Exemplo n.º 1
class TestFrontend(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.simple_fe = Frontend(providers=[Provider(resources={"get": get_attribute})])
        self.fe = Frontend()

    def test_simple(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.simple_fe.eval('(get "article" words)')), str("Symbol(words) of 'article'"))

    def test_unicode(self):
        date = self.fe.eval('(get "wikipedia-military-conflict" "World War I" (:code "DATE"))')
        self.assertEqual(date, "((:yyyymmdd 19140728))")

    def tearDown(self):
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestResolvers(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.log = logging.getLogger("resolver-testing")
        self.fe = Frontend()
        self.kb = get_knowledgebase()
        self.term_resolver = resolvers.TermResolver()

    def test_word_count(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.term_resolver._words(ARTICLE_BODY)), 100)

    def test_url(self):
        url = self.term_resolver.resolve('wikibase-term', 'Barack obama', 'url')
        self.assertEquals('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama', url.val)

    def test_infobox(self):
        band_name = self.fe.eval('(get "wikipedia-album" "%s" "Name")' %
        self.assertEqual(band_name, '((:html "The Def Leppard E.P."))')

    def test_get(self):
        for ans, rx, msg in self._ans_match(WIKI_EXAMPLES):
            self.assertEqual(ans, rx, msg=msg)

    def test_strangeness(self):
        for ans, rx, msg in self._ans_match(DEGENERATE_EXAMPLES, All()):
            self.assertEqual(ans, rx, msg=msg)

    def test_get_not(self):
        for ans, rx, msg in self._ans_match(WIKI_EXAMPLES_NOT):
            self.assertNotEqual(ans, rx, msg=msg)

    def test_get_rx(self):
        for ans, rx, msg in self._ans_match(WIKI_EXAMPLES_RX):
            self.assertRegexpMatches(ans, rx, msg=msg)

    def test_get_not_rx(self):
        for ans, rx, msg in self._ans_match(WIKI_EXAMPLES_NOT_RX):
            self.assertNotRegexpMatches(ans, rx, msg=msg)

    def test_first_paren(self):
        query = "I (Joe (sir) doe) am here (an0other paren here) and text"
        self.assertEqual(first_paren(query), "Joe (sir) doe")

        txt = "Hello (dr. hello 2000-2012) I like bananas." \
              "Of couse i do (they are the begist)"
        # First paren will stop at the first sentence.
        txt_none = "Hello. My name is Bond (James Bond)"
        self.assertEqual(first_paren(txt), "dr. hello 2000-2012")
        self.assertIs(first_paren(txt_none), None)

    def test_error_resolver(self):
        alive_err = '((:error attribute-value-not-found :reply '\
            '"Currently alive"))'
        err = self.kb.get('wikipedia-president', 'Bill Clinton', 'death-date')
        self.assertEqual(str(err), alive_err)
        err = self.kb.get('wikibase-person', 'Barack Obama', 'death-date')
        self.assertEqual(str(err), alive_err)

    def _ans_match(self, lst, just=None):
        From a list of queries (query, ans-matcher[, message]) extract the
        answer that the frontend asked for, the matcher and the
        message or None. This is a generator. Just is a list of the
        ones to test

        if not DISABLE_ALL_EXCEPT_JUST or just:
            full = len(lst)
            for completion, entry in enumerate(lst):
                if just is not None and completion not in just:

                    q, m = entry
                    msg = ""
                except ValueError:
                    q, m, msg = entry

                self.log.info("\n\tQuery: '%s'\n\tMatcher: '%s'\n\tComp: %d\%d"
                              % (q, m, completion + 1, full))

                ans = self.fe.eval(q) or ""

                msg += "\n\tQuery: '%s'\n\tAnswer: '%s'\n\tMatcher: '%s'\n\tCompletion: %d\%d" \
                    % (q, ans, m, completion + 1, full)

                yield ans, m, msg

    def tearDown(self):