Exemplo n.º 1
def test_energy_conservation_unequalmasses_python():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem, using Python method
    x= numpy.array([-1.1,0.1,1.3])
    v= numpy.array([3.,2.,-5.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,2.,3.])
    g= wendy.nbody_python(x,v,m,0.05)
    E= wendy.energy(x,v,m)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(wendy.energy(tx,tv,m)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_energy_conservation():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=100000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_energy_conservation_unequalmasses():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])
    omega = 1.1
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, omega=omega, approx=True, nleap=100000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m, omega=omega)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, omega=omega) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_energy_ratio():
    # Test that energy ratio gives ratio of kinetic to potential energy
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 10:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        Erat = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.RATIO)
        Epot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.POTENTIAL)
        Ekin = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC)

        assert Erat == Ekin / Epot, "Energy ratio should be kinetic divided potential energy"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_total_energy():
    # Test that total energy is sum of potential and kinetic energy
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 10:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        Etot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.TOTAL)
        Epot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.POTENTIAL)
        Ekin = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC)

        assert Etot == Epot + Ekin, "Total energy should be sum of kinetic and potential energies"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_potential_energy():
    # Test potential energy for a simple system
    x = numpy.array([-2., 0, 3.])
    v = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
    m = numpy.array([.3, .3, .3])

    assert (wendy.energy(x, v, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.POTENTIAL) -
            10.) < 1e-12, "Potential energy not correctly calculated"
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_kinetic_energy():
    # Test that kinetic energy is 0 for 0 velocities
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    assert wendy.energy(
        x, v, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC
    ) == 0, "Kinetic energy should be zero when v=0 for all particles."

    # Test that kinetic energy is given by 1/2 mv^2
    x = numpy.array([-1, 0, 1])
    v = numpy.array([1.2, 2.3, -4.2])
    m = numpy.array([.3, .3, .3])

    ke = numpy.sum(0.5 * m * v**2)
    assert ((wendy.energy(x, v, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC) - ke)
            < 1e-12), "Kinetic energy should be 1/2 mv^2."
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_samex():
    # Test that the code works if two particles are at the exact same position
    # middle ones setup such that they end up in the same place for the first
    # force evaluation
    x = numpy.array(
        [-1.1, -2. * 0.05 / 2. / 10000, 0.3 * 0.05 / 2. / 10000, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -.3, -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=10000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 1:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05)
    E= wendy.energy(x,v,m)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(wendy.energy(tx,tv,m)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    omega = 1.1
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, omega=omega, approx=True, nleap=1000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m, omega=omega)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, omega=omega) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_energy_individual():
    # Simple test that the individual energies are calculated correctly
    x= numpy.array([-1.1,0.1,1.3])
    v= numpy.array([3.,2.,-5.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,2.,3.])
    E= wendy.energy(x,v,m,individual=True)
    assert numpy.fabs(E[0]-m[0]*v[0]**2./2.-m[0]*(m[1]*numpy.fabs(x[0]-x[1])
                                                  +m[2]*numpy.fabs(x[0]-x[2]))) < 10.**-10
    assert numpy.fabs(E[1]-m[1]*v[1]**2./2.-m[1]*(m[0]*numpy.fabs(x[0]-x[1])
                                                  +m[2]*numpy.fabs(x[2]-x[1]))) < 10.**-10
    assert numpy.fabs(E[2]-m[2]*v[2]**2./2.-m[2]*(m[0]*numpy.fabs(x[0]-x[2])
                                                  +m[1]*numpy.fabs(x[2]-x[1]))) < 10.**-10
    return None
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_notracermasses():
    # approx should work with tracer sheets
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    m[N // 2:] = 0.
    m *= 2.
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=1000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with some tracer particles"
        cnt += 1
    return None