def readFASTOutAscii(filename): # Read with panda f = weio.FASTOutFile(filename) df = f.toDataFrame() #df=pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', skiprows=[0,1,2,3,4,5,7]) #df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip(),inplace=True) return df
def powerCurvePostProWindStep(outfile, wndfile=None, tWindow=20, ColMap={}, WS=None, KeepAll=False): def renameCol(x): for k, v in ColMap.items(): if x == v: return k return x # --- Reading wind and output file print('Reading input...') out = weio.FASTOutFile(outfile).toDataFrame() wnd = weio.FASTWndFile(wndfile).toDataFrame() if len(ColMap) > 0: out.rename(columns=renameCol, inplace=True) #units=['('s.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] for s in out.columns.values # --- Looping on wind values, and averaging data over a window if WS is None: WS = np.sort(np.unique(wnd['WindSpeed_[m/s]'])) print(WS) tWS = out['WS_[m/s]'].values t = out['Time_[s]'].values tol = 0.01 Iall = np.arange(len(t)) result = None for i, ws in enumerate(WS): b = abs(tWS - ws) < tol I = Iall[b] iEnd = I[-1] tEnd = t[iEnd] tStart = t[iEnd] - tWindow IWindow = (t > tStart) & (t < tEnd) print('WS ', ws, ' t ', tStart, '-', tEnd) MeanValues = pd.DataFrame(out[IWindow].mean()).transpose() if i == 0: result = MeanValues.copy() else: result = result.append(MeanValues, ignore_index=True) # --- Sorting by WS result.sort_values(['WS_[m/s]'], inplace=True) result.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # --- Eliminating unnecessary columns if len(ColMap) > 0 and (not KeepAll): ColNames = list(ColMap.keys()) else: ColNames = result.columns.values result = result[ColNames] # --- Rounding result = result.round(4) #result.plot(x='Wind1VelX',y=I) return result
def parametricPostPro(workdir,TimeAvgWindow=10,ColKeep=None,ColSort=None): OutFiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(workdir,'*.outb')) result=None if len(OutFiles)<=0: raise Exception('No outb files found in {}'.format(workdir)) for i,f in enumerate(OutFiles): print(f) df=weio.FASTOutFile(f).toDataFrame() if ColKeep is not None: df=df[ColKeep] ## Start time and end time of window iEndTime=df.index[-1] endTime=df['Time_[s]'][iEndTime] iStartTime=(df['Time_[s]']-(endTime-TimeAvgWindow)).abs().idxmin() startTime=df['Time_[s]'][df.index[iStartTime]] ## Absolute and relative differences at wind extremities DeltaValuesAbs=(df.iloc[iEndTime]-df.iloc[iStartTime]).abs() DeltaValuesRel=(df.iloc[iEndTime]-df.iloc[iStartTime]).abs()/df.iloc[iEndTime] EndValues=df.iloc[iEndTime] ## Stats values during window IWindow=df['Time_[s]']>startTime MeanValues = pd.DataFrame(df[IWindow].mean()).transpose() StdValues = df[IWindow].std() if i==0: result = MeanValues.copy() else: result=result.append(MeanValues, ignore_index=True) if ColSort is not None: # Sorting result.sort_values([ColSort],inplace=True,ascending=True) result.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) #result.drop(['Time'],axis=1,inplace=True) #result.drop(['Wind1VelY'],axis=1,inplace=True) #result.drop(['Wind1VelZ'],axis=1,inplace=True) #result.rename(columns=lambda x:'WS' if x=='Wind1VelX' else x,inplace=True) #result.rename(columns=lambda x:'RPM' if x=='RotSpeed' else x,inplace=True) #result.rename(columns=lambda x:'Pitch' if x=='BldPitch1' else x,inplace=True) #result.plot(x='Wind1VelX',y=I) #print(result) return result
n = 1 # save plot and/or data? plt_grid = True # creates subplot for each observer if True save_fig = False save_data = True ######################################################################################################################################### # produces full path AAfilename = input_dir + '/' + AAname OF2filename = input_dir + '/' + OF2name outputfilename = output_dir + '/' + outputname + "AAOutputFile3" # read file data AA_3 = weio.FASTOutFile(AAfilename).toDataFrame() OF2 = weio.FASTOutFile(OF2filename).toDataFrame() # determine number of observers num_obs = (AA_3.shape[1] - 1) / (7 * 34) # calculate sample time for n revolutions rpm = OF2[["RotSpeed_[rpm]"]].mean()[0] time_revs = n * 60 / rpm tot_time = AA_3["Time_[s]"].max() if time_revs < tot_time: sample_time = tot_time - time_revs else: print( "Error: Time for number of revolutions exceeds simulation time. Reduce n." )
) + os.sep + 'reg_tests' + os.sep + 'r-test' + os.sep + 'glue-codes' + os.sep + 'openfast' + os.sep + 'IEA_LB_RWT-AeroAcoustics' else: FAST_directory = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) ) + os.sep + 'openfast' + os.sep + 'reg_tests' + os.sep + 'r-test' + os.sep + 'glue-codes' + os.sep + 'openfast' + os.sep + 'IEA_LB_RWT-AeroAcoustics' AAfilename = FAST_directory + os.sep + 'IEA_LB_RWT-AeroAcoustics_1.out' OFfilename = FAST_directory + os.sep + 'IEA_LB_RWT-AeroAcoustics.out' locfilename = FAST_directory + os.sep + 'AA_ObserverLocations_Map.dat' output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) outputfilename = output_dir + os.sep + "data_output1" ######################################################################################################################################### ## Read in data, manipulate it, and plot it # reads in file data AA_1 = weio.FASTOutFile(AAfilename).toDataFrame() OF = weio.FASTOutFile(OFfilename).toDataFrame() location = pd.read_csv(locfilename, delimiter='\s+', skiprows=[0, 1], names=['x', 'y', 'z']) # determine number of observers num_obs = AA_1.shape[1] - 1 # calculate sample time for n revolutions rpm = OF[["RotSpeed_[rpm]"]].mean()[0] yaw = OF[["YawPzn_[deg]"]].mean()[0] / 180. * np.pi time_revs = n * 60 / rpm tot_time = AA_1["Time_[s]"].max() if time_revs < tot_time: