Exemplo n.º 1
    def _make_ram_index(self):
        from whoosh.codec.memory import MemoryCodec

        self.codec = MemoryCodec()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _make_ram_index(self):
        from whoosh.codec.memory import MemoryCodec

        self.codec = MemoryCodec()
Exemplo n.º 3
class BufferedWriter(IndexWriter):
    """Convenience class that acts like a writer but buffers added documents
    before dumping the buffered documents as a batch into the actual index.

    In scenarios where you are continuously adding single documents very
    rapidly (for example a web application where lots of users are adding
    content simultaneously), using a BufferedWriter is *much* faster than
    opening and committing a writer for each document you add. If you're adding
    batches of documents at a time, you can just use a regular writer.

    (This class may also be useful for batches of ``update_document`` calls. In
    a normal writer, ``update_document`` calls cannot update documents you've
    added *in that writer*. With ``BufferedWriter``, this will work.)

    To use this class, create it from your index and *keep it open*, sharing
    it between threads.

    >>> from whoosh.writing import BufferedWriter
    >>> writer = BufferedWriter(myindex, period=120, limit=20)
    >>> # Then you can use the writer to add and update documents
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> # Before the writer goes out of scope, call close() on it
    >>> writer.close()

    .. note::
        This object stores documents in memory and may keep an underlying
        writer open, so you must explicitly call the
        :meth:`~BufferedWriter.close` method on this object before it goes out
        of scope to release the write lock and make sure any uncommitted
        changes are saved.

    You can read/search the combination of the on-disk index and the
    buffered documents in memory by calling ``BufferedWriter.reader()`` or
    ``BufferedWriter.searcher()``. This allows quasi-real-time search, where
    documents are available for searching as soon as they are buffered in
    memory, before they are committed to disk.

    .. tip::
        By using a searcher from the shared writer, multiple *threads* can
        search the buffered documents. Of course, other *processes* will only
        see the documents that have been written to disk. If you want indexed
        documents to become available to other processes as soon as possible,
        you have to use a traditional writer instead of a ``BufferedWriter``.

    You can control how often the ``BufferedWriter`` flushes the in-memory
    index to disk using the ``period`` and ``limit`` arguments. ``period`` is
    the maximum number of seconds between commits. ``limit`` is the maximum
    number of additions to buffer between commits.

    You don't need to call ``commit()`` on the ``BufferedWriter`` manually.
    Doing so will just flush the buffered documents to disk early. You can
    continue to make changes after calling ``commit()``, and you can call
    ``commit()`` multiple times.

    def __init__(self, index, period=60, limit=10, writerargs=None,
        :param index: the :class:`whoosh.index.Index` to write to.
        :param period: the maximum amount of time (in seconds) between commits.
            Set this to ``0`` or ``None`` to not use a timer. Do not set this
            any lower than a few seconds.
        :param limit: the maximum number of documents to buffer before
        :param writerargs: dictionary specifying keyword arguments to be passed
            to the index's ``writer()`` method when creating a writer.

        self.index = index
        self.period = period
        self.limit = limit
        self.writerargs = writerargs or {}
        self.commitargs = commitargs or {}

        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.writer = self.index.writer(**self.writerargs)

        self.bufferedcount = 0

        # Start timer
        if self.period:
            self.timer = threading.Timer(self.period, self.commit)

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def _make_ram_index(self):
        from whoosh.codec.memory import MemoryCodec

        self.codec = MemoryCodec()

    def _get_ram_reader(self):
        return self.codec.reader(self.schema)

    def schema(self):
        return self.writer.schema

    def reader(self, **kwargs):
        from whoosh.reading import MultiReader

        reader = self.writer.reader()
        with self.lock:
            ramreader = self._get_ram_reader()

        # If there are in-memory docs, combine the readers
        if ramreader.doc_count():
            if reader.is_atomic():
                reader = MultiReader([reader, ramreader])

        return reader

    def searcher(self, **kwargs):
        from whoosh.searching import Searcher

        return Searcher(self.reader(), fromindex=self.index, **kwargs)

    def close(self):

    def commit(self, restart=True):
        if self.period:

        with self.lock:
            ramreader = self._get_ram_reader()

        if self.bufferedcount:
        self.bufferedcount = 0

        if restart:
            self.writer = self.index.writer(**self.writerargs)
            if self.period:
                self.timer = threading.Timer(self.period, self.commit)

    def add_reader(self, reader):
        # Pass through to the underlying on-disk index

    def add_document(self, **fields):
        with self.lock:
            # Hijack a writer to make the calls into the codec
            with self.codec.writer(self.writer.schema) as w:

            self.bufferedcount += 1
            if self.bufferedcount >= self.limit:

    def update_document(self, **fields):
        with self.lock:
            IndexWriter.update_document(self, **fields)

    def delete_document(self, docnum, delete=True):
        with self.lock:
            base = self.index.doc_count_all()
            if docnum < base:
                self.writer.delete_document(docnum, delete=delete)
                ramsegment = self.codec.segment
                ramsegment.delete_document(docnum - base, delete=delete)

    def is_deleted(self, docnum):
        base = self.index.doc_count_all()
        if docnum < base:
            return self.writer.is_deleted(docnum)
            return self._get_ram_reader().is_deleted(docnum - base)
Exemplo n.º 4
class BufferedWriter(IndexWriter):
    """Convenience class that acts like a writer but buffers added documents to
    a buffer before dumping the buffered documents as a batch into the actual

    In scenarios where you are continuously adding single documents very
    rapidly (for example a web application where lots of users are adding
    content simultaneously), using a BufferedWriter is *much* faster than
    opening and committing a writer for each document you add. If you're adding
    batches of documents at a time, you can just use a regular writer.

    (This class may also be useful for batches of ``update_document`` calls. In
    a normal writer, ``update_document`` calls cannot update documents you've
    added *in that writer*. With ``BufferedWriter``, this will work.)

    To use this class, create it from your index and *keep it open*, sharing
    it between threads.

    >>> from whoosh.writing import BufferedWriter
    >>> writer = BufferedWriter(myindex, period=120, limit=20)
    >>> # Then you can use the writer to add and update documents
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> writer.add_document(...)
    >>> # Before the writer goes out of scope, call close() on it
    >>> writer.close()

    .. note::
        This object stores documents in memory and may keep an underlying
        writer open, so you must explicitly call the
        :meth:`~BufferedWriter.close` method on this object before it goes out
        of scope to release the write lock and make sure any uncommitted
        changes are saved.

    You can read/search the combination of the on-disk index and the
    buffered documents in memory by calling ``BufferedWriter.reader()`` or
    ``BufferedWriter.searcher()``. This allows quasi-real-time search, where
    documents are available for searching as soon as they are buffered in
    memory, before they are committed to disk.

    .. tip::
        By using a searcher from the shared writer, multiple *threads* can
        search the buffered documents. Of course, other *processes* will only
        see the documents that have been written to disk. If you want indexed
        documents to become available to other processes as soon as possible,
        you have to use a traditional writer instead of a ``BufferedWriter``.

    You can control how often the ``BufferedWriter`` flushes the in-memory
    index to disk using the ``period`` and ``limit`` arguments. ``period`` is
    the maximum number of seconds between commits. ``limit`` is the maximum
    number of additions to buffer between commits.

    You don't need to call ``commit()`` on the ``BufferedWriter`` manually.
    Doing so will just flush the buffered documents to disk early. You can
    continue to make changes after calling ``commit()``, and you can call
    ``commit()`` multiple times.
    def __init__(self,
        :param index: the :class:`whoosh.index.Index` to write to.
        :param period: the maximum amount of time (in seconds) between commits.
            Set this to ``0`` or ``None`` to not use a timer. Do not set this
            any lower than a few seconds.
        :param limit: the maximum number of documents to buffer before
        :param writerargs: dictionary specifying keyword arguments to be passed
            to the index's ``writer()`` method when creating a writer.

        self.index = index
        self.period = period
        self.limit = limit
        self.writerargs = writerargs or {}
        self.commitargs = commitargs or {}

        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.writer = self.index.writer(**self.writerargs)

        self.bufferedcount = 0

        # Start timer
        if self.period:
            self.timer = threading.Timer(self.period, self.commit)

    def _make_ram_index(self):
        from whoosh.codec.memory import MemoryCodec

        self.codec = MemoryCodec()

    def _get_ram_reader(self):
        return self.codec.reader(self.schema)

    def schema(self):
        return self.writer.schema

    def reader(self, **kwargs):
        from whoosh.reading import MultiReader

        reader = self.writer.reader()
        with self.lock:
            ramreader = self._get_ram_reader()

        # If there are in-memory docs, combine the readers
        if ramreader.doc_count():
            if reader.is_atomic():
                reader = MultiReader([reader, ramreader])

        return reader

    def searcher(self, **kwargs):
        from whoosh.searching import Searcher

        return Searcher(self.reader(), fromindex=self.index, **kwargs)

    def close(self):

    def commit(self, restart=True):
        if self.period:

        with self.lock:
            ramreader = self._get_ram_reader()

        if self.bufferedcount:
        self.bufferedcount = 0

        if restart:
            self.writer = self.index.writer(**self.writerargs)
            if self.period:
                self.timer = threading.Timer(self.period, self.commit)

    def add_reader(self, reader):
        # Pass through to the underlying on-disk index

    def add_document(self, **fields):
        with self.lock:
            # Hijack a writer to make the calls into the codec
            with self.codec.writer(self.writer.schema) as w:

            self.bufferedcount += 1
            if self.bufferedcount >= self.limit:

    def update_document(self, **fields):
        with self.lock:
            IndexWriter.update_document(self, **fields)

    def delete_document(self, docnum, delete=True):
        with self.lock:
            base = self.index.doc_count_all()
            if docnum < base:
                self.writer.delete_document(docnum, delete=delete)
                ramsegment = self.codec.segment
                ramsegment.delete_document(docnum - base, delete=delete)

    def is_deleted(self, docnum):
        base = self.index.doc_count_all()
        if docnum < base:
            return self.writer.is_deleted(docnum)
            return self._get_ram_writer().is_deleted(docnum - base)