Exemplo n.º 1
def get_ip_address(ifname):
    Returns the IPv4 address of the requested interface (thanks Martin Konecny, https://stackoverflow.com/a/24196955)

    :param string interface: The interface to get the IPv4 address of.

    :returns: The interface's IPv4 address.

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    return socket.inet_ntoa(
        fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915,
                    struct.pack("256s", bytes(ifname[:15],
                                              "utf-8")))[20:24])  # SIOCGIFADDR
Exemplo n.º 2
def event_listener():
    X = 0
    Z = 0
    # Iterate over the joystick devices.
    print('Available devices:')
    for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'):
        if fn.startswith('js'):
            print('  /dev/input/%s' % (fn))

    # We'll store the states here.
    axis_states = {}
    button_states = {}

    # These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h

    axis_map = []
    button_map = []

    # Open the joystick device.
    # fn = '/dev/input/js0'
    fn = '/dev/input/js1'
    # fn = '/dev/input/js2'
    print('Opening %s...' % fn)
    jsdev = open(fn, 'rb')

    # Get the device name.
    #buf = bytearray(63)
    buf = array.array('c', ['\0'] * 64)
    ioctl(jsdev, 0x80006a13 + (0x10000 * len(buf)), buf)  # JSIOCGNAME(len)
    js_name = buf.tostring()
    print('Device name: %s' % js_name)

    # Get number of axes and buttons.
    buf = array.array('B', [0])
    ioctl(jsdev, 0x80016a11, buf)  # JSIOCGAXES
    num_axes = buf[0]

    buf = array.array('B', [0])
    ioctl(jsdev, 0x80016a12, buf)  # JSIOCGBUTTONS
    num_buttons = buf[0]

    # Get the axis map.
    buf = array.array('B', [0] * 0x40)
    ioctl(jsdev, 0x80406a32, buf)  # JSIOCGAXMAP

    for axis in buf[:num_axes]:
        axis_name = axis_names.get(axis, 'unknown(0x%02x)' % axis)
        axis_states[axis_name] = 0.0

    # Get the button map.
    buf = array.array('H', [0] * 200)
    ioctl(jsdev, 0x80406a34, buf)  # JSIOCGBTNMAP

    for btn in buf[:num_buttons]:
        btn_name = button_names.get(btn, 'unknown(0x%03x)' % btn)
        button_states[btn_name] = 0

    print('%d axes found: %s' % (num_axes, ', '.join(axis_map)))
    print('%d buttons found: %s' % (num_buttons, ', '.join(button_map)))

    # Main event loop
    while True:
        evbuf = jsdev.read(8)
        if evbuf:
            time, value, type, number = struct.unpack('IhBB', evbuf)

            if type & 0x80:
                print("(initial)", )

            if type & 0x01:
                button = button_map[number]
                if button:
                    button_states[button] = value
                    if value:
                        print("%s pressed" % (button))
                        print("%s released" % (button))
                    if ((("%s" % button) == 'base2') & (value == 0) &
                        (not (type & 0x80))):
                        print("Connection Closed!")
            if type & 0x02:
                axis = axis_map[number]
                if axis:
                    fvalue = value / 32767.0
                    axis_states[axis] = fvalue
                    # print "%s: %.3f " % (axis, fvalue)

                    if (axis == 'y') or (axis == 'rz'):
                        X = 1000 * fvalue
                    elif axis == 'z':
                        Z = 1000 * fvalue

                    T = "*%s| %.0f #" % (axis, 1000 * fvalue)
                    # print X,Z
                    motor_speed(X, Z)