACTIVITY_54': u'-- Tourisme - Loisirs',
        '174|DOMAIN_18|ACTIVITY_55': u'-- Spectacle - Audiovisuel',

    CONFIG = BackendConfig(Value('publication_date', label=u'Publication Date', choices=publicationDate_choices),
                           Value('place', label=u'Place', choices=places_choices),
                           Value('contract', labe=u'Contract type', choices=type_contract_choices),
                           Value('activity_domain', label=u'Activity Domain', choices=activityDomain_choices),

    def search_job(self, pattern=None):
        with self.browser:
            for advert in self.browser.search_job(pattern):
                yield advert

    def decode_choice(self, place):
        splitted_choice = place.split('|')
        part1 = splitted_choice[1].split('_')[1]
        if len(splitted_choice) == 3:
            part2 = splitted_choice[2].split('_')[1]
            return part1, part2
            return part1, 0

    def advanced_search_job(self):
        region, departement = self.decode_choice(self.config['place'].get())
        domain, category = self.decode_choice(self.config['activity_domain'].get())
        for advert in self.browser.advanced_search_job(publication_date=int(self.config['publication_date'].get()),
            yield advert

    def get_job_advert(self, _id, advert=None):
        with self.browser:
            return self.browser.get_job_advert(_id, advert)

    def fill_obj(self, advert, fields):
        self.get_job_advert(advert.id, advert)

    OBJECTS = {AdeccoJobAdvert: fill_obj}
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.values = OrderedDict()
     self.config = RawConfigParser()
Exemplo n.º 30
    def get_list(self):
        accounts = OrderedDict()

        for tr in self.document.getiterator('tr'):
            first_td = tr.getchildren()[0]
            if (first_td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'i g' or first_td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'p g') \
               and first_td.find('a') is not None:

                a = first_td.find('a')
                link = a.get('href', '')
                if link.startswith('POR_SyntheseLst'):

                url = urlparse(link)
                p = parse_qs(url.query)
                if not 'rib' in p:

                for i in (2, 1):
                    balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(
                    currency = Account.get_currency(tr.getchildren()[i].text)
                    if len(balance) > 0:
                balance = Decimal(balance)

                id = p['rib'][0]
                if id in accounts:
                    account = accounts[id]
                    if not account.coming:
                        account.coming = Decimal('0.0')
                    account.coming += balance

                account = Account()
                account.id = id
                account.label = unicode(
                    a.text).strip().lstrip(' 0123456789').title()
                account._link_id = link
                account._card_links = []

                # Find accounting amount
                page = self.browser.get_document(self.browser.openurl(link))
                coming = self.find_amount(page, u"Opérations à venir")
                accounting = self.find_amount(page, u"Solde comptable")

                if accounting is not None and accounting + (
                        coming or Decimal('0')) != balance:
                    self.logger.warning('%s + %s != %s' %
                                        (accounting, coming, balance))

                if accounting is not None:
                    balance = accounting

                if coming is not None:
                    account.coming = coming
                account.balance = balance
                account.currency = currency

                accounts[account.id] = account

        return accounts.itervalues()