Exemplo n.º 1
def change_password(uid, password):
    """ Changes uid's password.

    Checking of the old password _MUST_ be done before this.

    password = generate_password(password)
    return r.hset(K.USER.format(uid), 'password', password)
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_account(username, email, password):
    """Creates a new user account.

    :param username: The new users user name
    :type username: str
    :param email: The new users e-mail address
    :type email: str
    :param password: The new users password un-hashed
    :type password: str
    :returns: The UID of the new user
    :rtype: str or None

    username = username.lower()
    email = email.lower()
        if check_username(username) and check_username_pattern(username) and \
                check_email(email) and check_email_pattern(email):
            # Get a new UUID for the user
            uid = get_uuid()

            user = {
                '_id': uid,
                'username': username.lower(),
                'email': email.lower(),
                'password': generate_password(password,
                'created': timestamp(),
                'last_login': -1,
                'active': False,
                'banned': False,
                'op': False,
                'muted': False,
                'about': "",
                'score': 0,
                'alerts_last_checked': -1,
                # Set the TTL for a newly created user, this has to be Datetime
                # object for MongoDB to recognise it. This is removed on
                # activation.
                'ttl': datetime.utcnow()

            # Set all the tips for new users
            for tip_name in k.VALID_TIP_NAMES:
                user['tip_{}'.format(tip_name)] = True

            # Insert the new user in to Mongo. If this fails a None will be
            # returned
            result = m.db.users.insert(user)
            return uid if result else None
    except DuplicateKeyError:  # pragma: no cover
        # Oh no something went wrong. Pass over it. A None will be returned.

    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: backend.py Projeto: hnk/pjuu
def create_account(username, email, password):
    """Creates a new user account.

    :param username: The new users user name
    :type username: str
    :param email: The new users e-mail address
    :type email: str
    :param password: The new users password un-hashed
    :type password: str
    :returns: The UID of the new user
    :rtype: str or None

    username = username.lower()
    email = email.lower()
        if (
            and check_username_pattern(username)
            and check_email(email)
            and check_email_pattern(email)
            # Get a new UUID for the user
            uid = get_uuid()

            user = {
                "_id": uid,
                "username": username.lower(),
                "email": email.lower(),
                "password": generate_password(password, method="pbkdf2:sha256:2000", salt_length=20),
                "created": timestamp(),
                "last_login": -1,
                "active": False,
                "banned": False,
                "op": False,
                "muted": False,
                "about": "",
                "score": 0,
                "alerts_last_checked": -1,
                # Set the TTL for a newly created user, this has to be Datetime
                # object for MongoDB to recognise it. This is removed on
                # activation.
                "ttl": datetime.utcnow(),

            # Insert the new user in to Mongo. If this fails a None will be
            # returned
            result = m.db.users.insert(user)
            return uid if result else None
    except DuplicateKeyError:  # pragma: no cover
        # Oh no something went wrong. Pass over it. A None will be returned.

    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: backend.py Projeto: hnk/pjuu
def change_password(user_id, password):
    """Changes user with ``user_id``s password.

    Checking of the old password MUST be done before you run this! This is a
    an unsafe function. You will also need to apply sanity (length etc.) checks
    outside this function.

    # Create the password hash from the plain-text password
    password = generate_password(password, method="pbkdf2:sha256:2000", salt_length=20)

    return m.db.users.update({"_id": user_id}, {"$set": {"password": password}})
Exemplo n.º 5
def change_password(user_id, password):
    """Changes user with ``user_id``s password.

    Checking of the old password MUST be done before you run this! This is a
    an unsafe function. You will also need to apply sanity (length etc.) checks
    outside this function.

    # Create the password hash from the plain-text password
    password = generate_password(password,

    return m.db.users.update({'_id': user_id},
                             {'$set': {
                                 'password': password
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_user(username, email, password):
    """Creates a user account

    username = username.lower()
    email = email.lower()
    if check_username(username) and check_email(email) and \
       check_username_pattern(username) and check_email_pattern(email):
        # Create the user lookup keys. This LUA script ensures
        # that the name can not be taken at the same time causing a race
        # condition. This is also passed a UUID and will only return it if
        # successful
        uid = L.create_user(keys=[K.UID_USERNAME.format(username),
        # Create user dictionary ready for HMSET only if uid is not None
        # This will only be None in the event of a race condition which we cant
        # really test for.
        if uid is not None:  # pragma: no branch
            user = {
                'uid': uid,
                'username': username,
                'email': email,
                'password': generate_password(password),
                'created': timestamp(),
                'last_login': -1,
                'active': 0,
                'banned': 0,
                'op': 0,
                'muted': 0,
                'about': "",
                'score': 0,
                'alerts_last_checked': 0
            r.hmset(K.USER.format(uid), user)
            # Set the TTL for the user account
            r.expire(K.USER.format(uid), K.EXPIRE_24HRS)
            return uid

    # If none of this worked return nothing
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_account(username, email, password):
    """Creates a new user account.

    :param username: The new users user name
    :type username: str
    :param email: The new users e-mail address
    :type email: str
    :param password: The new users password un-hashed
    :type password: str
    :returns: The UID of the new user
    :rtype: str or None

    username = username.lower()
    email = email.lower()
        if check_username(username) and check_username_pattern(username) and \
                check_email(email) and check_email_pattern(email):
            # Get a new UUID for the user
            uid = get_uuid()

            user = {
                # Set the TTL for a newly created user, this has to be Datetime
                # object for MongoDB to recognise it. This is removed on
                # activation.

            # Set all the tips for new users
            for tip_name in k.VALID_TIP_NAMES:
                user['tip_{}'.format(tip_name)] = True

            # Insert the new user in to Mongo. If this fails a None will be
            # returned
            result = m.db.users.insert(user)
            return uid if result else None
    except DuplicateKeyError:  # pragma: no cover
        # Oh no something went wrong. Pass over it. A None will be returned.

    return None