Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    an = wfdb.WFDB_AnninfoArray(2)
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()
    record = raw_input("Type record name: ")
    iann = raw_input("Type input annotatior name")
    oann = raw_input("Type output annotator name: ")
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    a.name = iann
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ
    an[0] = a
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    a.name = oann
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_WRITE
    an[1] = a
    if wfdb.annopen(record ,an , 2) < 0:  sys.exit(1)
    while wfdb.getann(0 , annot) ==0:
        if wfdb.wfdb_isqrs(annot.anntyp):
            annot.anntyp = wfdb.NORMAL
            if wfdb.putann(0 , annot)<0: break
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()
    if len(argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", argv[0], "annotator record"
    a.name = argv[1]
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ    
    if wfdb.annopen(argv[2], a, 1) < 0: sys.exit(2)
    rrmax = 3 * wfdb.sampfreq(argv[2])
    if rrmax <= 0: sys.exit(3)
    rrhist = [0] * int(rrmax+1)
    while 1:
        if not (wfdb.getann(0,annot) == 0 and not wfdb.wfdb_isqrs(annot.anntyp)): break
    t = annot.time
    while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0:
        if wfdb.wfdb_isqrs(annot.anntyp):
            rr = annot.time - t
            if rr > rrmax: rr = rrmax
            rrhist[rr] += 1
            t = annot.time
    for rr in range(1, int(rrmax)):
        print '%(rr)4d %(time)s' % {'rr': rrhist[rr], 'time': wfdb.mstimstr(rr)}
    rr += 1
    print '%(rr)4d %(time)s (or longer)' % {'rr': rrhist[rr], 'time': wfdb.mstimstr(rr)}
Exemplo n.º 3
def setupWfdb(rec_name, annotator ):
    nsig = openWfdbSignal(rec_name);
    #Allocate memory for sig info array
    #we can use siarray to access WFDB_Siginfo structure
    siarray = wfdb.WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig);
    #Allocate memory for data
    sdata = wfdb.WFDB_SampleArray(nsig);
    #Open WFDB record
    wfdb.isigopen(rec_name, siarray.cast(), nsig);
    #read annotations from file
    #WFDB_Anninfor() contains name and attributes of annotator .atr etc
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo();
    #WFDB_Annotation describes the attributes of signals 
    #declare object in c : WFDB_Annotation annot; see below for declaring object in python
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation();
    #read name and status of annotation file
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ;
    print ("sampling frequency is: " + str(freq))
    #print("strtim for starting value is: " + str(wfdb.strtim(init_time)));
    ##comment june 16
    ###### print signal specification #####
    #print("getinfor is " + str(record_info));

    # print("total num of samples: " + str(nsamp));
    # print "Starting time of record is: "+ str(init_time);
    # print("sampling frequency is:"+ str(freq));      
    ########## READ ANNOTATION ##################
    if wfdb.annopen(rec_name, a, 1) < 0: 
        print("cannot open aanopen");
    return (nsamp, freq, annot, init_time,sdata);
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):
    an = wfdb.WFDB_AnninfoArray(2)
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print "usage:", argv[0], "record"
    a = an[0]
    a.name = "atr"
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ
    an[0] = a
    a = an[1]
    a.name = "aha"
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_AHA_WRITE
    an[1] = a
    if wfdb.annopen(argv[1], an.cast(), 2) < 0: sys.exit(2)
    while 1:
        if not (wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0 and wfdb.putann(0,annot) == 0):
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()
    if len(argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", argv[0], "annotator record"
    a.name = argv[1]
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ
    if wfdb.annopen(argv[2], a, 1) < 0:
    while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0:
        if annot.aux is not None:
            aux = annot.aux[1:]
            aux = ""
        print wfdb.timstr(-annot.time), "(" + str(annot.time) + ")", wfdb.annstr(
        ), annot.subtyp, annot.chan, annot.num, aux
Exemplo n.º 6
# end_sec=5*60
# start_val=int(math.floor(start_sec*freq));
# end_val=int(math.floor(end_sec*freq));
# #loop_iteration=int(math.floor(siglength_sec*freq));
# for i in range(start_val,end_val):
#         #print("time for sample " + str(i) + "is: " + str(sig_time[i]));
#         #convert adu units to physical units and save in physig0 and 1 (later generalise it for n number of signals)
#         physig0.append(aduphys(0,sig0[i]));
#         physig1.append(aduphys(1,sig1[i]));
#         wfdb.timstr(-annot.time),"(" + str(annot.time)+ ")",wfdb.annstr(annot.anntyp), annot.subtyp,annot.chan, annot.num
#         #append iteration number as value in
#         iteration.append(i);

##########        READ ANNOTATION ##################
if wfdb.annopen(rec_name, a, 1) < 0:
    print("cannot open aanopen")

#getann reads next annotation and returns 0 when successful
while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0:
    if annot.time > num_value:
        #if annot.time>=start_val and annot.time<=end_val:
        print("annot.time>number of samples extracted")
    #  annot.time is time of the annotation, in samples from the beginning of the record.
    print wfdb.timstr(-annot.time), "(" + str(annot.time) + ")", wfdb.annstr(
        annot.anntyp), annot.subtyp, annot.chan, annot.num
# print ("signal value at this annotation is : " + str(physig0[annot.time])+" "+ str(sig_time[annot.time]));

Exemplo n.º 7
def main(argv):
    # First get a wrapper object to C array of Anninfo structures.
    an = wfdb.WFDB_AnninfoArray(2)
    # In early versions of the wrapper this would have also allocated
    # the WFDB_Anninfo C-structures in the array.  As of SWIG v2.0.8
    # it appears that only the array is allocated, not the Anninfo
    # structures within.

    # Get a wrapper object for an annotation structure 
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()

    # Check to see if there is command line argument
    if len(argv) < 2:
        # no command line argument, so print usage and exit
        print "usage:", argv[0], "record"

    record = argv[1] # the record name is the first argument

    # Now we're going to setup the Anninfo structures so we can call
    # annopen later

    # First get a new Anninfo structure.
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()   
    # In the early version this line was:
    #   a = an[0]
    # because calling wfdb.AnninfoArray(2), previously allocated
    # each Anninfo info the the array as well. Now we need to explicitly
    # allocate a new Anninfo struct instead of getting one from the 
    # AnninfoArray "an"

    # now assign the values of a
    a.name = "atr"
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ

    # finally assign the anninfo struct, "a", to its place in the
    # array "an"
    an[0] = a

    # repeat for output annotation
    a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    a.name = "aha"
    a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_AHA_WRITE
    an[1] = a

    # We call annopen with the record name, given on the command line,
    # and the AnninfoArray, "an", we just setup.  
    if wfdb.annopen(record, an, 2) < 0: sys.exit(2)
    # note that in previous versions, it was necessary to use 'an.cast()',
    # rather then simply 'an', when passing an AnninfoArray to a wfdb
    # functoin.  Now the wrappers no longer require the 'cast()' in most
    # cases.

    # now iterate until all annotations have been ready
    while 1:
        # read an annotation from the input annotator and put it into
        # the output, AHA formatted, annotator
        if not (wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0 and wfdb.putann(0,annot) == 0):
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(argv):
    record = ''
    annotator = ''

    # parse the arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hr:a:", ["help"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif opt == '-r':
            record = arg
        elif opt == '-a':
            annotator = arg

    if len(record) == 0 or len(annotator) == 0:
    # set the sampling frequency
    sps = wfdb.sampfreq(record)
    if sps < 0:
        sps = wfdb.WFDB_DEFFREQ
    # get a new anninfo object
    ai = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo()
    # set ai fields
    ai.name = annotator
    ai.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ
    # open the annotation
    result = wfdb.annopen( record, ai, 1 )
    if result < 0:
    # get a new annotation object
    annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation()
    while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0:

        # remove first char from aux string, if there is one
        if annot.aux is not None:
            aux = annot.aux[1:]
            aux = ""
        print "%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % ( \
              wfdb.mstimstr(-annot.time), \
              annot.time, \
              annot.chan, \
              annot.num, \

# end_sec=5*60
# start_val=int(math.floor(start_sec*freq));
# end_val=int(math.floor(end_sec*freq));
# #loop_iteration=int(math.floor(siglength_sec*freq));
# for i in range(start_val,end_val):
#         #print("time for sample " + str(i) + "is: " + str(sig_time[i]));
#         #convert adu units to physical units and save in physig0 and 1 (later generalise it for n number of signals)
#         physig0.append(aduphys(0,sig0[i]));
#         physig1.append(aduphys(1,sig1[i]));
#         wfdb.timstr(-annot.time),"(" + str(annot.time)+ ")",wfdb.annstr(annot.anntyp), annot.subtyp,annot.chan, annot.num
#         #append iteration number as value in 
#         iteration.append(i);
##########        READ ANNOTATION ##################
if wfdb.annopen(rec_name, a, 1) < 0: 
    print("cannot open aanopen");
#getann reads next annotation and returns 0 when successful
while wfdb.getann(0,annot) ==0:
    if annot.time>num_value:
    #if annot.time>=start_val and annot.time<=end_val: 
        print("annot.time>number of samples extracted");
    #  annot.time is time of the annotation, in samples from the beginning of the record.
    print wfdb.timstr(-annot.time),"(" + str(annot.time)+ ")",wfdb.annstr(annot.anntyp), annot.subtyp,annot.chan, annot.num
   # print ("signal value at this annotation is : " + str(physig0[annot.time])+" "+ str(sig_time[annot.time]));