def update_nite_html_gen3(self): outhtml = open( self.output_dir + '/' + self.nite + '_gen"' + self.gen + '".html', 'w') outhtml.write('<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n') outhtml.write( 'table, th, td {\nborder-collapse: collapse;\nfont-size: 20pt;\n }\n' ) outhtml.write('p {font-size: 20pt;\n }\n') outhtml.write('</style>\n') outhtml.write('</head>\n<body>\n') outhtml.write('<h1>' + + ' Transfer and Ingestion for Nite of ' + self.nite + '</h1>') outhtml.write('<p>Last updated: ' + self.nowstr + '</p>\n') outhtml.write('<h2>Description</h2>\n') outhtml.write( '<p>"File Name" is the name of the file transferred to NCSA.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"Status" is the result of the most recent ingestion attempt.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write('"File Size" is measured in bytes.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Transfer Path" is the path of the transferred file at NCSA with root ' + + '.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Creation Time" is the UTC the file was created (based on Unix ctime).<br>\n' ) outhtml.write('"Transfer Time" is the UTC the file was created.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Ingest Time" is the UTC of the file ingestion at NCSA.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Delta Time 1" is the time (in seconds) between Creation and Transfer to NCSA (approximate transfer time).<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"Delta Time 2" is the time (in seconds) between Transfer and Ingestion to NCSA (approximate ingest time).<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"Err Message" is the Error Message from a failed ingestion attempt (if the most recent attempt failed).<br><br>\n' ) outhtml.write( db_to_html(self.db, [ 'select Transfer_Path, Status, File_Size, Creation_Time, Transfer_Time, Ingest_Time, printf("%.1f",(julianday(Transfer_Time)-julianday(Creation_Time))*24*3600.) as Delta_Time_1, printf("%.1f",(julianday(Ingest_Time)-julianday(Transfer_Time))*24*3600.) as Delta_Time_2, Err_Message from FILE_LIST_GEN"' + self.gen + '" where Nite = "' + self.nite + '" ORDER BY Creation_Time' ])) outhtml.write('</body>\n</html>') outhtml.close()
def update_main_html_gen3(self): outhtml = open(self.output_dir + '/index_gen"' + self.gen + '".html', 'w') outhtml.write('<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n') outhtml.write( 'table, th, td {\nborder-collapse: collapse;\nfont-size: 20pt;\n }\n' ) outhtml.write('p {font-size: 20pt;\n }\n') outhtml.write('</style>\n') outhtml.write('</head>\n<body>\n') outhtml.write('<h1>' + + ' Transfer and Ingestion</h1>') outhtml.write('<p>Last updated: ' + self.nowstr + '</p>\n') outhtml.write('<h2>Description</h2>\n') outhtml.write( '<p>"Nite Obs" is the observing night (tied to UTC-12).<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Last Update" is the most recent UTC time that Nite Obs was checked.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"N Files" is the number of files received at NCSA.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Last Creation" is the UTC of the most recent file creation.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"Last Transfer" is the UTC of the most recent file creation.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"N Ingest" is the number of files successfully ingested at NCSA.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"N Not Fits" is the number of uningested files that don\'t end in ".fits".<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"N Small" is the number of ".fits" files smaller than 10K.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"N Error" is the number of uningested ".fits" files that are greater than 10K.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write( '"Last Ingest" is the UTC of the most recently file ingest.<br><br>\n' ) outhtml.write( db_to_html(self.db, 'select * from FILE_COUNT_GEN"' + self.gen + '" ORDER by Nite_Obs DESC', linkify=True, modifier='_gen' + self.gen)) outhtml.write('</body>\n</html>') outhtml.close()
def update_nite_html(self): outhtml = open(self.output_dir + '/' + self.nite + '.html', 'w') outhtml.write('<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n') outhtml.write( 'table, th, td {\nborder-collapse: collapse;\nfont-size: 20pt;\n }\n' ) outhtml.write('p {font-size: 20pt;\n }\n') outhtml.write('</style>\n') outhtml.write('</head>\n<body>\n') outhtml.write('<h1>' + + ' Transfer and Ingestion for Nite of ' + self.nite + '</h1>') outhtml.write('<p>Last updated: ' + self.nowstr + '</p>\n') outhtml.write('<h2>Description</h2>\n') outhtml.write( '<p>"File Name" is the name of the file transferred to NCSA.<br>\n' ) outhtml.write('"File Size" is measured in bytes.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Transfer Path" is the path of the transferred file at NCSA with root ' + + '.<br>\n') outhtml.write('"Creation Time" is the UTC the file was created.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Ingest Path" is the path of the transferred file at NCSA with root ' + self.repo_dir + '.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Ingest Time" is the UTC of the file ingestion at NCSA.<br>\n') outhtml.write( '"Delta Time" is the time (in seconds) between Creation and ingestion at NCSA (approximate transfer time).<br><br>\n' ) outhtml.write( db_to_html(self.db, [ 'select Transfer_Path, File_Size, Creation_Time, "None" as Ingest_Path, "None" as Ingest_Time, 0.0 as Delta_Time from TRANSFER_LIST where FILENUM not in (select FILENUM from Ingest_list) and Nite_Trans = "' + self.nite + '" ORDER BY Creation_Time', 'select Transfer_Path, File_Size, Creation_Time, Ingest_Path, Ingest_Time, printf("%.1f",(julianday(Ingest_Time)-julianday(Creation_Time))*24*3600.) as Delta_Time from Ingest_List i, Transfer_List t where i.FILENUM = t.FILENUM and Nite_Obs = "' + self.nite + '" ORDER BY Creation_time' ])) outhtml.write('</body>\n</html>') outhtml.close()
outhtml.write('<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n') outhtml.write( 'table, th, td {\nborder-collapse: collapse;\nfont-size: 20pt;\n }\n') outhtml.write('p {font-size: 20pt;\n }\n') outhtml.write('</style>\n') outhtml.write('</head>\n<body>\n') outhtml.write('<p>Last updated: ' + nowstr + '</p>\n') outhtml.write('<h1>NCSA/LSST Transfer/Ingestion Summary Page</h1>\n') for indir in sys.argv[2:]: if indir[0] != '/': indir = outdir + '/' + indir stream = indir.split('/')[-1] db = indir + '/observing_monitor.sqlite3' outhtml.write('\n<h2><a href="' + stream + '">' + stream + '</a></h2>\n') outhtml.write( db_to_html( db, 'select * from FILE_COUNT where Nite_Obs >= "' + firstnite + '" order by Nite_Obs DESC')) if os.path.exists(indir + "/index_gen3.html"): outhtml.write('\n<h2><a href="' + stream + '/index_gen3.html">' + stream + ' Gen 3</a></h2>\n') outhtml.write( db_to_html( db, 'select * from FILE_COUNT_GEN3 where Nite_Obs >= "' + firstnite + '" order by Nite_Obs DESC')) outhtml.write('</body>\n</html>') outhtml.close()