def main(): rospy.init_node('motion', anonymous=False) if rospy.get_param('/simulation_mode', False): print "[motion] Bye!" return # Get this robot's motor's QPPS from rosparam m1 = rospy.get_param('M1QPPS', None) m2 = rospy.get_param('M2QPPS', None) m3 = rospy.get_param('M3QPPS', None) # Does this robot use v3 or v5 RoboClaws? use_rcv3 = rospy.get_param('use_rcv3', True) # init wheelbase wheelbase.init(m1qpps=m1, m2qpps=m2, m3qpps=m3, use_rcv3=use_rcv3) # Register a shutdown hook to kill motion rospy.on_shutdown(_shutdown_hook) rospy.Subscriber('vel_cmds', Twist, _handle_velocity_command) pub = rospy.Publisher('encoder_estimates', EncoderEstimates, queue_size=10) # Services rospy.Service('battery', RoboClawRPC, _get_battery_voltage) rospy.Service('kick', Trigger, _kick) # So that we know the robot's theta rospy.Subscriber('robot_state', RobotState, _handle_theta) rospy.spin() return rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 100hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): (vx, vy, w, s1, s2, s3) = motion.get_velocities(theta=_theta) estimate = EncoderEstimates() estimate.world_velocities.vx = vx estimate.world_velocities.vy = vy estimate.world_velocities.w = w estimate.pulses.s1 = s1 estimate.pulses.s2 = s2 estimate.pulses.s3 = s3 pub.publish(estimate) rate.sleep() # spin() simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped rospy.spin()
def test_square_calibration(velocity=0.6, sleep_time=1.5, M1QPPS=None, M2QPPS=None, M3QPPS=None): global wheelbase_configured # Make sure everything is init'd if not wheelbase_configured: w.init() wheelbase_configured = True _m1qpps = M1QPPS if M1QPPS is not None else qppsM1 _m2qpps = M2QPPS if M2QPPS is not None else qppsM2 _m3qpps = M3QPPS if M3QPPS is not None else qppsM3 if _m1qpps is not None and _m2qpps is not None and _m3qpps is not None: w.SetVelocityPID(w.M1, kp, ki, kd, _m1qpps) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M2, kp, ki, kd, _m2qpps) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M3, kp, ki, kd, _m3qpps) # Right, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Up, velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Left, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Down, -velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop()
def main(): global _motion_timer _motion_timer = RepeatedTimer(_motion_timer_period, _handle_motion_timer) _motion_timer.start() global _odom_timer _odom_timer = RepeatedTimer(_odom_timer_period, _handle_odom_timer) _odom_timer.start() global _ctrl_timer _ctrl_timer = RepeatedTimer(_ctrl_timer_period, _handle_ctrl_timer) _ctrl_timer.start() use_rcv3 = os.environ['USE_RCV3'] == 'true' w.init(use_rcv3=use_rcv3) # TODO: Okay, so Controller.init(None) will automagically load in some PID # values for each of the x, y, theta position controllers. However, since # `teleop` is run in real life on different robots, really it should read # the correct YAML robot config file and load in the PID constants and # pass them into Controller.init(gains) as in the # Two ways to do this: (1) do like os.environ['USE_RCV3'], where the odroid_setup.bash # script loads up the PID constants as environment variables (this seems messy). # (2) find a python YAML reading library and just read the file directly from here # based on which robot this is (you can use os.environ['ROBOT']) Controller.init() print 'Started.' global _velocities, _set_speed, _smooth, _odom_on, _previous_action, _ctrl_on while(1): action = get_action() if action == 'UP': _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, _vy, 0) elif action == 'DOWN': _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, -_vy, 0) elif action == 'RIGHT': _set_speed = True _velocities = (_vx, 0, 0) elif action == 'LEFT': _set_speed = True _velocities = (-_vx, 0, 0) elif action == 'SPIN_CW': _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, 0, _w) elif action == 'SPIN_CCW': _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, 0, -_w) elif action == 'SET_HOME': Odometry.init() elif action == 'GO_HOME': _motion_timer.stop() motion.stop() time.sleep(1) _go_home() time.sleep(1) _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, 0, 0) _motion_timer.start() elif action == 'GO_TO_POINT': _toggle_timers(False) motion.stop() time.sleep(1) _ask_for_point() time.sleep(1) _ctrl_on = True _odom_on = True _toggle_timers(True) elif action == 'TOGGLE_CNTRL': _ctrl_on = not _ctrl_on print("Controller: {}".format(_ctrl_on)) elif action == 'TOGGLE_SMOOTH': _smooth = not _smooth print("Smooth: {}".format(_smooth)) elif action == 'TOGGLE_ODOM': _odom_on = not _odom_on print("Odom: {}".format(_odom_on)) elif action == 'BATTERY': print("\n\r*** Battery: {} ***\n\r".format(get_battery())) elif action == 'BREAKPOINT': _toggle_timers(False) import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() _toggle_timers(True) elif action == 'CALIBRATION_MODE': _toggle_timers(False) _deal_with_calibration() time.sleep(1) _toggle_timers(True) elif action == 'DIE': _toggle_timers(False) motion.stop() w.kill() return sys.exit(0) else: _set_speed = True _velocities = (0, 0, 0) # handle stopping before changing directions if _action_requires_stop(action): _set_speed = False motion.stop() time.sleep(0.4) _set_speed = True _previous_action = action print "{}\r".format(_velocities)
def init(): w.init(set_PID=False)
def calibrate(speed=48, sleep_time=2, set_PID=True): speedM1Forward = 0 speedM1Backward = 0 speedM2Forward = 0 speedM2Backward = 0 speedM3Forward = 0 speedM3Backward = 0 # Should I use rcv3 or rcv5? use_rcv3 = os.environ['USE_RCV3'] == 'true' # Initialize wheelbase with PID w.init(use_rcv3=use_rcv3, set_PID=False) global wheelbase_configured wheelbase_configured = True w.kill() _print_stats() speedM1_f = 60 speedM1_b = 50 speedM2_f = 55 speedM2_b = 55 speedM3_f = 55 speedM3_b = 55 # Forward (at 0 degrees) w.Backward(w.M1, speedM1_b) # M1 backward sample 1 w.Forward(w.M3, speedM3_f) # M3 forward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward + _read(w.M1) speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward + _read(w.M3) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Backward (at 180 degrees) w.Forward(w.M1, speedM1_f) # M1 forward sample 1 w.Backward(w.M3, speedM3_b) # M3 backward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward + _read(w.M1) speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward + _read(w.M3) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Right back (at -120 degrees) w.Backward(w.M3, speedM3_b) # M3 backward sample 2 w.Forward(w.M2, speedM2_f) # M2 forward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward + _read(w.M3) # speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward/2 speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward + _read(w.M2) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Right forward (at 120 degrees) w.Forward(w.M3, speedM3_f) # M3 forward sample 2 w.Backward(w.M2, speedM2_b) # M2 backward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward + _read(w.M3) # speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward/2 speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward + _read(w.M2) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Left Back (at 120 degrees) w.Forward(w.M1, speedM1_f) # M1 forward sample 2 w.Backward(w.M2, speedM2_b) # M2 backward sample 2 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward + _read(w.M1) # speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward/2 speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward + _read(w.M2) # speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward/2 w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Left Forward (at -120 degrees) w.Backward(w.M1, speedM1_b) # M1 backward sample 2 w.Forward(w.M2, speedM2_f) # M2 forward sample 2 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward + _read(w.M1) # speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward/2 speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward + _read(w.M2) # speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward/2 w.kill() speedM1Forward = (speedM1Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM1_f speedM1Backward = (speedM1Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM1_b speedM2Forward = (speedM2Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM2_f speedM2Backward = (speedM2Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM2_b speedM3Forward = (speedM3Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM3_f speedM3Backward = (speedM3Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM3_b global qppsM1 global qppsM2 global qppsM3 qppsM1 = (speedM1Forward + abs(speedM1Backward)) / 2 qppsM2 = (speedM2Forward + abs(speedM2Backward)) / 2 qppsM3 = (speedM3Forward + abs(speedM3Backward)) / 2 print "M1QPPS={},M2QPPS={},M3QPPS={}".format(qppsM1, qppsM2, qppsM3) if set_PID: w.SetVelocityPID(w.M1, kp, ki, kd, qppsM1) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M2, kp, ki, kd, qppsM2) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M3, kp, ki, kd, qppsM3) _print_stats()
def test_calibration(velocity=0.6, sleep_time=1.5, M1QPPS=None, M2QPPS=None, M3QPPS=None): global wheelbase_configured # Make sure everything is init'd if not wheelbase_configured: w.init() wheelbase_configured = True _m1qpps = M1QPPS if M1QPPS is not None else qppsM1 _m2qpps = M2QPPS if M2QPPS is not None else qppsM2 _m3qpps = M3QPPS if M3QPPS is not None else qppsM3 if _m1qpps is not None and _m2qpps is not None and _m3qpps is not None: w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M1, q=_m1qpps) w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M2, q=_m2qpps) w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M3, q=_m3qpps) _print_stats() print("velocity: {}\r".format(velocity)) # Forward, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Backward, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Left back * np.cos(2 * np.pi / 3), velocity * np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3), 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right forward * np.pi / 3) * velocity, -np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right back np.cos(-2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, np.sin(-2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right Forward * np.pi / 3) * velocity, -np.sin(-2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop()
def calibrate(speed=48, sleep_time=2, set_PID=True): speedM1Forward = 0 speedM1Backward = 0 speedM2Forward = 0 speedM2Backward = 0 speedM3Forward = 0 speedM3Backward = 0 # Should I use rcv3 or rcv5? use_rcv3 = os.environ["USE_RCV3"] == "true" # Initialize wheelbase with PID w.init(use_rcv3=use_rcv3, set_PID=False) global wheelbase_configured wheelbase_configured = True w.kill() _print_stats() speedM1_f = 60 speedM1_b = 50 speedM2_f = 55 speedM2_b = 55 speedM3_f = 55 speedM3_b = 55 # Forward (at 0 degrees) w.Backward(w.M1, speedM1_b) # M1 backward sample 1 w.Forward(w.M3, speedM3_f) # M3 forward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward + _read(w.M1) speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward + _read(w.M3) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Backward (at 180 degrees) w.Forward(w.M1, speedM1_f) # M1 forward sample 1 w.Backward(w.M3, speedM3_b) # M3 backward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward + _read(w.M1) speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward + _read(w.M3) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Right back (at -120 degrees) w.Backward(w.M3, speedM3_b) # M3 backward sample 2 w.Forward(w.M2, speedM2_f) # M2 forward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward + _read(w.M3) # speedM3Backward = speedM3Backward/2 speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward + _read(w.M2) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Right forward (at 120 degrees) w.Forward(w.M3, speedM3_f) # M3 forward sample 2 w.Backward(w.M2, speedM2_b) # M2 backward sample 1 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward + _read(w.M3) # speedM3Forward = speedM3Forward/2 speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward + _read(w.M2) w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Left Back (at 120 degrees) w.Forward(w.M1, speedM1_f) # M1 forward sample 2 w.Backward(w.M2, speedM2_b) # M2 backward sample 2 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward + _read(w.M1) # speedM1Forward = speedM1Forward/2 speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward + _read(w.M2) # speedM2Backward = speedM2Backward/2 w.kill() time.sleep(1) # Left Forward (at -120 degrees) w.Backward(w.M1, speedM1_b) # M1 backward sample 2 w.Forward(w.M2, speedM2_f) # M2 forward sample 2 time.sleep(sleep_time) speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward + _read(w.M1) # speedM1Backward = speedM1Backward/2 speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward + _read(w.M2) # speedM2Forward = speedM2Forward/2 w.kill() speedM1Forward = (speedM1Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM1_f speedM1Backward = (speedM1Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM1_b speedM2Forward = (speedM2Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM2_f speedM2Backward = (speedM2Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM2_b speedM3Forward = (speedM3Forward * MAX_PWM) / speedM3_f speedM3Backward = (speedM3Backward * MAX_PWM) / speedM3_b global qppsM1 global qppsM2 global qppsM3 qppsM1 = (speedM1Forward + abs(speedM1Backward)) / 2 qppsM2 = (speedM2Forward + abs(speedM2Backward)) / 2 qppsM3 = (speedM3Forward + abs(speedM3Backward)) / 2 print "M1QPPS={},M2QPPS={},M3QPPS={}".format(qppsM1, qppsM2, qppsM3) if set_PID: w.SetVelocityPID(w.M1, kp, ki, kd, qppsM1) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M2, kp, ki, kd, qppsM2) w.SetVelocityPID(w.M3, kp, ki, kd, qppsM3) _print_stats()
def test_calibration(velocity=0.6, sleep_time=1.5, M1QPPS=None, M2QPPS=None, M3QPPS=None): global wheelbase_configured # Make sure everything is init'd if not wheelbase_configured: w.init() wheelbase_configured = True _m1qpps = M1QPPS if M1QPPS is not None else qppsM1 _m2qpps = M2QPPS if M2QPPS is not None else qppsM2 _m3qpps = M3QPPS if M3QPPS is not None else qppsM3 if _m1qpps is not None and _m2qpps is not None and _m3qpps is not None: w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M1, q=_m1qpps) w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M2, q=_m2qpps) w.UpdateVelocityPID(w.M3, q=_m3qpps) _print_stats() print ("velocity: {}\r".format(velocity)) # Forward, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Backward, 0, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Left back * np.cos(2 * np.pi / 3), velocity * np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3), 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right forward * np.pi / 3) * velocity, -np.sin(2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right back * np.pi / 3) * velocity, np.sin(-2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop() time.sleep(sleep_time) # Right Forward * np.pi / 3) * velocity, -np.sin(-2 * np.pi / 3) * velocity, 0) time.sleep(sleep_time) motion.stop()