Exemplo n.º 1
def rule_eq():
    rule1 = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    rule2 = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    rule3 = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    rule4 = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 5)
    test("Rule Equality", rule1 == rule2, True)
    test("Rule Inequality 1", rule1 == rule3, False)
    test("Rule Inequality 2", rule1 == rule4, False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def property_eq():
    rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    prop1 = Property("count", rule)
    prop2 = Property("count", rule)
    prop3 = Property("name", rule)
    prop4 = Property("count", Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10))
    test("Property Equality", prop1 == prop2, True)
    test("Property Inequality 1", prop1 == prop3, False)
    test("Property Inequality 2", prop1 == prop4, False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def rule_match_xor():
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])
    test("Rule XOR 1", xor_rule.match("world"), True)
    test("Rule XOR 2", xor_rule.match("help"), True)
    test("Rule XOR 3", xor_rule.match("hello"), False)
    test("Rule XOR 4", xor_rule.match("animal"), False)
Exemplo n.º 4
def webster_eq():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # define a thing
    attrs = {"Name": "Hello", "Value": 3}
    thing = Thing("TestyThingy", attributes=attrs, definition="TestyDef")

    # defines Webster
    webster1 = Webster(brain=[thing], dictionary=[definition])
    webster2 = Webster(brain=[thing], dictionary=[definition])
    webster3 = Webster(dictionary=[definition])
    webster4 = Webster(brain=[thing])
    test("Webster Equality", webster1 == webster2, True)
    test("Webster Inequality 1", webster1 == webster3, False)
    test("Webster Inequality 2", webster1 == webster4, False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rule_match_and():
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])  # between 3 & 10
    test("Rule AND 1", and_rule.match(7), True)
    test("Rule AND 2", and_rule.match(0), False)
    test("Rule AND 3", and_rule.match(15), False)
Exemplo n.º 6
def init_webster():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # define a thing
    attrs = {"Name": "Hello", "Value": 3}
    thing = Thing("TestyThingy", attributes=attrs, definition="TestyDef")

    # defines Webster
    webster = Webster(brain=[thing], dictionary=[definition])

    # tests for the correct values
    dict_test = webster.dictionary["TestyDef"]
    test("Webster Construction Dictionary", dict_test, definition)
    test("Webster Construction Brain", webster.brain["TestyThingy"], thing)
Exemplo n.º 7
def webster_has_def():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # define a thing
    attrs1 = {"Name": "Hello", "Value": 5}
    attrs2 = {"Name": "hello", "Value": 1}
    thing1 = Thing("Thing 1", attributes=attrs1, definition="TestyDef")
    thing2 = Thing("Thing 2", attributes=attrs2)
    thing3 = Thing("Thing Red", attributes=attrs2, definition="TestyDef")
    thing4 = Thing("Thing Blue", attributes=attrs1)
    brain = [thing1, thing2, thing3, thing4]

    # runs test
    webster = Webster(brain=brain, dictionary=[definition])
    result1 = webster.has_definition("Thing 1", "TestyDef")
    result2 = webster.has_definition("Thing 2", "TestyDef")
    result3 = webster.has_definition("Thing Red", "TestyDef")
    result4 = webster.has_definition("Thing Blue", "TestyDef")
    test("Webster Has Definition 1", result1, True)
    test("Webster Has Definition 2", result2, False)
    test("Webster Has Definition 3", result3, True)
    test("Webster Has Definition 4", result4, True)
Exemplo n.º 8
def webster_set_rule():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])
    new_rule = Rule(RuleType.IS, "Hello")

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # run test
    webster = Webster()
    webster.add_definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    webster.set_property_rule("TestyDef", "Name", new_rule)
    test("Webster Set Rule", webster.get_rule("TestyDef", "Name"), new_rule)
Exemplo n.º 9
def webster_get_prop():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # run test
    webster = Webster()
    webster.add_definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    result = webster.get_property("TestyDef", "Name")
    test("Webster Get Property", result, name_prop)
Exemplo n.º 10
def webster_has_prop():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # run test
    webster = Webster()
    webster.add_definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    result1 = webster.has_property("TestyDef", "Name")
    result2 = webster.has_property("TestyDef", "Count")
    test("Webster Has Property 1", result1, True)
    test("Webster Has Property 2", result2, False)
Exemplo n.º 11
def definition_eq():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # run the test
    def1 = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    def2 = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    def3 = Definition("TestDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])
    def4 = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop])
    test("Definition Equality", def1 == def2, True)
    test("Definition Inequality 1", def1 == def3, False)
    test("Definition Inequality 2", def1 == def4, False)
Exemplo n.º 12
def init_definition():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # the expected value of definition.prop
    exp_prop = {"Name": name_prop, "Value": valu_prop}

    test("Definition Construction Name", definition.name, "TestyDef")
    test("Definition Construction Properties", definition.props, exp_prop)
Exemplo n.º 13
def webster_get_definition():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # defines Webster
    webster = Webster(dictionary=[definition])

    # tests to get the definition
    test_result = webster.get_definition("TestyDef")
    test("Webster Get Definition", test_result, definition)
Exemplo n.º 14
def definition_match():

    # define rules to use
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)
    and_rule = Rule(RuleType.AND, [greater_rule, less_rule])
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')
    xor_rule = Rule(RuleType.XOR, [contain_rule, Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'o')])

    # define properties to use
    name_prop = Property("Name", xor_rule)
    valu_prop = Property("Value", and_rule)

    # define a definition for testing
    definition = Definition("TestyDef", [name_prop, valu_prop])

    # define a thing for testing
    thing = Thing("TestyThingy", attributes={"Name": "Hello", "Value": 4})
    test("Definition Match 1", definition.match(thing), True)
    thing = Thing("TestyThingy", attributes={"Name": "hello", "Value": 4})
    test("Definition Match 2", definition.match(thing), False)
    thing = Thing("TestyThingy", attributes={"Name": "Hello", "Value": 3})
    test("Definition Match 3", definition.match(thing), False)
Exemplo n.º 15
def property_match():
    rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    prop = Property("count", rule)
    test("Property Match 1", prop.match(7), True)
    test("Property Match 1", prop.match(5), False)
Exemplo n.º 16
def rule_match_contain():
    contain_rule = Rule(RuleType.CONTAIN, 'h')  # contains letter h
    test("Rule CONTAIN 1", contain_rule.match("hello"), True)
    test("Rule CONTAIN 2", contain_rule.match("world"), False)
Exemplo n.º 17
def rule_match_or():
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)
    or_rule = Rule(RuleType.OR, [Rule(RuleType.IS, 3), greater_rule])  # >= 3
    test("Rule OR 1", or_rule.match(3), True)
    test("Rule OR 2", or_rule.match(5), True)
    test("Rule OR 3", or_rule.match(-3), False)
Exemplo n.º 18
def rule_match_is():
    test("Rule IS 1", Rule(RuleType.IS, "Hello").match("Hello"), True)
    test("Rule IS 2", Rule(RuleType.IS, "Hello").match("World"), False)
Exemplo n.º 19
def rule_match_not():
    not_rule = Rule(RuleType.NOT, Rule(RuleType.IS, 6))  # not 6
    test("Rule NOT 1", not_rule.match(3), True)
    test("Rule NOT 2", not_rule.match(6), False)
Exemplo n.º 20
def init_property():
    rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    prop = Property("count", rule)
    test("Property Construction Name", prop.name, "count")
    test("Property Construction Rule", prop.rule, rule)
Exemplo n.º 21
def rule_match_less():
    less_rule = Rule(RuleType.LESS, 10)  # less than 10
    test("Rule LESS 1", less_rule.match(1), True)
    test("Rule LESS 2", less_rule.match(12), False)
Exemplo n.º 22
def init_rule():
    rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 5)
    test("Rule Construction Type", rule.rule_type, RuleType.GREATER)
    test("Rule Construction Value", rule.value, 5)
Exemplo n.º 23
def rule_match_greater():
    greater_rule = Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3)  # greater than 3
    test("Rule GREATER 1", greater_rule.match(5), True)
    test("Rule GREATER 2", Rule(RuleType.GREATER, 3).match(1), False)