Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: khameli/flask
    def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
        """Connects a URL rule.  Works exactly like the :meth:`route`
        decorator.  If a view_func is provided it will be registered with the

        Basically this example::

            def index():

        Is equivalent to the following::

            def index():
            app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', index)

        If the view_func is not provided you will need to connect the endpoint
        to a view function like so::

            app.view_functions['index'] = index

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           `view_func` parameter added.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           `OPTIONS` is added automatically as method.

        :param rule: the URL rule as string
        :param endpoint: the endpoint for the registered URL rule.  Flask
                         itself assumes the name of the view function as
        :param view_func: the function to call when serving a request to the
                          provided endpoint
        :param options: the options to be forwarded to the underlying
                        :class:`~werkzeug.routing.Rule` object.  A change
                        to Werkzeug is handling of method options.  methods
                        is a list of methods this rule should be limited
                        to (`GET`, `POST` etc.).  By default a rule
                        just listens for `GET` (and implicitly `HEAD`).
                        Starting with Flask 0.6, `OPTIONS` is implicitly
                        added and handled by the standard request handling.
        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = _endpoint_from_view_func(view_func)
        options['endpoint'] = endpoint
        methods = options.pop('methods', ('GET',))
        provide_automatic_options = False
        if 'OPTIONS' not in methods:
            methods = tuple(methods) + ('OPTIONS',)
            provide_automatic_options = True
        rule = Rule(rule, methods=methods, **options)
        rule.provide_automatic_options = provide_automatic_options
        if view_func is not None:
            self.view_functions[endpoint] = view_func
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
        """Connects a URL rule.  Works exactly like the :meth:`route`
        decorator.  If a view_func is provided it will be registered with the

        Basically this example::

            def index():

        Is equivalent to the following::

            def index():
            app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', index)

        If the view_func is not provided you will need to connect the endpoint
        to a view function like so::

            app.view_functions['index'] = index

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           `view_func` parameter added.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           `OPTIONS` is added automatically as method.

        :param rule: the URL rule as string
        :param endpoint: the endpoint for the registered URL rule.  Flask
                         itself assumes the name of the view function as
        :param view_func: the function to call when serving a request to the
                          provided endpoint
        :param options: the options to be forwarded to the underlying
                        :class:`~werkzeug.routing.Rule` object.  A change
                        to Werkzeug is handling of method options.  methods
                        is a list of methods this rule should be limited
                        to (`GET`, `POST` etc.).  By default a rule
                        just listens for `GET` (and implicitly `HEAD`).
                        Starting with Flask 0.6, `OPTIONS` is implicitly
                        added and handled by the standard request handling.
        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = _endpoint_from_view_func(view_func)
        options['endpoint'] = endpoint
        methods = options.pop('methods', ('GET', ))
        provide_automatic_options = False
        if 'OPTIONS' not in methods:
            methods = tuple(methods) + ('OPTIONS', )
            provide_automatic_options = True
        rule = Rule(rule, methods=methods, **options)
        rule.provide_automatic_options = provide_automatic_options
        if view_func is not None:
            self.view_functions[endpoint] = view_func
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_url_rule(rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
    if endpoint is None:
        endpoint = _endpoint_from_view_func(view_func)
    options['endpoint'] = endpoint
    methods = options.pop('methods', None)

    # if the methods are not given and the view_func object knows its
    # methods we can use that instead.  If neither exists, we go with
    # a tuple of only `GET` as default.
    if methods is None:
        methods = getattr(view_func, 'methods', None) or ('GET',)
    methods = set(methods)

    # Methods that should always be added
    required_methods = set(getattr(view_func, 'required_methods', ()))

    # starting with Flask 0.8 the view_func object can disable and
    # force-enable the automatic options handling.
    provide_automatic_options = getattr(view_func,
                                        'provide_automatic_options', None)

    if provide_automatic_options is None:
        if 'OPTIONS' not in methods:
            provide_automatic_options = True
            provide_automatic_options = False

    # Add the required methods now.
    methods |= required_methods

    # due to a werkzeug bug we need to make sure that the defaults are
    # None if they are an empty dictionary.  This should not be necessary
    # with Werkzeug 0.7
    options['defaults'] = options.get('defaults') or None

    rule = Rule(rule, methods=methods, **options)
    rule.provide_automatic_options = provide_automatic_options

    if view_func is not None:
        old_func = view_functions.get(endpoint)
        if old_func is not None and old_func != view_func:
            raise AssertionError('View function mapping is overwriting an '
                                 'existing endpoint function: %s' % endpoint)
        view_functions[endpoint] = view_func
    def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
        assert view_func is not None, 'view_func is mandatory'
        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = view_func.__name__
        options['endpoint'] = endpoint
        # supposed to be GET
        methods = set(('GET', ))
        provide_automatic_options = False

        rule = Rule(rule, methods=methods, **options)
        rule.provide_automatic_options = provide_automatic_options
        if view_func is not None:
            old_func = self.view_functions.get(endpoint)
            if old_func is not None and old_func != view_func:
                raise AssertionError('View function mapping is overwriting an '
                                     'existing endpoint function: %s' % endpoint)
            self.view_functions[endpoint] = view_func
    def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
        assert view_func is not None, 'view_func is mandatory'
        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = view_func.__name__
        options['endpoint'] = endpoint
        # supposed to be GET
        methods = set(('GET', ))
        provide_automatic_options = False

        rule = Rule(rule, methods=methods, **options)
        rule.provide_automatic_options = provide_automatic_options
        if view_func is not None:
            old_func = self.view_functions.get(endpoint)
            if old_func is not None and old_func != view_func:
                raise AssertionError('View function mapping is overwriting an '
                                     'existing endpoint function: %s' % endpoint)
            self.view_functions[endpoint] = view_func
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Add a url_map to the class
        url_map = UrlMap(strict_slashes=False)
        # Add a collection of (unbound) view functions
        view_functions = {}
        for base in bases:
            # Extend from url_map of base class
            if hasattr(base, 'url_map') and isinstance(base.url_map, UrlMap):
                for rule in base.url_map.iter_rules():
            # Extend from view_functions of base class
            if hasattr(base, 'view_functions') and isinstance(base.view_functions, dict):
        for routeattr, route in attrs.items():
            if isinstance(route, _NodeRoute):
                # For wrapped routes, add a rule for each layer of wrapping
                endpoints = []
                while isinstance(route, _NodeRoute):
                    # Save the endpoint name
                    # Construct the url rule
                    url_rule = UrlRule(route.rule, endpoint=route.endpoint, methods=route.methods, defaults=route.defaults)
                    url_rule.provide_automatic_options = True
                    route = route.f
                # Make a list of endpoints
                for e in endpoints:
                    view_functions[e] = route
                # Restore the original function
                attrs[routeattr] = route
        # Finally, update the URL map and insert it into the class
        attrs['url_map'] = url_map
        attrs['view_functions'] = view_functions

        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)