def postFortuneDelete(self, fortuneGuid):
        appliedFortunes = db.query('SELECT * FROM applied_fortune WHERE fortuneGuid = %s', fortuneGuid)
        if len(appliedFortunes) is not 0:
            return 'fortune can not be deleted'

        db.query('DELETE FROM fortune WHERE guid = %s', fortuneGuid)
        return 'Fortune deleted'
def student_signin(service, access_token=None, access_token_secret=None, **kwarg):
    if service == 'twitter':
        response = twitter.get(

        data = response.content
        handle = data['screen_name']
        serviceId = data['id_str']
        name = data['name']
        email = ''
        serviceId = kwarg['values']['facebook_id']
        handle = None
        access_token = kwarg['values']['access_token']
        name = kwarg['values']['name']
        email = kwarg['values']['email']

    # Determine if this user already exists in our database
    rows = db.query('SELECT * FROM student_client WHERE service = %s AND serviceId = %s', (service, serviceId))

    if len(rows) is 0:
        # New student, create account
        guid = str(uuid())
            'INSERT INTO student_client (guid, name, email, service, handle, serviceId, oauthToken, oauthSecret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
            (guid, name, email, service, handle, serviceId, access_token, access_token_secret)
    def postPsychicState(self, psychicGuid, values):
            'UPDATE psychic SET active = %s WHERE guid = %s',
            (values['isActive'], psychicGuid)

        return 'psychic updated'
    def postPsychicProfile(self, psychicGuid, values):
            'UPDATE psychic SET givenName = %s, fullName = %s, nickName = %s, surName = %s WHERE guid = %s',
            (values['givenName'], values['fullName'], values['nickName'], values['surName'], psychicGuid)

        return 'psychic updated'
    def postFortuneStatus(self, fortuneGuid, values):
        # Validate that the required fields are present
        if 'action' not in values or (values['action'] != 'activate' and values['action'] != 'deactivate'):
            return 'Missing or invalid action'

        # Update the value on the fortune
        newValue = 1 if values['action'] == 'activate' else 0
        db.query('UPDATE fortune SET active = %s WHERE guid = %s', (newValue, fortuneGuid))
        return 'Fortune status updated'
    def postFortuneNetwork(self, fortuneGuid, values):
        if 'network' not in values:
            return 'Missing network'

        if values['network'] != 'twitter' and values['network'] != 'facebook':
            return 'Invalid network'

        db.query('UPDATE fortune SET service=%s WHERE guid = %s', (values['network'], fortuneGuid))
        return 'Network Updated'
    def post(self, code):
        values = request.json

        # Validate that the required fields are present
        if 'rating' not in values:
            return 'Missing rating'

        # Update the value on the fortune
        db.query('UPDATE applied_fortune SET liked = %s WHERE shortId = %s', (values['rating'], code))

        return 'Applied Fortune updated'
    def postFortuneMessage(self, fortuneGuid, values):
        # Validate that the required fields are present
        if 'message' not in values:
            return 'Missing message'

        appliedFortunes = db.query('SELECT * FROM applied_fortune WHERE fortuneGuid = %s', fortuneGuid)
        if len(appliedFortunes) is not 0:
            return 'fortune can not be updated'

        # Update the value on the fortune
        db.query('UPDATE fortune SET message = %s WHERE guid = %s', (values['message'], fortuneGuid))
        return 'Fortune message updated'
def studentRatingPage(shortcode):
    rows = db.query(
        'SELECT fortune.message, fortune.service, psychic.fullName, applied_fortune.shortId, applied_fortune.studentGuid FROM applied_fortune JOIN fortune ON fortune.guid = applied_fortune.fortuneGuid JOIN psychic ON fortune.psychicGuid = psychic.guid WHERE shortId = %s',

    student = db.query('SELECT email FROM student_client JOIN applied_fortune ON applied_fortune.studentGuid = student_client.guid WHERE applied_fortune.shortId = %s', shortcode)

    if len(rows) is 1:
        return render_template('rating.html', fortune=rows[0], email=student[0]['email'])
def getFortuneStats(fortuneGuid):
    dataToReturn = {}

    data = db.query(
        'SELECT name, appliedTime, student_client.service, liked, AS \'fortuneActive\', fortune.createdTime AS \'fortuneCreatedTime\' FROM applied_fortune JOIN student_client on student_client.guid = applied_fortune.studentGuid JOIN fortune on applied_fortune.fortuneGuid = fortune.guid WHERE fortuneGuid = %s ORDER BY appliedTime',

    dataToReturn['numberOfApplications'] = len(data)

    rating = {
        'liked': 0,
        'disliked': 0,
        'unrated': 0
    applicationTimes = []

    for row in data:
        if row['liked'] == 1:
            rating['liked'] += 1
        elif row['liked'] == -1:
            rating['disliked'] += 1
            rating['unrated'] += 1


    dataToReturn['rating'] = rating
    dataToReturn['status'] = data[0]['fortuneActive']
    dataToReturn['timeBeforeApplied'] = (applicationTimes[0] - data[0]['fortuneCreatedTime']).total_seconds()*1000
    dataToReturn['timeSinceMostRecentApplication'] = ( - applicationTimes[len(applicationTimes) - 1]).total_seconds()*1000

    if len(applicationTimes) > 1:
        timeBetweenApplications = []
        lastApplication = None
        for time in applicationTimes:
            if lastApplication is None:
                lastApplication = time
                timeBetweenApplications.append((time - lastApplication).total_seconds())
        dataToReturn['averageTimeBetweenApplications'] = sum(timeBetweenApplications) / len(timeBetweenApplications)
        dataToReturn['averageTimeBetweenApplications'] = 0

    numStudentsQuery = db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM student_client', ())
    numberOfStudents = numStudentsQuery[0]['count']
    dataToReturn['percentageAppliedTo'] = dataToReturn['numberOfApplications'] / (numberOfStudents * 1.0)

    return dataToReturn
def validate_token(request):
    token = request.args.get('token')
    if token is None:
        raise InvalidToken

    rows = db.query('SELECT psychicGuid, createdTime FROM access_token WHERE guid = %s AND expired = 0', token)
    if len(rows) is 0:
        raise InvalidToken

    now =
    if rows[0]['createdTime'] + datetime.timedelta(hours=10) > now:
        return rows[0]['psychicGuid']
        db.query('UPDATE access_token SET expired = 1 WHERE guid = %s', token)
        raise InvalidToken
    def getFortuneStatus(self, fortuneGuid):
        rows = db.query('SELECT active from fortune WHERE guid = %s', fortuneGuid)

        if len(rows) == 1:
            return json.dumps(rows[0])
            raise InvalidFortune
    def get(self, code):
        rows = db.query('SELECT liked FROM applied_fortune WHERE shortId = %s', code)

        if len(rows) == 1:
            return json.dumps(rows[0])
            return 'Invalid code'
    def getPsychic(self, psychicGuid):
        rows = db.query(
            'SELECT givenName, surName, fullName, nickName, email, active, twitterUsername FROM psychic WHERE guid = %s',

        return json.dumps(rows[0])
def dashboard(psychicGuid):
    rows = db.query('SELECT * FROM psychic WHERE guid = %s', psychicGuid)

    if len(rows) is 1:
        for i in rows[0]:
            if rows[0][i] is None:
                rows[0][i] = ''
        return render_template('dashboard.html', psychic=rows[0])
        return 'Does not exist'
def validate_token_fortune_ownership(request, fortuneGuid):
    token = request.args.get('token')
    if token is None:
        raise InvalidToken

    rows = db.query(
        'SELECT message FROM fortune LEFT JOIN access_token ON access_token.psychicGuid = fortune.psychicGuid WHERE fortune.guid = %s AND access_token.guid = %s',
        (fortuneGuid, token)
    return False if len(rows) is 0 else True
def postFortune():
    # Always validate the token first
    psychicGuid = validate_token(request)

    values = request.json

    # Validate that all the required fields are present
    if 'message' not in values or values['message'] is None:
        return 'Missing message'
    if 'service' not in values or values['service'] is None:
        return 'Missing service'

    guid = str(uuid())

        'INSERT INTO fortune (guid, message, psychicGuid, service) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)',
        (guid, values['message'], psychicGuid, values['service'])

    return 'Fortune created'
    def getFortune(self, fortuneGuid):
        data = db.query('SELECT * FROM fortune WHERE guid = %s', fortuneGuid)

        # Dates must be serialized before returning
        if len(data) == 1:
            row = data[0]
            row['createdTime'] = row['createdTime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if row['expires'] is not None:
                row['expires'] = row['expires'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

            return json.dumps(row)
            raise InvalidFortune
def p_signin_twitter(access_token, access_token_secret):
    # Get some general information about this user
    response = twitter.get(

    data = response.content
    name = data['name']
    twitter_id = data['id_str']
    twitter_username = data['screen_name']
    guid = ''

    # Determine if this user already exists in our database
    rows = db.query('SELECT * FROM psychic WHERE twitterId = %s', twitter_id)

    if len(rows) is 0:
        # New user, create account
        guid = str(uuid())
            'INSERT INTO psychic (guid, fullName, twitterUsername, twitterId, twitterAccessToken, twitterAccessTokenSecret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
            (guid, name, twitter_username, twitter_id, access_token, access_token_secret)
        # Existing user, set the guid
        guid = rows[0]['guid']

    # Set info so we know who is signed in
    session['access_token'] = access_token
    session['access_token_secret'] = access_token_secret
    session['psychic_guid'] = guid

    # Issue the user a token
    token = str(uuid())
    db.query('INSERT INTO access_token (guid, psychicGuid) VALUES (%s, %s)', (token, guid))

    return token, guid
    def getPsychicAllFortunes(self, psychicGuid):
        # Select the rating at the same time as the fortunes.
        rows = db.query(
            'SELECT fortune.guid, fortune.message, fortune.createdTime, fortune.psychicGuid,, fortune.service, fortune.expires, SUM(applied_fortune.liked) as rating FROM fortune left join applied_fortune ON applied_fortune.fortuneGuid = fortune.guid WHERE psychicGuid = %s GROUP BY fortune.guid ORDER BY createdTime DESC;',

        # Dates must be serialized before returning
        for row in rows:
            row['createdTime'] = row['createdTime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if row['rating'] is not None:
                row['rating'] = int(row['rating'])
            if row['expires'] is not None:
                row['expires'] = row['expires'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

        return json.dumps(rows)
def siteStates_psychicStats(psychicGuid):
    rows = db.query(
        'SELECT fortune.guid, appliedTime, active FROM fortune LEFT JOIN applied_fortune ON fortune.guid = applied_fortune.fortuneGuid WHERE fortune.psychicGuid =  %s GROUP BY fortune.guid',

    numberApplied = 0
    numberNotApplied = 0
    isActive = False

    for row in rows:
        if row['appliedTime'] is not None:
            numberApplied += 1
            numberNotApplied += 1

        if row['active']:
            isActive = True

    return json.dumps({"numberApplied": numberApplied, "numberNotApplied": numberNotApplied, "isActive": isActive})
    def getPsychicRating(self, psychicGuid):
        rows = db.query(
            'SELECT liked as likes FROM applied_fortune JOIN fortune ON fortune.guid = applied_fortune.fortuneGuid WHERE fortune.psychicGuid = %s',

        # Calculate rating
        ratings = {
            'likes': 0,
            'dislikes': 0,
            'unrated': 0

        for row in rows:
            if row['likes'] == 1:
                ratings['likes'] += 1
            elif row['likes'] == -1:
                ratings['dislikes'] += 1
                ratings['unrated'] += 1

        return json.dumps(ratings)
def studentUnsubscribe(guid):
    db.query('UPDATE student_client SET active = 0 WHERE guid = %s', guid)
    return render_template('home.html')
 def getFortuneAppliedTo(self, fortuneGuid):
     data = db.query(
         'SELECT studentGuid, serviceHandle, liked FROM applied_fortune JOIN student_client on student_client.guid = applied_fortune.studentGuid WHERE fortuneGuid = %s',
     return json.dumps(data)
def siteStats_psychicList():
    # TODO: Should retrieve the score as well
    rows = db.query('SELECT surName, twitterUsername, guid FROM psychic')
    return json.dumps(rows)