async def on_message(self, msg: Message): """ listen for message event """ from_contact = msg.talker() text = msg.text() room = to = if room is None and to.contact_id == self.contact_id: # say msg to the bot if text == '#status': msg = 'busy' if self.busy else 'free' await from_contact.say( f'My status: {msg}') await from_contact.say(self.auto_reply_comment) elif text == '#free': await from_contact.say('auto reply stopped.') elif text == '#busy': self.busy= True await from_contact.say('auto reply enabled') else: await from_contact.say(self.auto_reply_comment)
async def on_message(self, msg: Message): """ listen for msg event. :param msg: received msg. :return: none """ # msg # attrs: # message_id(str) '3037907331459016207' # from_id(str) 'wxid_qgho9l2kdha311' # mention_ids(list) # room_id(str) '' # text(str) '1' # timestamp(int) 1620493045 # to_id(str) 'wxid_vj8wsjhms91j22' # busy-bot: 可以输入特定指令使得机器人不会进行自动回答,可以用于进群验证时的维护状态 from_contact = msg.talker() # attrs: # name(str) 'KIERAN.' # contact_id(str) 'wxid_qgho9l2kdha311' # address '' # alias '' # avatar '' # city '' # friend True # gender 1 # signature '短期计划者' # weixin 'kieran00000' text = msg.text() room = to = # attrs: # name(str) '随便取个名吧' # contact_id(str) 'wxid_vj8wsjhms91j22' # address '' # alias '' # avatar '' # city '' # friend True # gender 0 # signature '' # weixin '' print(msg.type()) if msg.is_self(): return await savecontent(msg, from_contact, room, self.collection2) await calculatespeak(msg, from_contact, room, self.collection3) # if msg.type() == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_AUDIO: # audio = await msg.to_file_box() # # save the image as local file # await audio.to_file(f'./{}') # if msg.type() == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_ATTACHMENT: # file = await msg.to_file_box() # await file.to_file(f"./{}") # print("保存文件成功") if msg.type() == MessageType.MESSAGE_TYPE_RECALLED: # recalledMessage = await msg.to_recalled() # 方法有错误,下面自己手写debug得到。 msg_text = msg.text() # recalledMessage = self.Message.load(message_id=msg_text) # await recalledMessage.ready() origin_message_id = re.findall(r'<newmsgid>(.*?)</newmsgid>', msg_text)[0] # recalledMessage = self.Message.find_all(message_id=origin_message_id) recalledMessage = self.Message.load(message_id=origin_message_id) await recalledMessage.ready()'Bot' + f'EVENT: Detect Recalled text : {recalledMessage.text()} . FROM {from_contact.contact_id}') print(f"Recalled msg is {recalledMessage.text()}") # 此处的if if room == None and to.contact_id == self.contact_id: # When someone try to contact with the bot if text == '#状态': msg = 'busy' if self.busy else 'free' await from_contact.say( f'My status: {msg}') if self.busy == True: await from_contact.say(self.busy_auto_reply_comment) elif text == '#开启': # Problem: the talker should be an authentic wechat user. self.busy = False await from_contact.say('关闭自动回复') elif text == '#关闭': # Problem: the talker should be an authentic wechat user. self.busy = True await from_contact.say('打开自动回复.') elif self.busy == False: # 添加基本的进群验证功能。 if msg.text() == 'ding': await from_contact.say('dong') # await from_contact.say('目前只能进行ding的回复,请继续等待后续开发😂') if msg.text() == '#帮助': await from_contact.say('1. 发送 \'#加群\' 给bot,bot会发送给用户对应的验证码图片\n' '2. 发送 \'#验证 XXXX\' 给bot,bot会完成验证并给予答复,拉人接口暂时还未完善\n' '3. 发送 \'ding\' 给bot,bot会答复dong') elif msg.text().startswith('#加群'): find_result = find(self.collection3, from_contact.contact_id) if find_result != False and find_result['remove'] != 0: passed_time = time.time() - find_result['time_leave_room'] if passed_time < 300: await from_contact.say(f"你的冷静期还未结束。还剩余{300 - int(passed_time)}秒") return inserted_dict = {"_id": from_contact.contact_id, "quiz_ans": "", "quiz_time": 0} insert(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id, inserted_dict) await from_contact.say('请稍等验证码生成,并在60s内完成回答') img, code = getVerifyCode() update(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id, "quiz_ans", code) update(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id, "quiz_time", time.time()) # 为了防止用户连续两次进行请求 # self.verify_info[from_contact.contact_id] = code img = FileBox.from_file('./temp_verify.jpg') await from_contact.say(img) # print(self.verify_info[from_contact.contact_id]) print(code) # await from_contact.say("目前进群功能仍在开发中") # await from_contact.say('请耐心等待开发') elif msg.text() == '#我是你爹': await from_contact.say("主人sama,马上把您拉上群") try: dingRoom = await self.Room.find('新测试群') if dingRoom:'Bot' + 'onMessage: got dingRoom: "%s"' % await dingRoom.topic()) await checkandinvite(from_contact=from_contact, room = dingRoom, collection_user=self.collection3) # # # if self.boton_quit.__contains__(dingRoom.room_id): # boton_quit_list = self.boton_quit[dingRoom.room_id] # else: # boton_quit_list = [] # # if from_contact.contact_id not in boton_quit_list and await dingRoom.has(from_contact): # topic = await dingRoom.topic() #'Bot' + 'onMessage: sender has already in dingRoom') # # await dingRoom.say('I found you have joined in room "{0}"!'.format(topic), talker) # await dingRoom.say(f'您 @{} 已经在群聊 "{topic}"中!') # await from_contact.say( # '不需要再次申请入群,因为您已经在群"{}"中'.format(topic)) # else: # inserted_dict = {"_id": from_contact.contact_id, "time_in": time.time(), "warning": 0, # "time_last_warning": 0} # insert(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, inserted_dict) # update(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, "warning", 0) # update(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, "time_last_warning", 0) # # # if from_contact.contact_id in boton_quit_list: # self.boton_quit[dingRoom.room_id].remove(from_contact.contact_id) #'Bot' + 'onMessage: add sender("%s") to dingRoom("%s")' % ( #, dingRoom.topic())) # await put_in_room(from_contact, dingRoom) # await from_contact.say('已经您拉入群中') except Exception as e: log.exception(e) elif msg.text().startswith('#验证'): user_verify_code = msg.text()[4:] print(user_verify_code) find_result = find(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id) # if not self.verify_info.__contains__(from_contact.contact_id): if find_result == False: await from_contact.say('并未进行加群请求!,请先发送 #加群 至机器人获取专属验证码') return if time.time() - find_result['quiz_time'] > 60: # expired_code = self.verify_info.pop(from_contact.contact_id) delete(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id) print(f'previous code has benn expired') await from_contact.say("超时未回答正确验证码信息,请重新发送 #加群 再进行尝试") elif user_verify_code == find_result['quiz_ans']: # TODO: 需不需要再在roominvite中删除? delete(self.collection1, from_contact.contact_id) print(f"在room_invite中删除一认证用户{}") await from_contact.say("通过测试,后续会将您拉入群中") # put_in_room() # await from_contact.say("目前进群功能仍在开发中") try: dingRoom = await self.Room.find('新测试群') if dingRoom:'Bot' + 'onMessage: got dingRoom: "%s"' % await dingRoom.topic()) await checkandinvite(from_contact=from_contact, room=dingRoom, collection_user=self.collection3) # if self.boton_quit.__contains__(dingRoom.room_id): # boton_quit_list = self.boton_quit[dingRoom.room_id] # else: # boton_quit_list = [] # # if from_contact.contact_id not in boton_quit_list and await dingRoom.has(from_contact): # topic = await dingRoom.topic() #'Bot' + 'onMessage: sender has already in dingRoom') # # await dingRoom.say('I found you have joined in room "{0}"!'.format(topic), talker) # await dingRoom.say(f'您 @{} 已经在群聊 "{topic}"中!') # await from_contact.say( # '不需要再次申请入群,因为您已经在群"{}"中'.format(topic)) # else: # if from_contact.contact_id in boton_quit_list: # self.boton_quit[dingRoom.room_id].remove(from_contact.contact_id) # # inserted_dict = {"_id": from_contact.contact_id, "time_in": time.time(), # "warning": 0, "time_last_warning": 0} # insert(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, inserted_dict) # update(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, "warning", 0) # update(collection2, from_contact.contact_id, "time_last_warning", 0) # print("完成新人信息的插入") # #'Bot' + 'onMessage: add sender("%s") to dingRoom("%s")' % ( #, dingRoom.topic())) # await put_in_room(from_contact, dingRoom) # await from_contact.say('已经您拉入群中') except Exception as e: log.exception(e) else: # 输入失败 await from_contact.say("验证失败,请再次尝试。") # 正常文字信息 else: if await regex_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: print("正则匹配得到") # print("是这里吗?") return elif await dict_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: # print("regex passed") print("字典检测得到") # elif # TODO: elif await api_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: print("api匹配得到") # print("regex passed") # print("dict passed") # else: # print("regex passed") # print("dict passed") # print("api passed") else: await from_contact.say(self.busy_auto_reply_comment) # Room talk elif room.room_id == '23402005339@chatroom': print(1) if msg.text() == 'ding': await msg.say('dong') # await msg.say('目前只能进行ding的回复,请继续等待后续开发😂') else: # 正常的群中对话信息 if await regex_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: print("正则匹配得到") if from_contact.contact_id in owner_contact_id_list: await room.say("管理员测试中") return await warnandcheck(from_contact, room, self.collection3) return elif await dict_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: print("字典得到") if from_contact.contact_id in owner_contact_id_list: await room.say("管理员测试中") return await warnandcheck(from_contact, room, self.collection3) return elif await api_filter(msg, from_contact) != 0: print("API完成检测") if from_contact.contact_id in owner_contact_id_list: await room.say("管理员测试中") return await warnandcheck(from_contact, room, self.collection3) return