def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if (msg.payload.isalpha()): client.disconnect() elif (int(msg.payload) == 0): print("foward") wheels.goForwards() elif (int(msg.payload) == 1): print("backword") wheels.goBackwards() elif (int(msg.payload) == 2): print("clockwise") wheels.rotateClockwise() elif (int(msg.payload) == 3): print("anticlockwise") wheels.rotateAntiClockwise() elif (int(msg.payload) == 4): wheels.stop() elif (int(msg.payload) == 1514): print("1514 Forward") wheels.goForwardsForTime(mTime=3.5) elif (int(msg.payload) == 1515): print("1515 Backward") wheels.goBackwardsForTime(mTime=3.5) elif (int(msg.payload) == 1516): print("1516 Turn around") wheels.rotateClockwiseAtAngle(angle=90) elif (int(msg.payload) == 1517): print("1517 Spin") wheels.rotateClockwiseAtAngle(angle=360)
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if (msg.payload.isalpha()): client.disconnect() elif (int(msg.payload) == 0): wheels.goForwards() elif (int(msg.payload) == 1): wheels.goBackwards() elif (int(msg.payload) == 2): wheels.rotateClockwise() elif (int(msg.payload) == 3): wheels.rotateAntiClockwise() elif (int(msg.payload) == 4): wheels.stop()
def autodrive(dur): start_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() + dur objWhiskers = Whiskers() mode = FORWARD wheels.forward(150) while(time.time() < end_time): time.sleep(0.1) cdist = sonar.cdist() ldist = sonar.ldist() rdist= sonar.rdist() lbump = objWhiskers.checkBumpLeft() rbump = objWhiskers.checkBumpRight() print ("%d %d %d" % (ldist, cdist, rdist)) print ("bumpers %d %d" % (lbump, rbump)) if (mode == FORWARD): if (cdist < 35 or ldist <6 or rdist < 6 or lbump or rbump): print ("turning") wheels.stop() if (ldist < rdist): mode=RIGHT wheels.backward(150, .5) time.sleep(1) wheels.right(150, .5) time.sleep(1) else: mode=LEFT wheels.backward(150, .5) time.sleep(1) wheels.left(150, .5) time.sleep(1) if (mode==LEFT or mode==RIGHT): if (cdist > 50): mode=FORWARD wheels.forward(150) wheels.stop()
def autodrive(dur): start_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() + dur mode = FORWARD wheels.forward(-150) while (time.time() < end_time): time.sleep(0.1) cdist = sonar.cdist() ldist = sonar.ldist() rdist = sonar.rdist() print("%d %d %d" % (ldist, cdist, rdist)) if (mode == FORWARD): if (cdist < 35 or ldist < 6 or rdist < 6): print("turning") wheels.stop() if (ldist < rdist): mode = RIGHT wheels.backward(-100) time.sleep(1) wheels.right(-250) time.sleep(1) else: mode = LEFT wheels.backward(-100) time.sleep(1) wheels.left(-250) time.sleep(1) if (mode == LEFT or mode == RIGHT): if (cdist > 50): mode = FORWARD wheels.forward(-150) wheels.stop()
def stop(): wheels.stop() return ''
def img_rec(): wheels.stop() # os.system('python') return ''
def stop(): wheels.stop() weapons.stop()
def autodrive(dur): start_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() + dur objWhiskers = Whiskers() timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") #grab the unique id for the run from a file then increment it by 1 and store back into the file iRunNum = 0 with open('data/current_run.txt') as f: print ("Run number is %s", str(sRunNum)) iRunNum=int(sRunNum) iRunNum+=1 f.close() os.remove('data/current_run.txt') #write out the new number for the run outf = open('data/current_run.txt', 'w') outf.write(str(iRunNum)) outf.close() #now build the run data directory and store its location in a flat file sRunDataDirectory='data/'+str(iRunNum)+'-run-'+timestr+'/' os.makedirs(sRunDataDirectory) print('Created data Directory') print(sRunDataDirectory) #write the directory to a file outf = open('run_data_directory.txt', 'w') outf.write(str(sRunDataDirectory)) print ('Logging to %s', sRunDataDirectory) outf.close() #Start driving! mode = FORWARD wheels.forward(150) while(time.time() < end_time): print ("starting autonomous loop") time.sleep(0.1) #print ("getting cdist") cdist = sonar.cdist() #print ("getting ldist") ldist = sonar.ldist() #print ("getting rdist") rdist= sonar.rdist() print ("left %d centre %d right %d" % (ldist, cdist, rdist)) lbump = objWhiskers.checkBumpLeft() rbump = objWhiskers.checkBumpRight() print ("bumpers %d %d" % (lbump, rbump)) if (mode == FORWARD): if (cdist < 35 or ldist <6 or rdist < 6 or lbump or rbump): print ("turning") wheels.stop() if (ldist < rdist): print ("turning RIGHT") #mode=RIGHT wheels.backward(150, .5) time.sleep(1) print ("turning RIGHT finshed reverse") wheels.right(150, .5) time.sleep(1) print ("turning RIGHT done") else: #mode=LEFT print ("turning LEFT") wheels.backward(150, .5) time.sleep(1) print ("turning LEFT finished reverse") wheels.left(150, .5) time.sleep(1) print ("turning LEFT finished") else: wheels.forward(150) if (mode==LEFT or mode==RIGHT): if (cdist > 50): mode=FORWARD print ("keep on cruisin' forward") wheels.forward(150) print ("Finished driving forward") print ("finished autonomous driving, time to relax") wheels.stop()