Exemplo n.º 1
def test_againstexact_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that the exact N-body and the approximate N-body agree
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=2000)
    ge = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        txe, tve = next(ge)
        assert numpy.all(
            numpy.fabs(tx - txe) < 10.**-5.
        ), "Exact and approximate N-body give different positions"
        assert numpy.all(
            numpy.fabs(tv - tve) < 10.**-5.
        ), "Exact and approximate N-body give different positions"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_notracermasses_error():
    # Test that an exception is raised when some of the masses are zero 
    # (or just tiny)
    x= numpy.array([-1.,1.])
    v= numpy.array([0.,0.])
    # Test zero
    m= numpy.array([1.,0.])
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,2)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        tx,tv= next(g)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Tiny masses m much smaller than the median mass are not supported, please remove these from the inputs'   
    # Also test tiny
    m= numpy.array([1.,10.**-10.])
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,2)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        tx,tv= next(g)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Tiny masses m much smaller than the median mass are not supported, please remove these from the inputs'   
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_maxncoll_error():
    # Simple test where we know the number of collisions
    x= numpy.array([-1.,1.])
    v= numpy.array([0.,0.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,1.]) # First collision at t=sqrt(2)
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,2,maxcoll=0,full_output=True)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        tx,tv,ncoll, _= next(g)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Maximum number of collisions per time step exceeded'   
    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_omegadt_lt_pi2():
    # Test that wendy.nbody raises a ValueError when omega x dt > pi/2
    omega = 1. + 10.**-8.
    dt = numpy.pi / 2.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        g = wendy.nbody(None, None, None, dt, omega=omega)
    assert str(
    ) == 'When omega is set, omega*dt needs to be less than pi/2; please adjust dt'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_nleap_error():
    # Code should raise ValueError if nleap is not specified for approx. calc.
    x = numpy.array([-1., 1.])
    v = numpy.array([0., 0.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 2, approx=True)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)
    assert str(
    ) == 'When approx is True, the number of leapfrog steps nleap= per output time step needs to be set'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_maxncoll_warn():
    # Simple test where we know the number of collisions
    x= numpy.array([-1.,1.])
    v= numpy.array([0.,0.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,1.]) # First collision at t=sqrt(2)
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,2,maxcoll=0,full_output=True,warn_maxcoll=True)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as record:
        tx,tv,ncoll, _= next(g)
    # check that only one warning was raised
    assert len(record) == 1
    # check that the message matches
    assert record[0].message.args[0] == "Maximum number of collisions per time step exceeded"
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_momentum_conservation_unequalmasses():
    # Test that momentum is conserved for a simple problem
    x= numpy.array([-1.1,0.1,1.3])
    v= numpy.array([3.,2.,-5.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,2.,3.])
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05)
    p= wendy.momentum(v,m)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(wendy.momentum(tv,m)-p) < 10.**-10., "Momentum not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_energy_conservation():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem
    x= numpy.array([-1.1,0.1,1.3])
    v= numpy.array([3.,2.,-5.])
    m= numpy.array([1.,1.,1.])
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05)
    E= wendy.energy(x,v,m)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(wendy.energy(tx,tv,m)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_time():
    # Just run the timer...
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=1000, full_output=True)
    tx, tv, time_elapsed = next(g)
    assert time_elapsed < 1., 'More than 1 second elapsed for simple problem'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_energy_conservation_unequalmasses():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=100000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_total_energy():
    # Test that total energy is sum of potential and kinetic energy
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 10:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        Etot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.TOTAL)
        Epot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.POTENTIAL)
        Ekin = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC)

        assert Etot == Epot + Ekin, "Total energy should be sum of kinetic and potential energies"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_energy_ratio():
    # Test that energy ratio gives ratio of kinetic to potential energy
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 10:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        Erat = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.RATIO)
        Epot = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.POTENTIAL)
        Ekin = wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, energy_type=wendy.EnergyType.KINETIC)

        assert Erat == Ekin / Epot, "Energy ratio should be kinetic divided potential energy"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_energy_conservation():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a simple problem
    x = numpy.array([-1.1, 0.1, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1.])
    omega = 1.1
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, omega=omega, approx=True, nleap=100000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m, omega=omega)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, omega=omega) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_density_profile():
    # Test that density profile runs and gives reasonable results
    x = numpy.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
    v = x * 0.01
    m = numpy.ones(x.shape)
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 10:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        bin_centers, densities = wendy.density_profile(tx, m)
        assert len(bin_centers) == len(densities)
        assert (numpy.fabs(bin_centers) <
                7).all(), "bin centers should not exceed range of x"
        assert (densities > 0).all() and (densities < 100).all(
        ), "densities should be positive and not too large"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N= 101
    totmass= 1.
    sigma= 1.
    zh= 2.*sigma**2./totmass
    x= numpy.arctanh(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1)*zh
    v= numpy.random.normal(size=N)*sigma
    v-= numpy.mean(v) # stabilize
    m= numpy.ones_like(x)/N*(1.+0.1*(2.*numpy.random.uniform(size=N)-1))
    g= wendy.nbody(x,v,m,0.05)
    E= wendy.energy(x,v,m)
    cnt= 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx,tv= next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(wendy.energy(tx,tv,m)-E) < 10.**-10., "Energy not conserved during simple N-body integration"
        cnt+= 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_samex():
    # Test that the code works if two particles are at the exact same position
    # middle ones setup such that they end up in the same place for the first
    # force evaluation
    x = numpy.array(
        [-1.1, -2. * 0.05 / 2. / 10000, 0.3 * 0.05 / 2. / 10000, 1.3])
    v = numpy.array([3., 2., -.3, -5.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=10000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 1:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_count_ncoll():
    # Simple test where we know the number of collisions
    x = numpy.array([-1., 1.])
    v = numpy.array([0., 0.])
    m = numpy.array([1., 1.])  # First collision at t=sqrt(2)
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 1, full_output=True)
    tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)
    assert ncoll == 0, 'Number of collisions in simple 2-body problem is wrong'
    tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)  # collision should have happened now
    assert ncoll == 1, 'Number of collisions in simple 2-body problem is wrong'
    # Next collision is at dt = 2sqrt(2) => dt=2.82 ==> t =~ 4.24
    tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)
    assert ncoll == 1, 'Number of collisions in simple 2-body problem is wrong'
    tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)
    assert ncoll == 1, 'Number of collisions in simple 2-body problem is wrong'
    tx, tv, ncoll, _ = next(g)  # collision should have happened now
    assert ncoll == 2, 'Number of collisions in simple 2-body problem is wrong'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_energy_conservation_sech2disk_manyparticles():
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    omega = 1.1
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, omega=omega, approx=True, nleap=1000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m, omega=omega)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m, omega=omega) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with external harmonic potential"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_notracermasses():
    # approx should work with tracer sheets
    # Test that energy is conserved for a self-gravitating disk
    N = 101
    totmass = 1.
    sigma = 1.
    zh = 2. * sigma**2. / totmass
    x = numpy.arctanh(2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1) * zh
    v = numpy.random.normal(size=N) * sigma
    v -= numpy.mean(v)  # stabilize
    m = numpy.ones_like(x) / N * (1. + 0.1 *
                                  (2. * numpy.random.uniform(size=N) - 1))
    m[N // 2:] = 0.
    m *= 2.
    g = wendy.nbody(x, v, m, 0.05, approx=True, nleap=1000)
    E = wendy.energy(x, v, m)
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < 100:
        tx, tv = next(g)
        assert numpy.fabs(
            wendy.energy(tx, tv, m) - E
        ) / E < 10.**-6., "Energy not conserved during approximate N-body integration with some tracer particles"
        cnt += 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 20
def fit_m2m(w_init,z_init,vz_init,
       Run M2M optimization for wendy M2M
       w_init - initial weights [N] or [N,npop]
       z_init - initial z [N]
       vz_init - initial vz (rad) [N]
       omega_m2m - potential parameter omega
       zsun_m2m - Sun's height above the plane [N]
       data_dicts - list of dictionaries that hold the data, these are described in more detail below
       step= stepsize of orbit integration
       nstep= number of steps to integrate the orbits for
       eps= M2M epsilon parameter (can be array when fitting zsun, omega; in that case eps[0] = eps_weights, eps[1] = eps_zsun, eps[1 or 2 based on fit_zsun] = eps_omega)
       mu= M2M entropy parameter mu
       prior= ('entropy' or 'gamma')
       w_prior= (None) prior weights (if None, equal to w_init)
       fit_zsun= (False) if True, also optimize zsun
       fit_omega= (False) if True, also optimize omega
       skipomega= only update omega every skipomega steps
       delta_omega= (0.3) difference in omega to use to compute derivative of objective function wrt omega
       kernel= a smoothing kernel
       kernel_deriv= the derivative of the smoothing kernel
       h_m2m= kernel size parameter for computing the observables
       npop= (1) number of theoretical populations
       smooth= smoothing parameter alpha (None for no smoothing)
       st96smooth= (False) if True, smooth the constraints (Syer & Tremaine 1996), if False, smooth the objective function and its derivative (Dehnen 2000)
       output_wevolution= if set to an integer, return the time evolution of this many randomly selected weights
       The data dictionaries have the following form:
           'type': type of measurement: 'dens', 'v2'
           'pops': the theoretical populations included in this measurement; 
                   single number or list
           'zobs': vertical height of the observation
           'zrange': width of vertical bin relative to some fiducial value (used to scale h_m2m, which should therefore be appropriate for the fiducial value)
           'obs': the actual observation
           'unc': the uncertainty in the observation
       of these, zobs, obs, and unc can be arrays for mulitple measurements
       (w_out,[zsun_out, [omega_out]],z_m2m,vz_m2m,Q_out,[wevol,rndindx]) - 
              (output weights [N],
              [Solar offset [nstep] optional],
              [omega [nstep] optional when fit_omega],
              z_m2m [N] final z,
              vz_m2m [N] final vz,
              objective function as a function of time [nstep],
              [weight evolution for randomly selected weights,index of random weights])
       2017-07-20 - Started from hom2m.fit_m2m - Bovy (UofT)
    if len(w_init.shape) == 1:
        w_out= numpy.empty((len(w_init),npop))
        w_out[:,:]= numpy.tile(copy.deepcopy(w_init),(npop,1)).T
        w_out= copy.deepcopy(w_init)
    zsun_out= numpy.empty(nstep)
    omega_out= numpy.empty(nstep)
    if w_prior is None:
        w_prior= w_out
    # Parse data_dict
    data_dict= parse_data_dict(data_dicts)
    # Parse eps
    if isinstance(eps,float):
        eps= [eps]
        if fit_zsun: eps.append(eps[0])
        if fit_omega: eps.append(eps[0])
    Q_out= []
    if output_wevolution:
        rndindx= numpy.random.permutation(len(w_out))[:output_wevolution]
        wevol= numpy.zeros((output_wevolution,npop,nstep))
    # Compute force of change for first iteration
    fcw, delta_m2m_new= \
    fcw*= w_out
    fcz= 0.
    if fit_zsun:
        fcz= force_of_change_zsun(w_init,zsun_m2m,z_init,vz_init,
    if not smooth is None:
        delta_m2m= delta_m2m_new
        delta_m2m= [None for d in data_dicts]
    if not smooth is None and not st96smooth:
        Q= [d**2 for d in delta_m2m**2.]
    # setup skipomega omega counter and prev. (z,vz) for F(omega)
    #ocounter= skipomega-1 # Causes F(omega) to be computed in the 1st step
    #z_prev, vz_prev= Aphi_to_zvz(A_init,phi_init-skipomega*step*omega_m2m,
    #                             omega_m2m) #Rewind for first step
    z_m2m, vz_m2m= z_init, vz_init
    for ii in range(nstep):
        # Update weights first
        if True:
            w_out+= eps[0]*step*fcw
            w_out[w_out < 10.**-16.]= 10.**-16.
        # then zsun
        if fit_zsun: 
            zsun_m2m+= eps[1]*step*fcz 
            zsun_out[ii]= zsun_m2m
        # then omega (skipped in the first step, so undeclared vars okay)
        if fit_omega and ocounter == skipomega:
            domega= eps[1+fit_zsun]*step*skipomega*fco
            max_domega= delta_omega/30.
            if numpy.fabs(domega) > max_domega:
                domega= max_domega*numpy.sign(domega)
            omega_m2m+= domega
            # Keep (z,vz) the same in new potential
            A_now, phi_now= zvz_to_Aphi(z_m2m,vz_m2m,omega_m2m)
            ocounter= 0
        # (Store objective function)
        if not smooth is None and st96smooth:
            Q_out.append([d**2. for d in delta_m2m])
        elif not smooth is None:
            Q_out.append([d**2. for d in delta_m2m_new])
        # Then update the dynamics
        mass= numpy.sum(w_out,axis=1)
        # (temporary?) way to deal with small masses
        relevant_particles_index= mass > (numpy.median(mass[mass > 10.**-9.])*10.**-6.)
        if numpy.any(mass[relevant_particles_index] < (10.**-8.*numpy.median(mass[relevant_particles_index]))):
            print(numpy.sum(mass[relevant_particles_index] < (10.**-8.*numpy.median(mass[relevant_particles_index]))))
        g= wendy.nbody(z_m2m[relevant_particles_index],
        tz_m2m, tvz_m2m= next(g)
        z_m2m[relevant_particles_index]= tz_m2m
        vz_m2m[relevant_particles_index]= tvz_m2m
        z_m2m-= numpy.sum(mass*z_m2m)/numpy.sum(mass)
        vz_m2m-= numpy.sum(mass*vz_m2m)/numpy.sum(mass)
        # Compute force of change
        if smooth is None or not st96smooth:
            # Turn these off
            tdelta_m2m= None
            tdelta_m2m= delta_m2m
        fcw_new, delta_m2m_new= \
        fcw_new*= w_out
        if fit_zsun:
            if smooth is None or not st96smooth:
                tdelta_m2m= delta_m2m_new
            fcz_new= force_of_change_zsun(w_out,zsun_m2m,z_m2m,vz_m2m,
        if fit_omega:
            omega_out[ii]= omega_m2m
            # Update omega in this step?
            ocounter+= 1
            if ocounter == skipomega:
                if not fit_zsun and (smooth is None or not st96smooth):
                    tdelta_m2m= delta_m2m_new
                    tdeltav2_m2m= deltav2_m2m_new
                fco_new= force_of_change_omega(w_out,zsun_m2m,omega_m2m,
                z_prev= copy.copy(z_m2m)
                vz_prev= copy.copy(vz_m2m)
        # Increment smoothing
        if not smooth is None and st96smooth:
            delta_m2m= [d+step*smooth*(dn-d) 
                        for d,dn in zip(delta_m2m,delta_m2m_new)]
            fcw= fcw_new
            if fit_zsun: fcz= fcz_new
            if fit_omega and ocounter == skipomega: fco= fco_new
        elif not smooth is None:
            Q_new= [d**2. for d in delta_m2m_new]
            Q= [q+step*smooth*(qn-q) for q,qn in zip(Q,Q_new)]
            fcw+= step*smooth*(fcw_new-fcw)
            if fit_zsun: fcz+= step*smooth*(fcz_new-fcz)
            if fit_omega and ocounter == skipomega:
                fco+= step*skipomega*smooth*(fco_new-fco)
            fcw= fcw_new
            if fit_zsun: fcz= fcz_new
            if fit_omega and ocounter == skipomega: fco= fco_new
        # Record random weights if requested
        if output_wevolution:
            wevol[:,:,ii]= w_out[rndindx]
    out= (w_out,)
    if fit_zsun: out= out+(zsun_out,)
    if fit_omega:
        out= out+(omega_out,)
    out= out+(z_m2m,vz_m2m,)
    out= out+(numpy.array(Q_out),)
    if output_wevolution:
        out= out+(wevol,rndindx,)
    return out