Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_network(self, user, max_hits=100):
     following = Followers.select_by_id(user.id)
     if following is None or len(following) == 0:
             following = self.twitter_collector.friends_ids(user_id=user.id)
             max_hits -= 1
             Followers.insert_many(user.id, following)
         except UnauthorizedException:
             print 'failed for user ', user.id
             raise Exception('Unable to collect user network: Not authorized to access user %s.'%user.id)
     if max_hits <= 0:
         raise Exception('Unable to collect user network: Rate limit reached.')
     friends_following = []
     nfriends = len(following)
     for i, friend_id in enumerate(following):
         self.sent_to_user('Collecting information to build a personalized list of topics (%s/%s)'%(i,nfriends))
         friend = User.select_by_id(friend_id)
         if friend and (friend.blocked == 'Y' or friend.friends_count == 0):
             logger.debug('Not searching for user: %s', friend_id)
         following = Followers.select_by_id(friend_id)
         if following is None or len(following) == 0:
                 print 'Getting followers of', friend_id
                 following = self.twitter_collector.friends_ids(user_id=friend_id)
                 if len(following) == 0:
                     if not friend:
                         friend = User()
                     friend.id = friend_id
                     friend.friends_count = len(following)
                     friend.blocked = 'N'
                 print 'Got %s followers of %s'%(len(following), friend_id)
                 max_hits -= 1
                 Followers.insert_many(friend_id, following)
             except UnauthorizedException:
                 print 'failed for user ', friend_id
                 User.set_blocked(friend_id, 'Y')
                 following = []
         if max_hits <= 0: break
Exemplo n.º 2
 def process_user(self, screen_name):
     This is our core function.
     First, we collect the second-level user network.
     After, we rank the users in the network and get the top n.
     We make an initial search for recent status posted by these users,
     and lastly we connect to the Twitter Streaming API to get real-time statuses.
     # get the user data
     user = User.select_by_screen_name(screen_name)
     if not user:
         logger.error('User not found')
         self.sent_to_user('Error: User not found')
         raise Exception("User not found")
     if user.oauth_token is None or user.oauth_token_secret is None:
         logger.error('Invalid oauth_token or oauth_token_secret')
         raise Exception("Invalid oauth_token or oauth_token_secret")
     if user.friends_count == 0:
         self.sent_to_user('Error: You follow 0 users')
         raise Exception("You follow 0 users")
     # set the oauth tokens and create the API object
     self.twitter_collector = TwitterCollector(config.CONSUMER_KEY, config.CONSUMER_SECRET, user.oauth_token, user.oauth_token_secret)
     # check the remaining hits
     remaining_hits = self.twitter_collector.remaining_hits()
     logger.info('Remaining hits: %s', remaining_hits)
     # show a message to user
     self.sent_to_user('Collecting information to build a personalized list of topics...')
     # collect the network
     self.get_network(user, max_hits=remaining_hits-80)
     # apply ranking and get the top n
     followcounts = Followers.select_top_n(user.id, 2000)
     follow = [d[0] for d in followcounts]
     screen_names = self.get_screen_names(follow[:200])
     logger.debug(zip(screen_names[:20], followcounts[:20]))
     # show a message to user
     self.sent_to_user("What's Hot on Twitter")
     # search for recent statuses (historical data)
         for status in self.twitter_collector.process_search(screen_names):
     except Exception, e:
         # let's continue, the search part is not essential
         logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_screen_names(self, user_id_list):
     follow_screen_names = []
     to_search = []
     # first, get the screen names of users already on the database
     for f_id in user_id_list:
         u = User.select_by_id(f_id)
         if u:
     # get the remaining screen_names from Twitter
     for twitter_user in self.twitter_collector.get_screen_names(to_search):
         user = User()
         user.id = twitter_user.id
         user.screen_name = twitter_user.screen_name
         user.blocked = 'N'
         user.name = twitter_user.name
         user.description = twitter_user.description
         user.created_at = twitter_user.created_at
         user.friends_count = twitter_user.friends_count
         user.followers_count = twitter_user.followers_count
         user.statuses_count = twitter_user.statuses_count
         user.profile_image_url = twitter_user.profile_image_url
         user.lang = twitter_user.lang
         user.location = twitter_user.location
         print 'inserted %s' % user.screen_name
     return follow_screen_names